949 resultados para John, of Austria, 1629-1679.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The memoirs were originally written for the Harvard University competition in 1940 and were translated by the author in 2001. Reflections on his childhood in Germany and Austria. His parents were both from Poland. They moved to Vienna in 1921, where his father opened a haberdashery store in the Second district (Leopoldstadt). Otto attended primary school in Czerningasse. Birth of his sister Cecile in 1924. After his failing business endeavors his father decided to move back to Germany, where the family opened a department store in Elbing, East Prussia. Otto attended Gymnasium, where he was one of only two Jewish students in his class. Growing Nazi movement among students. Summer vacations on the Baltic Sea. Private piano lessons. Hitler’s rise in Germany and life under National Socialism. Bar mitzvah in 1933. Anti-Jewish boycotts. His father fled to Vienna in order to escape a rounding up of Jews. The family followed soon after to Austria. Otto attended Gymnasium in the Zirkusgasse and started to work as a tutor. Member of a youth group and hiking tours in the mountains. Recollections of the Anschluss in 1938. Fervent attempts to obtain an exit visa for the United States, where they had a relative in New York. Description of discriminations and frequent attacks on Jewish friends and relatives in the weeks after the Anschluss. Otto was picked up by Nazi stormtroops. He was forced to hold up an anti-Jewish sign and was walked up and down, receiving beatings and spittings in front of a jeering crowd. Detailed account of the atmosphere within the Jewish population. The Gymnasium Zirkusgasse was transferred into a Jewish school. Frequent attacks of Hitler Youths on the students. Preparations for the “Matura” despite the turmoil. In June of 1938 his father was arrested and sent to Dachau concentration camp. After passing the final exams, Otto planned on leaving the country illegally, since he was subject to the Polish quota for the United States with


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The book contains an introduction by Paul Weisz and a collection of family letters written during World War II. The letters were written between February 1938 and September 1945. Some were translated into English and complemented by commentary by the editor, Paul Weisz. Paul Weisz' introduction is 10 pages long and serves as a short memoir by itself. He provides a family chronicle, the living circumstances of his family, and his childhood in Vienna. He ends in 1938 when the family was eager to leave Austria. The following years are covered by the various letters he brought together in this book. The authors are cousin Willie, then already in Palestine, his father Samuel, his mother Stephanie, and his sister Ruth. His father and mother fled to Belgium, but were arrested after the beginning of World War II. They were deported to internment camps in France (St. Cyprien). His sister Ruth tried to escape from Austria to Palestine via the Danube. She got stuck in Yugoslavia, and was interned in Sabac internment camp. Paul's mother died in France in 1942, his father was sent to a concentration camp in Poland and murdered. His sister Ruth was murdered in Yugoslavia. Paul was released in Canada, and was enabled to go to college. He later named his children after his family members who did not survive the Nazi terror: Stephanie, Ruth, and Samuel.


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The memoir was written between 1899 and 1918. Family history going back to the early 18th century. Recollection of the author's childhood in Hildesheim. Moritz was the youngest child of Joseph and Bena Guedemann. Early death of his father in 1847. Moritz attended the Jewish elementary school prior to the age of five. In 1843 he was enrolled in the episcopal "Josephinum Gymnasium", where he was the only Jewish student in the entire school. He had friendly relationships with students and teachers and was not confronted with antisemitism during his school years. Moritz Guedemann graduated in 1853 and enrolled in the newly established Jewish Theological Seminary in Breslau. Description of teachers and colleagues in the seminary. Doctorate in 1858 and continuation of rabbinic studies. Occasional invitation to preach at the high holidays in Berlin, where Moritz got acquainted with the famous rabbi Dr. Michael Sachs. Position as a rabbi in Magdeburg in 1862. Small publications of studies in Jewish history. Engagement with Fanny Spiegel. In 1863 Moritz and Fanny Guedemann got married. Offer to succeed rabbi Michael Sachs in Berlin. Division and intrigues in the Jewish community and withdrawing from the position. Invitation to give a sermon in Vienna. In 1866 Moritz Guedemann was nominated to succeed rabbi Mannheimer at the Leopoldstadt synagogue in Vienna. Austro-Prussian war and defeat of Austria in Koeniggraetz. Initial difficulties and cultural differences. Criticism toward his orthodox conduct in the Vienna Jewish press ("Neuzeit"). Cultural life in Vienna. Welfare institutions and philanthropists. Difference within the Jewish community. Crash of the stock exchange and rise of antisemitism. Publication of sermons and studies in Jewish history. In 1891 Max Guedemann became chief rabbi of Vienna. Speeches against antisemitism and blood libel trials. He was awarded with the title "Ritter" of the Kaiser Franz Joseph order for these achievements. Death of his wife in


