307 resultados para Ileal pouches


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência de uma dieta suplementada com glutamina sobre as alterações adaptativas no intestino delgado de ratos com enterectomia extensa. MÉTODO: Vinte ratos Wistar, divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos de dez animais, foram enterectomizados e alimentados com dois tipos diferentes de dieta nos 14 dias de pós-operatório: grupo controle (GC)-dieta padrão; grupo glutamina (GG)-dietapadrão acrescida de 3,05% de glutamina. Avaliou-se evolução ponderal, peso da mucosa intestinal (PM), profundidade das criptas (PC), altura das vilosidades (AV), espessura da parede (EP) e o conteúdo de ácido desoxirribonucléico (DNA) na mucosa intestinal, no início e no final do experimento. RESULTADOS: Com exceção da PC ileal do Grupo GG, todas as variáveis estudadas tiveram um aumento significativo em seus valores finais tanto no jejuno quanto no íleo (p<0,05).Entre os grupos, a comparação do PM, AV, DNA da mucosa, no jejuno e no íleo, tanto inicialmente quanto no final do estudo, bem como da EP inicial no jejuno e íleo eda PC no jejuno final e no íleo inicial e final não mostraram diferenças significativas (p>0,05). No jejuno inicial, a PC no grupo GC foi maior (p=0,005). A EP do jejuno e íleo final foi maior no grupo GC. CONCLUSÃO: A suplementação dietética com a glutamina não melhorou as alterações adaptativas que ocorrem no remanescente intestinal.


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Pharyngoesophageal diverticula are epithelial-lined pouches that protrude from the esophageal lumen. They were studied by Zenker in 1878,receiving the denomination of Zenker's diverticulum. They are false diverticula since they don't have all layers of the esophageal wall. Although they are most common esophageal diverticula . Their incidence is of 3% of the patient presenting dysphagia. Current , there are several therapeutic modalities, from dilatation of the esophagus to surgery with resection of the diverticulum. The report refers to three patients with Zenker's diverticulum who underwent conventional surgical treatment.


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OBJETIVO: analisar através de biologia molecular a diversidade da microbiota da junção ileocecal antes e após a ressecção da válvula ileocecal e reconstrução do trânsito com e sem a criação de "neoesfíncter". MÉTODOS: Os animais foram distribuídos em dois grupos: Grupo A (n=7) com ressecção da válvula ileocecal e anastomose ileocólica término-terminal em plano único, e Grupo B (n=7) com ressecção da válvula ileocecal e anastomose ileocólica término-terminal em plano único e confecção do esfíncter artificial. Reoperados com 20 dias coletou-se novamente conteúdo intraluminar do íleo e do cólon. Das amostras coletadas, extraiu-se DNA para reação de PCR-DGGE. Os padrões de bandas eletroforéticas , gerados na reação, foram submetidos ao programa Bionumerics para análise da similaridade e da diversidade da microbiota. RESULTADOS: a diversidade da microbiota foi maior e em mais amostras do íleo do que as do cólon. O grupo com a válvula apresentou os maiores valores e variações no cólon de 2,11 a 2,93. Em três animais de cada grupo estabeleceu-se comparação da similaridade e não se assemelharam ao controle. CONCLUSÃO: a ressecção da válvula ileocecal levou à mudanças da microbiota ileal e, com a criação de novo esfíncter, as variações foram maiores.


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OBJECTIVE: To verify whether the ileal exclusion interferes with liver and kidney functional changes secondary to extrahepatic cholestasis.METHODS: We studied 24 rats, divided into three groups with eight individuals each: Group 1 (control), Group 2 (ligation of the hepatic duct combined with internal biliary drainage), and Group 3 (bile duct ligation combined with internal biliary drainage and exclusion of the terminal ileum). Animals in Group 1 (control) underwent sham laparotomy. The animals of groups 2 and 3 underwent ligation and section of the hepatic duct and were kept in cholestasis for four weeks. Next, they underwent an internal biliary bypass. In Group 3, besides the biliary-enteric bypass, we associated the exclusion of the last ten centimeters of the terminal ileum and carried out an ileocolic anastomosis. After four weeks of monitoring, blood was collected from all animals of the three groups for liver and kidney biochemical evaluation (albumin, ALT, AST, direct and indirect bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, cGT, creatinine and urea).RESULTS: there were increased values of ALT, AST, direct bilirubin, cGT, creatinine and urea in rats from Group 3 (p < 0.05).CONCLUSION: ileal exclusion worsened liver and kidney functions in the murine model of extrahepatic cholestasis, being disadvantageous as therapeutic procedure for cholestatic disorders.


