996 resultados para KAOLINITE


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Microbiologically contaminated water severely impacts public health in low-income countries, where treated water supplies are often inaccessible to much of the population. Groundwater represents a water source that commonly has better microbiological quality than surface water. A 2-month intensive flow and quality monitoring programme of a spring in a densely settled, unsewered parish of Kampala, Uganda, revealed the persistent presence of high chloride and nitrate concentrations that reflect intense loading of sewage in the spring’s catchment. Conversely, thermotolerant coliform bacteria counts in spring water samples remained very low outside of periods of intense rainfall. Laboratory investigations of mechanisms responsible for this behavior, achieved by injecting a pulse of H40/1 bacteriophage tracer into a column packed with locally derived granular laterite, resulted in near-total tracer adsorption. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis showed the laterite to consist predominantly of quartz and kaolinite, with minor amounts (<5%) of haematite. Batch studies comparing laterite adsorption capacity with a soil having comparable mineralogy, but with amorphous iron oxide rather than haematite, showed the laterite to have a significantly greater capacity to adsorb bacteriophage. Batch study results using pure haematite confirmed that its occurrence in laterite contributes substantially to micro-organism attenuation observed and serves to protect underlying groundwater.


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A groundwater programme monitoring flow and quality of a potable water spring in a slum district in Kampala, Uganda revealed that although latrines acted as the principal means of organic waste disposal for the 1000 plus people living in the spring’s catchment, levels of faecal indicator bacteria (TVC 45 Deg C) in spring discharge remained at or below detection during the dry season, despite the presence of high levels of chloride (45mg/l-56mg/l) and nitrate (23mg/l – 30mg/l NO3-N), indicating sewage impacts. A programme of column and batch testing of laterite underlying the area provided a means of investigating the soil’s attenuation capacity under more controlled conditions.
X-ray diffraction analyses revealed the laterite to be dominated by quartz and kaolinite with minor (<5% by volume) quantities of haematite. Batch studies revealed that over 99% of bacteriophage adsorbed to haematite in less than 5 minutes. By contrast batch tests on haematite-free soil samples from the Blue Hills in Australia showed that although they had comparable dominant mineralogy and iron coverage on their surfaces (determined from Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence) they had negligible ability to adsorb H40/1.
Based on the results of the batch studies using natural soils, a programme of batch studies, undertaken using pure haematite showed the mineral to have an extremely high capacity to adsorb bacteriophage, and suggested that it was responsible for the levels of attenuation observed.
The results of column studies were in keeping with the findings of batch experiments. Injection of 20 pore volumes of 300 pfu/mL of the bacteriophage H40/1 into a 20mm diameter glass column packed with sand sized (Ø>500µm) laterite revealed that the column could irreversibly remove over 2.5 log10 bacteriophage over its 10cm length.
Mineralogical and batch test data provide convincing evidence to show that laterite can potentially act as an inexpensive means of removing micro organisms from water. The material, particularly in nodular form, displays considerable potential to act as an alternative filter material to conventional quartz filter sands.


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This study reports on the geochemical and mineralogical characterization of a lateritic profile cropping out in the Balkouin area, Central Burkina Faso, aimed at obtaining a better understanding of the processes responsible for the formation of the laterite itself and the constraints to its development. The lateritic profile rests on a Paleoproterozoic basement mostly composed of granodioritic rocks related to the Eburnean magmatic cycle passing upwards to saprolite and consists of four main composite horizons (bottom to top): kaolinite and clay-rich horizons, mottled laterite and iron-rich duricrust. In order to achieve such a goal, a multi-disciplinary analytical approach was adopted, which includes inductively coupled plasma (ICP) atomic emission and mass spectrometries (ICP-AES and ICP-MS respectively), X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrometry (SEM-EDS) and micro-Raman spectroscopy.

