742 resultados para Infusion Nursing


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The Leas Cross CommissionThe Commission of Investigation (Leas Cross Nursing Home) Final Report June 2009 Click here to download PDF 1.2mb


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A Review Of Practice Development In Nursing And Midwifery In The Republic Of Ireland And The Development Of A Strategic Framework Click here to download PDF 1.52MB


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Towards a Restraint Free Environment in Nursing Homes Equality, fairness, respect, dignity, autonomy and participation are core values that underpin human rights. In residential care settings for older people we require that human rights are positively incorporated into the reality of people's lives.In 2009 the National Quality Standards for Residential Care Settings for Older People were approved. At the heart of these standards, and the regulations underpinning them, is the belief that these residential settings are peoples homes, and every possible effort must be made to ensure that the residents can live their lives to the fullest extent possible and enjoy their time there. Click here to download PDF 898KB


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When the Nursing Homes Support Scheme, A Fair Deal, was introduced in October 2009, a commitment was made that it would be reviewed after three years. The reason for allowing this period to elapse was to ensure that the Scheme had bedded in and that established and validated trends and statistics would be available in order to inform the work. Public consultation is a key component.   Click here to download PDF 743kb


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The Department of Health has commenced a review of the undergraduate nursing and midwifery degree programmes in order to establish their efficiency and effectiveness in preparing nurses and midwives to practice in the Irish healthcare system now and into the future (referred to as the Review throughout this report). The undergraduate degree programmes have been in place since 2002 for nursing (general, psychiatric and intellectual disability nursing) and 2006 for midwifery and integrated children and general programmes.   Click here to download PDF 342kb


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Ireland has a strong reputation for delivering excellence in nursing and midwifery education and for providing highly qualified, competent and motivated nurses and midwives. Over the last ten years the educational system has undergone significant change, particularly with the move of undergraduate nursing and midwifery education into the universities and higher education sector. Click here to download PDF 1.4mb


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The Research Strategy for Nursing and Midwifery in Ireland (Department of Health and Children, 2003) was a response to the Commission on Nursing's (Government of Ireland, 1998: p114) suggestion that a national strategy be developed to guide and support the emerging need for the professions of nursing and midwifery to develop a research base as a fundamental to practice. The Commission itself had found a dearth of published Irish nursing and midwifery research (Government of Ireland, 1998; Condell, 1998) due to a lack of policy direction and funding availability. Download document here


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To provide nursing practice with evidence, it is important to understand nursing phenomena in detail. Therefore, good descriptions including the identification of characteristics and attributes of nursing phenomena on various levels of abstraction, i. e., concepts, are needed. In this article the significance of concept development for nursing science will be demonstrated by drawing on the example of 'transitoriness'. The evolutionary concept analysis proposed by Rodgers (2000) is introduced in more detail. Drawing on transitoriness, the phenomenon is presented with the help of the evolutionary concept analysis by Rodgers (2000). The phenomenon's characteristics and attributes are identified, as well as potential areas of application. Moreover, areas are outlined, in which interventions for nursing practice can be developed, implemented and evaluated. Thus, nursing practice is updated to include new findings and innovation. Through concept analysis nursing phenomena can be described in more detail, enhanced or broadened for use in nursing practice. Such structured processes as concept analysis can be employed successfully for other nursing phenomena. Concept analyses can lead to the identification of tasks for the respective scientific discipline and professionals. Thus, concept analyses can lead to the concretisation of tasks in nursing.


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OBJECTIVE The risk of carrying methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is higher among nursing home (NH) residents than in the general population. However, control strategies are not clearly defined in this setting. In this study, we compared the impact of standard precautions either alone (control) or combined with screening of residents and decolonization of carriers (intervention) to control MRSA in NHs. DESIGN Cluster randomized controlled trial SETTING NHs of the state of Vaud, Switzerland PARTICIPANTS Of 157 total NHs in Vaud, 104 (67%) participated in the study. INTERVENTION Standard precautions were enforced in all participating NHs, and residents underwent MRSA screening at baseline and 12 months thereafter. All carriers identified in intervention NHs, either at study entry or among newly admitted residents, underwent topical decolonization combined with environmental disinfection, except in cases of MRSA infection, MRSA bacteriuria, or deep skin ulcers. RESULTS NHs were randomly allocated to a control group (51 NHs, 2,412 residents) or an intervention group (53 NHs, 2,338 residents). Characteristics of NHs and residents were similar in both groups. The mean screening rates were 86% (range, 27%-100%) in control NHs and 87% (20%-100%) in intervention NHs. Prevalence of MRSA carriage averaged 8.9% in both control NHs (range, 0%-43%) and intervention NHs (range, 0%-38%) at baseline, and this rate significantly declined to 6.6% in control NHs and to 5.8% in intervention NHs after 12 months. However, the decline did not differ between groups (P=.66). CONCLUSION Universal screening followed by decolonization of carriers did not significantly reduce the prevalence of the MRSA carriage rate at 1 year compared with standard precautions


