935 resultados para INTEGRATIVE TAXONOMY


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This study investigated the taxonomy and distribution of the deep-sea polyplacophoran mollusc Nierstraszella Sirenko, 1992 in the Indo-West Pacific, based on a collection of 516 specimens collected in the Philippines and Solomon Islands. Although seven species names have historically been proposed in this group of chitons, all have been considered as synonyms of the monotypic N. lineata (Nierstrasz, 1905). Morphological examination of this new material reveals the presence of two species. N. lineata is distinct from N. andamanica (Smith, 1906), based on morphological characters given in the original species description and very distinctly different morphology of aesthete pores in the shell surface. Furthermore, populations of N. andamanica in the Philippines and Solomon Islands are locally colonized with the epibiotic (ectoparasitic) bryozoan Pseudobathyalozoon profundum d'Hondt, 2006. These bryozoans attach ventrally to the girdle of the host chiton and the erect zooids feed within the pallial cavity, among the chiton's gills.


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Proteomic and transcriptomic platforms both play important roles in cancer research, with differing strengths and limitations. Here, we describe a proteo-transcriptomic integrative strategy for discovering novel cancer biomarkers, combining the direct visualization of differentially expressed proteins with the high-throughput scale of gene expression profiling. Using breast cancer as a case example, we generated comprehensive two-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE)/mass spectrometry (MS) proteomic maps of cancer (MCF-7 and HCC-38) and control (CCD-1059Sk) cell lines, identifying 1724 expressed protein spots representing 484 different protein species. The differentially expressed cell-line proteins were then mapped to mRNA transcript databases of cancer cell lines and primary breast tumors to identify candidate biomarkers that were concordantly expressed at the gene expression level. Of the top nine selected biomarker candidates, we reidentified ANX1, a protein previously reported to be differentially expressed in breast cancers and normal tissues, and validated three other novel candidates, CRAB, 6PGL, and CAZ2, as differentially expressed proteins by immunohistochemistry on breast tissue microarrays. In total, close to half (4/9) of our protein biomarker candidates were successfully validated. Our study thus illustrates how the systematic integration of proteomic and transcriptomic data from both cell line and primary tissue samples can prove advantageous for accelerating cancer biomarker discovery.


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The identification of specific oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in regions of recurrent aneuploidy is a major challenge of molecular cancer research. Using both oligonucleotide single-nucleotide polymorphism and mRNA expression arrays, we integrated genomic and transcriptional information to identify and prioritize candidate cancer genes in regions of increased and decreased chromosomal copy number in a cohort of primary breast cancers. Confirming the validity of this approach, several regions of previously-known copy number (CN) alterations in breast cancer could be successfully reidentified. Focusing on regions of decreased CN, we defined a prioritized list of eighteen candidate genes, which included ARPIN, FBNI, and LZTSI, previously shown to be associated with cancers in breast or other tissue types, and novel genes such as P29, MORF4LI, and TBCID5. One such gene, the RUNX3 transcription factor, was selected for further study. We show that RUNX3 is present at reduced CNs in proportion to the rest of the tumor genome and that RUNX3 CN reductions can also be observed in a breast cancer series from a different center. Using tissue microarrays, we demonstrate in an independent cohort of over 120 breast tissues that RUNX3 protein is expressed in normal breast epithelium but not fat and stromal tissue, and widely down-regulated in the majority of breast cancers (> 85%). In vitro, RUNX3 overexpression suppressed the invasive potential of MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells in a matrigel assay. Our results demonstrate the utility of integrative genomic approaches to identify novel potential cancer-related genes in primary tumors. This article contains Supplementary Material available at http:// www.interscience.wiley.com/jpages/1045-2257/suppmat. (c) 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Today, the classification systems for myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and acute myeloid leukemia (AML) already incorporate cytogenetic and molecular genetic aberrations in an attempt to better reflect disease biology. However, in many MDS/AML patients no genetic aberrations have been identified yet, and even within some cytogenetically well-defined subclasses there is considerable clinical heterogeneity. Recent advances in genomics technologies such as gene expression profiling (GEP) provide powerful tools to further characterize myeloid malignancies at the molecular level, with the goal to refine the MDS/AML classification system, incorporating as yet unknown molecular genetic and epigenetic pathomechanisms, which are likely reflected by aberrant gene expression patterns. In this study, we provide a comprehensive review on how GEP has contributed to a refined molecular taxonomy of MDS and AML with regard to diagnosis, prediction of clinical outcome, discovery of novel subclasses and identification of novel therapeutic targets and novel drugs. As many challenges remain ahead, we discuss the pitfalls of this technology and its potential including future integrative studies with other genomics technologies, which will continue to improve our understanding of malignant transformation in myeloid malignancies and thereby contribute to individualized risk-adapted treatment strategies for MDS and AML patients. Leukemia (2011) 25, 909-920; doi:10.1038/leu.2011.48; published online 29 March 2011


