291 resultados para Kac-Moody, Álgebras de


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Se pretende hacer un estudio sistemático y progresivo sobre el aprendizaje y enseñanza del equilibrio químico en sistemas homogéneos y no-iónicos, a nivel de los cursos preuniversitarios o-y cursos introductorios del tercer nivel educativo (universitarios, politécnicos, etc.) a modo de ejemplo de un planteamiento didáctico adecuado para estos cursos.. La atención se enfocó unicamente en cómo era aprendido el tema por el alumno. A través del análisis cuidadoso de diferentes exámenes escritos de grupos de alumnos se extraerían conclusiones respecto a los errores de mayor importancia y a los errores que se repetían con mayor frecuencia. Se manejaron únicamente datos recogidos en el primer curso de Ciencias Químicas.. Para realizar esta investigación didáctica, se ha seguido el método del modelo cíclico del desarrollo del curriculum publicado en el 'Schools Council Working Papel n:10'. Se ha elegido entre sus alternativas posibles la de iniciar el ciclo por la etapa de la evaluación. De esta forma, se ha trabajado con diversas muestras de alumnos lográndose resultados consistentes que legitiman la metodología empleada. Se preparó un texto-cuadernillo de acuerdo con un programa inicial de contenidos que se distribuyó entre los alumnos. De esta forma, se dispuso de una base objetiva para hacer un estudio del aprendizaje del tema.. Con los resultados obtenidos tras la evaluación de diferentes grupos de alumnos, que utilizaron en el Estudio Principal diferentes estrategias de enseñanza-aprendizaje, se puede afirmar que existen claras posibilidades de mejorar notable y significativamente el aprendizaje del tema y se confirma lo que viene manteniéndose por diversos autores: el estudio y aprendizaje del tema del Equilibrio Químico homogéneo resulta ser un punto inicial cuando se programa el currículum de Química General. Queda demostrado que se debe incluir el estudio del tema considerando 'El equilibrio químico homogéneo' entre los propios del currículum de Química General por su gran valor interdisciplinar, ya que permite relacionar campos de estudio como: reacciones químicas, energética y cinética, estegniometría, lenguaje y terminología química, cálculos matemáticos y álgebras estratégicas y habilidades para resolver problemas..


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We present an application of birth-and-death processes on configuration spaces to a generalized mutation4 selection balance model. The model describes the aging of population as a process of accumulation of mu5 tations in a genotype. A rigorous treatment demands that mutations correspond to points in abstract spaces. 6 Our model describes an infinite-population, infinite-sites model in continuum. The dynamical equation which 7 describes the system, is of Kimura-Maruyama type. The problem can be posed in terms of evolution of states 8 (differential equation) or, equivalently, represented in terms of Feynman-Kac formula. The questions of interest 9 are the existence of a solution, its asymptotic behavior, and properties of the limiting state. In the non-epistatic 10 case the problem was posed and solved in [Steinsaltz D., Evans S.N., Wachter K.W., Adv. Appl. Math., 2005, 11 35(1)]. In our model we consider a topological space X as the space of positions of mutations and the influence of epistatic potentials


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The mapping of genes which affect individual cancer risk is an important but complex challenge. A surrogate assay of susceptibility to radiation-induced acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) in the mouse based on chromosomal radiosensitivity has been developed and validated. This assay was applied to the mapping of radiation-induced AML risk modifier loci by association with microsatellite markers. A region on chromosome (chr) 18 with strong association is identified and confirmed by backcross analysis. Additional loci on chrs 8 and 13 show significant association. A key candidate gene Rbbp8 on chr18 is identified. Rbbp8 is shown to be upregulated in response to X-irradiation in the AML sensitive CBA strain but not AML resistant C57BL/6 strain. This study demonstrates the strength of utilizing surrogate endpoints of cancer susceptibility in the mapping of mouse loci and identifies additional loci that may affect radiation cancer risk.


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Serine acetyltransferase (SAT) catalyzes the first step of cysteine synthesis in microorganisms and higher plants. Here we present the 2.2 Angstrom crystal structure of SAT from Escherichia coli, which is a dimer of trimers, in complex with cysteine. The SAT monomer consists of an amino-terminal alpha-helical domain and a carboxyl- terminal left-handed beta-helix. We identify His(158) and Asp(143) as essential residues that form a catalytic triad with the substrate for acetyl transfer. This structure shows the mechanism by which cysteine inhibits SAT activity and thus controls its own synthesis. Cysteine is found to bind at the serine substrate site and not the acetyl-CoA site that had been reported previously. On the basis of the geometry around the cysteine binding site, we are able to suggest a mechanism for the O-acetylation of serine by SAT. We also compare the structure of SAT with other left-handed beta-helical structures.


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The invention discloses processes for preparing compounds comprising an #-amino acid motif. The compounds are useful in e.g. the chemical ligation of peptides.


