982 resultados para In vitro survival


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Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death. However, poor survival using conventional therapies fuel the search for more rational interventions. The objective of this study was to design and implement a 4HPR-radiation interaction model in NSCLC, employing a traditional clinical modality (radiation), a relatively new, therapeutically unexplored agent (4HPR) and rationally combining them based on molecular mechanistic findings pertaining to their interactions. To test the hypothesis that 4HPR sensitizes cells to radiation-induced cell death via G2+M accumulation, we designed a working model consisting of H522 adenocarcinoma cells (p53, K-ras mutated) derived from an NSCLC patient; 4HPR at concentrations up to 10 μM; and X radiation up to 6 Gy generated by a patient-dedicated Phillips RT-250 X ray unit at 250 KV, 15 mA, 1.85 Gy/min. We found that 4HPR produced time- and dose-dependent morphological changes, growth inhibition, and DNA damage-inducing enhancement of reactive oxygen species. A transient G2+M accumulation of cells maximal at 24 h of continuous 4HPR exposure was used for irradiation time scheduling. Our data demonstrated enhanced cell death (both apoptotic and necrotic) in irradiated cells pre-treated with 4HPR versus those with either stressor alone. 4HPR's effect of increased NSCLC cells' radioresponse was confirmed by clonogenic assay. To explore these practical findings from a molecular mechanistic perspective, we further investigated and showed that levels of cyclin B1 and p34cdc2 kinase—both components of the mitosis promoting factor (MPF) regulating the G2/M transition—did not change following 4HPR treatment. Likewise, cdc25C phosphatase was not altered. However, enhanced p34cdc2 phosphorylation on its Thr14Tyr15 residues—indicative of its inactivation and increased expression of MPF negative regulators chk1 and wee1 kinases—were supportive of explaining 4HPR-treated cells' accumulation. Hence, p34cdc2 phosphorylation, chk1, and wee1 warrant further evaluation as potential molecular targets for 4HPR-X radiation combination. In summary, we (1) demonstrated that 4HPR not only induces cell death by itself, but also increases NSCLC cells' subsequent radioresponse, indicative of potential clinical applicability, and (2) for the first time, shed light on deciphering 4HPR-X radiation molecular mechanisms of interaction, including the finding of 4HPR's role as a p34cdc2 inactivator via Thr14Tyr15 phosphorylation. ^


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Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is a rare but very aggressive form of locally advanced breast cancer (1-6% of total breast cancer patients in United States), with a 5-year overall survival rate of only 40.5%, compared with 85% of the non-IBC patients. So far, a unique molecular signature for IBC able to explain the dramatic differences in the tumor biology between IBC and non-IBC has not been identified. As immune cells in the tumor microenvironment plays an important role in regulating tumor progression, we hypothesized that tumor-associated dendritic cells (TADC) may be responsible for regulating the development of the aggressive characteristics of IBC. MiRNAs can be released into the extracellular space and mediate the intercellular communication by regulating target gene expression beyond their cells of origin. We hypothesized that miRNAs released by IBC cells can induce an increased activation status, secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and migration ability of TADC. In an in vitro model of IBC tumor microenvironment, we found that the co-cultured of the IBC cell line SUM-149 with immature dendritic cells (iDCSUM-149) induced a higher degree of activation and maturation of iDCSUM-149 upon stimulation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) compared with iDCs co-cultured with the non-IBC cell line SUM-159 (iDCSUM-159), resulting in: increased expression of the costimulatory and activation markers; higher production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-a, IL-6); and 3) higher migratory ability. These differences were due to the exosome-mediated transfer of miR-19a and miR-146a from SUM-149 and SUM-159, respectively, to iDCs, causing the downregulation of the miR-19a target genes PTEN, SOCS-1 and the miR-146a target genes IRAK1, TRAF6. PTEN, SOCS-1 and IRAK1, TRAF6 are important negative and positive regulator of cytokine- and TLR-mediated activation/maturation signaling pathway in DCs. Increased levels of IL-6 induced the upregulation of miR-19a synthesis in SUM-149 cells that was associated with the induction of CD44+CD24-ALDH1+ cancer stem cells (CSCs) with epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) characteristics. In conclusion, in IBC tumor microenvironment IL-6/miR-19a axis can represent a self-sustaining loop able to maintain a pro-inflammatory status of DCs, leading to the development of tumor cells with high metastatic potential (EMT CSCs) responsible of the poor prognosis in IBC patients.