The geochemical data, and particularly the immobile elements distribution and REE patterns, show that the Balkouin laterite is the product of an in situ lateritization process that involved a strong depletion of the more soluble elements (K, Mg, Ca, Na, Rb, Sr and Ba) and an enrichment in Fe; Si was also removed, particularly in the uppermost horizons. All along the profile the change in composition is coupled with important changes in mineralogy. In particular, the saprolite is characterized by occurrence of abundant albitic plagioclase, quartz and nontronite; kaolinite is apparently absent. The transition to the overlying lateritic profile marks the breakdown of plagioclase and nontronite, thus allowing kaolinite to become one of the major components upwards, together with goethite and quartz. The upper part of the profile is strongly enriched in hematite (+ kaolinite). Ti oxides (at least in part as anatase) and apatite are typical accessory phases, while free aluminum hydroxides are notably absent. Mass change calculations emphasize the extent of the mass loss, which exceeds 50 wt% (and often 70 wt%) for almost all horizons; only Fe was significantly concentrated in the residual system.

The geochemical and mineralogical features suggest that the lateritic profile is the product of a continuous process that gradually developed from the bedrock upwards, in agreement with the Schellmann classic genetic model. The laterite formation must have occurred at low pH (? 4.5) and high Eh (? 0.4) values, i.e., under acidic and oxidizing environments, which allowed strongly selective leaching conditions. The lack of gibbsite and bohemite is in agreement with the compositional data: the occurrence of quartz (± amorphous silica) all along the profile was an inhibiting factor for the formation of free aluminum hydroxides.


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The building sector is widely recognized as having a major impact on sustainable development. Both in developed and developing countries, sustainability in buildings approaches are growing. Laterite dimension stone (LDS) is a building material that was traditionally used in sub-Saharan Africa, but its technical features still need to be assessed. This article presents some results of a study focused on the characterization of LDS exploited in Burkina Faso for building purposes. The measured average thermal conductivity is 0.51  W/mK, which increases with water content and evolves with the specific gravity and with porosity. Rock mineral phases (quartz, goethite, hematite, magnetite) are cemented by kaolinite. The porosity of the material is high (30%), with macropores visible on the surface and found in the rock inner structure as well. Results from the hygrothermal monitoring of a pilot building are also presented.


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Geopolymer binders are generally formed by reacting powdered aluminosilicate precursors with alkali silicate activators. Most research to date has concentrated on using either pulverised fuel ash or high purity dehydroxylated kaolin (metakaolin) in association with ground granulated blast furnace slag as the main precursor material. However, recently, attention has turned to alternative calcined clays that are abundant throughout the globe and have lower kaolinite contents than commercially available metakaolins. Due to the lack of clear and simple screening protocols enabling assessment of such geological resources for use as precursors in geopolymer systems, the present paper presents results from experimental work that was carried out to develop a functional binder using materials containing kaolinite taken from the Interbasaltic Formation of Northern Ireland. The influence of mineralogy has been examined, and a screening process, using three Interbasaltic materials as examples, that will assist in the rapid selection of suitable geopolymeric precursors from such materials is outlined.


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Since 1999, the rapid, inexpensive and non-destructive use of Th/K and Th/U ratios from spectral gamma ray measurements have been used as a proxy for changes in palaeo-hinterland weathering. This model is tested here by analysis of in situ palaeoweathering horizons where clay mineral contents are well-known. A residual palaeoweathered horizon of Palaeogene laterite (developed on basalt) has been logged at 14 locations across N. Ireland using spectral gamma ray detectors. The results are compared to published elemental and mineralogical data. While the model of K and U loss during the early stages of weathering to smectite and kaolinite is supported, the formation (during progressively more advanced weathering) of gibbsite and iron oxides has reversed the predicted pattern and caused U and Th retention in the weathering profile. The severity (duration, humidity) of weathering and palaeoweathering may be estimated using Th/K ratios as a proxy. The use of Th/U ratios is more problematic should detrital gibbsite (or similar clays) or iron oxides be detected. Mineralogical analysis is needed in order to evaluate the hosts for K, U and Th: nonetheless, the spectral gamma ray machine offers a real-time, inexpensive and effective tool for the preliminary or conjunctive assessment of degrees of weathering or palaeoweathering.