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Printed materials about the first Jewish museum in Vienna, Austria, which existed 1895 to 1938. Also included is a biography about Maurice (Moritz) Bronner, curator at the museum 1910-1914, by his son, Felix Bronner. Folder 2 holds copies of 2 photographs of Maurice Bronner, circa 1910 and 1965.


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Resumen: Este artículo se propone situar la categoría de nupcialidad en la circularidad hermenéutica entre lo antropológico y lo trinitario, a fin de recuperar su poder especulativo y reconfigurador tanto para la teología como para la filosofía y la mística contemporáneas. Para ello se apela a la fuerza de las existencias teologales de Juan de la Cruz, Edith Stein y Christophe Lebreton. A partir de sus testimonios el artículo postula una relación fecunda entre Estética teológica y Ontología trinitaria que redunda en una caracterización actualizada de la nupcialidad compuesta por ocho notas distintivas que el texto desarrolla.


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Resumen: Sin pretender “espiritualizar” la teología del padre Rafael Tello, este artículo ofrece algunas de las vertientes en las que abreva la espiritualidad de la pastoral popular de la que el teólogo argentino es uno de sus más originales representantes. Indagaremos en ciertos núcleos teologales y teológicos que nos permitirán registrar una continuidad entre teología y vida, al tiempo que nos dejarán en el umbral de una propuesta evangelizadora que no es posible comprender sin esta manera de vivir la fe cristiana. De la mano de figuras tradicionales de la mística y de la teología como san Juan de la Cruz y santo Tomás de Aquino, el padre Tello nos propone recrear la vivencia del evangelio para los tiempos actuales.


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Autorka, stawiając pytanie o zasadność pojęcia Europy Środkowej, przypomina historię różnic poglądowych pomiędzy czeskimi a polskimi uczonymi na temat (nie)istnienia wspólnoty na tym terytorium: ci pierwsi w XIX wieku głosili ideę panslawizmu, w 30-tych latach XX wieku potrzebę syntezy kultur i literatur słowiańskich, a po II wojnie światowej przeciwstawiali słowiańskość Zachodowi, co wywoływało krytykę tych drugich. Stąd wynika odmienne rozumienie obszaru środkowoeuropejskiego – w Czechach przeważnie lokowanego w granicach Austro-Węgier, zaś w Polsce pojmowanego znacznie szerzej. Natomiast pewnego rodzaju spójny wyróżnik Europy Środkowej można znaleźć w literaturze, przytaczany bywa szczególnie gatunek powieści (np. Kafki, Haška, Musila, Gombrowicza), poprzedzony – jak przypomina autorka – polską gawędą i popularnym w Polsce szkicem fizjologicznym. Zawarty w nich element humoru, przeszedł w stadium satyry, a następnie groteski, tworząc dzięki temu niepowtarzalny odcień humoru środkowoeuropejskiego, często określanego jako drugi wyróżnik omawianego terytorium. Zdaniem autorki, środkowoeuropejska specyfika ściśle związana jest z kodem euroatlantyckim, a w tym właśnie kontekście zawsze powinna być rozpatrywana.


