1000 resultados para Iowa.
Six years ago the Northwest Iowa On-Farm Research Project was started to cooperate with local farmers to compare crop production methods on a field scale size. Through this project, over 300 replicated comparisons have been done. Beginning in 2012, the Northwest Iowa On-Farm Research project will be recognized as a part of Iowa State University Farmer Assisted Research and Management (FARM) program. This program will also expand to southwest Iowa, north central Iowa, and central Iowa.
Soybean planting date studies of various types have been conducted at this site since 1976. Earlier tests included later planting dates (May through mid-June), differing variety maturities, and comparisons with starter fertilizer and Ridomil fungicide soil treatments. Research reports on these studies can be found in previous annual progress reports with the last summary in the 2001 and 2009 reports.
To evaluate the adaptability and performance of new and promising apple rootstocks in the dwarfing size-control category, a NC-140 regional rootstock trial was established in 2010 at 12 sites in the United States (CO, IA, IL, IN, MA, MI, MN, NJ, NY, OH, UT, WI), two sites in Canada (BC, NS), and one site in Mexico (CHIH) with Honeycrisp serving as the test cultivar. The Iowa planting, located at the ISU Horticulture Research Station, includes 31 rootstocks with new selections from the Cornell-Geneva breeding program (G, CG.), Russia (Bud), Germany (PiAu), and Japan (Supp), with M.26, M.9 Pajam 2, and M.9 T337 serving as industry standards. Tissue cultured propagated (TC) rootstocks of G.41, G.202, and G.935 were included for comparison with normal (N) stool bed propagated rootstocks. This report summarizes the tree-growth characteristics of the Iowa planting during the 2011 growing season.
The ISU Western Research Farm, Castana, Iowa is one of the oldest in Iowa dating to 1946. It also has a unique location in the loess hills of western Iowa. The research farm was set up to study the deep loess soils, particularly crop production and soil conservation methods. Although the work at the research farm has transitioned away from traditional plot work, yields of major crops grown at the farm, and climate data are collected each year. Crop yields are a reflection of current technologies and weather. In western Iowa, rainfall is especially critical and is often the limiting factor.
Includes Ag Engineering and Agronomy Farm Farm and Weather Summary, Central Iowa Farms Farm and Weather Summary and Project Lists
Fungicide use on hybrid corn has increased considerably in the past three growing seasons primarily due to reports of increased yields, even in the absence of disease and higher corn prices. A number of fungicides are registered for use on corn. The objectives of this project were to 1) evaluate the yield response of hybrid corn to foliar fungicide application, 2) compare the yield response of various products and timing of application, and 3) to assess the effect of fungicide application on stalk rot development.
High-precision uranium-thorium mass spectrometric chronology and 18O-13C isotopic analysis of speleothem calcite from Cold Water Cave in northeast Iowa have been used to chart mid-Holocene climate change. Significant shifts in d18O and d13C isotopic values coincide with well-documented Holocene vegetation changes. Temperature estimates based on 18O/16O ratios suggest that the climate warmed rapidly by about 3°C at 5900 years before present and then cooled by 4°C at 3600 years before present. Initiation of a gradual increase in ?d13C at 5900 years before present suggests that turnover of the forest soil biomass was slow and that equilibrium with prairie vegetation was not attained by 3600 years before present.