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Tumor growth often outpaces its vascularization, leading to development of a hypoxic tumor microenvironment. In response, an intracellular hypoxia survival pathway is initiated by heterodimerization of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1α and HIF-1β, which subsequently upregulates the expression of several hypoxia-inducible genes, promotes cell survival and stimulates angiogenesis in the oxygen-deprived environment. Hypoxic tumor regions are often associated with resistance to various classes of radio- or chemotherapeutic agents. Therefore, development of HIF-1α/β heterodimerization inhibitors may provide a novel approach to anti-cancer therapy. To this end, a novel approach for imaging HIF-1α/β heterodimerization in vitro and in vivo was developed in this study. Using this screening platform, we identified a promising lead candidate and further chemically derivatized the lead candidate to assess the structure-activity relationship (SAR). The most effective first generation drug inhibitors were selected and their pharmacodynamics and anti-tumor efficacy in vivo were verified by bioluminescence imaging (BLI) of HIF-1α/β heterodimerization in the xenograft tumor model. Furthermore, the first generation drug inhibitors, M-TMCP and D-TMCP, demonstrated efficacy as monotherapies, resulting in tumor growth inhibition via disruption of HIF-1 signaling-mediated tumor stromal neoangiogenesis.


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Understanding the molecular programs of the generation of human dopaminergic neurons (DAn) from their ventral mesencephalic (VM) precursors is of key importance for basic studies, progress in cell therapy, drug screening and pharmacology in the context of Parkinson's disease. The nature of human DAn precursors in vitro is poorly understood, their properties unstable, and their availability highly limited. Here we present positive evidence that human VM precursors retaining their genuine properties and long-term capacity to generate A9 type Substantia nigra human DAn (hVM1 model cell line) can be propagated in culture. During a one month differentiation, these cells activate all key genes needed to progress from pro-neural and prodopaminergic precursors to mature and functional DAn. For the first time, we demonstrate that gene cascades are correctly activated during differentiation, resulting in the generation of mature DAn. These DAn have morphological and functional properties undistinguishable from those generated by VM primary neuronal cultures. In addition, we have found that the forced expression of Bcl-XL induces an increase in the expression of key developmental genes (MSX1, NGN2), maintenance of PITX3 expression temporal profile, and also enhances genes involved in DAn long-term function, maintenance and survival (EN1, LMX1B, NURR1 and PITX3). As a result, Bcl-XL anticipates and enhances DAn generation.


