952 resultados para Integrin Alpha-3-beta-1
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The course of leprosy depends of the host immune response which ranges from the lepromatous pole (LL) to the tuberculoid pole (TT). A comparative study was conducted in 60 patients with the LL and TT The results showed a mean expression of TGF-beta of 339 +/- 99.4 cells/field for TT and of 519.2 +/- 68.2 cells/field for LL. Frequency of apoptosis was 6.3 +/- 1.8 in TT and 14.0 +/- 6.1 in LL. A correlation (p = 0.0251) between TGF-beta and caspase-3 in the LL was found. This finding indicates a role of TGF-beta and apoptosis in the immune response in leprosy. (C) 2012 Institut Pasteur. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Brown adipose tissue (BAT) is predominantly regulated by the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the adrenergic receptor signaling pathway. Knowing that a mouse with triple beta-receptor knockout (KO) is cold intolerant and obese, we evaluated the independent role played by the beta(1) isoform in energy homeostasis. First, the 30 min i.v. infusion of norepinephrine (NE) or the beta(1) selective agonist dobutamine (DB) resulted in similar interscapular BAT (iBAT) thermal response in WT mice. Secondly, mice with targeted disruption of the beta(1) gene (KO of beta(1) adrenergic receptor (beta 1KO)) developed hypothermia during cold exposure and exhibited decreased iBAT thermal response to NE or DB infusion. Thirdly, when placed on a high-fat diet (HFD; 40% fat) for 5 weeks, beta 1KO mice were more susceptible to obesity than WT controls and failed to develop diet-induced thermogenesis as assessed by BAT Ucp1 mRNA levels and oxygen consumption. Furthermore, beta 1KO mice exhibited fasting hyperglycemia and more intense glucose intolerance, hypercholesterolemia, and hypertriglyceridemia when placed on the HFD, developing marked non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. In conclusion, the beta(1) signaling pathway mediates most of the SNS stimulation of adaptive thermogenesis. Journal of Endocrinology (2012) 214, 359-365
Betulinic acid, a natural pentacyclic triterpene acid, presents a diverse mode of biological actions including antiretroviral, antibacterial, antimalarial, and anti-inflammatory activities. The potency of betulinic acid as an inhibitor of human platelet activation was evaluated, and its antiplatelet profile against in vitro platelet aggregation, induced by several platelet agonists (adenosine diphosphate, thrombin receptor activator peptide-14, and arachidonic acid), was explored. Flow cytometric analysis was performed to examine the effect of betulinic acid on P-selectin membrane expression and PAC-1 binding to activated platelets. Betulinic acid potently inhibits platelet aggregation and also reduced PAC-1 binding and the membrane expression of P-selectin. Principal component analysis was used to screen, on the chemical property space, for potential common pharmacophores of betulinic acid with approved antithrombotic drugs. A common pharmacophore was defined between the NMR-derived structure of betulinic acid and prostacyclin agonists (PGI2), and the importance of its carboxylate group in its antiplatelet activity was determined. The present results indicate that betulinic acid has potential use as an antithrombotic compound and suggest that the mechanism underlying the antiplatelet effects of betulinic acid is similar to that of the PGI2 receptor agonists, a hypothesis that deserves further investigation.
Tumor cells are surrounded by infiltrating inflammatory cells, such as lymphocytes, neutrophils, macrophages, and mast cells. A body of evidence indicates that mast cells are associated with various types of tumors. Although role of mast cells can be directly related to their granule content, their function in angiogenesis and tumor progression remains obscure. This study aims to understand the role of mast cells in these processes. Tumors were chemically induced in BALB/c mice and tumor progression was divided into Phases I, II and III. Phase I tumors exhibited a large number of mast cells, which increased in phase II and remained unchanged in phase III. The expression of mouse mast cell protease (mMCP)-4, mMCP-5, mMCP-6, mMCP-7, and carboxypeptidase A were analyzed at the 3 stages. Our results show that with the exception of mMCP-4 expression of these mast cell chymase (mMCP-5), tryptases (mMCP-6 and 7), and carboxypeptidase A (mMC-CPA) increased during tumor progression. Chymase and tryptase activity increased at all stages of tumor progression whereas the number of mast cells remained constant from phase II to III. The number of new blood vessels increased significantly in phase I, while in phases II and III an enlargement of existing blood vessels occurred. In vitro, mMCP-6 and 7 are able to induce vessel formation. The present study suggests that mast cells are involved in induction of angiogenesis in the early stages of tumor development and in modulating blood vessel growth in the later stages of tumor progression.