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Introdução: a peritonite meconial, como resultado da perfuração intestinal fetal, apresenta baixa incidência (1:30.000 nascimentos) e elevada mortalidade (em torno de 50%). Os achados ecográficos pré-natais incluem ascite e calcificações intra-abdominais. Há evidências de que o diagnóstico pré-natal possa melhorar o prognóstico pós-natal. Relato do Caso: R.C.M.S., 22 anos, II gesta O para, realizou ultra-sonografia em 02/12/98 com diagnóstico de ascite fetal. Fez investigação para hidropisia fetal, afastando-se causas imunes e não-imunes. Foram realizados ecografias seriadas em que se manteve a imagem de ascite fetal acentuada, sem calcificações. Parto normal em 02/01/99, com 36 semanas, observando-se volumoso poliidrâmnio. Recém-nascido do sexo feminino pesando 2.670 gramas, com sinais de desconforto respiratório, abdome distendido e com petéquias. Apresentou aumento progressivo da distensão abdominal, palpação de massa pétrea no hipocôndrio direito e eliminação de muco branco ao toque retal. Raios-x em 04/01/99 com imagem de extensas calcificações abdominais, distensão de alças intestinais e ausência de gás na ampola retal. Hipótese diagnóstica de peritonite meconial. Indicada laparotomia exploradora em 04/01/99, encontrando-se volumoso cisto meconial e atresia ileal, realizando-se lise de aderências e ileostomia em dupla boca. Evolução satisfatória nos primeiros dias de pós-operatório, complicada posteriormente por quadro séptico, verificando-se o óbito neonatal em 09/01/99. Conclusão: a peritonite meconial deve ser lembrada no diagnóstico diferencial das causas de ascite fetal. O diagnóstico pré-natal no presente caso poderia ter antecipado a indicação cirúrgica, com possível melhora da evolução neonatal.


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Samples of mesenteric lymph nodes and intestines from 79 unthrifty 3- to 5-month-old postweaning pigs, confirmed as naturally affected with postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS), were studied. Pigs originated from 12 farms in southern Brazil and were selected on the basis of clinical signs and/or gross lesions suggestive of enteric disorder. Lymphohistiocytic infiltrates of varying intensity were associated with anti-porcine circovirus type 2 (anti-PCV2) immunostaining (IS) in samples of intestines and mesenteric lymph nodes from all pigs. Although most findings were similar to those described in PCV2-associated enteritis, anti-PCV2 IS in association with depletion of the goblet cell mucin stores (24 pigs), diffuse ileal villous atrophy and fusion (18 pigs), and dilatation of the lymphatic vessels (11 pigs) combined or not with lymphangitis were also observed. PCV2 antigen was immunohistochemically demonstrated in the cytoplasm and nuclei from intralesional epithelial cells, histiocytes, and endothelial-like cells in intestinal tissues. Together these findings imply an association with PCV2. The presence of co-infections by Lawsonia intracellularis, Brachyspira spp., Mycobacterium spp., Salmonella spp., rotavirus, parvovirus, coronavirus and enteric calicivirus with PCV2 in the intestinal lesions was investigated.


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We determined the effect of acute extracellular fluid volume changes on saline flow through 4 gut segments (ileocolonic, ileal, ileocolonic sphincter and proximal colon), perfused at constant pressure in anesthetized dogs. Two different experimental protocols were used: hypervolemia (iv saline infusion, 0.9% NaCl, 20 ml/min, volume up to 5% body weight) and controlled hemorrhage (up to a 50% drop in mean arterial pressure). Mean ileocolonic flow (N = 6) was gradually and significantly decreased during the expansion (17.1%, P<0.05) and expanded (44.9%, P<0.05) periods while mean ileal flow (N = 7) was significantly decreased only during the expanded period (38%, P<0.05). Mean colonic flow (N = 7) was decreased during expansion (12%, P<0.05) but returned to control levels during the expanded period. Mean ileocolonic sphincter flow (N = 6) was not significantly modified. Mean ileocolonic flow (N = 10) was also decreased after hemorrhage (retracted period) by 17% (P<0.05), but saline flow was not modified in the other separate circuits (N = 6, 5 and 4 for ileal, ileocolonic sphincter and colonic groups, respectively). The expansion effect was blocked by atropine (0.5 mg/kg, iv) both on the ileocolonic (N = 6) and ileal (N = 5) circuits. Acute extracellular fluid volume retraction and expansion increased the lower gastrointestinal resistances to saline flow. These effects, which could physiologically decrease the liquid volume being supplied to the colon, are possible mechanisms activated to acutely balance liquid volume deficit and excess.


