921 resultados para Indonesia - History - 1966-1998


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Eva Kasim is an Indonesian who studied at Deakin University in 1998-1999. She studied on an Australian Development Scholarship and completed a Masters in Disability Studies. Eva has lived with a disease that causes paralysis since she was 13, and since completing her studies she has been working to advocate change in relation to disability issues in Indonesia and abroad. The interview was conducted in English by Dr. Jemma Purdey and Prof. David Lowe, both of Deakin University, on 13 February 2015. This set comprises: an interview recording in two parts, a timed summary, and a photograph.


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Dyna Andriani is an Indonesian who studied in Australia in 1998-2000 at the University of Western Sydney. She was awarded an AusAID Scholarship and completed a Master of Applied Science for Enviromental Management. Dyna grew up in Solo and prior to studying in Australia completed undergraduate studies in forestry and worked in the area of forestry management. Dyna completed a PhD in Germany and now lives in Malaysia with her husband and child. The interview is conducted in Indonesian on 27 June 2014 by Dr. Ahmad Suaedy of the Abdurrahman Wahid Centre for Interfaith Dialogue and Peace. This set comprises: an interview recording in Indonesian, a transcript of the interview in Indonesian, and an English translation of the transcript.


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Thung Ju Lan is an Indonesian who studied at La Trobe University in 1994-1998. She was able to come to Australia to study on a scholarship organised by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), and she completed a PhD in Anthropology. The interview was conducted in English on 25 April 2014 by Dr. Jemma Purdey of Deakin University. This set comprises: an interview recording in two parts, a timed summary, and a photograph.


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Mulyoto Pangestu is an Indonesian who studied in Melbourne on two occasions; in 1993-1996, and in 1998-2005. During his first period of study he started at the University of Melbourne, but transferred to Monash University in 1994. He completed a Graduate Diploma in Agricultural Science in his one year at Melbourne University, before completing his Masters in Reproductive Science at Monash in 1994-1996. The change in field was the reason for his transferral to Monash. After two and a half years back in Indonesia, he returned to Monash University to complete his PhD in Reproductive Science. He was awarded Australian International Development Assistance Bureau (AIDAB) Scholarships to study in Australia. The interview was conducted in English on 18 August 2014 by Dr. Jemma Purdey of Deakin University. This set comprises: an interview recording, a timed summary and a photograph.


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Dr. Musawe Sinebare is a Papua New Guinean who studied at Wollongong University in 1993-1998. Before coming to Australia, he studied in the UK where he completed a Masters in Education, with a focus on the educational use of computers. He studied at Wollongong on an Australian International Development Assistance Bureau (AIDAB) Scholarship and he completed a PhD in Computer Science Education. The interview was conducted in English on 9 April 2014 by Prof. David Lowe and Mrs. Michelle Verso, both of Deakin University. This set comprises: an interview recording, a timed summary, and a photograph.


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Amin Wibowo is an Indonesian who studied in Australia on two occasions; at Monash University in 1997-1998 and at Curtin University in 2003-2008. On both occasions she studied on Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) scholarships and she completed her Masters in Business Administration during her time at Monash University, before completing her PhD in the same field while at Curtin University. The interview was conducted in English and Indonesian on 27 May 2014 by Dr. Ahmad Suaedy of the Abdurrahman Wahid Centre for Inter-faith Dialogue and Peace at Universitas Indonesia, and Dr. Jemma Purdey of Deakin University. This set comprises: an interview recording, and a transcript of the interview which contains both English and Indonesian translations.


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Nur Fitriatin Yamin is an Indonesian who studied in Australia on two occasions; at Flinders University in 1998-1999, and at the University of Canberra in 2008-2012. In both periods of study she was awarded Australian Development Scholarships (ADS). She completed a Masters in Education during her time at Flinders University before completing a PhD in the same field while at the University of Canberra. The interview was conducted in Indonesian on 1 June 2014 by Dr. Ahmad Suaedy of the Abdurrahman Wahid Centre for Inter-faith Dialogue and Peace at Universitas Indonesia. This set comprises: an interview recording, and a transcript of the interview (also in Indonesian).