Background: Metastasis is the main factor responsible for death in breast cancer patients. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their inhibitors, known as tissue inhibitors of MMPs (TIMPs), and the membrane-associated MMP inhibitor (RECK), are essential for the metastatic process. We have previously shown a positive correlation between MMPs and their inhibitors expression during breast cancer progression; however, the molecular mechanisms underlying this coordinate regulation remain unknown. In this report, we investigated whether TGF-beta 1 could be a common regulator for MMPs, TIMPs and RECK in human breast cancer cell models. Methods: The mRNA expression levels of TGF-beta isoforms and their receptors were analyzed by qRT-PCR in a panel of five human breast cancer cell lines displaying different degrees of invasiveness and metastatic potential. The highly invasive MDA-MB-231 cell line was treated with different concentrations of recombinant TGF-beta 1 and also with pharmacological inhibitors of p38 MAPK and ERK1/2. The migratory and invasive potential of these treated cells were examined in vitro by transwell assays. Results: In general, TGF-beta 2, T beta RI and T beta RII are over-expressed in more aggressive cells, except for T beta RI, which was also highly expressed in ZR-75-1 cells. In addition, TGF-beta 1-treated MDA-MB-231 cells presented significantly increased mRNA expression of MMP-2, MMP-9, MMP-14, TIMP-2 and RECK. TGF-beta 1 also increased TIMP-2, MMP-2 and MMP-9 protein levels but downregulated RECK expression. Furthermore, we analyzed the involvement of p38 MAPK and ERK1/2, representing two well established Smad-independent pathways, in the proposed mechanism. Inhibition of p38MAPK blocked TGF-beta 1-increased mRNA expression of all MMPs and MMP inhibitors analyzed, and prevented TGF-beta 1 upregulation of TIMP-2 and MMP-2 proteins. Moreover, ERK1/2 inhibition increased RECK and prevented the TGF-beta 1 induction of pro-MMP-9 and TIMP-2 proteins. TGF-beta 1-enhanced migration and invasion capacities were blocked by p38MAPK, ERK1/2 and MMP inhibitors. Conclusion: Altogether, our results support that TGF-beta 1 modulates the mRNA and protein levels of MMPs (MMP-2 and MMP-9) as much as their inhibitors (TIMP-2 and RECK). Therefore, this cytokine plays a crucial role in breast cancer progression by modulating key elements of ECM homeostasis control. Thus, although the complexity of this signaling network, TGF-beta 1 still remains a promising target for breast cancer treatment.
Xyloglucan is a major structural polysaccharide of the primary (growing) cell wall of higher plants. It consists of a cellulosic backbone (beta-1,4-linked glucosyl residues) that is frequently substituted with side chains. This report describes Aspergillus nidulans strain A773 recombinant secretion of a dimeric xyloglucan-specific endo-beta-1,4-glucanohydrolase (XegA) cloned from Aspergillus niveus. The ORF of the A. niveus xegA gene is comprised of 714 nucleotides, and encodes a 238 amino acid protein with a calculated molecular weight of 23.5 kDa and isoelectric point of 4.38. The optimal pH and temperature were 6.0 and 60 degrees C, respectively. XegA generated a xyloglucan-oligosaccharides (XGOs) pattern similar to that observed for cellulases from family GH12, i.e., demonstrating that its mode of action includes hydrolysis of the glycosidic linkages between glucosyl residues that are not branched with xylose. In contrast to commercial lichenase, mixed linkage beta-glucan (lichenan) was not digested by XegA, indicating that the enzyme did not cleave glucan beta-1,3 or beta-1,6 bonds. The far-UV CD spectrum of the purified enzyme indicated a protein rich in beta-sheet structures as expected for GH12 xyloglucanases. Thermal unfolding studies displayed two transitions with mid-point temperatures of 51.3 degrees C and 81.3 degrees C respectively, and dynamic light scattering studies indicated that the first transition involves a change in oligomeric state from a dimeric to a monomeric form. Since the enzyme is a predominantly a monomer at 60 degrees C. the enzymatic assays demonstrated that XegA is more active in its monomeric state. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this study alpha and beta diversity patterns of five leaf litter arthropod groups (ants, predatory ants, oribatid mites, spiders and other arachnids) were described and compared in 39 sampling patches of a transformed landscape in southwestern Colombia, that represented five vegetation types: secondary forest, riparian forest, giant bamboo forest, pasture and sugarcane crop. It was also assessed whether some taxa could be used as diversity surrogates. A total of 6,765 individuals grouped in 290 morphospecies were collected. Species richness in all groups was lower in highly transformed vegetation types (pasture, sugarcane crop) than in native ones (forests). In contrast, there were no clear tendencies of beta diversity among vegetation types. Considering sampling patches, 0.1-42% of the variation in alpha diversity of one taxonomic group could be explained from the alpha diversity of another, and 0.2-33% of the variation of beta diversity of a given taxon was explained by that in other groups. Contrary to recent findings, we concluded that patterns of alpha diversity are more congruent than patterns of beta diversity. This fact could be attributed to a sampling effect that promotes congruence in alpha diversity and to a lack of a clear regional ecological gradient that could promote congruent patterns of beta diversity. We did not find evidence for an ideal diversity surrogate although diversity patterns of predatory ants had the greatest congruencies. These results support earlier multi-taxon evaluations in that conservation planning should not be based on only one leaf litter arthropod group.
