998 resultados para José Saramago (1922-2010)
This study had the purpose of evaluating the effects of two management types of sugarcane: harvesting of burnt cane (BCH) and mechanized harvesting of unburnt green cane (MCH), on some soil physical properties of a dystrophic Rhodic Haplustox. The data were then compared with results for the same soil type under native forest. A completely randomized design was used, with three treatments and 20 replications. The following characteristics were determined: organic matter, aggregate stability, soil bulk density, and porosity at depths of 0-0.20 m and soil penetration resistance. After 15 years of cultivation, there were some alterations in the soil under cane burnt before harvesting, evidenced by a drop in the weighted average diameter of stable aggregates in water and increased soil bulk density. Significant changes were also detected in total porosity and pore distribution under both harvesting systems. Critical values for penetration resistance were observed in the area under mechanized sugar cane harvesting, with a value of 4.5 MPa in the 40-55 cm layer. This value is considered high and could indicate compaction and restriction of root growth. Soil properties under the green cane (unburned) management system were closest to those of the soil under native forest.
We analyze the constraints on the mass and mixing of a superstring-inspired E6 Z' neutral gauge boson that follow from the recent precise Z mass measurements and show that they depend very sensitively on the assumed value of the W mass and also, to a lesser extent, on the top-quark mass.
Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein (MSW) solutions of the solar neutrino problem predict a seasonal dependence of the zenith angle distribution of the event rates, due to the nonzero latitude at the Super-Kamiokande site. We calculate this seasonal dependence and compare it with the expectations in the no-oscillation case as well as just-so scenario, in the light of the latest Super-Kamiokande 708-day data. The seasonal dependence can be sizable in the large mixing angle MSW solution and would be correlated with the day-night effect. This may be used to discriminate between MSW and just-so scenarios and should be taken into account in refined fits of the data.
L'obra és una biografia completa i extensa del doctor Martín Vallejo Lobón, que fou catedràtic de Patologia Mèdica a la Universitat de Barcelona entre els anys 1902 i 1919.
A més d'un cens dels professionals sanitaris, en aquest llibre es porta a terme un estudi profund de la seva mentalitat, del nepotisme existent entre ells, els privilegis, la jerarquització i els contractes salarials. L'autor també fa una anàlisi de l'origen geogràfic d'aquests professionals i de la seva extracció social. Tot plegat sorgeix de l'estudi d'arxius municipals i parroquials.
Aquest és un dels treballs de López Gómez que s'insereix en la línia d'estudi de les topografies mèdiques com a material molt útil per al¿estudi de la història de la medicina a nivell local. En aquest cas estudia les topografies mèdiques de la província de Burgos a partir de documents conservats a l¿Arxiu de la Reial Acadèmia de Medicina de Barcelona. També inclou un petit estudi sobre la biografia i obra del doctor Ildefonso Díez Santaolalla (1851-1929).
En primer lloc, aquest llibre conté una traducció i transcripció de la Topografia Mèdica de Vic, d'Antoni Millet, de 1798. Aquesta transcripció es completa amb una investigació analítica i detallada del context cultural en què sorgiren les primeres topografies mèdiques al nostre país.El present document suposa el redescobriment d'una figura rellevant de la medicina catalana, Antoni Millet, de qui també es recull una segona obra entorn a una epidèmia que afectà la ciutat de Ripoll l'any 1790.
Aquest llibre és un recull de sis articles del mateix autor, alguns publicats en altres mitjans i altres inèdits, entorn a la creació i activitat del "Real Colegio de Cirugía de Burgos" durant els seus 25 anys de vida.Les fonts utilitzades han estat diverses, desde protocols notarials, llibres d'acords municipals, actes catedralícies, fons de l'arxiu diocesà, documentació del Reial Col·legi de Barcelona o l'Arxiu General de Simancas.
El artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio orientado a conocer los efectos de un sistema de evaluación continua voluntaria usando la plataforma Moodle y un amplio banco de actividades, basadas en trabajos individuales y colaborativos, que el alumnado puede escoger. El objetivo de proponer este sistema de evaluación es doble. Por un lado, se persigue involucrar al alumnado ausente en el seguimiento de la evaluación continua mediante un entorno virtual. Por otro lado, se quiere motivar al alumnado en general en su aprendizaje a través de actividades continuas y orientadas a la práctica. El estudio se ha llevado a cabo en el contexto de una asignatura formada por dos grupos de los estudios de Administración y Dirección de Empresas de la Universidad de Barcelona. Como indicadores de bondad del sistema se han considerado la participación del alumnado en las actividades de evaluación y las notas finales. Los resultados han puesto de manifiesto la capacidad del sistema de involucrar al alumnado que asiste a clase en la realización de un mínimo de actividades y mejorar su aprendizaje, así como la incapacidad de involucrar significativamente al alumnado que no asiste a clase. Como conclusiones del estudio se apuntan la importancia de diseñar un buen modelo de feed-back y apostar más por tareas pensadas desde los enfoques de la evaluación auténtica.