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Cinchona officinalis (Rubiaceae), especie endémica del Valle de Loja, ubicado en la región sur del Ecuador, es un recurso forestal de importancia medicinal y ecológica, además la especie ha sido catalogada como planta nacional y es un ícono de la región sur por su aporte a la farmacopea mundial. Esta especie, entre los siglos XVII-XIX sufrió una gran presión en sus poblaciones debido a la extracción masiva de la corteza para la cura del paludismo. Aunque la actividad extractiva generó grandes ingresos a la Corona Española y a la región Sur del Ecuador, ésta fue poco o nada sustentable ecológicamente, provocando la desaparición de la especie en muchos sitios de la provincia, pues, en su momento, no se consideraron alternativas de recuperación de las poblaciones naturales. Actualmente la extracción y consumo de la corteza en la zona de origen es baja o nula, sin embargo esta zona enfrenta nuevas amenazas. La deforestación a causa de proyectos de desarrollo en infraestructuras, la práctica de actividades agrícolas y de ganadería, y los efectos del cambio climático han ocasionado, en estos últimos años, la fragmentación de los ecosistemas. La mayoría de los bosques del sur del Ecuador se han convertido en parches aislados (los bosques en los que se distribuye C. officinalis no son la excepción) siendo esta la principal causa para que la especie se encuentre en estado de amenaza. Los individuos de la especie tienen una alta capacidad de rebrote y producen semillas durante todo el año; sin embargo la capacidad germinativa y la tasa de sobrevivencia son bajas, además de estas dificultades la especie requiere de la asociación con otras especies vegetales para su desarrollo, lo cual ha limitado su distribución en pequeños parches aislados. Con esta problemática, la recuperación natural de las poblaciones es una necesidad evidente. Varios trabajos y esfuerzos previos se han realizado a nivel local: i. Identificación de la distribución actual y potencial; ii. Determinación de la fenología y fructificación iii. Programas de educación ambiental, iv. Análisis moleculares para determinar la diversidad genética. v. Ensayos de propagación vegetativa; y otras acciones de tipo cultural. No obstante, el estado de conservación y manejo de las poblaciones naturales no ha mejorado significativamente, siendo necesaria la aplicación de estrategias integradas de conservación in situ y ex situ, que permitan la recuperación y permanencia de las poblaciones naturales a largo plazo. El presente trabajo tiene como fin dar alternativas para el cultivo de tejidos in vitro de Cinchona officinalis centrados en la propagación masiva a partir de semillas, análisis de la fidelidad genética y alternativas de conservación de tejidos. Los objetivos específicos que se plantean son: i. Analizar el proceso de germinación y proliferación in vitro. ii. Evaluar la estabilidad genética en explantes cultivados in vitro, mediante marcadores ISSR. iii. Establecer protocolos de conservación in vitro mediante limitación del crecimiento y criopreservación de segmentos nodales y yemas. Los resultados más significativos de esta investigación fueron: i. El desarrollo de protocolos eficientes para mejorar los porcentajes de germinación y la proliferación de brotes en explantos cultivados in vitro. Para evaluar el efecto de los fenoles sobre la germinación, se determinó el contenido total de fenoles y el porcentaje de germinación en semillas de C. officinalis comparados con una especie de control, C. pubescens. Para inducir a proliferación, se utilizaron segmentos nodales de plántulas germinadas in vitro en medio Gamborg (1968) suplementado con diferentes combinaciones de reguladores de crecimiento (auxinas y citoquininas). Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que el contenido de compuestos fenólicos es alto en las semillas de C. officinalis en comparación con las semillas de C. pubescens. Estos fenoles pueden eliminarse con peróxido de hidrógeno o con lavados de agua para estimular la germinación. La formación de nuevos brotes y callos en la mayoría de las combinaciones de reguladores de crecimiento se observó en un período de 45 días. El mayor porcentaje de proliferación de brotes, formación de callos y presencia de brotes adventicios se obtuvo en medio Gamborg (B5) suplementado con 5.0 mg/l 6-bencil-aminopurina y 3.0 mg/l de ácido indol-3-butírico. ii. La evaluación de la fidelidad genética de los explantes obtenidos con distintas combinaciones de reguladores de crecimiento vegetal y diversos subcultivos. Se realizó el seguimiento a los explantes obtenidos de la fase anterior, determinando el índice de multiplicación y analizando la fidelidad genética de los tejidos obtenidos por las dos vías regenerativas: brotación directa y regeneración de brotes a partir de callos. Este análisis se realizó por amplificación mediante PCR de las secuencias ubicadas entre microsatélites-ISSR (Inter simple sequence repeat). El medio Gamborg (B5) con 3.0 mg/l de AIB y 5.0 mg/l de BAP usado como medio de inducción en la primera etapa de cultivo generó el mayor índice de proliferación (11.5). Un total de 13 marcadores ISSR fueron analizados, 6 de éstos fueron polimórficos. El mayor porcentaje de variación somaclonal fue inducido en presencia de 1.0 mg/l 2,4-D combinado con 0.2 mg/l Kin con un 1.8% en el segundo sub-cultivo de regeneración, la cual incrementó a 3.6% en el tercer sub-cultivo. Todas las combinaciones con presencia de 2,4-D produjeron la formación de callos y presentaron variación genética. Por su parte la fidelidad genética se mantuvo en los sistemas de propagación directa a través de la formación de brotes a partir de meristemos preformados. iii. El establecimiento de protocolos de conservación in vitro y crioconservación de segmentos nodales y yemas. Para la conservación limitando el crecimiento, se cultivaron segmentos nodales en los medios MS y B5 en tres concentraciones de sus componentes (25, 50 y 100%); y en medio B5 más agentes osmóticos como el manitol, sorbitol y sacarosa en diferentes concentraciones (2, 4 y 8%); los cultivos se mantuvieron por 12 meses sin subcultivos. Para el establecimiento de protocolos para la crioconservación (paralización del metabolismo) se usaron yemas axilares y apicales a las cuales se les aplicaron los métodos de encapsulación-deshidratación y vitrificación. La efectividad de los protocolos usados se determinó en función de la sobrevivencia, reducción del crecimiento y regeneración. Los resultados obtenidos en este apartado reflejan que un crecimiento limitado puede mantener tejidos durante 12 meses de almacenamiento, usando medio B5 más manitol entre 2 y 8%. En los protocolos de crioconservación, se obtuvo el mayor porcentaje de recuperación tras la congelación en NL en el tratamiento control seguido por el método crioprotector de encapsulación-deshidratación. Este trabajo brinda alternativas para la propagación de C. officinalis bajo condiciones in vitro, partiendo de material vegetal con alta diversidad genética. El material propagado puede ser fuente de germoplasma para la recuperación y reforzamiento de las poblaciones naturales así como una alternativa de producción para las comunidades locales debido a la demanda actual de corteza de la zona de origen para la elaboración de agua tónica. ABSTRACT Cinchona officinalis (Rubiaceae) is endemic to the Loja Valley, located in the southern area of Ecuador. The importance of this plant as medical and ecological resource is so great that it has been designated as the national flower and is an icon of the southern region for its contribution to the world pharmacopoeia. Between XVII-XIX centuries its population suffered great reduction due to massive harvesting of the bark to cure malaria. Although extraction activity generated large revenues to the Spanish Crown and the southern region of Ecuador, this was not ecologically sustainable, causing the disappearance of the species in many areas of the province, because during that time alternatives to prevent extinction and recover natural populations were not taken in account. Currently the extraction and consumption of bark in the area of origin is almost absent, but this species faces new threats. Deforestation due to infrastructure development, the practice of farming and ranching, and the effects of climate change had led to the fragmentation of ecosystems during the recent years. Most of the forests of southern Ecuador have become isolated patches, including those where C. officinalis is diffused. The lack of suitable habitat is today the main threat for the species. The species has a high capacity for regeneration and produces seeds throughout the year, but the germination rate is low and the growth is slow. In addition, the species requires the association with other plant species to develop. All these factors had limited its distribution to small isolated patches. The natural recovery of populations is essential to face this problem. Several studies and previous efforts had been made at local level: i. Identification of current and potential distribution; ii. Phenology determination. iii. Environmental education programs, iv. Molecular analisis to determine the genetic diversity. v. Testing of vegetative propagation; and other actions of cultural nature. Despite these efforts, the state of conservation and management of natural populations has not improved significantly. Implementation of integrated in situ and ex situ conservation strategies for the recovery and permanence of long-term natural populations is still needed. This work aims to provide alternatives for in vitro culture of tissue of Cinchona officinalis focused on mass propagation from seeds, genetic fidelity analysis and tissue conservation alternatives. The specific aims are: i. Analyze the process of germination and proliferation in vitro. ii. To evaluate the genetic stability of the explants cultured in vitro by ISSR markers. iii. Establish protocols for in vitro conservation by limiting growth and cryopreservation of nodal segments and buds. The most significant results of this research were: i. The development of efficient protocols to improve germination rates and proliferation of buds in explants cultured in vitro. To study the effect of phenols on germination, the total phenolic content and percentage germination was measured in C. officinalis and in a control species, C. pubescens, for comparison. The content of phenolic compounds in C. officinalis seeds is higher than in C. pubescens. These phenols can be removed with hydrogen peroxide or water washes to stimulate germination. To analyze the regeneration, we used nodal explants from seedlings germinated in vitro on Gamborg medium (1968) supplemented with different combinations of growth regulators (auxins and cytokinins) to induce proliferation. The formation of new shoots and calluses was observed within a period of 45 days in most combinations of growth regulators. The highest percentage of shoot proliferation, callus formation and adventitious buds were obtained in B5 medium supplemented with 5.0 mg/l 6-benzyl-aminopurine and 3.0 mg/l indole-3-butyric acid. ii. Evaluating genetic fidelity explants obtained with various combinations of plant growth regulators and different subcultures. The genetic fidelity was analyzed in tissues obtained by the two regenerative pathways: direct sprouting and shoot regeneration from callus. This analysis was performed by PCR amplification of the sequences located between microsatellite-ISSR (Inter Simple Sequence Repeat). Among a total of 13 ISSR markers analyzed, 6 were polymorphic. The highest percentage of somaclonal variation was induced in the presence of 1.0 mg/l 2,4-D combined with 0.2 mg/l Kin with 1.8% in the second round of regeneration, and increased to 3.6% in the third round. The presence of 2,4-D induced genetic variation in all the combinations of growth regulators. Meanwhile genetic fidelity remained systems propagation through direct shoot formation from meristems preformed. iii. Establishing conservation protocols in vitro and cryoconservation of nodal segments and buds. For medium-term conservation (limited growth) nodal segments were cultured in MS and B5 media at three concentrations (25, 50 and 100%); we tested B5 medium with different concentrations of osmotic agents such as mannitol, sorbitol and sucrose (2, 4 and 8%); cultures were maintained for 12 months with regular subculturing. To establish protocols for cryoconservation (cessation of metabolism) different methods of encapsulation-dehydration and vitrification were applied to axillary and apical buds. The effectiveness of the used protocols is determined based on the survival, growth and regeneration success. The results show that these tissues can be maintained in storage for 12 months, using B5 medium plus mannitol between 2 and 8%. The cryoconservation protocol with highest percentage of recovery was obtained by contral treatment, followed by freezing in NL with encapsulation-dehydration method. This work provides alternatives for the propagation in vitro of C. officinalis, starting from plant material with high genetic diversity. The obtained material represents a source of germplasm to support the recovery and strengthening of natural populations as well as a creation of alternative sources for local communities due to the current demand of bark for the preparation of tonic water.