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This randomized study compares the coronary perfusion rate in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) treated with 2 different intravenous thrombolytic agents: streptokinase 1.5 million U given over 60 minutes and anisoylated human plasminogen streptokinase activator complex (anistreplase) administrated as a bolus of 30 U over 5 minutes. One hundred seventy-five patients (149 men and 26 women, mean age 54 years) have been included in this study. Eighty-nine patients were treated with anistreplase and 86 patients with streptokinase. AMI was inferior in 54 patients (61%) in the anistreplase group and in 54 patients (63%) in the streptokinase group. It was anterior in 35 (40%) and 32 (37%) patients, respectively. Coronary angiography and ventriculography were performed at a mean time (+/- SEM) of 207 +/- 11 minutes after the beginning of thrombolysis in 170 patients. A perfusion score grade of 2 or 3 according to the Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction trial was found in 63 patients (72%) in the anistreplase group and in 56 patients (68%) in the streptokinase group (p = NS). Severe bleeding occurred in 7 patients (8%) after anistreplase and in 6 patients (7%) after streptokinase. No cerebral hemorrhage occurred. Nine patients (5%) died during their hospital stay: 6 after anistreplase and 3 after streptokinase. It is concluded that intravenous administration of anistreplase or streptokinase is efficient and safe. Coronary patency 207 minutes after fibrinolysis, incidence of adverse events and mortality are similar in both groups.


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A proposal to pilot nursing assessment of self harm in Accident and Emergency Departments (A&E) was developed by key stakeholders in nurse education and suicide prevention in the South East and submitted to the National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery in April 2002.The proposal included the introduction of a suicide intent scale. Following an initial training programme, a suicide intent scale was utilised by nursing staff in A&E and the Medical Assessment Unit (MAU),Wexford General Hospital and evaluated over a period of nine months. Four months into the study the National Suicide Research Foundation (NSRF) was invited to collaboratively prepare a successful submission to the Health Research Board (HRB) as part of ‘Building Partnerships for a Healthier Future Research Awards 2004’. The NSRF undertook independent scientific evaluation of the outcomes of the suicide awareness programme. The study is in line with priorities determined by Reach Out, the National Strategy for Action on Suicide Prevention 2005-2014 (HSE, 2005) and the HSE-South East Suicide Prevention Programme through raising nursing staff awareness of the public health issue of suicide/deliberate self harm and by improving the efficiency and quality of nursing services offered to persons who present to acute hospitals with deliberate self harm. The study findings indicate evidence to positively support nursing assessment of DSH using a suicide intent scale in terms of assessing behavioural characteristics of individual clients and their suicide risk. Enhanced confidence levels of nursing personnel in caring for suicidal clients was demonstrated by staff who participated in an education programme related to risk assessment and specifically the use of a suicide intent scale.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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Objectives: to evaluate the effectiveness of a policy of making hip protectors available to residents of nursing homes. Design: a cluster randomised controlled trial of the policy in nursing and residential homes, with the home as the unit of randomisation. Setting: 127 nursing and residential homes in the greater Belfast area of Northern Ireland. Participants: 40 homes in the intervention group (representing 1,366 occupied beds) and 87 homes in the control group (representing 2,751 occupied beds). Interventions: a policy of making hip protectors available free of charge to residents of nursing homes and supporting the implementation process by employing a nurse facilitator to encourage staff in the homes to promote their use, over a 72-week period. Main outcome measures: the rate of hip fractures in intervention and control homes, and the level of adherence to use of hip protectors. Results: there were 85 hip fractures in the intervention homes and 163 in the control homes. The mean fracture rate per 100 residents was 6.22 in the intervention homes and 5.92 in the control homes, giving an adjusted rate ratio for the intervention group compared to the control group of 1.05 (95% CI 0.77, 1.43, P = 0.76). Initial acceptance of the hip protectors was 37.2% (508/1,366) with adherence falling to 19.9% (272/1,366) at 72 weeks.Conclusions: making hip protectors available to residents of nursing and residential homes did not reduce the rate of hip fracture. This research does not support the introduction of a policy of providing hip protectors to residents of nursing homes.