959 resultados para In-plane


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More and more piezoelectric materials and structures have been used for structure control in aviation and aerospace industry. More efficient and convenient computation method for large complex structure with piezoelectric actuation devices is required. A load simulation method of piezoelectric actuation is presented in this paper. By this method, the freedom degree of finite element simulation is significantly reduced, the difficulty in defining in-plane voltage for multi-layers piezoelectric composite is overcome and the transfer computation between material main direction and the element main direction is simplified. The concept of simulation load is comprehensible and suitable for engineers of structure strength in shape and vibration control, thereby is valuable for promoting the application of piezoelectric material and structures in practical aviation and aerospace fields.


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In this report, we start from Lagrange equation and analyze theoretically the electron dynamics in electromagnetic field. By solving the relativistic government equations of electron, the trajectories of an electron in plane laser pulse, focused laser pulse have been given for different initial conditions. The electron trajectory is determined by its initial momentum, the amplitude, spot size and polarization of the laser pulse. The optimum initial momentum of the electron for LSS (laser synchrotron source) is obtained. Linear polarized laser is more advantaged than circular polarized laser for generating harmonic radiation.


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The purpose of this work is to extend experimental and theoretical understanding of horizontal Bloch line (HBL) motion in magnetic bubble materials. The present theory of HBL motion is reviewed, and then extended to include transient effects in which the internal domain wall structure changes with time. This is accomplished by numerically solving the equations of motion for the internal azimuthal angle ɸ and the wall position q as functions of z, the coordinate perpendicular to the thin-film material, and time. The effects of HBL's on domain wall motion are investigated by comparing results from wall oscillation experiments with those from the theory. In these experiments, a bias field pulse is used to make a step change in equilibrium position of either bubble or stripe domain walls, and the wall response is measured by using transient photography. During the initial response, the dynamic wall structure closely resembles the initial static structure. The wall accelerates to a relatively high velocity (≈20 m/sec), resulting in a short (≈22 nsec ) section of initial rapid motion. An HBL gradually forms near one of the film surfaces as a result of local dynamic properties, and moves along the wall surface toward the film center. The presence of this structure produces low-frequency, triangular-shaped oscillations in which the experimental wall velocity is nearly constant, vs≈ 5-8 m/sec. If the HBL reaches the opposite surface, i.e., if the average internal angle reaches an integer multiple of π, the momentum stored in the HBL is lost, and the wall chirality is reversed. This results in abrupt transitions to overdamped motion and changes in wall chirality, which are observed as a function of bias pulse amplitude. The pulse amplitude at which the nth punch- through occurs just as the wall reaches equilibrium is given within 0.2 0e by Hn = (2vsH'/γ)1/2 • (nπ)1/2 + Hsv), where H' is the effective field gradient from the surrounding domains, and Hsv is a small (less than 0.03 0e), effective drag field. Observations of wall oscillation in the presence of in-plane fields parallel to the wall show that HBL formation is suppressed by fields greater than about 40 0e (≈2πMs), resulting in the high-frequency, sinusoidal oscillations associated with a simple internal wall structure.


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Two topics in plane strain perfect plasticity are studied using the method of characteristics. The first is the steady-state indentation of an infinite medium by either a rigid wedge having a triangular cross section or a smooth plate inclined to the direction of motion. Solutions are exact and results include deformation patterns and forces of resistance; the latter are also applicable for the case of incipient failure. Experiments on sharp wedges in clay, where forces and deformations are recorded, showed a good agreement with the mechanism of cutting assumed by the theory; on the other hand the indentation process for blunt wedges transforms into that of compression with a rigid part of clay moving with the wedge. Finite element solutions, for a bilinear material model, were obtained to establish a correspondence between the response of the plane strain wedge and its axi-symmetric counterpart, the cone. Results of the study afford a better understanding of the process of indentation of soils by penetrometers and piles as well as the mechanism of failure of deep foundations (piles and anchor plates).

