992 resultados para Invasive Fungal-infections
Invasive mold infections are life-threatening diseases for which appropriate antifungal therapy is crucial. Their epidemiology is evolving, with the emergence of triazole-resistant Aspergillus spp. and multidrug-resistant non-Aspergillus molds. Despite the lack of interpretive criteria, antifungal susceptibility testing of molds may be useful in guiding antifungal therapy. The standard broth microdilution method (BMD) is demanding and requires expertise. We assessed the performance of a commercialized gradient diffusion method (Etest method) as an alternative to BMD. The MICs or minimal effective concentrations (MECs) of amphotericin B, voriconazole, posaconazole, caspofungin, and micafungin were assessed for 290 clinical isolates of the most representative pathogenic molds (154 Aspergillus and 136 non-Aspergillus isolates) with the BMD and Etest methods. Essential agreements (EAs) within ±2 dilutions of ≥90% between the two methods were considered acceptable. EAs for amphotericin B and voriconazole were >90% for most potentially susceptible species. For posaconazole, the correlation was acceptable for Mucoromycotina but Etest MIC values were consistently lower for Aspergillus spp. (EAs of <90%). Excellent EAs were found for echinocandins with highly susceptible (MECs of <0.015 μg/ml) or intrinsically resistant (MECs of >16 μg/ml) strains. However, MEC determinations lacked consistency between methods for strains exhibiting mid-range MECs for echinocandins. We concluded that the Etest method is an appropriate alternative to BMD for antifungal susceptibility testing of molds under specific circumstances, including testing with amphotericin B or triazoles for non-Aspergillus molds (Mucoromycotina and Fusarium spp.). Additional study of molecularly characterized triazole-resistant Aspergillus isolates is required to confirm the ability of the Etest method to detect voriconazole and posaconazole resistance among Aspergillus spp.
Amphotericin B (AB) is the standard drug for invasive fungal infection therapy. It has a broad spectrum of activity and it is the best antifungal available against most yeasts and molds. Its therapeutic use, however, is limited by significant side effects, leading to a low therapeutic index when it is used as the traditional formulation (Fungizone®). Due to self-association, AB can form pores in cholesterol-containing membranes. We propose a triglyceride-rich nanoemulsion as a delivery system for AB in low levels of aggregation to reduce the toxicity against host cells.
We assessed the risk factors associated with death in patients hospitalized for juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (JSLE) and evaluated the autopsy reports. A total of 57,159 hospitalizations occurred in our institution from 1994 to 2003, 169 of them involving 71 patients with JSLE. The most recent hospitalization of these patients was evaluated. Patients were divided into two groups based on mortality during hospitalization: those who survived (N = 53) and those who died (N = 18). The main causes of hospitalization were JSLE activity associated with infection in 52% and isolated JSLE activity in 44%. Univariate analysis showed that a greater risk of death was due to severe sepsis (OR = 17.8, CI = 4.5-70.9), systemic lupus erythematosus disease activity index (SLEDAI) ³8 (OR = 7.6, CI = 1.1-53.8), general infections (OR = 6.1, CI = 1.5-25), fungal infections (OR = 5.4, CI = 3.2-9), acute renal failure (OR = 5.1, CI = 2.5-10.4), acute thrombocytopenia (OR = 3.9, CI = 1.9-8.4), and bacterial infections (OR = 2.3, CI = 1.2-7.5). Stratified analysis showed that severe sepsis and SLEDAI ³8 were not confounder variables. In the multivariate analysis, logistic regression showed that the only independent variable in death prediction was severe sepsis (OR = 98, CI = 16.3-586.2). Discordance between clinical diagnosis and autopsy was observed in 6/10 cases. Mortality of hospitalized JSLE patients was associated with severe sepsis. Autopsy was important to determine events not detected or doubtful in dead patients and should always be requested.