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Strengthened protection for well-known trade marks in accordance with the TRIPS Agreement is an important issue for developing countries, which has led to trade pressures from industrialised nations in the past. ‘Trade mark squatting’, referring to the registration in bad faith of foreign well-known marks in order to sell them back to their original owners, is a much discussed phenomenon in this context. This article outlines the history and development of well-known trade marks and the applicable law in China and Indonesia. It looks not just at foreign and international brands subjected to ‘trade mark squatting’, but also at how local enterprises are using the system. Rather remarkably in view of the countries’ turbulent histories, local well-known marks have a long history and are well respected for their range of products. They are not normally affected by the ‘trade mark squatting’ phenomenon and are rarely the subject of disputes. Enhanced protection under the TRIPS Agreement is especially relevant for international brands and the article shows the approaches in the two countries. In China, government incentives assist the proliferation of nationally well-known and locally ‘famous’ marks. In Indonesia, lack of implementing legislation has left the matter of recognition to the discretion of the courts.


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Somatic growth patterns represent a major component of organismal fitness and may vary among sexes and populations due to genetic and environmental processes leading to profound differences in life-history and demography. This study considered the ontogenic, sex-specific and spatial dynamics of somatic growth patterns in ten populations of the world's largest lizard the Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis). The growth of 400 individual Komodo dragons was measured in a capture-mark-recapture study at ten sites on four islands in eastern Indonesia, from 2002 to 2010. Generalized Additive Mixed Models (GAMMs) and information-theoretic methods were used to examine how growth rates varied with size, age and sex, and across and within islands in relation to site-specific prey availability, lizard population density and inbreeding coefficients. Growth trajectories differed significantly with size and between sexes, indicating different energy allocation tactics and overall costs associated with reproduction. This leads to disparities in maximum body sizes and longevity. Spatial variation in growth was strongly supported by a curvilinear density-dependent growth model with highest growth rates occurring at intermediate population densities. Sex-specific trade-offs in growth underpin key differences in Komodo dragon life-history including evidence for high costs of reproduction in females. Further, inverse density-dependent growth may have profound effects on individual and population level processes that influence the demography of this species.


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Sept. 1998; 72 pages; pages 69-72 (Yearzine) b&w, color photographs TOC: Reflections…1 / Dedication…2 / Table of Contents…3 / Message from the President…4 / Message from the Student Government President…5 / The Deans…6 / Robert Francis Kennedy…7 / Student Activities Club Life…8 / Student Activities Club Fair…10 / We Build Potential…12 / Student Government Association 1997/98…14 / Poetry Writing my way out of the Ghetto…16 / Multi-Cultural Appreciation Week 16A-D / Dr. Martin Luther King Jr….17 / Future Leaders Early Childhood Learning Center…18 / Poetry + 5K Race…20 / The Class of 1997/98…21 / Message from the Yearbook Committee…61 / Tribute to Donald Barker Health Center…62 / Poetry Stepping Out…63 / Credits…64 Credits: PROJECT SUPERVISOR: IRENE SOSA; PROJECT COORDINATOR: EDWARD HOLLINS; ASST. PROJECT COORDINATORS: VINCENT COUSIN, ALLEN SCRIBNER, MADODHREE YAMRAJ; EVENT PHOTOGRAPHERS: VINCENT COUSIN, ALLEN SCRIBNER, RANDY FADER-SMITH; GRADUATE PHOTOGRAPHERS: SAMUEL LEE, LUIS REYES; POETRY: MATTHEW JOFFE, LISA KREMENS, THOMAS MCCRAY, JR. Special Thanks: -THE STAFF OF STUDENT LIFE & DEVELOPMENT (FRAN, GREGORY, LUIS, MILLIE) -ENOCK CHARLOTIN -DR. NOMA KRASNEY -HIGH SPEED PHOTO (LOUIS, FERNANDO, JAMES -THANKS GUYS, GREAT JOB!) -WARREN COOPER (TAYLOR PUBLISHING) -ANILA JOHN (S.G.A OFFICE MANAGER) - RON BOERKE (EVENTS OFFICE)


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The paper studies Brazil’s economic growth and begins with a brief overview of events that marked the country’s development from her discovery to the 19th century. It then divides the years between 1900 and 2008 into four periods. The breaks in regime occur in 1918, 1967 and 1980, according to the methodology created by Bai and Perron (1998, 2003). The use of the accounting methodology serves the analysis of the behavior of productivity in the previously identified different phases of the post-World War II period. High inflation might have been a reason for the decline in productivity observed between 1980 and mid-1990s. The paper shows that terms of trade have a significant effect on economic growth and output fluctuations. Other factors (such as fiscal stimulus or easy access to foreign finance) also matter for output accelerations in the short run. From 2004 to 2008, terms of trade improvement and debt reduction brought economic progress. The emergence of a new era in this millennium will depend on wiser fiscal policies than those of the past.