Background: Variations in maternal care are associated with neonatal stress, hormonal disturbances and reproductive injuries during adulthood. However, the effects of these variations on sex hormones and steroid receptors during ovary development remain undetermined. This study aimed to investigate whether variations in maternal care are able to influence the hormonal profile, follicular dynamics and expression of AR, ER-alpha and ER-beta in the ovaries of UCh rat offspring. Methods: Twenty-four adult UCh rats, aged 120 days, were randomly divided into two groups (UChA and UChB) and mated. Maternal care was assessed from birth (day 0) to the 10th postnatal day (PND). In adulthood, twenty adult female rats (UChA and UChB offspring; n = 10/group), aged 120 days, were euthanized by decapitation during the morning estrus. Results: UChA females (providing high maternal care) more frequently displayed the behaviors of carrying pups, as well as licking/grooming and arched back nursing cares. Also, mothers providing high care had elevated corticosterone levels. Additionally, offspring receiving low maternal care showed the highest estrous cycle duration, increased corticosterone and 17beta-estradiol levels, overexpression of receptors ER-alpha and ER-beta, increased numbers of primordial, antral and mature follicles and accentuated granulosa cell proliferation. Conclusions: Our study suggests that low maternal care alters corticosterone and 17beta-estradiol levels, disrupting the estrous cycle and folliculogenesis and differentially regulating the expression of ER-alpha and ER-beta in the ovaries of adult rats.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ist es gelungen, ein besseres Verständnis der beiden Metalloproteasen Meprin α und β in ihrem proteolytischen Netzwerk hinsichtlich ihrer physiologischen Regulation durch endogene Inhibitoren, wie auch der biologischen Funktion von Meprin α für den Prozess der Angiogenese, zu erlangen. rnMit der Analyse des ersten identifizierten endogenen Meprin-Inhibitors Fetuin-A gelang die Bestimmung der Ki-Werte für Meprin α mit 4,2 x 10-5 M und 1,1 x 10-6 M für Meprin β. Des Weiteren konnte für Meprin β eine Schnittstelle im Fetuin-A validiert werden. Mit der Identifizierung von Cystatin C, einem Cystein-Protease-Inhibitor als endogener Inhibitor der Metalloprotease Meprin α, mit einem Ki-Wert von 8,5 x 10-6 M, wurden erstmals Proteasefamilie-übergreifende Inhibitionsmechanismen für Metalloproteasen offenbart.rnDie Analyse von drei potentiellen Meprin-Inhibitoren, identifiziert als Substrate in einem neuen Proteomics-Analyse-Verfahren terminal amine isotopic labeling of substrates (TAILS), ermöglichte die Charakterisierung von Elafin als spezifischen Meprin α-Inhibitor. Für Elafin ist es außerdem gelungen, die durch TAILS ermittelte Schnittstelle für Meprin α mittels Edman Sequenzierung zu validieren. Der secretory leukocyte peptidase inhibitor (SLPI), ein Elafin-Homolog, konnte als weiteres Meprin α-Substrat bestätigt werden. Außerdem gelang es, die Meprin α-Schnittstelle im SLPI zu validieren.rnEin weiteres Ziel dieser Arbeit war, ein besseres Verständnis der biologischen Funktion der Metalloprotease Meprin α zu erlangen. Hier konnte in vivo eine stark pro-angiogene Wirkung von Meprin α gezeigt werden und erstmals die Expression von Meprin α, jedoch nicht von Meprin β, in Endothelzellen nachgewiesen werden. Zugleich konnte mit der Analyse der durch die TAILS-Methode identifizierten pro-angiogenen Substrate vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A) und connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) der Regulationsmechanismus von Meprin α in der Angiogenese identifiziert werden. So ist Meprin α durch die Spaltung von CTGF in der Lage VEGF-A – gebunden und inhibiert im Komplex mit CTGF – durch proteolytische Spaltung von CTGF wieder freizusetzen. Somit wird die inhibierte VEGF-A-Aktivität wieder vollständig hergestellt. rnMit der Charakterisierung der ersten endogenen Meprin-Inhibitoren ist es gelungen, zu einem besseren Verständnis der endogenen Regulation der Meprine beizutragen und eine Proteasefamilie-übergreifende endogene Regulation aufzuzeigen. Mit der Entdeckung von Meprin α als pro-angiogene Protease und der Entschlüsselung des angiogenen Regulationsmechanismus konnte eine essentielle biologische Bedeutung dieser Protease beschrieben werden.rn