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O estudo foca a relação entre os saberes ribeirinhos quilombolas e Educação de Jovens e Adultos investigando as possibilidades com que os saberes ribeirinhos quilombolas da comunidade de São João do Médio Itacuruçá se relaciona com a Educação de Jovens e Adultos e como se inserem no contexto escolar. De maneira específica buscamos identificar a dimensão do contexto da comunidade de São João destacando os saberes ribeirinhos quilombolas; investigar a relação dos saberes ribeirinhos quilombolas com a Educação de Jovens e Adultos e proporcionar reflexões sobre o desafio da Educação de Jovens e Adultos frente as perspectivas pedagógicas no contexto escolar desses sujeitos. O trabalho foi de cunho qualitativo, com trabalho de campo na comunidade de São João do Médio Itacuruçá com aporte em fontes bibliográficas pertinentes à temática tendo por base livros, dissertações, teses,artigos, sites. Os resultados pontuam a relevância dos saberes ribeirinhos quilombolas na comunidade e, como o quefazer da Educação de Jovens e Adultos,que se constitui meio à organização política vem contribuindo nos novos direcionamentos de uma educação voltada às especificidades de seus sujeitos. Entretanto a comunidade de São João com os saberes próprios diante de suas organizações políticas, ainda não conseguiu inovar pedagogicamente na Educação de Jovens e Adultos, embora perspectivas de mudanças já se façam presente.


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Zusammenfassung Die Betreuung geriatrischer Patientinnen und Patienten setzt, nebst einer entsprechenden Haltung, fundierte Kenntnisse in Diagnostik und Behandlung praktisch aller medizinischen Fachgebiete voraus. Daher ist es wichtig, dass die Kompetenz von Studierenden der Humanmedizin im Bereich Geriatrie entsprechend gefördert wird. Bis heute hat jedoch die studentische Ausbildung im Fach Geriatrie an vielen europäischen Universitäten einen unklaren oder untergeordneten Stellenwert. Als ersten Schritt zur Förderung der Lehre in der Geriatrie hat die Europäische Facharztvereinigung Geriatrie (UEMS-GMS) in einem Delphi-Prozess einen Lernzielkatalog entwickelt. Dieser Katalog enthält die Mindestanforderungen mit spezifischen Lernzielen (Wissen, Fertigkeiten und Haltungen), welche die Studierenden der Humanmedizin bezüglich Geriatrie bis zum Abschluss des Medizinstudiums erwerben sollen. Zur Förderung der Implementierung dieses neuen, kompetenzbasierten Lernzielkatalogs an den deutschsprachigen Universitäten wurde eine an den Sprachgebrauch des „DACH-Raums“ (Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz) angepasste deutsche Version erstellt. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird diese Übersetzung vorgestellt. Die Fachgesellschaften für Geriatrie aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz empfehlen den medizinischen Fakultäten der jeweiligen Länder, diesen Katalog umzusetzen.


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Focusing on one manuscript, today in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, this chapter deals with the question how early modern objects became collectable items. The manuscript is categorized as MS. Douce 387 and its name indicates that it came from the collection of Francis Douce (1757–1834), who was keeper of manuscripts in the British Museum from 1799 until 1811. MS. Douce 387 is described in the catalogue of the Douce’ian collection as the “presentation copy with coloured designs by Marten de Vos and others” of the 1595 printed festival book Descriptio publicae gratulationis … in adventu … Ernesti archiducis Austriae. This festival book, printed in Antwerp’s Plantin-Moretus press, was commissioned by the magistrate of the city of Antwerp to commemorate the Joyous Entry of Archduke Ernest of Austria from June 1594; that an “archducal copy” bound in red velvet was commissioned as well and was owned by the Archduke is know as well. However, first research showed that Oxford copy cannot be this “archducal copy” or Marten de Vos’s artist’s copy even though it is the only know version with a handwritten text and hand-drawn illustrations. It rather should be examined as something totally different altogether. The main question remains why someone then commissioned a hand made version of this festival book, something unknown for other books of this genre? Why would someone between 1600 and 1800 sit down and copy texts and prints from a collectable book? Why was there such an on-going interest in early modern festival books? Could this manuscript be the only later made copy of the “archducal volume” or is it rather a forgery made for the European collectors’ market?