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O presente trabalho divulga os resultados dos estudos levados a efeito nas matérias-primas argilosas que se integram tipologicamente na argila comum, ocorrentes na designada Plataforma do Mondego, Centro de Portugal, na região entre Miranda do Corvo, a SW, e Tábua, a NE. Para tal realizou-se a cartografia superficial dos sedimentos continentais do Cretácico e do Terciário, aí preservados, estabeleceram-se as colunas sedimentares, a nível regional e a nível local, nas áreas de maior potencial reconhecido e, caracterizaram-se as matérias-primas argilosas amostradas, em termos de composição, textura e aptidão cerâmica, objectivando a definição das zonas das jazidas com maior interesse industrial. A informação obtida e compilada, relativa ao caulino e ao feldspato é também apresentada, com vista a uma percepção da potencialidade destas matériasprimas cerâmicas ocorrentes na área. O estudo de caracterização dos materiais argilosos investigados teve como base 53 amostras obtidas em seis regiões da Plataforma do Mondego aqui definidas por motivo de organização do trabalho, segundo os critérios geográfico e geotectónico. As formações de Côja e de Campelo, do Terciário, constituem as unidades onde ocorrem litótipos produtivos, em termos de matéria-prima para a Cerâmica de Barro Vermelho ou Cerâmica de Construção. Relativamente às características texturais e composicionais, em síntese, apresentam-se os factos relevantes seguintes: A matéria-prima argilosa existente na área estudada materializa, granulometricamente, na maioria das amostras, silte, caindo os níveis amostrados com maior percentagem de argila, no domínio do silte argiloso. O défice em fracção argila implica limitações quanto à possibilidade de diversificação de produtos cerâmicos fabricados com estas matérias-primas tal-qual. Os diferentes métodos analíticos utilizados na caracterização mineralógica dos materiais amostrados confirmaram uma composição em termos dos minerais argilosos, consistindo de ilite/mica (em geral, o mais abundante), caulinite e esmectite, interestratificados e clorite. Os minerais não argilosos são quartzo (predominante), feldspato (sobretudo potássico) e hematite, com uma representação baixa. A mineralogia da fracção inferior a 2μm das amostras, não difere das amostras totais, salvo no teor mais elevado dos minerais argilosos e acentuada redução dos minerais não argilosos. Os resultados da análise química por fluorescência de raios X das amostras integrais correlacionam-se com as características mineralógicas observadas através das técnicas analíticas utilizadas. No respeitante às propriedades e comportamento cerâmico verifica-se: Os parâmetros relacionados com a plasticidade indicam que parte das pastas elaboradas com estes materiais argilosos têm uma trabalhabilidade aceitável, mas existem problemas de conformação e acentuada retracção num número significativo de amostras, devido à elevada plasticidade da maioria das amostras. A extrusão é satisfatória a óptima. A RMF e a retracção em seco assumem valores, respectivamente, moderados a baixos e moderados, embora seja necessário ter em conta o procedimento de extrusão dos provetes, sem dispositivo de vácuo. Todas as amostras foram sujeitas a cozedura a 900ºC, e um conjunto seleccionado foi cozido a 1000ºC e a 1100ºC. As fases mineralógicas ocorrentes após cozeduras a 900ºC e 1100ºC foram identificadas num conjunto de amostras, tendo-se evidenciado a coerência dessas fases, com a mineralogia das amostras em seco. Após cozedura a 900ºC, os valores de RMF das amostras satisfazem geralmente os valores mínimos, exigidos para o fabrico de tijolo, abobadilha e, com alguma frequência, de telha, como já se verificava com os valores daquela propriedade em seco. Os valores de retracção seco-cozido são em geral, modestos. A capacidade de absorção de água é maioritariamente elevada. A formação de vidro, sobretudo, condiciona o comportamento destas propriedades por cozedura dos provetes a 1000ºC e a 1100ºC. A coloração predominante em cru das matérias-primas argilosas amostradas é amarelo acastanhado a castanho avermelhado. Após cozedura a 900ºC, há um acentuado escurecimento e incremento no grau de vermelho. As cozeduras a 1000ºC e 1100ºC promovem escurecimento gradual, com ligeira influência na cor. O comportamento dos provetes após as cozeduras cerâmicas revelou-se homogéneo a cada uma das respectivas temperaturas, não se registando também defeitos significativos, nem eflorescências. A análise das amostras em termos composicionais e tecnológicos permitiu destacar as principais características e aspectos distintivos das matériasprimas, nas diferentes regiões definidas objectivando as diferentes potencialidades cerâmicas. Nesta abordagem comparativa foram consideradas só as amostras dos campos silte e silte arenoso, por serem aquelas com maior interesse para a Cerâmica de Construção. Nas colunas sedimentares das regiões de Tábua e Santa Quitéria constata-se a ocorrência de dois ritmos de sedimentação, que embora assumam características específicas em cada região, têm aspectos composicionais e tecnológicos em comum, traduzindo melhor aptidão cerâmica os ritmos inferiores. A conjugação da cartografia realizada com os estudos laboratoriais permite concluir que as regiões de Tábua e de Santa Quitéria serão as que têm maior potencial por explorar, em matéria-prima para Cerâmica de Construção, apesar da primeira já ser intensamente explorada. Na região de Tábua, as amostras têm como fases mineralógicas principais ilite e quartzo na mesma proporção média (35%) e caulinite (média=19%) que regista enriquecimento significativo na fracção argila (média=38%). As argilas desta região registam a cor em cru mais vermelha e pH mais ácido observados. O ritmo de sedimentação inferior, com esmectite e interestratificados e ligeiramente menos quartzoso, apresenta melhores propriedades cerâmicas. A composição mineralógica média das amostras da região de Santa Quitéria é próxima daquela da região de Tábua, mas menos caulinítica, em especial na sequência inferior, na qual o teor médio de caulinite na fracção argila (7%) é o mais baixo observado. Na região de Côja – Arganil, a actividade extractiva é significativa na bacia de Côja. Aqui, a exploração de novas áreas potenciais é condicionada pela cobertura conglomerática e por estruturas tectónicas e não tectónicas relacionadas com comportamento plástico. Na restante área desta região, os recursos argilosos são penalizados por material areno-conglomerático. As amostras desta região distinguem-se das restantes a nível textural pela maior fracção areia e mineralogicamente pela presença de clorite, teor reduzido de caulinite e elevado de feldspato. As potencialidades em barro vermelho na região de Sanguinheda não serão significativas, pois a Formação de Côja é predominantemente arcósica e a Formação de Campelo pouco espessa e conglomerática. As argilas com melhor aptidão cerâmica foram amostradas na região de Miranda do Corvo – Lousã. Na composição, estas amostras são as que contêm maior fracção de argila, maior teor de ilite e caulinite e menor de argilas expansivas. Registam os melhores valores nas características tecnológicas, nomeadamente a RMF e absorção de água. A consistência dos grupos amostrais e ritmos definidos em termos composicionais e tecnológicos é corroborada pelas técnicas de análise estatística multivariada aplicadas, que os identificam. As condições de amostragem na região de Tábua, permitiram a elaboração de uma coluna tipológica, na qual, a partir de uma caracterização expedita de amostras é possível identificar a sua afinidade com os ritmos argilosos definidos e, consequentemente, a sua situação na coluna sedimentar regional e aptidão cerâmica. A cartografia dos recursos argilosos potenciais, elaborada à escala 1:25.000, constitui um dos objectivos principais deste trabalho e nela constam unidades litológicas, nas quais são diferenciadas unidades argilosas tendo também em consideração a tipologia e guias mineralógicos resultantes da caracterização das amostras. As características composicionais destas unidades denotam diferente aptidão cerâmica e, portanto, permitem salientar as zonas com maior interesse económico.