The second topic concerns the plane strain steady-state free rolling of a rigid roller on clays. The problem is solved approximately for small loads by getting the exact solution of two problems that encompass the one of interest; the first is a steady-state with a geometry that approximates the one of the roller and the second is an instantaneous solution of the rolling process but is not a steady-state. Deformations and rolling resistance are derived. When compared with existing empirical formulae the latter was found to agree closely.


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When the in-plane bias magnetic field acting on a flat circular magnetic dot is smaller than the saturation field, there are two stable competing magnetization configurations of the dot: the vortex and the quasi-uniform (C-state). We measured microwave absorption properties in an array of non-interacting permalloy dots in the frequency range 1-8 GHz when the in-plane bias magnetic field was varied in the region of the dot magnetization state bi-stability. We found that the microwave absorption properties in the vortex and quasi-uniform stable states are substantially different, so that switching between these states in a fixed bias field can be used for the development of reconfigurable microwave magnetic materials.


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Magnetic vortex that consists of an in-plane curling magnetization configuration and a needle-like core region with out-of-plane magnetization is known to be the ground state of geometrically confined submicron soft magnetic elements. Here magnetodynamics of relatively thick (50-100 nm) circular Ni80Fe20 dots were probed by broadband ferromagnetic resonance in the absence of external magnetic field. Spin excitation modes related to the thickness dependent vortex core gyrotropic dynamics were detected experimentally in the gigahertz frequency range. Both analytical theory and micromagnetic simulations revealed that these exchange dominated modes are flexure oscillations of the vortex core string with n = 0,1,2 nodes along the dot thickness. The intensity of the mode with n = 1 depends significantly on both dot thickness and diameter and in some cases is higher than the one of the uniform mode with n = 0. This opens promising perspectives in the area of spin transfer torque oscillators.


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The m-plane GaN films grown on LiAlO2(100) by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition exhibit anisotropic crystallographic properties. The Williamson-Hall plots point out they are due to the different tilts and lateral correlation lengths of mosaic blocks parallel and perpendicular to GaN[0001] in the growth plane. The symmetric and asymmetric reciprocal space maps reveal the strain of m-plane GaN to be biaxial in-plane compress epsilon(xx)=-0.79% and epsilon(zz)=-0.14% with an out-of-plane dilatation epsilon(yy)=0.38%. This anisotropic strain further separates the energy levels of top valence band at Gamma point. The energy splitting as 37 meV as well as in-plane polarization anisotropy for transitions are found by the polarized photoluminescence spectra at room temperature. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Nonpolar a-plane (1120) ZnO thin films have been fabricated on gamma-LiAlO2 (302) substrates via the low-pressure metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. An obvious intensity variation of the E-2 mode in the Raman spectra indicates that there exhibits in-plane optical anisotropy in the a-plane ZnO thin films. Highly-oriented uniform grains of rectangular shape can be seen from the atomic force microscopy images, which mean that the lateral growth rate of the thin films is also anisotropic. It is demonstrated experimentally that a buffer layer deposited at a low temperature (200 degrees C) can improve the structural and optical properties of the epilayer to a large extent. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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On the basis of the Boltzmann equation, the authors propose a model that includes scattering from both film surfaces and grain boundaries, and have studied the quasiclassical electrical transport in metallic films. The in-plane electric conductivity of metallic films is obtained, and the theoretical results are shown to be in good agreement with experimental data. We also give the relation between temperature coefficient of resistivity and thickness of metallic films and make a comparison with experiment. <(C)> 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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The flexoelectro-optic effect describes the rotation of the optic axis of a short-pitch chiral nematic liquid crystal under the application of an electric field. We investigate the effect in the uniform standing helix, or "Grandjean" configuration. An in-plane electric field is applied. The director profile is determined numerically using a static one-dimensional continuum model with strong surface anchoring. The Berreman method is used to solve for plane-wave solutions to Maxwell's equations, and predict the optical properties of the resulting structure in general cases. By using a chiral nematic with short pitch between crossed polarizers an optical switch may be generated. With no applied field the configuration is nontransmissive at normal incidence, but becomes transmissive with an applied field. For this case, numerical results using the Berreman method are supplemented with an analytic theory and found to be in good agreement. The transmitted intensity as a function of tilt, the contrast ratio, and the tilt required for full intensity modulation are presented. The angular dependence of the transmission is calculated and the isocontrast curves are plotted. For typical material and cell parameters a switching speed of 0.017 ms and contrast ratio of 1500:1 at normal incidence are predicted, at a switch-on tilt of 41.5 degrees. Experimental verification of the analytic and numerical models is provided.


