960 resultados para KINASE DOMAIN MUTATIONS


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Background: Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy (APECED) syndrome is a complex immunologic disease caused by mutation of the autoimmune regulator (AIRE) gene. Autoimmunity in patients with APECED syndrome has been shown to result from deficiency of AIRE function in transcriptional regulation of thymic peripheral tissue antigens, which leads to defective T-cell negative selection. Candidal susceptibility in patients with APECED syndrome is thought to result from aberrant adaptive immunity. Objective: To determine whether AIRE could function in anticandidal innate immune signaling, we investigated an extrathymic role for AIRE in the immune recognition of beta-glucan through the Dectin-1 pathway, which is required for defense against Candida species. Methods: Innate immune signaling through the Dectin-1 pathway was assessed in both PBMCs from patients with APECED syndrome and a monocytic cell line. Subcellular localization of AIRE was assessed by using confocal microscopy. Results: PBMCs from patients with APECED syndrome had reduced TNF-alpha responses after Dectin-1 ligation but in part used a Raf-1-mediated pathway to preserve function. In the THP-1 human monocytic cell line, reducing AIRE expression resulted in significantly decreased TNF-a release after Dectin-1 ligation. AIRE formed a transient complex with the known Dectin-1 pathway components phosphorylated spleen tyrosine kinase and caspase recruitment domain-containing protein 9 after receptor ligation and localized with Dectin-1 at the cell membrane. Conclusion: AIRE can participate in the Dectin-1 signaling pathway, indicating a novel extrathymic role for AIRE and a defect that likely contributes to fungal susceptibility in patients with APECED syndrome. (J Allergy Clin Immunol 2012;129:464-72.)


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Noonan syndrome (NS) and Noonan-related disorders [cardio-facio-cutaneous (CFC), Costello, Noonan syndrome with multiple lentigines (NS-ML), and neurofibromatosis-Noonan syndromes (NFNS)] are a group of developmental disorders caused by mutations in genes of the RAS/MAPK pathway. Mutations in the KRAS gene account for only a small proportion of affected Noonan and CFC syndrome patients that present an intermediate phenotype between these two syndromes, with more frequent and severe intellectual disability in NS and less ectodermal involvement in CFC syndrome, as well as atypical clinical findings such as craniosynostosis. Recently, the first familial case with a novel KRAS mutation was described. We report on a second vertical transmission (a mother and two siblings) with a novel mutation (p.M72L), in which the proband has trigonocephaly and the affected mother and sister, prominent ectodermal involvement. Metopic suture involvement has not been described before, expanding the main different cranial sutures which can be affected in NS and KRAS gene mutations. The gene alteration found in the studied family is in close proximity to the one reported in the other familial case (close to the switch II region of the G-domain), suggesting that this specific region of the gene could have less severe effects on intellectual ability than the other KRAS gene mutations found in NS patients and be less likely to hamper reproductive fitness. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) regulates cellular processes that affect several aspects of development and disease. The FAK N-terminal FERM (4.1 protein-ezrin-radixin-moesin homology) domain, a compact clover-leaf structure, binds partner proteins and mediates intramolecular regulatory interactions. Combined chemical cross-linking coupled to MS, small-angle X-ray scattering, computational docking and mutational analyses showed that the FAK FERM domain has a molecular cleft (similar to 998 angstrom(2)) that interacts with sarcomeric myosin, resulting in FAK inhibition. Accordingly, mutations in a unique short amino acid sequence of the FERM myosin cleft, FP-1, impaired the interaction with myosin and enhanced FAK activity in cardiomyocytes. An FP-1 decoy peptide selectively inhibited myosin interaction and increased FAK activity, promoting cardiomyocyte hypertrophy through activation of the AKT-mammalian target of rapamycin pathway. Our findings uncover an inhibitory interaction between the FAK FERM domain and sarcomeric myosin that presents potential opportunities to modulate the cardiac hypertrophic response through changes in FAK activity.


