975 resultados para Inner Filter Effect


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Urea (200-400 milliosmolar) activates transcription, translation of, and trans-activation by the immediate-early gene transcription factor Egr-1 in a renal epithelial cell-specific fashion. The effect at the transcriptional level has been attributed to multiple serum response elements and their adjacent Ets motifs located within the Egr-1 promoter. Elk-1, a principal ternary complex factor and Ets domain-containing protein, is a substrate of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) mitogen-activated protein kinases. In the renal medullary mIMCD3 cell line, urea (200-400 milliosmolar) activated both ERK1 and ERK2 as determined by in-gel kinase assay and immune-complex kinase assay of epitope-tagged] ERK1 and ERK2. Importantly, urea did not affect abundance of either ERK. Urea-inducible Egr-1 transcription was a consequence of ERK activation because the ERK-specific inhibitor, PD98059, abrogated transcription from the murine Egr-1 promoter in a luciferase reported gene assay. In addition, activators of protein kinase A, including forskolin and 8-Br-cAMP, which are known to inhibit ERK-mediated events, also inhibited urea-inducible Egr-1 transcription. Furthermore, urea-inducible activation of the physiological ERK substrate and transcription factor, Elk-1, was demonstrated through transient cotransfection of a chimeric Elk-1/GAL4 expression plasmid and a GAL4-driven luciferase reporter plasmid. Taken together, these data indicate that, in mIMCD3 cells, urea activates ERKs and the ERK substrate, Elk-1, and that ERK inhibition abrogates urea-inducible Egr-1 transcription. These data are consistent with a model of urea-inducible renal medullary gene expression wherein sequential activation of ERKs and Elk-1 results in increased transcription of Egr-1 through serum response element/Ets motifs.


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The rat retina contains dopaminergic interplexiform cells that send processes to the outer plexiform layer where dopamine is released in a light-dependent manner. We report herein that physiologically relevant concentrations of dopamine inhibited ouabain-sensitive photoreceptor oxygen consumption in dark- and light-adapted rat retinas and inhibited Na+,K+-ATPase specific activity (EC in a rat rod outer-inner segment preparation. Experiments with the selective D1 agonist fenoldopam or D2 agonist quinpirole and experiments with dopamine plus either the D1 antagonist SCH23390 or D2/D4 antagonist clozapine showed that the inhibition of oxygen consumption and enzyme activity were mediated by D2/D4-like receptors. The amphetamine-induced release of dopamine, monitored by the inhibition of oxygen consumption, was blocked by L-2-amino-4-phosphonobutyric acid and kynurenic acid. Pharmacological and biochemical experiments determined that the IC50 values of ouabain for the alpha1-low and alpha3-high ouabain affinity isozymes of photoreceptor Na+,K+-ATPase were approximately 10(-5) and approximately 10(-7) M, respectively, and that the D2/D4-like mediated inhibition of Na+,K+-ATPase was exclusively selective for the alpha3 isozyme. The dopamine-mediated inhibition of alpha3 first occurred at 5 nM, was maximal at 100 microM (-47%), had an IC50 value of 382 +/- 23 nM, and exhibited negative cooperativity (Hill coefficient, 0.27). Prior homogenization of the rod outer-inner segment completely prevented the long-lasting inhibition, suggesting that the effect was coupled to a second messenger. Although the physiological significance of our findings to photoreceptor function is unknown, we hypothesize that these results may have relevance for the temporal tuning properties of rods.


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The development of electrochemical processes for the conversion of CO2 into value-added products allows innovative carbon capture & utilization (CCU) instead of carbon capture & storage (CCS). In addition, coupling this conversion with renewable energy sources would make it possible to chemically store electricity from these intermittent renewable sources. The electroreduction of CO2 to formate in aqueous solution has been performed using Sn particles deposited over a carbon support. The effect of the particle size and Sn metal loading has been evaluated using cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry. The selected electrode has been tested on an experimental filter-press type cell system for continuous and single pass CO2 electroreduction to obtain formate as main product at ambient pressure and temperature. Experimental results show that using electrodes with 0.75 mg Sn cm−2, 150 nm Sn particles, and working at a current density of 90 mA cm−2, it is possible to achieve rates of formate production over 3.2 mmol m−2 s−1 and faradaic efficiencies around 70% for 90 min of continuous operation. These experimental conditions allow formate concentrations of about 1.5 g L−1 to be obtained on a continuous mode and with a single pass of catholyte through the cell.


