999 resultados para LUMINOSITY


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Context. The understanding of Galaxy evolution can be facilitated by the use of population synthesis models, which allow to test hypotheses on the star formation history, star evolution, as well as chemical and dynamical evolution of the Galaxy. Aims. The new version of the Besanc¸on Galaxy Model (hereafter BGM) aims to provide a more flexible and powerful tool to investigate the Initial Mass Function (IMF) and Star Formation Rate (SFR) of the Galactic disc. Methods. We present a new strategy for the generation of thin disc stars which assumes the IMF, SFR and evolutionary tracks as free parameters. We have updated most of the ingredients for the star count production and, for the first time, binary stars are generated in a consistent way. We keep in this new scheme the local dynamical self-consistency as in Bienayme et al (1987). We then compare simulations from the new model with Tycho-2 data and the local luminosity function, as a first test to verify and constrain the new ingredients. The effects of changing thirteen different ingredients of the model are systematically studied. Results. For the first time, a full sky comparison is performed between BGM and data. This strategy allows to constrain the IMF slope at high masses which is found to be close to 3.0, excluding a shallower slope such as Salpeter"s one. The SFR is found decreasing whatever IMF is assumed. The model is compatible with a local dark matter density of 0.011 M pc−3 implying that there is no compelling evidence for significant amount of dark matter in the disc. While the model is fitted to Tycho2 data, a magnitude limited sample with V<11, we check that it is still consistent with fainter stars. Conclusions. The new model constitutes a new basis for further comparisons with large scale surveys and is being prepared to become a powerful tool for the analysis of the Gaia mission data.


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A search for charmless three-body decays of B 0 and B0s mesons with a K0S meson in the final state is performed using the pp collision data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.0 fb−1, collected at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV recorded by the LHCb experiment. Branching fractions of the B0(s)→K0Sh+h′− decay modes (h (′) = π, K), relative to the well measured B0→K0Sπ+π− decay, are obtained. First observation of the decay modes B0s→K0SK±π∓ and B0s→K0Sπ+π− and confirmation of the decay B0→K0SK±π∓ are reported. The following relative branching fraction measurements or limits are obtained $ B(B0→K0SK±π∓)B(B0→K0Sπ+π−)=0.128±0.017(stat.)±0.009(syst.),B(B0→K0SK+K−)B(B0→K0Sπ+π−)=0.385±0.031(stat.)±0.023(syst.),B(B0s→K0Sπ+π−)B(B0→K0Sπ+π−)=0.29±0.06(stat.)±0.03(syst.)±0.02(fs/fd),B(B0s→K0SK±π∓)B(B0→K0Sπ+π−)=1.48±0.12(stat.)±0.08(syst.)±0.12(fs/fd)B(B0s→K0SK+K−)B(B0→K0Sπ+π−)∈[0.004;0.068]at90%CL.


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The results of searches for B0(s)→J/ψ pp¯ and B + → J/ψ p p¯ π+ decays are reported. The analysis is based on a data sample, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.0 fb−1 of pp collisions, collected with the LHCb detector. An excess with 2.8 σ significance is seen for the decay B0s→J/ψ pp¯ and an upper limit on the branching fraction is set at the 90 % confidence level: B(B0s→J/ψ pp¯) < 4.8 × 10−6, which is the first such limit. No significant signals are seen for B 0 → J/ψ p p¯ and B + → J/ψ p p¯ π + decays, for which the corresponding limits are set: B(B0→J/ψ pp¯) < 5.2 × 10−7, which significantly improves the existing limit; and B(B+→J/ψ pp¯π+) < 5.0 × 10−7, which is the first limit on this branching fraction.


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A study of D +π−, D 0π+ and D ∗+π− final states is performed using pp collision data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.0 fb−1, collected at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV with the LHCb detector. The D 1(2420)0 resonance is observed in the D ∗+π− final state and the D∗2(2460) resonance is observed in the D +π−, D 0π+ and D ∗+π− final states. For both resonances, their properties and spin-parity assignments are obtained. In addition, two natural parity and two unnatural parity resonances are observed in the mass region between 2500 and 2800 MeV. Further structures in the region around 3000 MeV are observed in all the D ∗+π−, D +π− and D 0π+ final states.


