979 resultados para LIQUID SURFACE


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We have developed an alternate description of dynamics of nucleation in terms of an extended set of order parameters. The order parameters consist of an ordered set of kth largest clusters, ordered such that k = 1 is the largest cluster in the system, k = 2 is the second largest cluster, and so on. We have derived an analytic expression for the free energy for the kth largest cluster, which is in excellent agreement with the simulated results. At large supersaturation, the free energy barrier for the growth of the kth largest cluster disappears and the nucleation becomes barrierless. The major success of this extended theoretical formalism is that it can clearly explain the observed change in mechanism at large metastability P. Bhimalapuram et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 206104 (2007)] and the associated dynamical crossover. The classical nucleation theory cannot explain this crossover. The crossover from activated to barrierless nucleation is found to occur at a supersaturation where multiple clusters cross the critical size. We attribute the crossover as the onset of the kinetic spinodal. We have derived an expression for the rate of nucleation in the barrierless regime by modeling growth as diffusion on the free energy surface of the largest cluster. The model reproduces the slower increase in the rate of growth as a function of supersaturation, as observed in experiments.


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Nucleation at large metastability is still largely an unsolved problem, even though it is a problem of tremendous current interest, with wide-ranging practical value, from atmospheric research to materials science. It is now well accepted that the classical nucleation theory (CNT) fails to provide a qualitative picture and gives incorrect quantitative values for such quantities as activation-free energy barrier and supersaturation dependence of nucleation rate, especially at large metastability. In this paper, we present an alternative formalism to treat nucleation at large supersaturation by introducing an extended set of order parameters in terms of the kth largest liquid-like clusters, where k = 1 is the largest cluster in the system, k = 2 is the second largest cluster and so on. At low supersaturation, the size of the largest liquid-like cluster acts as a suitable order parameter. At large supersaturation, the free energy barrier for the largest liquid-like cluster disappears. We identify this supersaturation as the one at the onset of kinetic spinodal. The kinetic spinodal is system-size-dependent. Beyond kinetic spinodal many clusters grow simultaneously and competitively and hence the nucleation and growth become collective. In order to describe collective growth, we need to consider the full set of order parameters. We derive an analytic expression for the free energy of formation of the kth largest cluster. The expression predicts that, at large metastability (beyond kinetic spinodal), the barrier of growth for several largest liquid-like clusters disappears, and all these clusters grow simultaneously. The approach to the critical size occurs by barrierless diffusion in the cluster size space. The expression for the rate of barrier crossing predicts weaker supersaturation dependence than what is predicted by CNT at large metastability. Such a crossover behavior has indeed been observed in recent experiments (but eluded an explanation till now). In order to understand the large numerical discrepancy between simulation predictions and experimental results, we carried out a study of the dependence on the range of intermolecular interactions of both the surface tension of an equilibrium planar gas-liquid interface and the free energy barrier of nucleation. Both are found to depend significantly on the range of interaction for the Lennard-Jones potential, both in two and three dimensions. The value of surface tension and also the free energy difference between the gas and the liquid phase increase significantly and converge only when the range of interaction is extended beyond 6-7 molecular diameters. We find, with the full range of interaction potential, that the surface tension shows only a weak dependence on supersaturation, so the reason for the breakdown of CNT (with simulated values of surface tension and free energy gap) cannot be attributed to the supersaturation dependence of surface tension. This remains an unsettled issue at present because of the use of the value of surface tension obtained at coexistence.


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Flow of liquid/liquid dispersions have been investigated in a Hele-Shaw cell which contained a thin disk held between two parallel plates. This device offers a well defined flow field and also permits visual observation of the dispersed drop movement. The dispersed drops coalesce with the disk for the systems where the dispersed phase wets the disk surface. The dispersed phase accumulate at the downstream end of the disk and they detach from there as blobs. Through an accurate measurement of accumulated dispersed phase volume, the coalescence rate was determined. The coalescence efficiency in the Hele Shaw cell is determined by dividing the coalescence hate by the undisturbed flow rate of the dispersed phase through an area equal to the projected area of the disk on a plane normal to the flow direction. The coalescence efficiency first increases and then decreases with the flow rate of dispersion. The coalescence rate/disk dimensions increases with the decrease in the disk dimensions. The rate of coalescence increases with the increase in the dispersed drop diameter and it decreases with the increase in the continuous phase viscosity. The presence of surfactants reduces the coalescence rate. All these results are quantitatively explained through a model, which takes into account several important features like various mechanism of drainage, the roles of dispersion and continuous phase viscosities, and the drop deformation.