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We have investigated the effects of L-arginine, D-arginine and L-lysine on airway smooth muscle responsiveness to spasmogens in vitro. Both L-arginine and D-arginine (100 mM) significantly reduced the contractile potency and maximal contractile response to histamine but not to methacholine or potassium chloride in guinea-pig epithelium-denuded isolated trachea. Similarly, the contractile response to histamine was significantly reduced by L-arginine (100 mM) in rabbit epithelium-denuded isolated bronchus. The amino acid L-lysine (100 mM) failed to significantly alter the contractile potency of histamine in guinea-pig isolated trachea (P>0.05). In guinea-pig isolated trachea precontracted with histamine, both L-arginine and D-arginine produced a concentration-dependent relaxation which was not significantly altered by epithelium removal or by the presence of the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, NG-nitro L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME; 50 µM). Thus, at very high concentrations, arginine exhibit a non-competitive antagonism of histamine-induced contraction of isolated airway preparations that was independent of the generation of nitric oxide and was not dependent on charge. These observations confirm previous studies of cutaneous permeability responses and of contractile responses of guinea-pig isolated ileal smooth muscle. Taken together, the data suggest that high concentrations of arginine can exert an anti-histamine effect.


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Abstract Chopped mussel meat packaged in retort pouches was processed in a laboratory-scale water immersion retort, adapted for processing under overpressure conditions. Retort temperature effects on product yield and on cook value were evaluated by setting the F0 at 7 min. The effects of different pre-treatments (salting and marination) on the characteristics of mussels were evaluated after processing at retort temperature of 118 °C and during a whole year of storage at 25 °C. The salted samples showed better yield during storage, while no differences were found for the other physicochemical parameters.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Cistite glandular é um processo proliferativo benigno e infrequente da mucosa vesical, caracterizado por proliferação do epitélio e, em alguns casos, formação de glândulas intestinais. Alterações metaplásicas na cistite glandular são bem documentadas na literatura, embora sua etiologia não seja totalmente esclarecida. RELATO DO CASO: Relatamos um caso de cistite glandular em um paciente de 55 anos, apresentando sintomas miccionais irritativos e obstrutivos persistentes sem resposta à terapia com alfabloqueadores. Ultrassonografia evidenciou lesão vegetante no trígono vesical e o paciente foi submetido à ressecção endoscópica por duas vezes e evoluiu com ureterohidronefrose bilateral. Dado o extenso acometimento vesical e a persistência dos sintomas, o paciente foi submetido a cistoprostatectomia e neobexiga ileal com boa evolução pós-operatória. DISCUSSÃO: Há duas formas de cistite glandular: típica e intestinal. A forma típica é a mais comum e a intestinal é marcada pela produção de mucina, mais frequentemente associada ao adenocarcinoma de bexiga. A maioria dos casos de cistite glandular é assintomática, sendo que os pacientes sintomáticos normalmente apresentam hematúria, sintomas urinários irritativos e típicos de cistite crônica. Há controvérsias sobre o tratamento precoce agressivo, sendo que vários estudos propõem a ressecção transuretral e o acompanhamento com biópsias.


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Les diarrhées post-sevrages causées par des infections à Escherichia coli entérotoxinogène positif pour le fimbriae F4 (ETEC F4), entraînent des pertes économiques importantes chez les producteurs de porc. Depuis quelques années, l’utilisation de probiotiques, comme additif alimentaire pour prévenir ce type d’infection entérique et réduire les traitements aux antimicrobiens, suscite un intérêt grandissant en production porcine. Le but du présent travail est de déterminer l’influence de l’administration des probiotiques Pediococcus acidilactici (PA) et Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii (SCB) sur la colonisation et l’attachement des ETEC F4, l’accumulation de fluide intestinal et l’expression de cytokines dans l’iléon de porcelets sevrés. Dès la naissance, différentes portées de porcelets ont été affectées aux traitements suivants : PA, SCB, PA + SCB, témoin et témoin avec antibiotiques (ATB). Une dose quotidienne de probiotiques (1 × 109 UFC) a été administrée aux porcelets des groupes probiotiques durant la lactation et après le sevrage. Sept jours après le sevrage, à 28 jours d’âge, des porcelets positifs pour le récepteur intestinal spécifique pour F4 ont été infectés oralement avec une souche ETEC F4. Les porcelets ont été euthanasiés 24 heures après l’infection (jour 29) et différents échantillons intestinaux ont été prélevés. Chez les porcelets recevant des probiotiques, l’attachement des ETEC F4 à la muqueuse iléale était significativement diminué chez les groupes PA ou SCB en comparaison avec le groupe ATB. Finalement, l’expression de cytokines intestinales était plus élevée chez les porcs du groupe PA + SCB en comparaison avec les porcelets témoins. En conclusion, les résultats de cette étude suggèrent que l’administration de probiotiques pourrait être une alternative pour limiter les infections à ETEC F4 chez le porc.