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Second language acquisition is a field that has fascinated linguists for numerous years and is a topic that is very much connected to how English teachers in Sweden try to teach the English language to the students in their classrooms. In 2009 Sundqvist examined what possible effects extramural English could have on learners' oral proficiency and their vocabulary. In her study she found out that extramural English “is an independent variable and a possible path to progress in English” (Sundqvist, 2009, p. i).  In 2014, three Swedish secondary- and upper secondary school teachers started a project for the Erasmus+. These three teachers tried to create better teaching conditions and to come up with new methods for teaching English. During their investigation they noticed that students who had only been in Sweden for four years or less, seemed to get less exposed to English in their spare time than native Swedish students, which created a disadvantage for them. Since the time when these two studies were carried out, the number of immigrants has increased drastically, which creates the need for further investigation within this area of second language acquisition. In this study, I therefore investigate how much and in what way students come in contact with the English language outside of school. I also examine if there are any differences between native Swedish students versus non-native Swedish students and if so, how this might affect the students and their grades in English. The study was conducted through the use of questionnaires and through observations of different teaching situations, including the participating teachers' methods and the participating students' reactions. The results show that there are differences between native- and non-native students when it comes to extramural English activities. The results also show that these differences seem to affect the students' grades in English, in favour of the native Swedish students. The native students tend to spend more time on extramural English activities, especially in connection to the Internet and computer games, than the non-native students. These results indicate that something needs to be done in order to compensate for the non-native students' disadvantage.


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The aim of this study is to quantity the effect of filter bed depth and solid waste inputs on the performance of small-scale vermicompost filter beds that treat the soluble contaminants within domestic wastewater. The study also aims to identify environmental conditions within the filters by quantifying the oxygen content and pH of wastewater held within it. Vermicompost is being utilised within commercially available on-site domestic waste treatment systems however, there are few reported studies that have examined this medium for the purpose of wastewater treatment. Three replicate small-scale reactors were designed to enable wastewater sampling at five reactor depths in 10-cm intervals. The surface of each reactor received household solid organic waste and 1301 m(-2) per day of raw domestic wastewater. The solid waste at the filter bed surface leached oxygen demand into the wastewater flowing through it. The oxygen demand was subsequently removed in lower reactor sections. Both nitrification and denitrification occurred in the bed. The extent of denitrification was a function of BOD leached from the solid waste. The environmental conditions measured within the bed were found to be suitable for earthworms living within them. The study identified factors that will affect the performance and application of the vermicompost filtration technology. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The central composite rotatable design (CCRD) was used to design an experimental program to model the effects of inlet pressure, feed density, and length and diameter of the inner vortex finder on the operational performance of a 150-min three-product cyclone. The ranges of values of the variables used in the design were: inlet pressure: 80-130 kPa, feed density: 30 60%; length of IVF below the OVF: 50-585 mm; diameter of IVF: 35-50 mm. A total of 30 tests were conducted, which is 51 less; an that required for a three-level full factorial design. Because the model allows confident performance prediction by interpolation over the range of data in the database, it was used to construct response surface graphs to describe the effects of the variables on the performance of the three-product cyclone. To obtain a simple and yet a realistic model, it was refitted using only the variable terms that are significant at greater than or equal to 90% confidence level. Considering the selected operating variables, the resultant model is significant and predicts the experimental data well. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Purpose. To assess the effect of ageing on in vivo human ciliary muscle morphology and contractility during accommodation. Methods. Seventy-nine subjects, aged 19–70 years were recruited. High-resolution images were acquired of nasal and temporal ciliary muscle in the relaxed state, and at stimulus vergence levels of -4 and -8 D, using anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT). Objective refractions and axial lengths were also recorded. Linear regression analysis was performed to determine the effect of age on nasal and temporal ciliary muscle morphologic characteristics. Results. Ciliary muscle anterior length decreased significantly with age both nasally (R = 0.461, P = 0.001) and temporally (R = 0.619, P < 0.001) in emmetropic eyes. In a subset of 37 participants, ciliary muscle maximum width increased significantly with age, by 2.8 µm/year nasally (R = 0.54, P < 0.001) and 3.0 µm/year temporally (R = 0.44, P = 0.007), while the distance from the inner apex of the ciliary muscle to the scleral spur decreased significantly with age on both the nasal and temporal aspects (R = 0.47; P = 0.004 and R = 0.43; P = 0.009, respectively). During accommodation, changes to ciliary muscle thickness and length remained constant throughout life. Conclusions. The human ciliary muscle undergoes age-dependent changes in morphology that suggest an antero-inwards displacement of muscle mass, particularly in emmetropic eyes. However, the morphologic changes observed appear not to affect the ability of the muscle to contract during accommodation, even in established presbyopes, thus supporting a lenticular model of presbyopia development.