Recurrent prostate cancer presents a challenge to conventional treatment, particularly so to address micrometastatic and small-volume disease. Use of α-radionuclide therapy is considered as a highly effective treatment in such applications due to the shorter range and exquisite cytotoxicity of α-particles as compared with β-particles. (213)Bi is considered an α-emitter with high clinical potential, due to its short half-life (45.6 minutes) being well matched for use in peptide-receptor radionuclide α-therapy; however, there is limited knowledge available within this context of use. In this study, two novel (213)Bi-labeled peptides, DOTA-PEG(4)-bombesin (DOTA-PESIN) and DO3A-CH(2)CO-8-aminooctanoyl-Q-W-A-V-G-H-L-M-NH(2) (AMBA), were compared with (177)Lu (β-emitter)-labeled DOTA-PESIN in a human androgen-independent prostate carcinoma xenograft model (PC-3 tumor). Animals were injected with (177)Lu-DOTA-PESIN, (213)Bi-DOTA-PESIN, or (213)Bi-AMBA to determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD), biodistribution, and dosimetry of each agent; controls were left untreated or were given nonradioactive (175)Lu-DOTA-PESIN. The MTD of (213)Bi-DOTA-PESIN and (213)Bi-AMBA was 25 MBq (0.68 mCi) whereas (177)Lu-DOTA-PESIN showed an MTD of 112 MBq (3 mCi). At these dose levels, (213)Bi-DOTA-PESIN and (213)Bi-AMBA were significantly more effective than (177)Lu-DOTA-PESIN. At the same time, (177)Lu-DOTA-PESIN showed minimal, (213)Bi-DOTA-PESIN slight, and (213)Bi-AMBA marked kidney damage 20 to 30 weeks posttreatment. These preclinical data indicate that α-therapy with (213)Bi-DOTA-PESIN or (213)Bi-AMBA is more efficacious than β-therapy. Furthermore, (213)Bi-DOTA-PESIN has a better safety profile than (213)Bi-AMBA, and represents a possible new approach for use in peptide-receptor radionuclide α-therapy treating recurrent prostate cancer.
The zinc endopeptidase meprin (EC is expressed in brush border membranes of intestine and kidney tubules, intestinal leukocytes, and certain cancer cells, suggesting a role in epithelial differentiation and cell migration. Here we show by RT-PCR and immunoblotting that meprin is also expressed in human skin. As visualized by immunohistochemistry, the two meprin subunits are localized in separate cell layers of the human epidermis. Meprin alpha is expressed in the stratum basale, whereas meprin beta is found in cells of the stratum granulosum just beneath the stratum corneum. In hyperproliferative epidermis such as in psoriasis vulgaris, meprin alpha showed a marked shift of expression from the basal to the uppermost layers of the epidermis. The expression patterns suggest distinct functions for the two subunits in skin. This assumption is supported by diverse effects of recombinant meprin alpha and beta on human adult low-calcium high-temperature keratinocytes. Here, beta induced a dramatic change in cell morphology and reduced the cell number, indicating a function in terminal differentiation, whereas meprin alpha did not affect cell viability, and may play a role in basal keratinocyte proliferation.
In 1992, it was shown that monoclonal antibodies blocking alpha(4)-integrins prevent the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, an animal model for multiple sclerosis (MS). As alpha(4)beta(1)-integrin was demonstrated to mediate the attachment of immune-competent cells to inflamed brain endothelium in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, the therapeutic effect was attributed to the inhibition of immune cell extravasation and inflammation in the central nervous system. This novel therapeutic approach was rapidly and successfully translated into the clinic. The humanized anti-alpha(4)-integrin antibody natalizumab demonstrated an unequivocal therapeutic effect in preventing relapses and slowing down the pace of neurological deterioration in patients with relapsing-remitting MS in phase II and phase III clinical trials. The occurrence of 3 cases of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in patients treated with natalizumab led to the voluntary withdrawal of the drug from the market. After a thorough safety evaluation of all patients receiving this drug in past and ongoing studies for MS and Crohn's disease, natalizumab again obtained approval in the US and the European Community. A treatment targeting leukocyte trafficking in MS has now re-entered the clinic. Further thorough evaluation is necessary for a better understanding of the risk-benefit balance of this new treatment option for relapsing MS. In this review, we discuss the basic mechanism of action, key clinical results of clinical trials and the emerging indication of natalizumab in MS.