926 resultados para Islam--Turkey--Biography


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El artículo forma parte de una sección dedicada a innovación en este número, a la escuela laica


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El artículo forma parte de una sección dedicada a innovación, en este número, a la escuela laica


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n. - El art??culo forma parte del monogr??fico de la revista dedicado a: Los libros de texto


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Título anterior de la publicación: Boletín de la Comisión Española de la UNESCO


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Tradicionalment s'ha considerat l'ocupació de Girona pels francs (any 785) com el moment "fundacional" de la ciutat medieval, en paral·lel a la consideració que ha merescut l'època de Carlemany (final del segle VIII i principi del IX) com una època formativa en la història de Catalunya. Però tenim raons per pensar que aquells moments no significaren un gran terrabastall en una ciutat que, des de començament del segle VIII, jugava un paper polític i militar significatiu en els esdeveniments de l'anomenada Marca Superior, el territori musulmà proper a les terres del regne franc. Més endavant, un cop incorporada a l'imperi carolingi, Girona mantingué la seva condició de ciutat capital de frontera o marca, fins a la conquesta de Barcelona l'any 801. Volem historiar, en la mesura del possible, aquesta etapa d'uns quaranta anys -entre 759 i 801- quan la ciutat visqué en primera línia i, també, protagonitzà les vicissituds de l'enfrontament entre dos dels grans estats d'aquell moment: la monarquia franca dels carolingis i l'emirat omeia A'al-Andalús. Els moviments d'anada i tomada dels seus exèrcits van situar Girona en primera línia de combat en aquells anys, fins a la definitiva consolidació del poder franc a principis del segle IX


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In 2005 the EU and Turkey officially started accession negotiations that were intended to lead to Turkey’s full membership of the EU. Yet today, the Turkish accession process has virtually ground to a halt and lost all credibility. Talk of alternatives to full membership can be heard from various sides; we highlight four instances of what we call ‘parallelism’, namely the elusive concept of a ‘privileged partnership’, the EU-Turkey customs union, the recently launched ‘Positive Agenda’ and Turkish participation in the Energy Community Treaty. While a privileged partnership represents a more comprehensive but still remote framework for EU-Turkish relations, the latter three are merely an escape route from preaccession. We conclude our analysis with a discussion on Turkey’s possible membership of the European Economic Area, which in effect would serve none of the parties involved. We conclude that both partners, the EU and Turkey, would be well advised to remember their pre-accession commitments of 13 years ago – for their mutual benefit.


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The Ramsar site of Lake Uluabat, western Turkey, suffers from eutrophication, urban and industrial pollution and water abstraction, and its water levels are managed artificially. Here we combine monitoring and palaeolimnological. techniques to investigate spatial and temporal limnological variability and ecosystem impact, using an ostracod and mollusc survey to strengthen interpretation of the fossil record. A combination of low invertebrate Biological Monitoring Working Party scores (<10) and the dominance of eutrophic diatoms in the modern lake confirms its poor ecological status. Palaeolimnological analysis of recent (last >200 yr) changes in organic and carbonate content, diatoms, stable isotopes, ostracods and molluscs in a lake sediment core (UL20A) indicates a 20th century trend towards increased sediment accumulation rates and eutrophication which was probably initiated by deforestation and agriculture. The most marked ecological shift occurs in the early 1960s, however. A subtle rise in diatom-inferred total phosphorus and an inferred reduction in submerged aquatic macrophyte cover accompanies a major increase in sediment accumulation rate. An associated marked shift in ostracod stable isotope data indicative of reduced seasonality and a change in hydrological input suggests major impact from artificial water management practices, all of which appears to have culminated in the sustained loss of submerged macrophytes since 2000. The study indicates it is vital to take both land-use and water management practices into account in devising restoration strategies. in a wider context, the results have important implications for the conservation of shallow karstic lakes, the functioning of which is still poorly understood. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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