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Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a secreted endothelial cell mitogen that has been shown to induce vasculogenesis and angiogenesis in many organ systems and tumors. Considering the importance of VEGF to embryonic vascularization and survival, the effects of administered VEGF on developing or adult cerebrovasculature are unknown: can VEGF alter brain angiogenesis or mature cerebrovascular patterns? To examine these questions we exposed fetal, newborn, and adult rat cortical slice explants to graduated doses of recombinant VEGF. The effects of another known angiogenic factor, basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), were evaluated in a comparable manner. In addition, we infused VEGF via minipump into the adult cortex. Significant angiogenic effects were found in all VEGF experiments in a dose-responsive manner that were abolished by the addition of VEGF neutralizing antibody. Fetal and newborn explants had a highly complex network of branched vessels that immunoexpressed the flt-1 VEGF receptor, and flk-1 VEGF receptor expression was determined by reverse transcription–PCR. Adult explants had enlarged, dilated vessels that appeared to be an expansion of the existing network. All bFGF-treated explants had substantially fewer vascular profiles. VEGF infusions produced both a remarkable localized neovascularization and, unexpectedly, the expression of flt-1 on reactive astrocytes but not on endothelial cells. The preponderance of neovascularization in vitro and in vivo, however, lacked the blood–brain barrier (BBB) phenotype marker, GLUT-1, suggesting that in brain the angiogenic role of VEGF may differ from a potential BBB functional role, i.e., transport and permeability. VEGF may serve an important capacity in neovascularization or BBB alterations after brain injury.