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Cytoplasmic dynein performs multiple cellular tasks but its regulation remains unclear. The dynein heavy chain has a N-terminal stem that binds to other subunits and a C-terminal motor unit that contains six AAA (ATPase associated with cellular activities) domains and a microtubule-binding site located between AAA4 and AAA5. In Aspergillus nidulans, NUDF (a LIS1 homolog) functions in the dynein pathway, and two nudF6 partial suppressors were mapped to the nudA dynein heavy chain locus. Here we identified these two mutations. The nudAL1098F mutation resides in the stem region, and nudAR3086C is in the end of AAA4. These mutations partially suppress the phenotype of nudF deletion but do not suppress the phenotype exhibited by mutants of dynein intermediate chain and Arp1. Surprisingly, the stronger DeltanudF suppressor, nudAR3086C, causes an obvious decrease in the basal level of dynein's ATPase activity and an increase in dynein's distribution along microtubules. Thus, suppression of the DeltanudF phenotype may result from mechanisms other than simply the enhancement of dynein's ATPase activity. The fact that a mutation in the end of AAA4 negatively regulates dynein's ATPase activity but partially compensates for NUDF loss indicates the importance of the AAA4 domain in dynein regulation in vivo.


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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Inhibition of the signalling function of the human insulin receptor (HIR) is one of the principle mechanisms which induce cellular insulin resistance. It is speculated that serine residues in the insulin receptor beta-subunit are involved in receptor inhibition either as inhibitory phosphorylation sites or as part of receptor domains which bind inhibitory proteins or tyrosine phosphatases. As reported earlier we prepared 16 serine to alanine point mutations of the HIR and found that serine to alanine mutants HIR-994 and HIR-1023/25 showed increased tyrosine autophosphorylation when expressed in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells. In this study we examined whether these mutant receptors have a different susceptibility to inhibition by serine kinases or an altered tyrosine kinase activity. METHODS: Tyrosine kinase assay and transfection studies. RESULTS: In an in vitro kinase assay using IRS-1 as a substrate we could detect a higher intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity of both receptor constructs. Additionally, a higher capacity to phosphorylate the adapter protein Shc in intact cells was seen. To test the inhibition by serine kinases, the receptor constructs were expressed in HEK 293 cells together with IRS-1 and protein kinase C isoforms beta2 and theta. Phorbol ester stimulation of these cells reduced wild-type receptor autophosphorylation to 58 % or 55 % of the insulin simulated state, respectively. This inhibitory effect was not observed with HIR-994 and HIR-1023/25, although all other tested HIR mutants showed similar inhibition induced by protein kinase C. CONCLUSION/INTERPRETATION: The data suggest that the HIR-domain which contains the serine residues 994 and 1023/25 is important for the inhibitory effect of protein kinase C isoforms beta2 and theta on insulin receptor autophosphorylation.


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Mutations in smooth muscle cell (SMC)-specific isoforms of α-actin and β-myosin heavy chain, two major components of the SMC contractile unit, cause familial thoracic aortic aneurysms leading to acute aortic dissections (FTAAD). To investigate whether mutations in the kinase that controls SMC contractile function (myosin light chain kinase [MYLK]) cause FTAAD, we sequenced MYLK by using DNA from 193 affected probands from unrelated FTAAD families. One nonsense and four missense variants were identified in MYLK and were not present in matched controls. Two variants, p.R1480X (c.4438C>T) and p.S1759P (c.5275T>C), segregated with aortic dissections in two families with a maximum LOD score of 2.1, providing evidence of linkage of these rare variants to the disease (p = 0.0009). Both families demonstrated a similar phenotype characterized by presentation with an acute aortic dissection with little to no enlargement of the aorta. The p.R1480X mutation leads to a truncated protein lacking the kinase and calmodulin binding domains, and p.S1759P alters amino acids in the α-helix of the calmodulin binding sequence, which disrupts kinase binding to calmodulin and reduces kinase activity in vitro. Furthermore, mice with SMC-specific knockdown of Mylk demonstrate altered gene expression and pathology consistent with medial degeneration of the aorta. Thus, genetic and functional studies support the conclusion that heterozygous loss-of-function mutations in MYLK are associated with aortic dissections.