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In industrialised countries age-related macular disease (ARMD) is the leading cause of visual loss in older people. Because oxidative stress is purported to be associated with an increased risk of disease development the role of antioxidant supplementation is of interest. Lutein is a carotenoid antioxidant that accumulates within the retina and is thought to filter blue light. Increased levels of lutein have been associated with reduced risk of developing ARMD and improvements in visual and retinal function in eyes with ARMD. The aim of this randomised controlled trial (RCT) was to investigate the effect of a lutein-based nutritional supplement on subjective and objective measures of visual function in healthy eyes and in eyes with age-related maculopathy (ARM) – an early form of ARMD. Supplement withdrawal effects were also investigated. A sample size of 66 healthy older (HO), healthy younger (HY), and ARM eyes were randomly allocated to receive a lutein-based supplement or no treatment for 40 weeks. The supplemented group then stopped supplementation to look at the effects of withdrawal over a further 20 weeks. The primary outcome measure was multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) N1P1 amplitude. Secondary outcome measures were mfERG N1, P1 and N2 latency, contrast sensitivity (CS), Visual acuity (VA) and macular pigment optical density (MPOD). Sample sizes were sufficient for the RCT to have an 80% power to detect a significant clinical effect at the 5% significance level for all outcome measures when the healthy eye groups were combined, and CS, VA and mfERG in the ARM group. This RCT demonstrates significant improvements in MPOD in HY and HO supplemented eyes. When HY and HO supplemented groups were combined, MPOD improvements were maintained, and mfERG ring 2 P1 latency became shorter. On withdrawal of the supplement mfERG ring 1 N1P1 amplitude reduced in HO eyes. When HO and HY groups were combined, mfERG ring 1 and ring 2 N1P1 amplitudes were reduced. In ARM eyes, ring 3 N2 latency and ring 4 P1 latency became longer. These statistically significant changes may not be clinically significant. The finding that a lutein-based supplement increases MPOD in healthy eyes, but does not increase mfERG amplitudes contrasts with the CARMIS study and contributes to the debate on the use of nutritional supplementation in ARM.


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We present a thorough study on the development of a polymer optical fibre-based tuneable filter utilizing an intra-core Bragg grating that is electrically tuneable, operating at 1.55 µm. The Bragg grating is made tuneable using a thin-film resistive heater deposited on the surface of the fibre. The polymer fibre was coated via the photochemical deposition of a Pd/Cu metallic layer with the procedure induced by VUV radiation at room temperature. The resulting device, when wavelength tuned via Joule heating, underwent a wavelength shift of 2 nm for a moderate input power of 160 mW, a wavelength to input power coefficient of -13.4 pm mW-1 and time constant of 1.7 s-1. A basic theoretical study verified that for this fibre type one can treat the device as a one-dimensional system. The model was extended to include the effect of input electrical power changes on the refractive index of the fibre and subsequently to changes in the Bragg wavelength of the grating, showing excellent agreement with the experimental measurements.


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The object of the study was to investigate, establish and quantify the relationship between contrast sensitivity, intraocular light scatter and glare. The aim was to establish the effects on vision, in an effort to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the visual world of subjects prone to increased light scatter in the eye. Disability glare refers to the reduction in visual performance produced by a glare source. The reduction in visual performance can be explained by intraocular scattered light producing a veiling luminance which is superimposed upon the retinal image. This veiling luminance lowers contrast thus sensitivity to the stimulus declines. The effect of glare of luminance and colour contrast sensitivity for young and elderly subjects was examined. For both age groups, disability glare was greatest for the red-green stimulus and least for the blue-yellow. The precise effect of a glare source on colour discrimination depends upon the interaction between the chromaticity of the glare source and that of the stimulus. The effect of a long wavelength pass (red) and a short wavelength pass filter (blue) on disability glare was examined. Disability glare was not significantly different with the red and blue filters, even in the presence of wavelength dependent scatter. An equation was derived which allowed an intrinsic Light Scatter Factor (LSF) to be determined for any given glare angle (Paulsson and Sjöstrand, 1980). Corrections to the formula to account for factors such as pupil size changes are unnecessary. The results confirm the suitability of measuring the LSF using contrast threshold with and without glare, provided that appropriate methods are used. Using this formula an investigation into the amount of wavelength dependent scatter indicated that wavelength dependent scatter in normal young, elderly or cataractous eyes is of little or no significance. Finally, it seemed desirable to investigate the effect ultraviolet (UV) radiation has on intraocular light scatter and subsequently visual performance. Overall the results indicated that the presence or absence of UV radiation has relatively little effect on visual function for the young, elderly or cataract patient.