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Prion diseases are natural transmissible neurodegenerative disorders in humans and animals. They are characterized by the accumulation of a protease-resistant scrapie-associated prion protein (PrPSc) of the host-encoded cellular prion protein (PrPC) mainly in the central nervous system. Polymorphisms in the PrP gene are linked to differences in susceptibility for prion diseases. The mechanisms underlying these effects are still unknown. Here we describe studies of the influence of sheep PrP polymorphisms on the conversion of PrPC into protease-resistant forms. In a cell-free system, sheep PrPSc induced the conversion of sheep PrPC into protease-resistant PrP (PrP-res) similar or identical to PrPSc. Polymorphisms present in either PrPC or PrPSc had dramatic effects on the cell-free conversion efficiencies. The PrP variant associated with a high susceptibility to scrapie and short survival times of scrapie-affected sheep was efficiently converted into PrP-res. The wild-type PrP variant associated with a neutral effect on susceptibility and intermediate survival times was converted with intermediate efficiency. The PrP variant associated with scrapie resistance and long survival times was poorly converted. Thus the in vitro conversion characteristics of the sheep PrP variants reflect their linkage with scrapie susceptibility and survival times of scrapie-affected sheep. The modulating effect of the polymorphisms in PrPC and PrPSc on the cell-free conversion characteristics suggests that, besides the species barrier, polymorphism barriers play a significant role in the transmissibility of prion diseases.