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Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations on an Ar-13 cluster in zeolite L have been carried out at a series of temperatures to understand the rigid-nonrigid transition corresponding to the solid-liquid transition exhibited by the free Ar-13 cluster. The icosahedral geometry of the free cluster is no longer preferred when the cluster is confined in the zeolite. The root-mean-squared pair distance fluctuation, delta, exhibits a sharp, well-defined rigid-nonrigid transition at 17 K as compared to 27 K for the free cluster. Multiple peaks in the distribution of short-time averages of the guest-host interaction energy indicate coexistence of two phases.; It is shown that this transition is associated with the inner atoms becoming mobile at 17 K even while the outer layer atoms, which are in close proximity to the zeolitic wall, continue to be comparatively immobile. This may be contrasted with the melting of large free clusters of 40 or more atoms which exhibit surface melting. Guest-host interactions seem to play a predominant role in determining the properties of confined clusters. We demonstrate that the volume of the cluster increases rather sharply at 17 and 27 K respectively for the confined and the free cluster. Power spectra suggest that the motion of the inner atoms is generally parallel to the atoms which form the cage wall.


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A three- dimensional, transient model is developed for studying heat transfer, fluid flow, and mass transfer for the case of a single- pass laser surface alloying process. The coupled momentum, energy, and species conservation equations are solved using a finite volume procedure. Phase change processes are modeled using a fixed-grid enthalpy-porosity technique, which is capable of predicting the continuously evolving solid- liquid interface. The three- dimensional model is able to predict the species concentration distribution inside the molten pool during alloying, as well as in the entire cross section of the solidified alloy. The model is simulated for different values of various significant processing parameters such as laser power, scanning speed, and powder feedrate in order to assess their influences on geometry and dynamics of the pool, cooling rates, as well as species concentration distribution inside the substrate. Effects of incorporating property variations in the numerical model are also discussed.


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In order to obtain basic understanding of microstructure evolution in laser-surface-alloyed layers, aluminum was surface alloyed on a pure nickel substrate using a CO2 laser. By varying the laser scanning speed, the composition of the surface layers can be systematically varied. The Ni content in the layer increases with increase in scanning speed. Detailed cross-sectional transmission electron microscopic study reveals complexities in solidification behavior with increased nickel content. It is shown that ordered B2 phase forms over a wide range of composition with subsequent precipitation of Ni2Al, an ordered omega phase in the B2 matrix, during solid-state cooling. For nickel-rich alloys associated with higher laser scan speed, the fcc gamma phase is invariably the first phase to grow from the liquid with solute trapping. The phase reorders in the solid state to yield gamma' Ni3Al. The phase competes with beta AlNi, which forms massively from the liquid. The beta AlNi transforms martensitically to a 3R structure during cooling in solid state. The results can be rationalized in terms of a metastable phase diagram proposed earlier. However, the results are at variance with earlier studies of laser processing of nickel-rich alloys.


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A new type of bearing alloy containing ultrafine sized tin and silicon dispersions in aluminum was designed using laser surface alloying and laser remelting techniques. The microstructures of these non-equilibrium processed alloys were studied in detail using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The microstructures revealed three distinct morphologies of tin particles namely elongated particles co-existing with silicon, globular particles, and very fine particles. Our detailed analyses using cellular growth theories showed that the formation of these globular tin particles was due to the pinching off of the tin rich liquid in the inter-cellular space by the growth of aluminum secondary dendrite arms. Evidence of fine recrystallized aluminum grains at the top layer due to constrained solidification was shown. Thermal analyses suggested that melting of the spherical shaped tin particles was controlled by the binary aluminum-tin eutectic reaction, whereas non-spherical tin particles melted via the tin-silicon eutectic reaction.


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We control the stiffnesses of two dual double cantelevers placed in series to control penetration into a perflurooctyltrichlorosilane monolayer self assembled on aluminium and silicon substrates. The top cantilever which carries the probe is displaced with respect to the bottom cantilever which carries the substrate, the difference in displacement recorded using capacitors gives penetration. We further modulate the input displacement sinusoidally to deconvolute the viscoelastic properties of the monolayer. When the intervention is limited to the terminal end of the molecule there is a strong viscous response in consonance with the ability of the molecule to dissipate energy by the generation of gauche defects freely. When the intervention reaches the backbone, at a contact mean pressure of 0.2GPa the damping disappears abruptly and the molecule registers a steep rise in elastic modulus and relaxation time constant, with increasing contact pressure. We offer a physical explanation of the process and describe this change as due to a phase transition from a liquid like to a solid like state.


