994 resultados para Installation art


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Cet essai envisage le deuil du point de vue d’un homme endeuillé. Sur la base de ma propre expérience de deuil, j’ai questionné les théories freudiennes sur le sujet. Face aux théories derridiennes sur l’archive, je me positionne non pas comme un archiviste professionnel mais comme une personne endeuillée trouvée engagée dans un processus d’archivage. Au regard de la psychanalyse et de l’archive, ce texte n’entend ni ne prétend avancer de nouvelles théories sans prendre en compte leurs histoires respectives. Ce texte propose une étude comparée pour une tentative de définitions à la lumière d’une expérience personnelle. Ces questions seront finalement mises à l’épreuve dans le monument performatif audio-visuel Dylan Walsh – dance.


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“Musealising hope” reflects on the trials and tribulations of an installation designed as a tribute to the struggle for survival of African peoples who dare make the long trek to Europe by sea. Its accomplishment involved a number of players whose conduct and reactions to events bear witness to the manner in which artists, the media, heads of cultural institutions, museologists, welfare institutions, and politicians cope with the phenomenon of immigration and with our present-day multicultural societies. In turn, this artistic endeavour and its symbolic signification highlight the changes which art and culture have undergone over the past few years and the kind of transformation which new inter-ethnic communities have brought to bear on concepts such as national heritage, identity or memory.


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In his 1967 essay, “Art and Objecthood”, Michael Fried bemoaned the theatricality of minimalist sculpture, which replaced the presentness of compositional sculpture with the staging of an experience for the viewer as performer. His argument has since been inverted by artists and art writers invested in the idea of sculptures as props forming part of an artistic experience economy. This discourse has accompanied the rise of relational aesthetics as a dominant paradigm for contemporary art. More recently, however, there has been a turn away from relationality to ‘object-oriented’ art, where objects are seen to stage their own theatrical experiences, performing themselves without requiring the activation of a viewer’s body. We trace parallels between the philosophy of Bruno Latour and the “Speculative Materialism” group and this emerging trend in sculpture. In ascribing agency to objects, Latour proposes a radical shift from philosophy’s traditional investigation of the relationship between the mind and the world. Drawn to the idea that matter can be creative, artists have embraced his thinking. However, we argue that this has lead to a generalized, universalizing humanism that disables political action. Moreover, it undermines the potential for anti-humanist critique latent in object-oriented philosophy.


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Research based on a significant public art commissions awarded through competition (peer reviewed) – Pearse Street Clinic Public Art Commission (€20K). Research was examining issues of the relationship between sculpture, exchange and communication, health and well-being. The research used an approach to question the aspirations and dreams of those who were visiting the health centre as part of a routine of daily life. Based on the aspirational concerns of individual visitors, and secondary research of positive effects of light, the final output draws on ideas based around the language of physical signage to occupy a space concerned with visitor health and wellbeing – a Health Clinic. The output has had an impact both at the site and more broadly in the context of examining sculpture and fine art as a social catalyst - based on work of socially-engaged historical practices. The installation at Pearse Street work in Dublin in Nov 09 has received critical and local acclaim. Further commissions within the public arena have been forthcoming despite difficult local economic landscape.


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This article profiles the work of Australian-based Tolai artist Lisa Hilli and her photographic, video, installation and performance-based arts practice. Hilli's work deals with contemporary Pacific diasporic identity in Australia.


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This installation work sets out a number of proposals for future collaborations with the Southwest Victoria regions communities. Through a series of drawings/ diagram that focus on particular aspects of the region: stone walls, eel weirs. The concept for the work is taken from the folktale of travelers who come to a village asking for food and when denied, they make a magical stone soup which only need a few garnishes. in the end the traveler have enough soup for the entire village. this stands as a allegory of the way artist engage with community and induce cooperative activities a through the trickery of art practices by which all can partake and produce common, mutually beneficial experience.


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This paper aims to present a state-of-the-art review of the scope and practical implications of the Building Information Modelling (BIM) platform in the UK construction practice. Theoretical developments suggest that BIM is an integration of both product and process innovation, not just a disparate set of software tools. BIM provides effective collaboration, visual representation and data management, which enable the smooth flow of information throughout the project’s lifecycle. The most frequently reported benefits are related to Capital Cost (capex) and Operational costs (opex) and time savings. Key challenges, however, focus on the interoperability of software, capital installation costs, in-house experience, client preference and cultural issues within design teams and within the organisation. The paper concludes with a critical commentary on the changing roles and a process required to implement BIM in UK construction projects, and suggests areas for further research.


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This article explores the deployment of sound in architectural-curatorial and community engagement contexts through the work of PLACE, a multidisciplinary not-for-profit architecture center in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The author, who worked with PLACE and contributed to the projects discussed here, contextualizes architecture centers and their relationship with sound before examining the specific case of sound and sound art in Northern Ireland and case studies of projects delivered by PLACE. Specifically, the article evaluates two sound installation artworks and three community engagement projects for young audiences. As a means of curating urbanism and architecture, sound-art-as-public-art affords useful strategies to examine, describe or critique the environment as alternatives to traditional architecture exhibition formats. Sound’s temporality and materiality allow sound art works to exist as temporary sculptural interventions in the urban sphere, with attendant implications for public art procurement and urban acoustics. Rich territories of engagement are opened when using sound in a community participatory context.


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The locative project is in a condition of emergence, an embryonic state in which everything is still up for grabs, a zone of consistency yet to emerge. As an emergent practice locative art, like locative media generally, it is simultaneously opening up new ways of engaging in the world and mapping its own domain. (Drew Hemment, 2004) Artists and scientists have always used whatever emerging technologies existed at their particular time throughout history to push the boundaries of their fields of practice. The use of new technologies or the notion of ‘new’ media is neither particularly new nor novel. Humans are adaptive, evolving and will continue to invent and explore technological innovation. This paper asks the following questions: what role does adaptive and/or intelligent art play in the future of public spaces, and how does this intervention alter the relationship between theory and practice? Does locative or installation-based art reach more people, and does ‘intelligent’ or ‘smartart have a larger role to play in the beginning of this century? The speakers will discuss their current collaborative prototype and within the presentation demonstrate how software art has the potential to activate public spaces, and therefore contribute to a change in spatial or locative awareness. It is argued that the role and perhaps even the representation of the audience/viewer is left altered through this intervention. 1. A form of electronic imagery created by a collection of mathematically defined lines and/or curves. 2. An experiential form of art which engages the viewer both from within a specific location and in response to their intentional or unintentional input.


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Ce mémoire propose de retracer un parcours sur l’expérience du processus, mes essais en productions et en diffusion. Développé en trois parties, il décrit d’abord mes premières impressions perceptuelles des oeuvres, ensuite les différentes étapes qui auront ponctué ma recherche-création. Attentive à ce qui se passe en dehors des ateliers et des centres de diffusion en arts visuels, mes écrits sont teintés de mes expériences de diffusion et de création dans les lieux urbains et même, dans le dernier mois, dans le paysage naturel. J’explore mes méthodes de recherche-création instinctive et les différentes facettes entre les thèmes de la tension et de l’abandon. Je m’intéresse à la perception de ces mondes, à leurs cohabitations, à ce qu’ils produisent dans l’oeuvre finale et même, à l’expérience de mon propre corps. Je traiterai également du médium vidéo et de la valeur de l’image en comparaison aux autres médiums exploités, un ensemble d’oeuvres qui matérialisent une certaine temporalité de l’image en mouvement, où l’expérience à vivre est celle de l’instant suspendu ou une vision renouvelée du temps qui passe.