1000 resultados para Itä-Eurooppa - kommunistit


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the influence of stress on teaching medical emergencies in an Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) course and to verify this influence on learning, and the efficiency of emergency care training. METHODS: Seventeen physicians signed up for an ACLS course. Their pulses were taken and blood pressure (BP) verified on the first day, before the beginning of the course, and on the second day, during the theoretical and practical test (TPT). Variations in pulse rates and BP were compared with students' test grades. Then, students answered a questionnaire of variables (QV) about the amount of sleep they had during the course, the quantity of study material and the time spent studying for the course, and a stress scale graphic. RESULTS: Seven students had a pulse variation less than 10% between the 2 periods and 10 had a 10% or more variation. Grades on TPT were, respectively, 91.4±2.4 and 87.3±5.2 (p<0.05). Six students had a BP variation less than 20 mmHg, and in 11 it varied more than 21 mmHg. Grades on the TPT were 92.3±3.3 and 86.2± 8.1, respectively (p<0.05). The QV dates did not significantly influence grades. CONCLUSION: Stress, as an isolated variable, had a negative influence on the learning process and on the efficiency of emergency training in this situation.


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La percepción, consumo y manejo de recursos naturales forma parte del conocimiento tradicional de distintas poblaciones humanas e involucra diversidad de actividades (recolección de plantas, caza y pesca, etc). Entre los vegetales, el uso de plantas medicinales se destaca por su persistencia y ubicuidad. El recurso animal, a través de la caza y la pesca, es fundamental como fuente de alimento y empleo. El sistema Mar Chiquita-Bañados del Río Dulce se destaca por su biodiversidad y la existencia de prácticas tradicionales de uso. La presión por conversión de ambientes naturales a tierras dedicadas al cultivo es fuerte, afectando principalmente a los bosques autóctonos, y las especies animales que en él habitan. Además, la desaparición de ambientes naturales conlleva la pérdida de prácticas tradicionales de uso, con la consiguiente deculturación. El presente trabajo evaluará la percepción y utilización de recursos naturales por los pobladores del área de influencia de Bañados del Río Dulce y Laguna Mar Chiquita, centrándose en plantas medicinales, peces, aves y mamíferos, a la vez de indagar sobre la diversidad de percepciones y conductas de apropiación de los recursos, dado que en la región coexisten diferentes pautas socio-culturales de acuerdo al grupo de procedencia. Como metodología básica para la recolección de datos de percepción y uso se utilizarán encuestas semi-estructuradas. Sobre el origen étnico y lazos sociales se relevarán de fuentes escritas sobre procedencia, pautas de elección de pareja y formas de residencia. Los muestreos de fauna a campo se realizarán al azar estratificados en pastizal, bosque, y áreas relacionadas a humedales en busca de huellas, heces y señales de la presencia de especies animales focales, a la vez de prospección visual y auditiva. Los datos obtenidos acerca del conocimiento y uso del ambiente se presentarán y analizarán mediante técnicas específicas para análisis de datos antropológicos cualitativos y madiante ANOVA. Los datos sobre origen y lazos serán analizados según indicadores de endogamia geográfica e indicadores de endogamia reproductiva. Los datos de presencia de las especies se utilizarán para desarrollar modelos de distribución regional y de nicho ecológico. Se espera caracterizar en forma diferencial la percepción y uso del ambiente de acuerdo al origen o área de residencia, a la vez de generar mapas de distribución de especies focales. Asimismo, se propondrán acciones de conservación de la biodiversidad, tales como cartillas o talleres tendientes a reforzar y re-significar los conocimientos locales sobre el uso de flora y fauna.


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The idea for this thesis arose from a chain of reactions first set in motion by a particular experience. In keeping with the contemporary need to deconstruct every phenomenon it seemed important to analyse this experience in the hope of a satisfactory explanation. The experience referred to is the aesthetic experience provoked by works of art. The plan for the thesis involved trying to establish whether the aesthetic experience is unique and individual, or whether it is one that is experienced universally. Each question that arises in the course of this exploration promotes a dialectical reaction. I rely on the history of aesthetics as a philosophical discipline to supply the answers. This study concentrates on the efforts by philosophers and critical theorists to understand the tensions between the empirical and the emotional, the individual and the universal responses to the sociological, political and material conditions that prevail and are expressed through the medium of art. What I found is that the history of aesthetics is full of contradictory evidence and cannot provide a dogmatic solution to the questions posed. In fact what is indicated is that the mystery that attaches to the aesthetic experience is one that can also apply to the spiritual or transcendent experience. The aim of this thesis is to support the contribution of visual art in the spiritual well being of human development and supports the uniqueness of the evaluation and aesthetic judgement by the individual of a work of art. I suggest that mystery will continue to be of value in the holistic development of human beings and this mystery can be expressed through visual art. Furthermore, this thesis might suggest that what could be looked at is whether a work of art may be redemptive in its affect and offset the current decline in affective religious practice.


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სტატია მომზადდა ევროაკადემიის საერთაშორისო კონფერენციისთვის „აღმოსავლეთ ევროპის ხელახლა გამოგონება"


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Informatik, Diss., 2009


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Informatik, Diss., 2012


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This volume contains publications of the 1st International Conference on Applied Innovations in IT (ICAIIT), which took place in Koethen March 25th 2013. The conference is devoted to problems of applied research in the fields of mechanical and economical engineering, auotmation and communications as well as of data mining. The research results can be of interest for researchers and development engineers, who deal with theoretical base and the application of the knowledge in the respective areas.