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Aortic aneurysms and dissections are the 15th most common cause of death in the United States. Genetic factors contribute to the pathogenesis of thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections (TAAD). Currently, six loci and four genes have been identified for familial TAAD. Notably, mutations in smooth muscle cell (SMC) contractile genes, ACTA2 and MYH11, are responsible for 15% of familial TAAD, suggesting that proper SMC contraction is important for normal aorta function. Therefore, we hypothesize that mutations in other genes encoding SMC contractile proteins also cause familial TAAD. ^ To test this hypothesis, we used a candidate gene approach to identify causative mutations in SMC contractile genes for familial TAAD. Sequencing DNA in 80 TAAD patients from unrelated families, we identified putative mutations in eight contractile genes. We chose myosin light chain kinase (MLCK ) S1759P for further study for the following reasons: (1) Serine 1759 is conserved between vertebrates and invertebrates. (2) S1759P is predicted to be functionally deleterious by bioinformatics. (3) Low blood pressure is observed in SMC-selective MLCK-deficient mice. ^ In the presence of Ca2+/Calmodulin (CaM), MLCK containing CaM binding and kinase domains are activated to phosphorylate myosin light chain, thereby initiate SMC contraction. The CaM binding sequence of MLCK forms an α-helix structure required for CaM binding. MLCK Serine 1759 is located within the CaM binding domain. S1759P is predicted to decrease the α-helix composition in the CaM binding domain. Hence, we hypothesize that MLCK mutations cause TAAD through disturbing CaM binding and MLCK activity. ^ We further sequenced MLCK in DNA samples from additional 86 probands with familial TAAD. Two more mutations, MLCK A1754T and R1480Stop, were identified, supporting that MLCK mutations cause familial TAAD. ^ To define whether MLCK mutations disrupted CaM binding and MLCK activity, we performed co-immunoprecipitation and kinase assays. Decreased CaM binding and kinase activity was detected in A1754T and S1759P. Moreover, R1480Stop is predicted to truncate kinase and CaM binding domains. We conclude that MLCK mutations disrupt CaM binding and MLCK activity. ^ Collectively, our study is first to show mutations in genes regulating SMC contraction cause TAAD. This finding further highlights the importance of SMC contraction in maintaining aorta function. ^


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We have measured the stability and stoichiometry of variants of the human p53 tetramerization domain to assess the effects of mutation on homo- and hetero-oligomerization. The residues chosen for mutation were those in the hydrophobic core that we had previously found to be critical for its stability but are not conserved in human p73 or p51 or in p53-related proteins from invertebrates or vertebrates. The mutations introduced were either single natural mutations or combinations of mutations present in p53-like proteins from different species. Most of the mutations were substantially destabilizing when introduced singly. The introduction of multiple mutations led to two opposite effects: some combinations of mutations that have occurred during the evolution of the hydrophobic core of the domain in p53-like proteins had additive destabilizing effects, whereas other naturally occurring combinations of mutations had little or no net effect on the stability, there being mutually compensating effects of up to 9.5 kcal/mol of tetramer. The triple mutant L332V/F341L/L344I, whose hydrophobic core represents that of the chicken p53 domain, was nearly as stable as the human domain but had impaired hetero-oligomerization with it. Thus, engineering of a functional p53 variant with a reduced capacity to hetero-oligomerize with wild-type human p53 can be achieved without any impairment in the stability and subunit affinity of the engineered homo-oligomer.