Background The global mortality caused by cardiovascular disease increases with weight. The Framingham study showed that obesity is a cardiovascular risk factor independent of other risks such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and smoking. Moreover, the main problem in the management of weight-loss is its maintenance, if it is achieved. We have designed a study to determine whether a group motivational intervention, together with current clinical practice, is more efficient than the latter alone in the treatment of overweight and obesity, for initial weight loss and essentially to achieve maintenance of the weight achieved; and, secondly, to know if this intervention is more effective for reducing cardiovascular risk factors associated with overweight and obesity. Methods This 26-month follow up multi-centre trial, will include 1200 overweight/obese patients. Random assignment of the intervention by Basic Health Areas (BHA): two geographically separate groups have been created, one of which receives group motivational intervention (group intervention), delivered by a nurse trained by an expert phsychologist, in 32 group sessions, 1 to 12 fortnightly, and 13 to 32, monthly, on top of their standard program of diet, exercise, and the other (control group), receiving the usual follow up, with regular visits every 3 months. Discussion By addressing currently unanswered questions regarding the maintenance in weight loss in obesity/overweight, upon the expected completion of participant follow-up in 2012, the IMOAP trial should document, for the first time, the benefits of a motivational intervention as a treatment tool of weight loss in a primary care setting.
Background The global mortality caused by cardiovascular disease increases with weight. The Framingham study showed that obesity is a cardiovascular risk factor independent of other risks such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and smoking. Moreover, the main problem in the management of weight-loss is its maintenance, if it is achieved. We have designed a study to determine whether a group motivational intervention, together with current clinical practice, is more efficient than the latter alone in the treatment of overweight and obesity, for initial weight loss and essentially to achieve maintenance of the weight achieved; and, secondly, to know if this intervention is more effective for reducing cardiovascular risk factors associated with overweight and obesity. Methods This 26-month follow up multi-centre trial, will include 1200 overweight/obese patients. Random assignment of the intervention by Basic Health Areas (BHA): two geographically separate groups have been created, one of which receives group motivational intervention (group intervention), delivered by a nurse trained by an expert phsychologist, in 32 group sessions, 1 to 12 fortnightly, and 13 to 32, monthly, on top of their standard program of diet, exercise, and the other (control group), receiving the usual follow up, with regular visits every 3 months. Discussion By addressing currently unanswered questions regarding the maintenance in weight loss in obesity/overweight, upon the expected completion of participant follow-up in 2012, the IMOAP trial should document, for the first time, the benefits of a motivational intervention as a treatment tool of weight loss in a primary care setting.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a capacidade de crescimento radicular de 75 genótipos de cereais de inverno em cultivo hidropônico, em diferentes concentrações de alumínio, avaliar a relação entre o grau de tolerância/sensibilidade, em solução hidropônica, e a resistência/suscetibilidade ao crestamento em campo. Os cereais cevada, triticale, centeio, trigo e Aegilops tauschii foram avaliados em hidroponia, com concentrações de Al3+ que variaram entre 0,5 (cevada), 2 e 6 (triticale), 6 e 10 (centeio) e 2 mg L-1 (trigo e Ae. tauschii). Os delineamentos experimentais foram inteiramente casualizados. Em campo, foram avaliados os mesmos genótipos, exceto Ae. tauschii, em solo com pH 4,4 e 4,85, corrigido a 1/2 e 1/4 do índice SMP. Utilizou-se uma escala de notas com variação de escores de 0,5 (altamente resistente) a 5 (altamente suscetível). Foi observada elevada relação entre a tolerância ao alumínio em hidroponia e a resistência ao crestamento em campo. A seleção de cereais em meio hidropônico pode ser considerada eficiente como ferramenta de apoio aos programas de melhoramento genético para essa característica.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da inoculação de Bradyrhizobium em pré-semeadura de soja e o efeito do tratamento das sementes com fungicidas na nodulação. Foram usados controles sem inoculação, que receberam ou não a aplicação de 200 kg ha-1 de N. A inoculação em pré-semeadura mostrou desempenho igual à inoculação padrão quanto à nodulação, produção de matéria seca, produtividade de grãos e acúmulo de nitrogênio nos tecidos e grãos da soja. Entretanto, quando as sementes foram tratadas com fungicidas, houve redução da nodulação e da produtividade.