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Dendritic cells (DCs) play a central role in regulating immune activation and responses to self. DC maturation is central to the outcome of antigen presentation to T cells. Maturation of DCs is inhibited by physiological levels of 1α,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1α,25(OH)2D3] and a related analog, 1α,25(OH)2-16-ene-23-yne-26,27-hexafluoro-19-nor-vitamin D3 (D3 analog). Conditioning of bone marrow cultures with 10−10 M D3 analog resulted in accumulation of immature DCs with reduced IL-12 secretion and without induction of transforming growth factor β1. These DCs retained an immature phenotype after withdrawal of D3 analog and exhibited blunted responses to maturing stimuli (CD40 ligation, macrophage products, or lipopolysaccharide). Resistance to maturation depended on the presence of the 1α,25(OH)2D3 receptor (VDR). In an in vivo model of DC-mediated antigen-specific sensitization, D3 analog-conditioned DCs failed to sensitize and, instead, promoted prolonged survival of subsequent skin grafts expressing the same antigen. To investigate the physiologic significance of 1α,25(OH)2D3/VDR-mediated modulation of DC maturity we analyzed DC populations from mice lacking VDR. Compared with wild-type animals, VDR-deficient mice had hypertrophy of subcutaneous lymph nodes and an increase in mature DCs in lymph nodes but not spleen. We conclude that 1α,25(OH)2D3/VDR mediates physiologically relevant inhibition of DC maturity that is resistant to maturational stimuli and modulates antigen-specific immune responses in vivo.


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We report a series of new in vitro and in vivo data proving the selective antitumor activity of our somatostatin structural derivative, TT-232. In vitro, it inhibited the proliferation of 20 different human tumor cell lines in the range of 50-95% and induced a very strong apoptosis. In vivo TT-232 was effective on transplanted animal tumors (Colon 26, B16 melanoma, and S180 sarcoma) and on human tumor xenografts. Treatment of MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer xenografted in mice with low submaximal doses of TT-232 [0.25 and 0.5 mg/kg of body weight (b.w.)] caused an average 80% decrease in the tumor volume resulting in 30% tumor-free animals surviving for longer than 200 days. Treatment of prostate tumor (PC-3) xenografted animals with 20 mg/kg of b.w. of TT-232 for 3 weeks resulted in 60% decrease in tumor volume and 100% survival even after 60 days, while 80% of nontreated animals perished. We have demonstrated that TT-232 did not bind to the membrane preparation of rat pituitary and cortex and had no antisecretory activity. TT-232 was not toxic at a dose of 120 mg/kg of b.w. in mice. Long-term incubation (24 h) of tumor cells with TT-232 caused significant inhibition of tyrosine kinases in good correlation with the apoptosis-inducing effect. The level of p53 or KU86 did not change following TT-232 treatment, suggesting a p53-independent apoptotic effect. Preincubation of human breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-453) with TT-232 for 2 h decreased the growth factor receptor autophosphorylation. All of these data suggest that TT-232 is a promising and selective antitumor agent.


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Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a T-cell-mediated disease of transplanted donor T cells recognizing host alloantigens. Data presented in this report show, to our knowledge, for the first time that a synthetic copolymer of the amino acids L-Glu, L-Lys, L-Ala, and L-Tyr (molecular ratio, 1.9:6.0:4.7:1.0; Mr, 6000-8500) [corrected], termed GLAT, with promiscuous binding to multiple major histocompatibility complex class II alleles is capable of preventing lethal GVHD in the B10.D2 --> BALB/c model (both H-2d) across minor histocompatibility barriers. Administration of GLAT over a limited time after transplant significantly reduced the incidence, onset, and severity of disease. GLAT also improved long-term survival from lethal GVHD: 14/25 (56%) of experimental mice survived > 140 days after transplant compared to 2/26 of saline-treated or to 1/10 of hen egg lysozyme-treated control mice (P < 0.01). Long-term survivors were documented to be fully chimeric by PCR analysis of a polymorphic microsatellite region in the interleukin 1beta gene. In vitro, GLAT inhibited the mixed lymphocyte culture in a dose-dependent fashion across a variety of major barriers tested. Furthermore, GLAT inhibited the response of nylon wool-enriched T cells to syngeneic antigen-presenting cells presenting minor histocompatibility antigens. Prepulsing of the antigen-presenting cells with GLAT reduced the proliferative response, suggesting that GLAT inhibits antigen presentation.