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Neste trabalho foram efectuados estudos de natureza químico – mineralógica e tecnológica em quatro depósitos sedimentares: Vale Grande, Aguada de Cima, Anadia e Monsarros. Estes estudo permitiram o estabelecimento da coluna tipológica em cada um dos depósitos. No jazigo de Aguada evidencia-se a existência de dois níveis argilosos: a unidade “Barro Negro” de natureza ilito-quartzo-caulinítica (argilas especiais) e a unidade “Argilas de Boialvo” com composição quartzo – ilite – caulinite (argilas comuns). Nos jazigos de Anadia e Monsarros o enchimento argiloso é constituído por argilas compatíveis com as da unidade “Argilas de Boialvo” do jazigo de Aguada, não existindo evidências de deposição de argilas de natureza da unidade “Barro Negro”. Em complemento, foram realizados estudos químicos (elementos menores e Terras Raras) nos diferentes depósitos lutíticos para inferir a importância dos minerais acessórios e argilosos na sua distribuição, de modo a poder determinar-se a sua proveniência. Neste trabalho foi também realizado um estudo de pormenor, de natureza mineralógica (DRX) e química (maiores, menores e Terras Raras), das possíveis rochas-fonte. Perante os resultados obtidos através do estudo mineralógico, químico (elementos maiores, menores e Terras Raras) e, ainda, dos estudos isotópicos Rb-Sr e Sm-Nd, pode inferir-se que o Complexo Xisto-Grauváquico foi a formação geológica que mais material forneceu para a formação dos sedimentos argilosos que ocorrem nas áreas de Vale Grande, Aguada, Anadia e Monsarros. Por último, apresenta-se uma definição para o conceito de argila especial cerâmica, utilizado na gama alta da indústria cerâmica, tendo em consideração o padrão químico, mineralógico e tecnológico.