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The prebiotic Bimuno (R) is a mixture containing galactooligosaccharide, produced by the galactosyltransferase activity of Bifidobacterium bifidum NCIMB 41 .vertical bar 71 in the presence of lactose. Previous studies have implicated prebiotics in reducing infections by enteric pathogens, thus it was hypothesized that Bimuno (R) may confer some protection in the murine host from Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) infection. In this study, infection caused by S. Typhimurium SL1344nal(r) in the presence or absence of Bimuno (R) was assessed using tissue culture assays, a murine ligated ileal gut loop model and a murine oral challenge model. In tissue culture adherence and invasion assays with HT-29-1 6E cells, the presence of similar to 2 mM Bimuno) significantly reduced the invasion of S. Typhimuriurn SL1 344nal(r) (p < 0.0001). In the murine ligated ileal gut loops, the presence of Bimuno (R) prevented colonization and the associated pathology of S. Typhimurium. In the BALB/c mouse mocel, the oral delivery of Bimuno prior to challenge with S. Typhimurium resulted in significant reductions in colonization in the five organs sampled, with highly significant reductions being observed in the spleen at 72 and 96 h post-challenge (P=0.0002, < 0.0001, respectively). Collectively, the results indicate that Bimuno (R) significantly reduced the colonization and pathology associated with S. Typhimurium infection in a murine model system, possibly by reducing the invasion of the pathogen into host cells.


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In this study, we used mouse ileal loops to investigate the interaction of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) O157:H7 with the mouse intestinal mucosa. With a dose of 10(9) and 3 h incubation, EHEC O157 was detected in the lumen and to a lesser extent associated with the epithelium. Typical attaching and effacing (A/E) lesions were seen, albeit infrequently. While the effector protein Tir was essential for A/E lesion formation, the bacterial type III secretion system adaptor protein TccP was dispensable. These results suggest that A/E lesions on mouse intestinal mucosa can be formed independently of robust actin polymerization.


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Intimin facilitates intestinal colonization by enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7; however, the importance of intimin binding to its translocated receptor (Tir) as opposed to cellular coreceptors is unknown. The intimin-Tir interaction is needed for optimal actin assembly under adherent bacteria in vitro, a process which requires the Tir-cytoskeleton coupling protein (TccP/EspF(U)) in E. coli O157:H7. Here we report that E. coli O157:H7 tir mutants are at least as attenuated as isogenic eae mutants in calves and lambs, implying that the role of intimin in the colonization of reservoir hosts can be explained largely by its binding to Tir. Mutation of tccP uncoupled actin assembly from the intimin-Tir-mediated adherence of E. coli O157:H7 in vitro but did not impair intestinal colonization in calves and lambs, implying that pedestal formation may not be necessary for persistence. However, an E. coli O157:H7 tccP mutant induced typical attaching and effacing lesions in a bovine ligated ileal loop model of infection, suggesting that TccP-independent mechanisms of actin assembly may operate in vivo.


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Escherichia coli O26 is recognized as an emerging pathogen associated with disease in both ruminants and humans. Compared to those of E. coli O157:117, the shedding pattern and location of E. coli O26 in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of ruminants are poorly understood. In the studies reported here, an stx-negative E. coli O26 strain of ovine origin was inoculated orally into 6-week-old lambs and the shedding pattern of the O26 strain was monitored by serial bacteriological examination of feces. The location of colonization in the GIT was examined at necropsy at two time points. The numbers of O26 organisms excreted in feces declined from approximately 10(7) to 10(4) CFU per gram of feces by day 7 and continued at this level for a further 3 weeks. Beyond day 30, excretion was from few animals, intermittent, and just above the detection limit. By day 38, all fecal samples were negative, but at necropsy, O26 organisms were recovered from the upper GIT, specifically the ileum. However, no attaching-effacing (AE) lesions were observed. To identify the location of E. coli O26 within the GIT early after inoculation, two lambs were examined postmortem, 4 days postinoculation. High numbers of O26 organisms were recovered from all GIT sites examined, and similar to 10(9) CFU were recovered from 1 gram of ileal tissue from one animal. Despite high numbers of O26 organisms, AE lesions were identified on the mucosa of the ascending colon of only one animal. These data indicate that E. coli O26 readily colonizes 6-week-old lambs, but the sparseness of AE lesions suggests that O26 is well adapted to this host, and mechanisms other than those dependent upon intimin may play a role in persistence.