985 resultados para Intensity-modulated radiotherapy


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A compact and low cost fiber sensor based on single multimode microfiber with Fresnel reflection is proposed and demonstrated for simultaneous measurement of refractive index and temperature. The sensor is fabricated with two simple steps including fiber tapering and then fiber endface cleaving. The reflection spectrum is an intensity modulated interference spectrum, as the tapered fiber generates interference pattern and the cleaved endface provides intensity modulation. By demodulating the fringe power and free spectrum range (FSR) of the spectrum, RI sensitivities of -72.247dB/RIU and 68.122nm/RIU, as well as temperature sensitivities of 0.0283dB/degrees C and -17pm/degrees C are obtained. Further, the sensing scheme could also provide the feasibility to construct a more compact sensing probe for dual-paramters measurement, which has great potential in bio/chemical detection.


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An all fiber-optical method to monitor densities and viscosities of liquids utilizing a steel cantilever (4 x 0.3 x 0.08 cm3) is presented. The actuation is performed by photothermally heating the cantilever at its base with an intensity-modulated 808 nm diode laser. The cantilever vibrations are picked up by an in-fiber Fabry Perot cavity sensor attached along the length of the cantilever. The fluid properties can be related to the resonance characteristics of the cantilever, e.g. a shift in the resonance frequency corresponds to a change in fluid density, and the width of the resonance peak gives information on the dynamic viscosity after calibration of the system. Aqueous glycerol, sucrose and ethanol samples in the range of 0.79–1.32 gcm−3 (density) and 0.89–702 mPas (viscosity) were used to investigate the limits of the sensor. A good agreement with literature values could be found with an average deviation of around 10 % for the dynamic viscosities, and 5–16 % for the mass densities. A variety of clear and opaque commercial spirits and an unknown viscous sample, e.g. home-made maple syrup, were analyzed and compared to literature values. The unique detection mechanism allows for the characterization of opaque samples and is superior to conventional microcantilever sensors. The method is expected to be beneficial in various industrial sectors such as quality control of food samples.


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Based on an ultrasound-modulated optical tomography experiment, a direct, quantitative recovery of Young's modulus (E) is achieved from the modulation depth (M) in the intensity autocorrelation. The number of detector locations is limited to two in orthogonal directions, reducing the complexity of the data gathering step whilst ensuring against an impoverishment of the measurement, by employing ultrasound frequency as a parameter to vary during data collection. The M and E are related via two partial differential equations. The first one connects M to the amplitude of vibration of the scattering centers in the focal volume and the other, this amplitude to E. A (composite) sensitivity matrix is arrived at mapping the variation of M with that of E and used in a (barely regularized) Gauss-Newton algorithm to iteratively recover E. The reconstruction results showing the variation of E are presented. (C) 2015 Optical Society of America


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By means of the Huygens-Fresnel diffraction integral, the field representation of a laser beam modulated by a hard-edged aperture is derived. The near-field and far-field transverse intensity distributions of the beams with different bandwidths are analyzed by using the representation. The numerical calculation results indicate that the amplitudes and numbers of the intensity spikes decrease with increasing bandwidth, and beam smoothing is achieved when the bandwidth takes a certain value in the near field. In the far field, the radius of the transverse intensity distribution decreases as the bandwidth increases, and the physical explanation of this fact is also given. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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The wavelength dependent transmission performance of adaptively modulated optical OFDM (AMOOFDM) signals is investigated, for the first time, over optical amplification- and chromatic dispersion compensation-free IMDD SMF systems using semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) as intensity modulators. A theoretical SOA model describing both optical gain saturation and gain spectral dynamics is developed, based on which optimum SOA operating conditions are identified for various wavelengths varying in a broad range of 1510 nm- 1590 nm. Results show that, SOA intensity modulators operating at the identified optimum conditions enable the realization of colourless AMOOFDM transmitters within the aforementioned wavelength window. Such transmitters are capable of supporting >30 Gb/s signal transmission over 60 km SMFs.


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Detailed investigations of the transmission performance of adaptively modulated optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexed (AMOOFDM) signals converted using reflective semiconductor optical amplifiers (RSOAs) are undertaken over intensity-modulation and direct-detection (IMDD) single-mode fiber (SMF) transmission systems for WDM-PONs. The theoretical RSOA model adopted for modulating the AMOOFDM signals is experimentally verified rigorously in the aforementioned transmission systems incorporating recently developed real-time end-to-end OOFDM transceivers. Extensive performance comparisons are also made between RSOA and SOA intensity modulators. Optimum RSOA operating conditions are identified, which are independent of RSOA rear-facet reflectivity and very similar to those corresponding to SOAs. Under the identified optimum operating conditions, the RSOA and SOA intensity modulators support the identical AMOOFDM transmission performance of 30Gb/s over 60km SMFs. Under low-cost optical component-enabled practical operating conditions, RSOA intensity modulators with rear-facet reflectivity values of >0.3 outperform considerably SOA intensity modulators in transmission performance, which decreases significantly with reducing RSOA rear-facet reflectivity and optical input power. In addition, results also show that use can be made of the RSOA/SOA intensity modulation-induced negative frequency chirp to improve the AMOOFDM transmission performance in IMDD SMF systems.