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In Portugal, there is an old tradition in using clayey materials for therapeutic purposes. They are applied in pelotherapy, at several beaches of the Atlantic coast in the form of clay-sea water mixtures (peloids) to treat skin and rheumatic diseases. During many generations, peloids have been applied without scienti c studies that prove their therapeutic validity. In the last decade, the Portuguese scienti c community has become increasingly more interested in assessing the properties that make clayey materials suitable for therapeutic purposes. The abundance of clayey formations and the established practices of medical hydrology in our country turned this interest into a new perspective of application. The studied materials include di erent clays (in age and origin) mainly collected from well-known Mesozoic-Cenozoic formations, in some cases outcropping at beaches where empirical applications occur. This thesis focus in the study of silt-clay fraction (< 63 m).To determine their suitability for therapy, compositional, physicochemical, technological, thermal and rheological properties were assessed. Conventional techniques (XRD, XRF and Sedigraph) were used to assess compositional features of silt-clay fraction. Electron microscopy (SEM, VPSEM, HREM) was used to study the micromorphology and composition of clay fraction (< 2 m). Physicochemical properties (cation exchange and speci c surface) were assessed using the Ammonium Acetate and BET methods. Technological properties (plasticity and abrasivity indices) were assessed using the Atterberg limits and Einlehner abrasion tests. Thermal properties (speci c heat and cooling kinetics) were estimated by DSC analysis and cooling tests. Pharmacotechnical tests (compressibility index, sediment volume and Brook eld viscosity) were used to assess the powder owability as well as the physical stability and viscosity of clay-water dispersions. We selected as suitable Portuguese clays for health applications the samples A-Pe, A-Be2, A-Sd, J-Fr , M-To, C-Lu1, C-Lu2, Pl-Ba, M-Ga and J-Ab because they represent safe materials, with an adequate composition, good technological, physicochemical and thermal properties for application, also presenting an adequate rheology when dispersed in water. Their most relevant characteristics are the high clay minerals content, abundant smectite, illite and kaolinite, and safe hazardous concentrations. They also showed moderate capacity to exchange Ca 2+, high plasticity, low abrasivity, high speci c heat and slow cooling kinetics. They evidenced fair powder owability and good potential to formulate viscous dispersions when stabilized. Because the majority of the assessed characteristics are in accordance with those presented by clays applied in European spas for pelotherapy, we considered this group of clays also suitable for medical hydrology treatments in Portuguese spas.