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We recently described the development in vitro of cells with granules characteristic of eosinophils and basophils (hybrid granulocytes) from normal human cord blood mononuclear cells cultured for 14 days with recombinant human (rh) interleukin (IL)-3, rhIL-5, and a soluble basement membrane, Matrigel. Hybrid granulocytes constitutively produced granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and rapidly developed into eosinophils after the exogenous cytokines and Matrigel were removed. To characterize the developmental progression of hybrid granulocytes, cells were maintained for an additional 14 days in medium containing rhIL-3, rhIL-5, and Matrigel. After 28 days, 73% +/- 1% (mean +/- SEM; n = 6) of the nonadherent cells were mononuclear eosinophils, 13% +/- 3% were eosinophils with two or more nuclear lobes, 13% +/- 4% were hybrid granulocytes, and 0.2% +/- 0.1% were basophils. More than 90% of the mononuclear eosinophils were hypodense as determined by centrifugation through metrizamide gradients. After an additional 5 days of culture in medium without exogenous cytokines, 65% +/- 3% (n = 5) of the 28-day cells excluded trypan blue. In contrast, 2% +/- 1% of freshly isolated peripheral blood eosinophils survived 5 days of culture without exogenous cytokines (n = 5). Fifty percent conditioned medium from in vitro derived 28-day mononuclear eosinophils and 14-day hybrid granulocytes maintained the survival of 60% +/- 7% and 77% +/- 7%, respectively, of freshly isolated peripheral blood eosinophils for 72 h, compared with 20% +/- 8% survival in medium alone (n = 3). The eosinophil viability-sustaining activity of 50% mononuclear eosinophil-conditioned medium was neutralized with a GM-CSF antibody. A total of 88% of the 28-day cells exhibited immunochemical staining for GM-CSF. Thus, during eosinophilopoiesis, both hybrid eosinophil/basophil intermediates and immature mononuclear eosinophils exhibit autocrine regulation of viability due to constitutive production of GM-CSF.


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Burn sepsis is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in patients with major burns. The use of topical anti-microbial agents has helped improve the survival in these patients. There are a number of anti-microbials available, one of which, Silvazine(TM) (1% silver sulphadiazine (SSD) and 0.2% chlorhexidine digluconate), is used only in Australasia. No study, in vitro or clinical, had compared Silvazine(TM) with the new dressing Acticoat(TM). This study compared the anti-microbial activity of Silvazine(TM), Acticoa(TM) and 1% silver sulphadiazine (Flamazine(TM)) against eight common burn wound pathogens. Methods: Each organism was prepared as a suspension. A 10 mul inoculum of the chosen bacterial isolate (representing approximately between 104 and 105 total bacteria) was added to each of four vials, followed by samples of each dressing and a control. The broths were then incubated and 10 mul loops removed at specified intervals and transferred onto Horse Blood Agar. These plates were then incubated for 18 hours and a colony count was performed. Results: The data demonstrates that the combination of 1% SSD and 0.2% chlorhexidine digluconate (Silvazine(TM)) results in the most effective killing of all bacteria. SSD and Acticoat(TM) had similar efficacies against a number of isolates, but Acticoat(TM) seemed only bacteriostatic against E. faecalis and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Viable quantities of Enterobacter cloacae and Proteus mirabilis rei named at 24 h. Conclusion: The combination of 1% SSD and 0.2% chlorhexidine digluconate (Silvazine(TM)) is a more effective anti-microbial against a number of burn wound pathogens in this in vitro study. A clinical study of its in vivo anti-microbial efficacy is required. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.