Zygomycosis is an infection caused by opportunistic fungi of the Zygomycetes class, specifically those from the Mucorales and Entomophthorales orders. It is an uncommon disease, mainly restricted to immunocompromised patients. We report a case of a 73-year-old male patient with a history of fever (39°C) lasting for 1 day, accompanied by shivering, trembling, and intense asthenia. The patient was admitted to the intensive care unit with complex partial seizures, and submitted to orotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation under sedation with midazolam. The electroencephalogram showed evidence of non-convulsive status epilepticus. There is no fast specific laboratory test that permits confirmation of invasive fungal disease. Unless the physician suspects this condition, the disease may progress rapidly while the patient is treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics. Differential diagnosis between fungal and bacterial infection is often difficult. The clinical presentation is sometimes atypical, and etiological investigation is not always successful. In the present case, the histopathological examination of the biopsy obtained from the right temporal lobe indicated the presence of irregular, round, thick-walled fungi forming papillae and elongated structures of irregular diameter, with no septa, indicative of zygomycete (Basidiobolus). Treatment with liposomal amphotericin B and fluconazole was initiated after diagnosis of meningoencephalitis by zygomycete, with a successful outcome.
Les maladies constituent présentement la cause la plus importante de perte économique en aquaculture moderne. Chez certaines espèces, notamment les salmonidés (Oncorhynchus sp. et Salmo sp.), on rapporte des pertes annuelles atteignant cinquante pour cent de la production. À l’heure actuelle, les infections fongiques occupent le second rang derrière les maladies bactériennes en fonction de leur importance économique. Ces poissons sont particulièrement vulnérables à une infection fongique causée par Saprolegnia sp. qui infecte habituellement les oeufs morts. Le saprophyte ubiquitaire se propage ensuite aux oeufs sains et aux individus matures. Malheureusement, le traitement efficace de cette infection, souvent primaire et parfois secondaire, est de plus en plus difficile en raison de nouvelles réglementations restrictives entourant le vert de malachite. Jadis, ce colorant constituait le fongicide le plus efficace dans la lutte contre la saprolégniose, mais son potentiel cancérigène en limite maintenant l’utilisation. Jusqu'à présent, aucun traitement disponible n’est aussi efficace que le vert de malachite pour le contrôle de la saprolégniose. Récemment, nous sommes parvenus à isoler trois bactéries capables d’inhiber la croissance de Saprolegnia sp. in vitro. Ces trois Pseudomonas fluorescens proviennent d’une pisciculture dans laquelle survenaient des cas d’infections à Saprolegnia parasitica. En poussant la caractérisation de l’activité grâce à des analyses de chromatographie liquide haute performance et de spectrométrie de masse, nous avons réussi à isoler et à identifier la molécule responsable. L’acide phénazine-1-carboxylique (PCA), sécrété par deux de nos trois souches, cause l’inhibition de la croissance de Saprolegnia.
Les travaux effectués dans le cadre de cette thèse de doctorat avaient pour but de mettre au point des nouvelles formulations d’antifongiques sous forme de nanoparticules polymériques (NP) en vue d’améliorer l’efficacité et la spécificité des traitements antifongiques sur des souches sensibles ou résistantes de Candida spp, d’Aspergillus spp et des souches de Candida albicans formant du biofilm. Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous avons synthétisé et caractérisé un polymère à base de polyester-co-polyéther branché avec du poly(éthylène glycol) (PEG-g-PLA). En plus d’être original et innovant, ce co-polymère a l’avantage d’être non-toxique et de posséder des caractéristiques de libération prolongée. Trois antifongiques couramment utilisés en clinique et présentant une biodisponibilité non optimale ont été choisis, soient deux azolés, le voriconazole (VRZ) et l’itraconazole (ITZ) et un polyène, l’amphotéricine B (AMB). Ces principes actifs (PA), en plus des problèmes d’administration, présentent aussi d’importants problèmes de toxicité. Des NP polymériques encapsulant ces PA ont été préparées par une technique d’émulsion huile-dans-l’eau (H/E) suivie d’évaporation de solvant. Une fois fabriquées, les NP ont été caractérisées et des particules de d’environ 200 nm de diamètre ont été obtenues. Les NP ont été conçues pour avoir une structure coeur/couronne avec un coeur constitué de polymère hydrophobe (PLA) et une couronne hydrophile de PEG. Une faible efficacité de chargement (1,3% m/m) a été obtenue pour la formulation VRZ encapsulé dans des NP (NP/VRZ). Toutefois, la formulation AMB encapsulée dans des NP (NP/AMB) a montré des taux de chargement satisfaisants (25,3% m/m). En effet, le caractère hydrophobe du PLA a assuré une bonne affinité avec les PA hydrophobes, particulièrement l’AMB qui est le plus hydrophobe des agents sélectionnés. Les études de libération contrôlée ont montré un relargage des PA sur plusieurs jours. La formulation NP/AMB a été testée sur un impacteur en cascade, un modèle in vitro de poumon et a permis de démontrer le potentiel de cette formulation à être administrée efficacement par voie pulmonaire. En effet, les résultats sur l’impacteur en cascade ont montré que la majorité de la formulation s’est retrouvée à l’étage de collecte correspondant au niveau bronchique, endroit où se situent majoritairement les infections fongiques pulmonaires. Dans la deuxième partie de ces travaux, nous avons testé les nouvelles formulations d’antifongiques sur des souches planctoniques de Candida spp., d’Aspergillus spp. et des souches de Candida albicans formant du biofilm selon les procédures standardisées du National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS). Les souches choisies ont démontré des résistances aux azolés et aux polyènes. Les études d’efficacité in vitro ont permis de prouver hors de tout doute que les nouvelles formulations offrent une efficacité nettement améliorée comparée à l’agent antifongique libre. Pour mettre en lumière si l’amélioration de l’efficacité antifongique était due à une internalisation des NP, nous avons évalué le comportement des NP avec les cellules de champignons. Nous avons procédé à des études qualitatives de microscopie de fluorescence sur des NP marquées avec de la rhodamine (Rh). Tel qu’attendu, les NP ont montré une localisation intracellulaire. Pour exclure la possibilité d’une simple adhésion des NP à la surface des levures, nous avons aussi confirmé leur internalisation en microscopie confocale de fluorescence. Il est important de noter que peu d’études à ce jour ont mis l’accent sur l’élaboration de nouvelles formulations d’antifongiques à base de polymères non toxiques destinées aux traitements des mycoses, donnant ainsi une grande valeur et originalité aux travaux effectués dans cette thèse. Les résultats probants obtenus ouvrent la voie vers une nouvelle approche pour contourner les problèmes de résistances fongiques, un problème de plus en plus important dans le domaine de l’infectiologie.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo a análise das micoses sistémicas, no que respeita à sua identificação, morfologia dos agentes patogénicos que lhes dão origem, onde são endémicas, os sintomas que apresentam, os métodos de diagnóstico e as terapêuticas disponíveis para cada patologia. As micoses sistémicas são infeções causadas por fungos patogénicos primários que têm o trato respiratório como porta de entrada, e a partir daí podem disseminar-se por todo o organismo. Os agentes antifúngicos são usados no tratamento destas infeções, em que, no caso das infeções sistémicas, predominam o uso de cetoconazol (polieno), fluconazol e itraconazol (azóis). Existem ainda estudos que demonstram que as vacinas atenuadas podem ser usadas na profilaxia destas infeções. Com este trabalho conclui-se que as infeções fúngicas estão longe de ser extintas, uma vez que se verifica cada vez mais a existência de resistências por parte dos fungos aos fármacos, sendo o diagnóstico e a terapêutica usada dois parâmetros fundamentais para um tratamento eficaz.