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Detailed numerical investigations are undertaken of wavelength reused bidirectional transmission of adaptively modulated optical OFDM (AMOOFDM) signals over a single SMF in a colorless WDM-PON incorporating a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) intensity modulator and a reflective SOA (RSOA) intensity modulator in the optical line termination and optical network unit, respectively. A comprehensive theoretical model describing the performance of such network scenarios is, for the first time, developed, taking into account dynamic optical characteristics of SOA and RSOA intensity modulators as well as the effects of Rayleigh backscattering (RB) and residual downstream signal-induced crosstalk. The developed model is rigorously verified experimentally in RSOA-based real-time end-to-end OOFDM systems at 7.5 Gb/s. It is shown that the RB noise and crosstalk effects are dominant factors limiting the maximum achievable downstream and upstream transmission performance. Under optimum SOA and RSOA operating conditions as well as practical downstream and upstream optical launch powers, 10 Gb/s downstream and 6 Gb/s upstream over 40 km SMF transmissions of conventional double sideband AMOOFDM signals are feasible without utilizing in-line optical amplification and chromatic dispersion compensation. In particular, the aforementioned transmission performance can be improved to 23 Gb/s downstream and 8 Gb/s upstream over 40 km SMFs when single sideband subcarrier modulation is adopted in the downstream systems.


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Detailed numerical investigations are undertaken of wavelength reused bidirectional transmission of adaptively modulated optical OFDM (AMOOFDM) signals over a single SMF in a WDM-PON incorporating a SOA intensity modulator and a RSOA intensity modulator in the OLT and ONU, respectively. A comprehensive theoretical model describing the performance of such network scenarios is, for the first time, developed, taking into account dynamic optical characteristics of SOA and RSOA intensity modulators as well as the effects of Rayleigh backscattering (RB) and residual downstream signal-induced crosstalk. The developed model is rigorously verified experimentally in RSOA-based real-time end-to-end OOFDM systems at 7.5Gb/s. It is shown that the RB noise and crosstalk effects are the dominant factors limiting the maximum achievable downstream and upstream transmission performance. Under optimum SOA and RSOA operating conditions as well as practical downstream and upstream optical launch powers, 10Gb/s downstream and 6Gb/s upstream over 40km SMF transmissions of conventional double sideband AMOOFDM signals are feasible without utilizing inline optical amplification and chromatic dispersion compensation. In particular, the transmission performance can be improved to 23Gb/s downstream and 8Gb/s upstream over 40 km SMFs when single sideband subcarrier modulation is adopted in the downstream systems. Copyright © 2010 The authors.


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Social conflict between mice produces analgesia in the attacked mouse. Both the magnitude and type (opioid or nonopioid) of this analgesia have been related to attack intensity and strain of mouse. In the present study low intensity social conflict (7 bites) did not produce analgesia, whereas high intensity - 30 and 60 bites interactions produced, respectively, short-lasting (5 min) and very short-lasting (1 min) analgesia in Swiss albino mice, when compared with nonaggressive interaction (0 bite). The 30 bites aggressive interaction induced analgesia (AIIA) was not affected by IP injection of either naloxone (5.0 and 7.5 mg/kg) or diazepam (0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 mg/kg). However, this attack-induced analgesia was reduced after IP administration of the 5-HT1A agonists, gepirone (0.3 and 3.0 mg/kg) and BAY R 1531 (0.01 mg/kg). These results indicate that the analgesia induced by 30 bites social conflict in Swiss albino mice does not involve opioid and GABA-benzodiazepine (GABA-BZD) mechanisms. In addition, they suggest that high-intensity social conflict activates serotonergic pain modulatory systems that act through 5-HT1A receptors. Copyright (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V.


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Purpose: To investigate the dosimetric properties of an electronic portal imaging device (EPID) for electron beam detection and to evaluate its potential for quality assurance (QA) of modulated electron radiotherapy (MERT). Methods: A commercially available EPID was used to detect electron beams shaped by a photon multileaf collimator (MLC) at a source-surface distance of 70 cm. The fundamental dosimetric properties such as reproducibility, dose linearity, field size response, energy response, and saturation were investigated for electron beams. A new method to acquire the flood-field for the EPID calibration was tested. For validation purpose, profiles of open fields and various MLC fields (square and irregular) were measured with a diode in water and compared to the EPID measurements. Finally, in order to use the EPID for QA of MERT delivery, a method was developed to reconstruct EPID two-dimensional (2D) dose distributions in a water-equivalent depth of 1.5 cm. Comparisons were performed with film measurement for static and dynamic monoenergy fields as well as for multienergy fields composed by several segments of different electron energies. Results: The advantageous EPID dosimetric properties already known for photons as reproducibility, linearity with dose, and dose rate were found to be identical for electron detection. The flood-field calibration method was proven to be effective and the EPID was capable to accurately reproduce the dose measured in water at 1.0 cm depth for 6 MeV, 1.3 cm for 9 MeV, and 1.5 cm for 12, 15, and 18 MeV. The deviations between the output factors measured with EPID and in water at these depths were within ±1.2% for all the energies with a mean deviation of 0.1%. The average gamma pass rate (criteria: 1.5%, 1.5 mm) for profile comparison between EPID and measurements in water was better than 99% for all the energies considered in this study. When comparing the reconstructed EPID 2D dose distributions at 1.5 cm depth to film measurements, the gamma pass rate (criteria: 2%, 2 mm) was better than 97% for all the tested cases. Conclusions: This study demonstrates the high potential of the EPID for electron dosimetry, and in particular, confirms the possibility to use it as an efficient verification tool for MERT delivery.