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The critical currents of coated conductors fabricated by metal-organic deposition (MOD) on rolling-assisted biaxially textured substrates (RABiTS) and by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) on ion-beam assisted deposition (IBAD) templates have been measured as a function of magnetic field orientation and compared to films grown on single crystal substrates. By varying the orientation of magnetic field applied in the plane of the film, we are able to determine the extent to which current flow in each type of conductor is percolative. Standard MOD/RABiTS conductors have also been compared to samples whose grain boundaries have been doped by diffusing Ca from an overlayer. We find that undoped MOD/RABiTS tapes have a less anisotropic in-plane field dependence than PLD/IBAD tapes and that the uniformity of critical current as a function of in-plane field angle is greater for MOD/RABiTS samples doped with Ca. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper, we present experimental results describing enhanced readout of the vibratory response of a doubly clamped zinc oxide (ZnO) nanowire employing a purely electrical actuation and detection scheme. The measured response suggests that the piezoelectric and semiconducting properties of ZnO effectively enhance the motional current for electromechanical transduction. For a doubly clamped ZnO nanowire resonator with radius ~10 nm and length ~1.91 µm, a resonant frequency around 21.4 MHz is observed with a quality factor (Q) of ~358 in vacuum. A comparison with the Q obtained in air (~242) shows that these nano-scale devices may be operated in fluid as viscous damping is less significant at these length scales. Additionally, the suspended nanowire bridges show field effect transistor (FET) characteristics when the underlying silicon substrate is used as a gate electrode or using a lithographically patterned in-plane gate electrode. Moreover, the Young's modulus of ZnO nanowires is extracted from a static bending test performed on a nanowire cantilever using an AFM and the value is compared to that obtained from resonant frequency measurements of electrically addressed clamped–clamped beam nanowire resonators.


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Using in-plane electric fields, the electrical induction of the uniform lying helix (ULH) alignment in chiral nematic liquid crystals is reported. This process permits spontaneous induction of the ULH alignment to give an in-plane optic axis, without the need for complex processing. Flexoelectro-optic switching is subsequently obtained by holding the in-plane electrodes at a common voltage and addressing via a third, plane-parallel electrode on a second, or upper, substrate to give a field across the device in the viewing direction. For this device, in optimized bimesogenic materials, we demonstrate full intensity modulation and sub-millisecond response times at typical device temperatures. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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The measurement of cantilever parameters is an essential part of performing a calibrated measurement with an atomic force microscope (AFM). The thermal motion method is a widely used technique for calibrating the spring constant of an AFM cantilever, which can be applied to non-rectangular cantilevers. Given the trend towards high frequency scanning, calibration of non-rectangular cantilevers is of increasing importance. This paper presents two results relevant to cantilever calibration via the thermal motion method. We demonstrate the possibility of using the AFM's phase signal to acquire the thermal motion. This avoids the challenges associated with connecting the raw photodiode signal to a separate spectrum analyser. We also describe how numerical calculations may be used to calculate the parameters needed in a thermal motion calibration of a non-rectangular cantilever. Only accurate knowledge of the relative size of the in-plane dimensions of the cantilever is needed in this computation. We use this pair of results in the calibration of a variety of rectangular and non-rectangular cantilevers. We observe an average difference between the Sader and thermal motion values of cantilever stiffness of 10%.