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This paper examines the effects of liquidity during the 2007–09 crisis, focussing on the Senior Tranche of the CDX.NA.IG Index and on Moody's AAA Corporate Bond Index. It aims to understand whether the sharp increase in the credit spreads of these AAA-rated credit indices can be explained by worse credit fundamentals alone or whether it also reflects a lack of depth in the relevant markets, the scarcity of risk-capital, and the liquidity preference exhibited by investors. Using cointegration analysis and error correction models, the paper shows that during the crisis lower market and funding liquidity are important drivers of the increase in the credit spread of the AAA-rated structured product, whilst they are less significant in explaining credit spread changes for a portfolio of unstructured credit instruments. Looking at the experience of the subprime crisis, the study shows that when the conditions under which securitisation can work properly (liquidity, transparency and tradability) suddenly disappear, investors are left highly exposed to systemic risk.


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In ovariectomized rats, administration of estradiol, or selective estrogen receptor agonists that activate either the alpha or beta isoforms, have been shown to enhance spatial cognition on a variety of learning and memory tasks, including those that capitalize on the preference of rats to seek out novelty. Although the effects of the putative estrogen G-protein-coupled receptor 30 (GPR30) on hippocampus-based tasks have been reported using food-motivated tasks, the effects of activation of GPR30 receptors on tasks that depend on the preference of rats to seek out spatial novelty remain to be determined. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to determine if short-term treatment of ovariectomized rats with G-1, an agonist for GPR30, would mimic the effects on spatial recognition memory observed following short-term estradiol treatment. In Experiment 1, ovariectomized rats treated with a low dose (1mug) of estradiol 48h and 24h prior to the information trial of a Y-maze task exhibited a preference for the arm associated with the novel environment on the retention trial conducted 48h later. In Experiment 2, treatment of ovariectomized rats with G-1 (25mug) 48h and 24h prior to the information trial of a Y-maze task resulted in a greater preference for the arm associated with the novel environment on the retention trial. Collectively, the results indicated that short-term treatment of ovariectomized rats with a GPR30 agonist was sufficient to enhance spatial recognition memory, an effect that also occurred following short-term treatment with a low dose of estradiol.


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A integração estocástica é a ferramenta básica para o estudo do apreçamento de ativos derivados1 nos modelos de finanças de tempo contínuo. A fórmula de Black e Scholes é o exemplo mais conhecido. Os movimentos de preços de ações, são frequentemente modelados - tanto teóricamente quanto empÍricamente - como seguindo uma equação diferencial estocástica. O livro texto de D. Duflle, "Dynamic asset pricing theory)) 1 usa livremente conceitos como o teorema de Girsanov e a fórmula de Feynrnan-Kac. U fi conhecimento básico da integração estocástica é cada vez mais necessário para quem quer acompanhar a literatura moderna em finanças. Esta introdução à integração estocástica é dirigida para alunos de doutourado e no final de mestrado. Um conhecimento sólid02 de continuidade, limites e facilidade de operar com a notação de conjuntos é fundamental para a compreensão do texto que se segue. Um conhecimento básico de integral de Lebesgue é recomendável. No entanto incluí no texto as definições básicas e os resultados fundamentais da teoria da integral de Lebesgue usados no texto.


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Apresento aqui uma abordagem que unifica a literatura sobre os vários modelos de apreçamento de derivativos que consiste em obter por argumentos intuitivos de não arbitragem uma Equação Diferencial Parcial(EDP) e através do método de Feynman-Kac uma solução que é representada por uma esperança condicional de um processo markoviano do preço do derivativo descontado pela taxa livre de risco. Por este resultado, temos que a esperança deve ser tomada com relação a processos que crescem à taxa livre de risco e por este motivo dizemos que a esperança é tomada em um mundo neutro ao risco(ou medida neutra ao risco). Apresento ainda como realizar uma mudança de medida pertinente que conecta o mundo real ao mundo neutro ao risco e que o elemento chave para essa mudança de medida é o preço de mercado dos fatores de risco. No caso de mercado completo o preço de mercado do fator de risco é único e no caso de mercados incompletos existe uma variedade de preços aceitáveis para os fatores de risco pelo argumento de não arbitragem. Neste último caso, os preços de mercado são geralmente escolhidos de forma a calibrar o modelo com os dados de mercado.


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Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo contribuir para compreensão dos vínculos de lealdade que orientam a atuação dos servidores públicos brasileiros. Após a revisão bibliográfica, foram realizadas entrevistas a fim de coletar e analisar as percepções dos profissionais. O estudo focou em funcionários da segurança pública do DF, como peritos criminais, delegados e policiais, abrangendo aqueles que atuam na linha de frente, assim como chefes e dirigentes. Adaptou-se o referencial teórico de Maynard-Moody e Musheno (2003), assim como o de De Graaf (2010), acerca da lealdade dos servidores públicos e buscou-se reunir narrativas que ilustrassem situações cotidianas em que as decisões são tomadas e a discricionariedade é exercida. Nesse sentido, procurou-se investigar as instâncias de reponsabilidade mais representativas, assim como possíveis tensões e conflitos, sobretudo em um panorama em que governança e accountability estão em evidência. Os regulamentos são sempre rigorosamente cumpridos? Ou haveria um juízo de ponderação moral abrangendo outras facetas e interesses? Respondidas estas questões, procedeu-se o cotejo entre os resultados obtidos e aqueles oriundos das pesquisas referenciais. Por fim, também se procurou entabular tópicos que possam ser desenvolvidos como desdobramentos desta pesquisa.