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Loss of skeletal muscle is a major factor in the poor survival of patients with cancer cachexia. This study examines the mechanism of catabolism of skeletal muscle by a tumour product, proteolysis-inducing factor (PIF). Intravenous administration of PIF to normal mice produced a rapid decrease in body weight (1.55 ± 0.12 g in 24 h) that was accompanied by increased mRNA levels for ubiquitin, the Mr 14 000 ubiquitin carrier-protein, E2, and the C9 proteasome subunit in gastrocnemius muscle. There was also increased protein levels of the 20S proteasome core and 19S regulatory subunit, detectable by immunoblotting, suggesting activation of the ATP-ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic pathway. An increased protein catabolism was also seen in C2C12 myoblasts within 24 h of PIF addition with a bell-shaped dose-response curve and a maximal effect at 2-4 nM. The enhanced protein degradation was attenuated by anti-PIF antibody and by the proteasome inhibitors MG115 and lactacystin. Glycerol gradient analysis of proteasomes from PIF-treated cells showed an elevation in chymotrypsin-like activity, while Western analysis showed a dose-related increase in expression of MSSI, an ATPase that is a regulatory subunit of the proteasome, with a dose-response curve similar to that for protein degradation. These results confirm that PIF acts directly to stimulate the proteasome pathway in muscle cells and may play a pivotal role in protein catabolism in cancer cachexia. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign.


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Objectives Curcuma zedoaroides A. Chaveerach & T. Tanee, locally known as Wan-Paya-Ngoo-Tua-Mia, is commonly used in the North-Eastern part of Thailand as a 'snakebite antidote'. The aim of this study was to isolate the active compound from the rhizome of C. zedoaroides, to determine its structure and to assess its antagonistic activity in vitro and in vivo against King cobra venom. Methods The active compound was obtained from C. zedoaroides by extraction with acetone followed by purification using column chromatography; its X-ray structure was determined. Its inhibition of venom lethality was studied in vitro in rat phrenic nerve-hemidiaphragms and in vivo in mice. Key findings The acetone extract of the Curcuma rhizomes contained a C20 dialdehyde, [2-(5,5,8a-trimethyl-2-methylene-decahydro-naphthalen-1-yl)-ethylidene] -succinaldehyde, as the major component. The isolated curcuma dialdehyde was found active in vitro and in vivo for antivenin activity against the King cobra venom. Using isolated rat phrenic nerve-hemidiaphragm preparations, a significant antagonistic effect on the inhibition of neuromuscular transmission was observed in vitro. Inhibition on muscle contraction, produced by the 4 μg/ml venom, was reversed by 2-16 μg/ml of Curcuma dialdehyde in organ bath preparations over a period of 2 h. Mice intraperitoneally injected with 0.75 mg/kg venom and dialdehyde at 100 mg/kg had a significantly increased survival time. Injection of Curcuma dialdehyde (100 mg/kg) 30 min before the subcutaneous injection of the venom resulted in a 100% survival time after 2 h compared with 0% for the control group. Conclusions The in vitro and in vivo evaluation confirmed the medicinal use of traditional snake plants against snakebites. The bioactivity is linked to an isolated molecule and not a result of synergistic effects of a mixture. The active compound was isolated and the structure fully elucidated, including its stereochemistry. This dialdehyde is a versatile chemical building block and can be easily obtained from this plant source. © 2010 Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.


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The nucleoside diphosphate (NDP) kinase, Nm23H1, is a highly expressed during neuronal development, whilst induced over-expression in neuronal cells results in increased neurite outgrowth. Extracellular Nm23H1 affects the survival, proliferation and differentiation of non-neuronal cells. Therefore, this study has examined whether extracellular Nm23H1 regulates nerve growth. We have immobilised recombinant Nm23H1 proteins to defined locations of culture plates, which were then seeded with explants of embryonic chick dorsal root ganglia (DRG) or dissociated adult rat DRG neurons. The substratum-bound extracellular Nm23H1 was stimulatory for neurite outgrowth from chick DRG explants in a concentration-dependent manner. On high concentrations of Nm23H1, chick DRG neurite outgrowth was extensive and effectively limited to the location of the Nm23H1, i.e. neuronal growth cones turned away from adjacent collagen-coated substrata. Nm23H1-coated substrata also significantly enhanced rat DRG neuronal cell adhesion and neurite outgrowth in comparison to collagen-coated substrata. These effects were independent of NGF supplementation. Recombinant Nm23H1 (H118F), which does not possess NDP kinase activity, exhibited the same activity as the wild-type protein. Hence, a novel neuro-stimulatory activity for extracellular Nm23H1 has been identified in vitro, which may function in developing neuronal systems. © 2010 Elsevier Inc.