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Phosphorylation of Ser-627 is both necessary and sufficient for full activity of the expressed 35-kDa catalytic domain of myosin I heavy chain kinase (MIHCK). Ser-627 lies in the variable loop between highly conserved residues DFG and APE at a position at which a phosphorylated Ser/Thr also occurs in many other Ser/Thr protein kinases. The variable loop of MIHCK contains two other hydroxyamino acids: Thr-631, which is conserved in almost all Ser/Thr kinases, and Thr-632, which is not conserved. We determined the effects on the kinase activity of the expressed catalytic domain of mutating Ser-627, Thr-631, and Thr-632 individually to Ala, Asp, and Glu. The S627A mutant was substantially less active than wild type (wt), with a lower kcat and higher Km for both peptide substrate and ATP, but was more active than unphosphorylated wt. The S627D and S627E mutants were also less active than phosphorylated wt, i.e., acidic amino acids cannot substitute for phospho-Ser-627. The activity of the T631A mutant was as low as that of the S627A mutant, whereas the T632A mutant was as active as phosphorylated wt, indicating that highly conserved Thr-631, although not phosphorylated, is essential for catalytic activity. Asp and Glu substitutions for Thr-631 and Thr-632 were inhibitory to various degrees. Molecular modeling indicated that Thr-631 can hydrogen bond with conserved residue Asp-591 in the catalytic loop and that similar interactions are possible for other kinases whose activities also are regulated by phosphorylation in the variable loop. Thus, this conserved Thr residue may be essential for the activities of other Ser/Thr protein kinases as well as for the activity of MIHCK.


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The Pointed (PNT) domain and an adjacent mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase phosphorylation site are defined by sequence conservation among a subset of ets transcription factors and are implicated in two regulatory strategies, protein interactions and posttranslational modifications, respectively. By using NMR, we have determined the structure of a 110-residue fragment of murine Ets-1 that includes the PNT domain and MAP kinase site. The Ets-1 PNT domain forms a monomeric five-helix bundle. The architecture is distinct from that of any known DNA- or protein-binding module, including the helix-loop-helix fold proposed for the PNT domain of the ets protein TEL. The MAP kinase site is in a highly flexible region of both the unphosphorylated and phosphorylated forms of the Ets-1 fragment. Phosphorylation alters neither the structure nor monomeric state of the PNT domain. These results suggest that the Ets-1 PNT domain functions in heterotypic protein interactions and support the possibility that target recognition is coupled to structuring of the MAP kinase site.


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Heterotrimeric G proteins and tyrosine kinases are two major cellular signal transducers. Although G proteins are known to activate tyrosine kinases, the activation mechanism is not clear. Here, we demonstrate that G protein Gqα binds directly to the nonreceptor Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (Btk) to a region composed of a Tec-homology (TH) domain and a sarcoma virus tyrosine kinase (Src)-homology 3 (SH3) domain both in vitro and in vivo. Only active GTP-bound Gqα, not inactive GDP-bound Gqα, can bind to Btk. Mutations of Btk that disrupt its ability to bind Gqα also eliminate Btk stimulation by Gqα, suggesting that this interaction is important for Btk activation. Remarkably, the structure of this TH (including a proline-rich sequence) -SH3 fragment of the Btk family of tyrosine kinases shows an intramolecular interaction. Furthermore, the crystal structure of the Src family of tyrosine kinases reveals that the intramolecular interaction of SH3 and its ligand is the major determining factor keeping the kinase inactive. Thus, we propose an activation model that entails binding of Gqα to the TH-SH3 region, thereby disrupting the TH-SH3 intramolecular interaction and activating Btk.