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The intervalar arithmetic well-known as arithmetic of Moore, doesn't possess the same properties of the real numbers, and for this reason, it is confronted with a problem of operative nature, when we want to solve intervalar equations as extension of real equations by the usual equality and of the intervalar arithmetic, for this not to possess the inverse addictive, as well as, the property of the distributivity of the multiplication for the sum doesn t be valid for any triplet of intervals. The lack of those properties disables the use of equacional logic, so much for the resolution of an intervalar equation using the same, as for a representation of a real equation, and still, for the algebraic verification of properties of a computational system, whose data are real numbers represented by intervals. However, with the notion of order of information and of approach on intervals, introduced by Acióly[6] in 1991, the idea of an intervalar equation appears to represent a real equation satisfactorily, since the terms of the intervalar equation carry the information about the solution of the real equation. In 1999, Santiago proposed the notion of simple equality and, later on, local equality for intervals [8] and [33]. Based on that idea, this dissertation extends Santiago's local groups for local algebras, following the idea of Σ-algebras according to (Hennessy[31], 1988) and (Santiago[7], 1995). One of the contributions of this dissertation, is the theorem that it guarantees that, when deducing a local Σ-equation E t t in the proposed system SDedLoc(E), the interpretations of t and t' will be locally the same in any local Σ-algebra that satisfies the group of fixed equations local E, whenever t and t have meaning in A. This assures to a kind of safety between the local equacional logic and the local algebras


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This study includes the results of the analysis of areas susceptible to degradation by remote sensing in semi-arid region, which is a matter of concern and affects the whole population and the catalyst of this process occurs by the deforestation of the savanna and improper practices by the use of soil. The objective of this research is to use biophysical parameters of the MODIS / Terra and images TM/Landsat-5 to determine areas susceptible to degradation in semi-arid Paraiba. The study area is located in the central interior of Paraíba, in the sub-basin of the River Taperoá, with average annual rainfall below 400 mm and average annual temperature of 28 ° C. To draw up the map of vegetation were used TM/Landsat-5 images, specifically, the composition 5R4G3B colored, commonly used for mapping land use. This map was produced by unsupervised classification by maximum likelihood. The legend corresponds to the following targets: savanna vegetation sparse and dense, riparian vegetation and exposed soil. The biophysical parameters used in the MODIS were emissivity, albedo and vegetation index for NDVI (NDVI). The GIS computer programs used were Modis Reprojections Tools and System Information Processing Georeferenced (SPRING), which was set up and worked the bank of information from sensors MODIS and TM and ArcGIS software for making maps more customizable. Initially, we evaluated the behavior of the vegetation emissivity by adapting equation Bastiaanssen on NDVI for spatialize emissivity and observe changes during the year 2006. The albedo was used to view your percentage of increase in the periods December 2003 and 2004. The image sensor of Landsat TM were used for the month of December 2005, according to the availability of images and in periods of low emissivity. For these applications were made in language programs for GIS Algebraic Space (LEGAL), which is a routine programming SPRING, which allows you to perform various types of algebras of spatial data and maps. For the detection of areas susceptible to environmental degradation took into account the behavior of the emissivity of the savanna that showed seasonal coinciding with the rainy season, reaching a maximum emissivity in the months April to July and in the remaining months of a low emissivity . With the images of the albedo of December 2003 and 2004, it was verified the percentage increase, which allowed the generation of two distinct classes: areas with increased variation percentage of 1 to 11.6% and the percentage change in areas with less than 1 % albedo. It was then possible to generate the map of susceptibility to environmental degradation, with the intersection of the class of exposed soil with varying percentage of the albedo, resulting in classes susceptibility to environmental degradation


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A construction relating the structures of super Lie and super Jordan algebras is proposed. This may clarify the role played by field theoretical realizations of super Jordan algebras in constructing representations of super Kač-Moody algebras. The case of OSP(m, n) and super Clifford algebras involving independent Fermi fields and symplectic bosons is discussed in detail.


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This paper deals with the anomalous flow behaviour observed in two bauxite tailings pumping systems, with 450 mm and 680 mm outer diameter. In order to enlarge the pipeline lengths in the field, tests were carried out in a laboratory test-loop in order to try to understand the anomalous (intermittent) flow behaviour and to solve the problem. Based on data obtained from these laboratory tests and using a generalized REYNOLDS number it was possible to obtain results that fit the MOODY ROUSE diagram.