A Mastite é a afeção mais comum do úbere e consiste na reação inflamatória dos tecidos secretores da glândula mamária, como resposta a lesões traumáticas, infeções bacterianas e fúngicas. É uma das doenças mais observadas em explorações leiteiras, com grande impacto e perdas a nível económico. O objetivo do presente estudo foi a análise da eficácia da utilização de uma terapia combinada com Cefquinoma para o tratamento de mastites, comparando a terapêutica de Cefquinoma e outra terapêutica alternativa, o tempo de tratamento aplicado e a evolução do caso clínico. O estudo foi realizado num total de 80 vacas com mastite clínica em 3 explorações na área de grande Lisboa, tendo sido registados e analisados, para cada caso, qual o tratamento usado (a terapia combinada com Cefquinoma ou a terapêutica protocolar estabelecida pela exploração), o tempo de tratamento e a sua evolução clínica (se obteve cura, morte, refugo ou perda de ¼ mamário). O estudo da eficácia da terapia combinada com Cefquinoma pretende contribuir para um melhor conhecimento da eficácia das terapias existentes como coadjuvantes da melhoria da rentabilidade das explorações leiteiras. Os resultados obtidos permitem estabelecer uma relação positiva entre a taxa de cura e a terapêutica usada.
Amphotericin B (AmB) is widely used in the treatment of systemic fungal infections, despite its toxic effects. Nephrotoxicity, ascribed as the most serious toxic effect, has been related to the state of aggregation of the antibiotic. In search of the increase in AmB antifungal activity associated with low toxicity, several AmB-amphiphile formulations have been proposed. This work focuses on the structural characterization of a specific AmB formulation: AmB associated with sonicated dioctadecyl dimethylammonium bromide (DODAB) aggregates. Here, it was confirmed that sonicated DODAB dispersion is constituted by DODAB bicelles, and that monomeric AmB is much more soluble in bicelles than in DODAB vesicles. A new optical parameter is proposed for the estimation of the relative amount of amphiphile-bound monomeric AmB. With theoretical simulations of the spectra of spin labels incorporated in DODAB bicelles it was possible to prove that monomeric AmB binds preferentially to lipids located at the edges of DODAB bicelles, rigidifying them, and decreasing the polarity of the region. That special binding of monomeric AmB along the borders of bicelles, where the lipids are highly disorganized, could be used in the formulation of other carriers for the antibiotic, including mixtures of natural lipids which are known to form bicelles. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of this work was to evaluate how an aqueous micellar system containing Amphotericin B (AmB) and sodium deoxycholate (DOC) can be rebuilt after heating treatment. Also a review of the literature about the new physicochemical and biological properties of this new system was carried out. Afterwards, heated (AmB-DOC-H) and unheated (AmB-DOC) micelles were subsequently diluted at four different concentrations (50mg.L-1, 5mg.L-1, 0.5mg.L-1 and 0.05mg.L-1) to perform the physicochemical study and, then, the pharmacotoxicity assay, in which two cell models were used for the in vitro experiments, Red Blood Cells (RBC) from human donors and Candida parapisilosis (Cp). While potassium (K+) and hemoglobin leakage from RBC were the used parameters to evaluate the acute and chronic toxicity, respectively, the efficacy of AmB-DOC and AmB-DOC-H were assessed by K+ leakage and cell survival rate from Cp. The spectral study revealed a slight change on the aggregate peak from 327nm to 323nm for AmB-DOC-H compared to AmB-DOC. Concerning the toxicity, although AmB-DOC and AmB-DOC-H presented different behavior for hemoglobin leakage, AmB-DOC produced higher leakage than AmB-DOC-H at high concentrations (from 5mg.L-1) with values tending to zero. However, concerning K+ leakage, both AmB-DOC and AmB-DOC-H, showed similar profile for both cell models, RBC and Cp (p<0,05). AmB-DOC-H and AmB-DOC also revealed similar profile of activity against Cp with equivalent survival rate. In short, the AmB-DOC-H showed much less toxicity than AmB-DOC, but remained as active as the late one against fungal cell. Therefore, the results highlight the importance of this new procedure as a simple, inexpensive and safe alternative to produce a new kind of micelle system for treatment of systemic fungal infections