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Prompt production of charmonium χ c0, χ c1 and χ c2 mesons is studied using proton-proton collisions at the LHC at a centre-of-mass energy of TeX TeV. The χ c mesons are identified through their decay to J/ψγ, with J/ψ → μ + μ − using photons that converted in the detector. A data sample, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.0 fb−1 collected by the LHCb detector, is used to measure the relative prompt production rate of χ c1 and χ c2 in the rapidity range 2.0 < y < 4.5 as a function of the J/ψ transverse momentum from 3 to 20 GeV/c. First evidence for χ c0 meson production at a high-energy hadron collider is also presented.


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In this dissertation, Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and their host galaxies are discussed. Together with transitional events, such as supernovae and gamma-ray bursts, AGN are the most energetic phenomena in the Universe. The dominant fraction of their luminosity originates from the center of a galaxy, where accreting gas falls into a supermassive black hole, converting gravitational energy to radiation. AGN have a wide range of observed properties: e.g. in their emission lines, radio emission, and variability. Most likely, these properties depend significantly on their orientation to our line-of-sight, and to unify AGN into physical classes it is crucial to observe their orientation-independent properties, such as the host galaxies. Furthermore, host galaxy studies are essential to understand the formation and co-evolution of galactic bulges and supermassive black holes. In this thesis, the main focus is on observationally characterizing AGN host galaxies using optical and near-infrared imaging and spectroscopy. BL Lac objects are a class of AGN characterized by rapidly variable and polarized continuum emission across the electromagnetic spectrum, and coredominated radio emission. The near-infrared properties of intermediate redshift BL Lac host galaxies are studied in Paper I. They are found to be large elliptical galaxies that are more luminous than their low redshift counterparts suggesting a strong luminosity evolution, and a contribution from a recent star formation episode. To analyze the stellar content of galaxies in more detail multicolor data, especially observations at blue wavelengths, are essential. In Paper III, optical - near-infrared colors and color gradients are derived for low redshift BL Lac host galaxies. They show bluer colors and steeper color gradients than inactive ellipticals which, most likely, are caused by a relatively young stellar population indicating a different evolutionary stage between AGN hosts and inactive ellipticals. In Paper II, near-infrared imaging of intermediate redshift radio-quiet quasar hosts is used to study their luminosity evolution. The hosts are large elliptical galaxies, but they are systematically fainter than the hosts of radio-loud quasars at similar redshifts, suggesting a link between the luminosity of the host galaxies and the radio properties of AGN. In Paper IV, the characteristics of near-infrared stellar absorption features of low redshift radio galaxies are compared with those of inactive early-type galaxies. The comparison suggests that early-type galaxies with AGN are in a different evolutionary stage than their inactive counterparts. Moreover, radio galaxies are found to contain stellar populations containing both old and intermediate age components.


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Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the main particle accelerator at CERN. LHC is created with main goal to search elementary particles and help science investigate our universe. Radiation in LHC is caused by charged particles circular acceleration, therefore detectors tracing particles in existed severe conditions during the experiments must be radiation tolerant. Moreover, further upgrade of luminosity (up to 1035 cm-2s-1) requires development of particle detector’s structure. This work is dedicated to show the new type 3D stripixel detector with serious structural improvement. The new type of radiation-hard detector has a three-dimensional (3D) array of the p+ and n+ electrodes that penetrate into the detector bulk. The electrons and holes are then collected at oppositely biased electrodes. Proposed 3D stripixel detector demonstrates that full depletion voltage is lower that that for planar detectors. Low depletion voltage is one of the main advantages because only depleted part of the device is active are. Because of small spacing between electrodes, charge collection distances are smaller which results in high speed of the detector’s response. In this work is also briefly discussed dual-column type detectors, meaning consisting both n+ and p+ type columnar electrodes in its structure, and was declared that dual-column detectors show better electric filed distribution then single sided radiation detectors. The dead space or in other words low electric field region in significantly suppressed. Simulations were carried out by using Atlas device simulation software. As a simulation results in this work are represented the electric field distribution under different bias voltages.


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Solid-state silicon detectors have replaced conventional ones in almost all recent high-energy physics experiments. Pixel silicon sensors don't have any alternative in the area near the interaction point because of their high resolution and fast operation speed. However, present detectors hardly withstand high radiation doses. Forthcoming upgrade of the LHC in 2014 requires development of a new generation of pixel detectors which will be able to operate under ten times increased luminosity. A planar fabrication technique has some physical limitations; an improvement of the radiation hardness will reduce sensitivity of a detector. In that case a 3D pixel detector seems to be the most promising device which can overcome these difficulties. The objective of this work was to model a structure of the 3D stripixel detector and to simulate electrical characteristics of the device. Silvaco Atlas software has been used for these purposes. The structures of single and double sided dual column detectors with active edges were described using special command language. Simulations of these detectors have shown that electric field inside an active area has more uniform distribution in comparison to the planar structure. A smaller interelectrode space leads to a stronger field and also decreases the collection time. This makes the new type of detectors more radiation resistant. Other discovered advantages are the lower full depletion voltage and increased charge collection efficiency. So the 3D stripixel detectors have demonstrated improved characteristics and will be a suitable replacement for the planar ones.


