982 resultados para Ionization chambers.
在类氢离子能级相对论修正的基础上,依据屏蔽方法,给出了类氟体系基态电离能的一种表达式.依据原子序数9至20的元素类氟体系基态电离能的实验数据,使用Microcal Origin软件拟合出类氟体系非电离电子平均屏蔽系数与原子序数的函数关系,总结出类氟体系基态电离能遵从的关系式并进行了验证.推算了原子序数21至40的元素类氟离子的基态电离能.
利用反应显微成像谱仪对70和100keV He2+与He原子碰撞转移电离(TI)过程中不同出射角度的电子能谱进行了测量,观测到出射电子能谱具有如下分布特征:出射电子速度分布介于0和入射离子速度vp之间;在不同出射角度电子能谱分布均有一极大值存在,随着出射角度的增大,能谱分布极大值逐渐减小;当电子出射角度等于45°时,多数电子集中在0eV附近。上述特征可由低能离子-原子碰撞"准分子"模型进行定性解释。在100keV He2+-He转移电离出射电子能谱中有靶电子被俘获至散射离子连续态(electron capture to continuum,简称ECC)电子的贡献,这可看做是动力学两步过程的作用。
利用反应显微谱仪对70keV He2+-He转移电离过程中的出射电子进行了成像,研究了出射电子的空间速度分布特征.结果表明:电子主要集中在散射平面内;在散射平面内,电子速度分布介于零与入射离子速度Vp之间(即前向出射)且在散射离子和靶核核间轴处有一极小值,呈现出典型的双峰结构.出射电子的上述分布特征可由出射电子波函数σ振幅和π振幅的干涉进行定性解释,σ振幅和π振幅对出射电子波函数的贡献与碰撞参数相关.在小碰撞参数下,π振幅的贡献更加明显;而在大碰撞参数下,σ振幅的贡献更加显著.
The processes of transfer ionization in He2+ -He collisions at energies ranging from 20 to 40 keV have been studied experimentally by means of cold target recoil ions momentum spectroscopy. From the longitudinal momentum spectra of recoil ions, different mechanisms of transfer ionization have been obtained. The results show that one of the electrons of helium atom being captured into the ground state of projectile ion He2+ and the other one emitted to the continuum state of projectile or target are the dominant mechanisms of transfer ionization. The autoionization cross section of projectile after two-electron capture into a double excited state is small. Transfer ionization for one target electron capture into ground state and the other one into the continuum of projectile mainly occurs at large impact parameter collisions.
The momentum distributions of recoil ions were measured in the single ionization of neon by electron impact at incident energies between 80 and 2300 eV. It was found that there are a noticeable number of recoil ions carrying large momenta, and the relative contributions of these ions becomes more pronounced with the further decrease of incident electron energy. These observed behaviors indicate that there is a strong projectile-target-core interaction in the single-ionization reaction. By comparing our results with those of electron-neon elastic scattering, we concluded that the elastic scattering of the projectile electron on the target core plays an important role at low and intermediate collision energies.
Pressurized capillary electrochromatography (pCEC) was coupled with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) using a coaxial sheath liquid interface. It was used for separation and analysis of peptides and proteins. The effects of organic modifier and applied voltage on separation were investigated, and the effects of pH value of the mobile phase and the concentration of the electrolyte on ESI-MS signal were investigated. The resolution and detection sensitivity with different separation methods (pCEC, capillary high-performance liquid chromatography) coupled on-line with mass spectrometry were compared for the separation of a peptide mixture. To evaluate the feasibility and reliability of the experimental setup of the system, tryptic digests of cytochrome c and modified protein as real samples were analyzed by using pCEC-ESI-MS.
The vibrationally resolved spectra of selected rotamers of m-aminophenol have been recorded by mass analyzed threshold ionization spectroscopy in connection with two-color resonant two-photon excitation scheme. The adiabatic ionization energies of the cis and trans rotamers are 61460 +/- 5 and 61734 +/- 5 cm(-1), respectively. The frequencies of modes 1 (breathing) and 18a (in-plane CH bending) are measured to be 744 and 1097 cm(-1) for the cis, and 736 and 1104 cm(-1) for the trans rotamer, respectively. This indicates that different orientation of the OH with respect to the NH2 substituent only slightly influences these two modes. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Cluster assisted photoionization processes of benzene, which was seeded in argon, induced by an intense 25 ns Nd-YAG laser has been studied by means of time-of-flight mass spectrometry. At the laser intensity of 10(11) W/cm(2), multicharged ions Cq+ (q = 2-3) with kinetic energy up to 150 eV were observed in the mass spectra. Strong evidences Support that these ions are formed in the Coulomb explosion of multicharged benzene cluster ions. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The applicability of on-line coupling of reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography to atmospheric pressure ionization tandem mass spectrometry for the separation and characterization of hop acids mixture from the crude extract of Humulus lupulus was investigated. The solvent system consisting of acetonitrile-aqueous formic acid was used to give proper separation of the six main hop bitter acids within 30 min. Further structural information about the components was acquired by collision-induced dissociation (CID). On the basis of analyses of the fragmentation patterns of the major alpha- and beta-bitter acids respectively, identification of the minor ones was performed using selected reaction monitoring (SRM) with a group of qualitatively relevant selected precursor-product ion transitions for each bitter acid in a single high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) run. Using this technique, six minor hop acids, including "adprelupulone" observed for the first time in natural resources, were detected along with the six major acids. This hyphenated techniques provides potency for rapid qualitative determination of analogs and homologs in mixtures. (C) 2004 American Society for Mass Spectrometry.
Desorption/ionization on silicon mass spectrometry (DIOS-MS) is a matrix-free technique that allows for the direct desorption/ionization of low-molecular-weight compounds with little or no fragmentation of analytes. This technique has a relatively high tolerance for contaminants commonly found in biological samples. DIOS-MS has been applied to determine the activity of immobilized enzymes on the porous silicon surface. Enzyme activities were also monitored with the addition of a competitive inhibitor in the substrate solution. It is demonstrated that this method can be applied to the screening of enzyme inhibitors. Furthermore, a method for peptide mapping analysis by in situ digestion of proteins on the porous silicon surface modified by trypsin, combined with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight-MS has been developed.