Dermatomycoses are fungal infections that attack the skin, hair and nails, in addition to the mucosal and cutaneous-mucosal zones. Objective: Observe the frequency of dermatomycoses, identify etiological agents and establish an association between the results and sex. Age, collection site, time and lesion location. Methods: Between February, 2002 and December, 2004, samples were collected from patients at Giselda Trigueiro Hospital in Natal, Brazil, by lesion scraping and hair removal, following 70% alcohol disinfection, and submitted to direct and culture examination. Results: Of the 817 lesions collected, 325 (39.8%) were fungus positive, with the hair collection site yielding the highest number of positive results (65.8%) and the scalp and hair representing the most frequent lesion sites (65.9%). Negative results occurred mainly in the lower limbs (78.6%). Of the species identified, 55.9% were yeasts, 41.6% dermatophytes and 2.5% Fusarium spp. Non-albicans Candida was the most isolated yeast (43.3%), mainly in females (61.7%) over the age of 40 years (56.4%). T. rubrum was the most isolated dermatophyte (67.9%),notably in males (59.2%) in the 0-20 age group (44.7%). With respect to collection site, 73.9% of the dermatophytes were present in the skin and 61.1% of the yeasts in the nails. When assessing the collection site, the inguinocrural regional was 22.6% positive for dermatophytes, and the nails and hands, 41.8% for yeasts. Conclusions: The results obtained verified that: most of the positive lesions were found in the hair, whereas skin and nail lesions yielded more negative results; T. rubrum was the most isolated dermatophyte and non-albicans candida the most commonly found yeast; positivity was greater in males in the 0-20 year age group at the skin site and in the inguinocrural region, while yeasts were more frequent in females in the over-40 age group at the nail sites
Adhesion to extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins plays a crucial role in invasive fungal diseases. ECM proteins bind to the surface of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis yeast cells in distinct qualitative patterns. Extracts from Pb18 strain, before (18a) and after animal inoculation (18b), exhibited differential adhesion to ECM components. Pb18b extract had a higher capacity for binding to ECM components than Pb18a. Laminin was the most adherent component for both samples, followed by type I collagen, fibronectin, and type IV collagen for Pb18b. A remarkable difference was seen in the interaction of the two extracts with fibronectin and their fragments. Pb18b extract interacted significantly with the 120-kDa fragment. Ligand affinity binding assays showed that type I collagen recognized two components (47 and 80 kDa) and gp43 bound both fibronectin and laminin. The peptide 1 (NLGRDAKRHL) from gp43, with several positively charged amino acids, contributed most to the adhesion of P. brasiliensis to Vero cells. Synthetic peptides derived from peptide YIGRS of laminin or from RGD of both laminin and fibronectin showed the greatest inhibition of adhesion of gp43 to Vero cells. In conclusion, this work provided new molecular details on the interaction between P. brasiliensis and ECNI components. (c) 2006 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
Paracoccidioidomycosis is caused by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, which although not formally considered an intracellular pathogen, can be internalized by epithelial cells in vitro and in vivo. The mechanisms used by P. brasiliensis to adhere to and invade non-professional phagocytes have not been identified. The signal-transduction networks, involving protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) and protein phosphatase activities, can modulate crucial events during fungal infections. In this study, the involvement of PTK has been investigated in P. brasiliensis adherence and invasion in mammalian epithelial cells. A significant inhibition of the fungal invasion occurred after the pre-treatment of the epithelial cells with genistein, a specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor, indicating that the tyrosine kinase pathway is involved in P. brasiliensis internalization. In contrast, when the fungus was treated, a slight (not significant) inhibition of PTK was observed, suggesting that PTK might not be the fungus' transduction signal pathway during the invasion process of epithelial cells. An intense PTK immunofluorescence labeling was observed in the periphery of the P. brasiliensis infected cells, little PTK labeling was found in both uninfected cells and yeast cells, at later infection times (8 and 24 h). Moreover, when the epithelial cells were treated with genistein and infected with P. brasiliensis, no labeling was observed, suggesting the importance of the PTK in the infectious process. These results suggest that PTK pathway participates in the transduction signal during the initial events of the adhesion and invasion processes of P. brasiliensis to mammalian epithelial cells.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)