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The present thesis investigates pattern glare susceptibility following stroke and the immediate and prolonged impact of prescribing optimal spectral filters on reading speed, accuracy and visual search performance. Principal observations: A case report has shown that visual stress can occur following stroke. The use of spectral filters and precision tinted lenses proved to be a successful intervention in this case, although the parameters required modification following a further stroke episode. Stroke subjects demonstrate elevated levels of pattern glare compared to normative data values and a control group. Initial use of an optimal spectral filter in a stroke cohort increased reading speed by ~6% and almost halved error scores, findings not replicated in a control group. With the removal of migraine subjects reading speed increased by ~8% with an optimal filter and error scores almost halved. Prolonged use of an optimal spectral filter for stroke subjects, increased reading speed by >9% and error scores more than halved. When the same subjects switched to prolonged use of a grey filter, reading speed reduced by ~4% and error scores increased marginally. When a second group of stroke subjects used a grey filter first, reading speed decreased by ~3% but increased by ~3% with prolonged use of an optimal filter, with error scores almost halving; these findings persisted with migraine subjects excluded. Initial use of an optimal spectral filter improved visual search response time but not error scores in a stroke cohort with migraine subjects excluded. Neither prolonged use of an optimal nor grey filter improved response time or reduced error scores in a stroke group; these findings persisted with the exclusion of migraine subjects.


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Visual search impairment can occur following stroke. The utility of optimal spectral filters on visual search in stroke patients has not been considered to date. The present study measured the effect of optimal spectral filters on visual search response time and accuracy, using a task requiring serial processing. A stroke and control cohort undertook the task three times: (i) using an optimally selected spectral filter; (ii) the subjects were randomly assigned to two groups with group 1 using an optimal filter for two weeks, whereas group 2 used a grey filter for two weeks; (iii) the groups were crossed over with group 1 using a grey filter for a further two weeks and group 2 given an optimal filter, before undertaking the task for the final time. Initial use of an optimal spectral filter improved visual search response time but not error scores in the stroke cohort. Prolonged use of neither an optimal nor a grey filter improved response time or reduced error scores. In fact, response times increased with the filter, regardless of its type, for stroke and control subjects; this outcome may be due to contrast reduction or a reflection of task design, given that significant practice effects were noted. © 2013 a Pion publication.


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Purpose - The aim of the study was to determine the effect of optimal spectral filters on reading performance following stroke. Methods - Seventeen stroke subjects, aged 43-85, were considered with an age-matched Control Group (n = 17). Subjects undertook the Wilkins Rate of Reading Test on three occasions: (i) using an optimally selected spectral filter; (ii) subjects were randomly assigned to two groups: Group 1 used an optimal filter, whereas Group 2 used a grey filter, for two-weeks. The grey filter had similar photopic reflectance to the optimal filters, intended as a surrogate for a placebo; (iii) the groups were crossed over with Group 1 using a grey filter and Group 2 given an optimal filter, for two weeks, before undertaking the task once more. An increase in reading speed of >5% was considered clinically relevant. Results - Initial use of a spectral filter in the stroke cohort, increased reading speed by ~8%, almost halving error scores, findings not replicated in controls. Prolonged use of an optimal spectral filter increased reading speed by >9% for stroke subjects; errors more than halved. When the same subjects switched to using a grey filter, reading speed reduced by ~4%. A second group of stroke subjects used a grey filter first; reading speed decreased by ~3% but increased by ~4% with an optimal filter, with error scores almost halving. Conclusions - The present study has shown that spectral filters can immediately improve reading speed and accuracy following stroke, whereas prolonged use does not increase these benefits significantly. © 2013 Spanish General Council of Optometry.