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O presente estudo diz respeito a um trabalho de pesquisa no âmbito de uma Tese de Mestrado incluída no segundo ciclo de estudos do curso de Engenharia Geotécnica e Geoambiente, realizado sobre as condições de desidroxilação para a obtenção de metacaulino com propriedades cimentíceas, a partir da fracção argilosa proveniente dos finos residuais da produção de areias de natureza granítica. O produto resultante da alteração e desintegração dos feldspatos constituintes dos granitos são ricos em caulinite. Na natureza e em particular no Norte de Portugal, existem significativos depósitos cauliníticos com características potenciadoras para a produção de metacaulino. O metacaulino utilizado neste estudo foi obtido de uma amostra de argila submetida a 750oC, por um período de tempo de 30 minutos, processo que permitiu a desidroxilação quase total da matéria-prima, transformando esta numa fase amorfa e irreversível, com propriedades pozolânicas. Os metacaulinos, também conhecidos por geopolímeros, são produtos de fácil produção utilizando uma matéria-prima abundante e proporcionam a obtenção de novos produtos que permitem a substituição parcial do cimento Portland normal na composição das pastas de betão, com vantagens significativas no comportamento mecânico e na resistência aos agentes atmosféricos. Neste estudo são apresentados os resultados dos ensaios de caracterização da matéria-prima, das condições de calcinação e do produto resultante da desidroxilação, nomeadamente a determinação da pozolanicidade e das características fundamentais para a aplicabilidade do produto. No âmbito da especialidade de Georrecursos, consideramos que este trabalho está perfeitamente adequado, já que, para além do estudo para o conhecimento das propriedades da matéria-prima, foi possível, através das alterações introduzidas com o tratamento térmico, obter um novo produto, cuja utilização terá importantes reflexos na sustentabilidade dos recursos naturais e sua utilização.


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This paper describes the palaeoweathering, cementation, clay minerals association and other closely related characteristics of central Portugal allostratigraphic Tertiary units (SLD's), that can be used for palaeoclimatic interpretation and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. Lateral and vertical changes in palaeosols are of value for improving our understanding of the autocyclic and allocyclic controls on sediment acumulation in an alluvial basin, but they can also have stratigraphic importance. In some cases it is concluded that the geomorphological setting may have been more decisive than climatic conditions to the production of the palaeoweathering. During late Palaeogene (SLD7-8), surface and near-surface silicification were developed on tectonically stable land surfaces of minimal local relief under a semi-arid climate; groundwater flow was responsible for some eodiagenesis calcareous accumulations, with the neoformation of palygorskite. Conditions during the Miocene (SLD9-11) were favourable for the smectization of the metamorphic basement and arenization of granites. Intense rubefaction associated with basement conversion into clay (illite and kaolinite), is ascribed to internal drainage during late Messinian-Zanclean (SLD12). During Piacenzian (SLD13) intense kaolinization and hydromorphism are typical, reflecting a more humid and hot temperate climate and important Atlantic fluvial drainage. Later on (Gelasian-early Pleistocene ?; SLD14). more cold and dry conditicns are interpreted, at the beginning of the fluvial incision sage. Silica cementation is identified in the upper Eocence-Oligocene ? (SLD18; the major period of silicification), middle to upper Miocene (SLD10)and upper Tortonian-Messinian (SLD11); these occurrences are compatible with either arid or semi-arid conditions and the establishment of a flat landscape upon which a silcrete was developed.


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The formation of the Sar Cheshmeh porphyry Cu-Mo deposit is related to the culmination of calc-alkaline igneous activity in the Kerman region. The deposit comprises a suite of Late Cenozoic intrusive sub-volcanic and extrusive rocks emplaced into a folded series of Eocene andesitic lavas and pyroclastic sediments. The earliest stage of magmatism was emplacement of a large granodiorite stock about 29 m.y.b.p. This was followed by intrusion of two separate porphyritic bodies at 15 (Sar Cheshrneh porphyry) and 12 m.y.b.p. (Late porphyry) and a series of sub-volcanic dikes between 12 and 9 m.y.b.p. Magmatic activity terminated with multi-phase extrusion of a Pelean dacitic dome complex between 10 and 2.8 m.y.b.p. The country rocks and the earlier porphyritic intrusions are pervasively altered to biotite-rich potassium silicate (metasomatic and hydrothermal) sericite-clay, phyllic and chlorite-clay, argillic assemblages. These grade outwards to an extensive propylitic zone. Within the ore body, the later intra-. and post-mineral dikes only reach the propylitic grade. At least three different sets of quartz veins are present, including a sericite-chlorite-quartz set which locally retrogrades pervasive secondary biotite to sericite. In the hypogene zone, metasomatic and hydrothermal alteration is related to all stages of magmatism but copper mineralization and veining are restricted to a period of 15 to 9 m.y.b.p.related to the early intrusive phases. The copper mineralization and silicate alteration do not fit a simple annular ring model but have been greatly modified by, 1. The existence of an ititial, outer ring, of metasomatic alteration overprinted by an inner.ring of hydrothermal alteration and, 2. later extensive dilating effects of intra- and post-mineral dikes. The hydrothermal clay mineral assemblage in the hypogene zone is illite-chlorite-kaolinite-smectite (beidellite). Preliminary studies indicate that the amount of each of these clays varies vertically and that hydrothermal zonation of clay minerals is possible. However, these minerals alter to illite-kaolinite assemblages in the supergene sulfide zone and to more kaolinite-rich assemblages in the supergene leached zone. Hydrothermal biotite breaks down readily in the supergene zone and is not well preserved in surface outcrops. The distribution of copper minerals in the supergene sulfide enrichment zone is only partly related to rock type being more dependent on topography and the availability of fractures.