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Light, temperature and dormancy are factors that influence the germination of seeds and are strictly linked to the emergence of weeds. The objective of this work was to assess the germination of Sorghum arundinaceum and Sorghum halepense subjected to different conditions of temperature and luminosity, as well as assessing seed dormancy breaking mechanisms. For this, two experiments were conducted, both arranged in a completely randomized design. Experiment 1 was installed in a 2 x 5 double factorial design. The first factor was the absence or presence of light for 12 hours, and the other was composed of five constant temperatures: 15, 20, 30, 40 and 45 oC. In experiment 2, the efficiency of nine treatments used for breaking dormancy of seeds was assessed. The variables analyzed for both experiments were germination percentage and germination speed index (GSI). For the statistical analysis were performed an analysis of variance (ANOVA) and all the necessary consequences, as well as regression, when relevant. In experiment 1 for both species greater germination occurred in the presence of light. For S. arundinaceum the temperatures at which there was the highest percentage of germination were 33.13 and 31.24 oC for presence and absence of light respectively. As for S. halepense these temperatures were 31.98 and 29.75 oC for presence and absence of light respectively. As for the treatments for breaking dormancy, the mechanical scarification of seeds with sandpaper presented the highest germination and GSI. It is concluded that the Sorghum species studied are neutral photoblastic seeds and present mechanical type dormancy.


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Context: BL Lacs are the most numerous extragalactic objects which are detected in Very High Energy (VHE) gamma-rays band. They are a subclass of blazars. Large flux variability amplitude, sometimes happens in very short time scale, is a common characteristic of them. Significant optical polarization is another main characteristics of BL Lacs. BL Lacs' spectra have a continuous and featureless Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) which have two peaks. Among 1442 BL Lacs in the Roma-BZB catalogue, only 51 are detected in VHE gamma-rays band. BL Lacs are most numerous (more than 50% of 514 objects) objects among the sources that are detected above 10 GeV by FERMI-LAT. Therefore, many BL Lacs are expected to be discovered in VHE gamma-rays band. However, due to the limitation on current and near future technology of Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescope, astronomers are forced to predict whether an object emits VHE gamma-rays or not. Some VHE gamma-ray prediction methods are already introduced but still are not confirmed. Cross band correlations are the building blocks of introducing VHE gamma-rays prediction method. Aims: We will attempt to investigate cross band correlations between flux energy density, luminosity and spectral index of the sample. Also, we will check whether recently discovered MAGIC J2001+435 is a typical BL Lac. Methods: We select a sample of 42 TeV BL Lacs and collect 20 of their properties within five energy bands from literature and Tuorla blazar monitoring program database. All of the data are synchronized to be comparable to each other. Finally, we choose 55 pair of datasets for cross band correlations finding and investigating whether there is any correlation between each pair. For MAGIC J2001+435 we analyze the publicly available SWIFT-XRT data, and use the still unpublished VHE gamma-rays data from MAGIC collaboration. The results are compared to the other sources of the sample. Results: Low state luminosity of multiple detected VHE gamma-rays is strongly correlated luminosities in all other bands. However, the high state does not show such strong correlations. VHE gamma-rays single detected sources have similar behaviour to the low state of multiple detected ones. Finally, MAGIC J2001+435 is a typical TeV BL Lac. However, for some of the properties this source is located at the edge of the whole sample (e.g. in terms of X-rays flux). Keywords: BL Lac(s), Population study, Correlations finding, Multi wavelengths analysis, VHE gamma-rays, gamma-rays, X-rays, Optical, Radio


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The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) will have a Long Shutdown sometime during 2017 or 2018. During this time there will be maintenance and a possibility to install new detectors. After the shutdown the LHC will have a higher luminosity. A promising new type of detector for this high luminosity phase is a Triple-GEM detector. During the shutdown these detectors will be installed at the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment. The Triple-GEM detectors are now being developed at CERN and alongside also a readout ASIC chip for the detector. In this thesis a simulation model was developed for the ASICs analog front end. The model will help to carry out more extensive simulations and also simulate the whole chip before the whole design is finished. The proper functioning of the model was tested with simulations, which are also presented in the thesis.