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Este estudo investigou a contribuição do programa de rádio Clube do Guri na formação musical de crianças e jovens que dele participavam, buscando compreender qual era a importância do programa para essas pessoas, como se dava a participação musical de jovens e crianças no programa, qual era o formato, o conteúdo e a concepção do programa, quais suas funções pedagógico-musicais, bem como a relação do programa com a escola. Para a realização desta pesquisa foi utilizado a metodologia da História Oral, entrevistando dois integrantes da equipe do Clube do Guri e cinco participantes que atuaram no programa. O Clube do Guri, foi veiculado na rádio Farroupilha, em Porto Alegre, entre 1950 e 1966, sendo um dos maiores sucessos do rádio gaúcho. Os participantes do programa eram crianças e jovens entre cinco e quinze anos de idade, que se apresentavam cantando, declamando, dançando, fazendo locução ou tocando um instrumento. Tomando-se como referência as teorias sobre aprendizagem através dos meios de comunicação (Schmidt, 2001; Steinberg, 1997; Fischer, 1997, 2001; Braga e Calazans, 2001; Nanni, 2000; Souza, 2000; e Thompson, 1998), o estudo evidenciou que o programa Clube do Guri teve um papel preponderante na formação musical de crianças e jovens que dele participaram, propiciando a profissionalização de muitos integrantes.


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O impacto positivo dos investimentos de Private Equity e Venture Capital (PE/VC) na economia e no mercado de capitais está amplamente documentado pela literatura acadêmica internacional. Nos últimos 40 anos, diversos autores têm estudado a influência desta classe de ativos na criação, no desenvolvimento e na transformação de milhares de empresas ao redor do mundo, especialmente nos Estados Unidos. Entretanto, os estudos sobre os determinantes da captação de recursos de PE/VC têm se desenvolvido apenas mais recentemente, e seus resultados estão longe de ser uma unanimidade. No Brasil, a pesquisa sobre a indústria de PE/VC ainda é escassa. Embora a indústria local venha crescendo rapidamente desde 2006, tendo alcançado US$36,1 bilhões em capital comprometido em 2009, ainda não há estudos sobre as variáveis que influenciam na alocação de capital pelos investidores nesta modalidade de investimento no Brazil. Entender esta dinâmica é importante para o equilíbrio e a eficiência de mercado. Baseado no trabalho de Gompers e Lerner (1998) sobre os determinantes da indústria de PE/VC nos Estados Unidos, este trabalho contribui com a literatura de PE/VC ao: (i) revisitar o começo desta indústria no Brasil; e (ii) identificar quais as variáveis influenciam no desenvolvimento da indústria de PE/VC local. Os resultados deste estudo contribuem para o desenvolvimento acadêmico da indústria de PE/VC no Brasil. Além disso, as discussões aqui apresentadas poderão impactar outras áreas de estudo que são permeadas pelo tema, tais como Gestão de Investimentos, Governança Corporativa, Empreendedorismo e Estratégia. Profissionais de mercado também deverão se interessar no trabalho. As discussões sobre a história e os fundamentos da indústria fornecem aos investidores, empreendedores, gestores de investimentos e formuladores de políticas públicas, entre outros, um melhor entendimento sobre como o ecossistema de PE/VC funciona no Brasil.


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The present study objective to construct to the Education‟s History of Centro de Educação Integrada Monsenhor Honório in Macau, in the state of the Rio Grande do Norte. By means of the examination of this Institution of education, we intend to analyze its educative practical in the Fifties years, that this was the first one to offer gymnasial course and, over all, for having formed doctors, engineers, teachers, bachelors and economists in the city and the region during five decades of functioning. For this we use the records as documentary sources available in the institution, in newspapers and in public and private archives in the capital and the interior, beyond interview with former-employees, former-pupils and people who had participated of its creation and, consequently, they had made and they are part of this history. The institution‟s history helped to us to comment the reading of Macau‟s education, propitiating us reflections about pedagogical practical, methods of teaching and school regiment, in the perspective to understand a past still so present and all process for which passed the education, in the context of the proper Macau‟s history. The search results lead us to evidence that the creation of this school, in 1956, represented a landmark in the education of this municipal district, contributing of decisive form in the formation of the macauenses


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)