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This thesis is an attempt to Provenence, Sedimentetion and Geochemistry of the Modern Sediments of the Mud Banks off the Central Kerela Coast, India. In the present doctoral work, an attempt has been made to study in detail the mud banks of central Kerala, i.e. of Narakkal, Saudi and Purakkad areas which are reported as permanent mud banks, since olden days. The studies have been conducted during the years 1985 and 1986. The important findings of the study is stated as clay mineralogical studies of the rivers, lake and mud bank sediments reveal that the dominant clay mineral is kaolinite followed by montmorillonite, illite and gibbsite. Geochemical analysis of the Vembanad lake and mud bank sediments show that the iron and manganese are widely distributed both in the lake and mud bank sediments


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Judged by their negative nutrient balances, low soil cover and low productivity, the predominant agro-pastoral farming systems in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of West Africa are highly unsustainable for crop production intensification. With kaolinite as the main clay type, the cation exchange capacity of the soils in this region, often less than 1 cmol_c kg^-1 soil, depends heavily on the organic carbon (Corg) content. However, due to low carbon sequestration and to the microbe, termite and temperature-induced rapid turnover rates of organic material in the present land-use systems, Corg contents of the topsoil are very low, ranging between 1 and 8 g kg^-1 in most soils. For sustainable food production, the availability of phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) has to be increased considerably in combination with an improvement in soil physical properties. Therefore, the adoption of innovative management options that help to stop or even reverse the decline in Corg typically observed after cultivating bush or rangeland is of utmost importance. To maintain food production for a rapidly growing population, targeted applications of mineral fertilisers and the effective recycling of organic amendments as crop residues and manure are essential. Any increase in soil cover has large effects in reducing topsoil erosion by wind and water and favours the accumulation of wind-blown dust high in bases which in turn improves P availability. In the future decision support systems, based on GIS, modelling and simulation should be used to combine (i) available fertiliser response data from on-station and on-farm research, (ii) results on soil productivity restoration with the application of mineral and organic amendments and (iii) our present understanding of the cause-effect relationships governing the prevailing soil degradation processes. This will help to predict the effectiveness of regionally differentiated soil fertility management approaches to maintain or even increase soil Corg levels.


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Fine-grained sediments on land, or in a freshwater or marine environment, may become contaminated with a wide range of pollutants including hydrocarbons. This paper is concerned with preliminary studies of the mobilization and transportation of hydrocarbons, during the process of consolidation, to adjacent sediments or water bodies. A modified Rowe Cell was used to measure the consolidation properties of prepared kaolinite and bentonite clay-water slurries, with and without the addition of oil, along with hydrocarbon-bearing drill-cuttings samples taken from the sea-bed adjacent to two North Sea oil-well platforms. The consolidation properties of the kaolinite and bentonite clay slurries were little altered by the addition of oil, which was present at concentrations of between 8073 and 59 572 mg kg(-1). During each consolidation stage, samples of the expelled pore-fluids were collected and analysed for oil content. These values were very low in comparison with the original oil concentration in the samples and changed little between each consolidation stage. Analysis of the slurry samples both before and after consolidation confirms that, proportionally, little oil is removed as a result of consolidation. The implication of these results is that, for the range of samples tested, the very high hydraulic gradients and particle rearrangements that occur during the process of consolidation are capable of releasing only proportionally small amounts of oil bound to the fine-grained clay and silt particles.