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We investigated the effects of environmental color on the reproductive behavior of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Two environmental colors were tested by covering the aquarium (60 x 60 x 40 cm) with white (12 groups) or blue (13 groups) cellophane and observing reproductive behavior in groups of 2 males (10.27 ± 0.45 cm) and 3 females (10.78 ± 0.45 cm) each. After assignment to the respective environmental color (similar luminosity = 100 to 120 Lux), the animals were observed until reproduction (identified by eggs in the female's mouth) or up to 10 days after the first nest building. Photoperiod was from 6:00 h to 18:00 h every day. Food was offered in excess once a day and water quality was similar among aquaria. Daily observations were made at 8:00, 11:00, 14:00 and 17:00 h regarding: a) latency to the first nest, b) number of nests, c) gravel weight removed (the male excavates the nest in the bottom of the aquarium), d) nest area, and e) mouthbrooding incubation (indication of reproduction). The proportion of reproducing fish was significantly higher (6 of 13) in the group exposed to the blue color compared the group exposed to the white color (1 of 12; Goodman's test of proportions). Moreover, males under blue light removed significantly larger masses of gravel (blue = 310.70 ± 343.50 g > white = 130.38 ± 102.70 g; P = 0.01) and constructed wider nests (blue = 207.93 ± 207.80 cm² > white = 97.68 ± 70.64 cm²; P = 0.03) than the control (white). The other parameters did not differ significantly between light conditions. We concluded that reproduction in the presence of blue light was more frequent and intense than in the presence of white light.


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A light snack was developed using a fat replacer as a flavor fixative agent. The product presented a calorie reduction of up to 47.5% in comparison with products available on the market. The impact of this fat replacer on the sensory properties was determined by comparing this light snack to the traditional ones. No significant difference in texture was observed; however, there was a difference in color (deltaE = 8.67), due mainly to luminosity (deltaL = 7.79). The light snack presented high sensory acceptability (7.27 ± 1.3; 82.5% of grades were > 7 on 9-point hedonic scale); no significant difference in snack acceptability was observed. However, the traditional snack was significantly preferred in sensory terms (p < 0.05). In an opinion survey when the consumers were informed about snack composition, 75% of them said that they would buy the light snack instead of the traditional one. The caloric and fat reductions allow the use of the claims "light snack" and "fat free", in accordance with the legislation of various countries. We conclude that it is technologically possible to use a fat replacer in snack production, resulting in a sensory acceptable light snack with great potential to replace traditional ones.


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Blends of fiber from sugar cane bagasse, corn starch, and whey protein concentrate were extruded. A single screw extruder, equipped with a screw at a constant compression ratio of 1:1 and a die diameter of 3 mm, was used. The best processing conditions were determined according to a central composite rotatable design (α = 1.41) with 5 central points, which gives a total of 13 tests. During the extrusion process the content of insoluble fiber decreased and that of soluble fiber increased. An increase in the contents of fiber and in the barrel temperature resulted in a decrease in the expansion index values and an increase in the water absorption index values; whereas in blends with intermediate fiber contents the effects in these parameters were found to be the opposite. High fiber contents increased penetration force but decreased luminosity, water solubility index values and the adhesive force in gels. The extrusion process improved the functional properties of sugarcane fiber bagasse enabling its addition to diverse alimentary systems.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical and microbiological parameters of pork meat submitted to dry salting. Sodium chloride (NaCl) was added at levels of 0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% or 10% by the meat weight. Dry salting technique was used, which consists of rubbing the sodium chloride manually, followed by a rest period. The data were submitted to analysis of variance using a completely randomized experimental design. The means were compared by Duncan test at 5%. The salting process reduced (P < 0.05) humidity and water activity, and it increased (P < 0.05) ash, chloride, palmitic acid, and water holding capacity levels compared to those of the control. Luminosity (L*) was lower (P < 0.05) in the control, and a* color was more intense in samples with 2.5% NaCl. Cooking loss was lower (P < 0.05) in the samples salted with 5% and 10% NaCl, and similarity was observed between the levels 0 and 7.5% salt. The treatments with levels 0% and 2.5% NaCl had higher mesophilic counts. The other microbiological parameters were within limits established by law. Therefore, salting with 5% NaCl can be used in pork meat in order to maintain the physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of the final product.