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``Soggy sand'' electrolyte, which essentially consists of oxide dispersions in nonaqueous liquid salt solutions, comprises an important class of soft matter electrolytes. The ion transport mechanism of soggy sand electrolyte is complex. The configuration of particles in the liquid solution has been observed to depend in a nontrivial manner on various parameters related to the oxide (concentration, size, surface chemistry) and solvent (dielectric constant, viscosity) as well as time. The state of the particles in solution not only affects ionic conductivity but also effectively the mechanical and electrochemical properties of the solid liquid composite. Apart from comprehensive understanding of the underlying phenomena that govern ion transport, which will benefit design of better electrolytes, the problem has far-reaching implications in diverse fields such as catalysis, colloid chemistry, and biotechnology.


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A steady state kinetic model has been developed for the vapor-liquid-solid growth of Si whiskers or nanowires from liquid catalyst droplets. The steady state is defined as one in which the net injection rate of Si into the droplet is equal to the ejection rate due to wire growth. Expressions that represent specific mechanisms of injection and ejection of Si atoms from the liquid catalyst droplet have been used and their relative importance has been discussed. The analysis shows that evaporation and reverse reaction rates need to be invoked, apart from just surface cracking of the precursor, in order to make the growth rate radius dependent. When these pathways can be neglected, the growth rate become radius independent and can be used to determine the activation energies for the rate limiting step of heterogeneous precursor decomposition. The ejection rates depend on the mechanism of wire growth at the liquid-solid interface or the liquid-solid-vapor triple phase boundary. It is shown that when wire growth is by nucleation and motion of ledges, a radius dependence of growth rate does not just come from the Gibbs-Thompson effect on supersaturation in the liquid, but also from the dependence of the actual area or length available for nucleation. Growth rates have been calculated using the framework of equations developed and compared with experimental results. The agreement in trends is found to be excellent. The same framework of equations has also been used to account for the diverse pressure and temperature dependence of growth rates reported in the literature. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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Density distribution, fluid structure and solvation forces for fluids confined in Janus slit-shaped pores are investigated using grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations. By varying the degree of asymmetry between the two smooth surfaces that make up the slit pores, a wide variety of adsorption situations are observed. The presence of one moderately attractive surface in the asymmetric pore is sufficient to disrupt the formation of frozen phases observed in the symmetric case. In the extreme case of asymmetry in which one wall is repulsive, the pore fluid can consist of a frozen contact layer at the attractive surface for smaller surface separations (H) or a frozen contact layer with liquid-like and gas-like regions as the pore width is increased. The superposition approximation, wherein the solvation pressure and number density in the asymmetric pores can be obtained from the results on symmetric pores, is found to be accurate for H > 4 sigma(ff), where sigma(ff) is the Lennard-Jones fluid diameter and within 10% accuracy for smaller surface separations. Our study has implications in controlling stick slip and overcoming static friction `stiction' in micro and nanofluidic devices.


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We present experimental results on the generation and collapse of multielectron bubbles in liquid helium. By applying voltage pulses to a tungsten tip above the surface of the liquid, millimetre sized deformations were formed. Using high speed photography, we have imaged the disintegration of these deformations into bubbles of sizes ranging from ten to few hundred microns. At temperatures less than 2 K, the bubbles split into smaller bubbles and then disappeared in a time scale of few milliseconds. Smaller bubbles were formed at temperatures around 3 K, but were visible for more than hundreds of milliseconds. Although we have not been able to measure their charge directly, some of these bubbles responded to electric fields, implying these were indeed multielectron bubbles. With the existing theoretical picture, it is not possible to understand the strong dependence of the lifetime of multielectron bubbles on temperature.


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Investigations of two-dimensional electron systems (2DES) have been achieved with two model experimental systems, covering two distinct, non-overlapping regimes of the 2DES phase diagram, namely the quantum liquid phase in semiconducting heterostructures and the classical phases observed in electrons confined above the surface of liquid helium. Multielectron bubbles in liquid helium offer an exciting possibility to bridge this gap in the phase diagram, as well as to study the properties of electrons on curved flexible surfaces. However, this approach has been limited because all experimental studies have so far been transient in nature. Here we demonstrate that it is possible to trap and manipulate multielectron bubbles in a conventional Paul trap for several hundreds of milliseconds, enabling reliable measurements of their physical properties and thereby gaining valuable insight to various aspects of curved 2DES that were previously unexplored.