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Myosin I heavy chain kinase from Acanthamoeba castellanii is activated in vitro by autophosphorylation (8–10 mol of P per mol). The catalytically active C-terminal domain produced by trypsin cleavage of the phosphorylated kinase contains 2–3 mol of P per mol. However, the catalytic domain expressed in a baculovirus–insect cell system is fully active as isolated without autophosphorylation in vitro. We now show that the expressed catalytic domain is inactivated by incubation with acid phosphatase and regains activity upon autophosphorylation. The state of phosphorylation of all of the hydroxyamino acids in the catalytic domain were determined by mass spectrometry of unfractionated protease digests. Ser-627 was phosphorylated in the active, expressed catalytic domain, lost its phosphate when the protein was incubated with phosphatase, and was rephosphorylated when the dephosphorylated protein was incubated with ATP. No other residue was significantly phosphorylated in any of the three samples. Thus, phosphorylation of Ser-627, which is in the same position as the Ser and Thr residues that are phosphorylated in many other kinases, is necessary and sufficient for full activity of the catalytic domain. Ser-627 is also phosphorylated when full-length, native kinase is activated by autophosphorylation.


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Subcellular localization directed by specific A kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) is a mechanism for compartmentalization of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). Using a two-hybrid screen, a novel AKAP was isolated. Because it interacts with both the type I and type II regulatory subunits, it was defined as a dual specific AKAP or D-AKAP1. Here we report the cloning and characterization of another novel cDNA isolated from that screen. This new member of the D-AKAP family, D-AKAP2, also binds both types of regulatory subunits. A message of 5 kb pairs was detected for D-AKAP2 in all embryonic stages and in all adult tissues tested. In brain, skeletal muscle, kidney, and testis, a 10-kb mRNA was identified. In testis, several small mRNAs were observed. Therefore, D-AKAP2 represents a novel family of proteins. cDNA cloning from a mouse testis library identified the full length D-AKAP2. It is composed of 372 amino acids which includes the R binding fragment, residues 333–372, at its C-terminus. Based on coprecipitation assays, the R binding domain interacts with the N-terminal dimerization domain of RIα and RIIα. A putative RGS domain was identified near the N-terminal region of D-AKAP2. The presence of this domain raises the intriguing possibility that D-AKAP2 may interact with a Gα protein thus providing a link between the signaling machinery at the plasma membrane and the downstream kinase.


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The Tec family of tyrosine kinases are involved in signals emanating from cytokine receptors, antigen receptors, and other lymphoid cell surface receptors. One family member, ITK (inducible T cell kinase), is involved in T cell activation and can be activated by the T cell receptor and the CD28 cell surface receptor. This stimulation of tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of ITK can be mimicked by the Src family kinase Lck. We have explored the mechanism of this requirement for Src family kinases in the activation of ITK. We found that coexpression of ITK and Src results in increased membrane association, tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of ITK, which could be blocked by inhibitors of the lipid kinase phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) as well as overexpression of the p85 subunit of PI 3-kinase. Removal of the Pleckstrin homology domain (PH) of ITK resulted in a kinase that could no longer be induced to localize to the membrane or be activated by Src. The PH of ITK was also able to bind inositol phosphates phosphorylated at the D3 position. Membrane targeting of ITK without the PH recovered its ability to be activated by Src. These results suggest that ITK can be activated by a combination of Src and PI 3-kinase.


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Recently, mutations in the Met tyrosine kinase receptor have been identified in both hereditary and sporadic forms of papillary renal carcinoma. We have introduced the corresponding mutations into the met cDNA and examined the effect of each mutation in biochemical and biological assays. We find that the Met mutants exhibit increased levels of tyrosine phosphorylation and enhanced kinase activity toward an exogenous substrate when compared with wild-type Met. Moreover, NIH 3T3 cells expressing mutant Met molecules form foci in vitro and are tumorigenic in nude mice. Enzymatic and biological differences were evident among the various mutants examined, and the somatic mutations were generally more active than those of germ-line origin. A strong correlation between the enzymatic and biological activity of the mutants was observed, indicating that tumorigenesis by Met is quantitatively related to its level of activation. These results demonstrate that the Met mutants originally identified in human papillary renal carcinoma are oncogenic and thus are likely to play a determinant role in this disease, and these results raise the possibility that activating Met mutations also may contribute to other human malignancies.