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Natural deposits of sunken wood provide an important habitat for deep-sea invertebrates. Deep-sea chitons in the primitive order Lepidopleurida are typically collected rarely and as single specimens. However, these animals have been recovered in large densities associated with sunken wood in the tropical West Pacific, in groups of up to 50 individuals. Four deep- sea expeditions in the West Pacific, to the Philippines, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu, recovered a large number of poly- placophorans. We have examined the morphology as well as the range and distribution of these species, based on the larg- est collection ever examined (more than 1300 individuals). These species show potentially adapted characters associated with exploitation of sunken wood as habitat, such as protruding caps on sensory shell pores (aesthetes) and large interseg- mental bristles with potential sensory function. In this study we investigated the twenty-two species recovered, including seven newly described here (Leptochiton consimilis n. sp., L. angustidens n. sp., L. dykei n. sp., L. samadiae n. sp., L. longisetosus n. sp., L. clarki n. sp., L. schwabei n. sp.), and provide the first identification key to the 34 lepidopleuran chitons known from sunken wood worldwide.


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Two species of Osmundea Stackhouse (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) that occur in Atlantic Europe have been confused under the names Osmundea ramosissima (Oeder) Athanasiadis and Osmundea truncata (Kutzing) Nam et Maggs, regarded until now as a synonym of O. ramosissima, An epitype from its type locality (Stavanger, Norway) is selected for Osmundea ramosissima Athanasiadis, recognized here as a valid name for Fucus ramosissimus Oeder, nom. illeg. Details of vegetative and reproductive morphology of O. ramosissima are reported, based on material from France, the British Isles, and Helgoland. Osmundea ramosissima resembles other species of Osmundea in its vegetative axial segments with two pericentral cells and one trichoblast, spermatangial development from apical and epidermal cells (filament type), the formation of five pericentral cells in the procarp-bearing segment of the female trichoblast, and tetrasporangial production from random epidermal cells. Among the species of Osmundea, O. ramosissima is most similar to O. truncata. Both species have discoid holdfasts, secondary pit connections between epidermal cells, and cup-shaped spermatangial pits. They differ in that: (a) O. ramosissima lacks lenticular wail thickenings and refractive needle-like inclusions in medullary cells, both of which are present in O. truncata; (b) O. ramosissima has branched spermatangial filaments that terminate in a cluster of several cells, whereas in O. truncata the unbranched spermatangial filaments have a single large terminal sterile cell; and (c) cystocarps of O. ramosissima lack protuberant ostioles but ostioles are remarkably protuberant in o. truncata. Phylogenetic analyses of rbcL sequences of Laurencia obtusa (Hudson) Lamouroux and all five Atlantic European species of Osmundea, including the type species, strongly support the generic status of Osmundea. Osmundea ramosissima and O. truncata are closely related (5.2% sequence divergence) and form a well-supported clade sister to a clade consisting of O. pinnatifida (Hudson) Stack-house, O. osmunda Stackhouse and O. hybrida (A. P. de Candolle) Nam. The formation of secondary pit connections between epidermal cells is a synapomorphy for the O. ramosissima + O. truncata clade. The close relationship between species with cup-shaped spermatangial pits (Osmundea hybrida) and urn-shaped pits (Osmundea pinnatifida and Osmundea osmunda) shows that spermatangial pit shape is not an important phylogenetic character. Parsimony analysis of a morphological data set also supports the genus Osmundea but conflicts with the molecular trees in infrageneric relationships, placing O. hybrida basal within the Osmundea clade and grouping O. osmunda and O. pinnatifida but not O. truncata and O. ramosissima. A key to Osmundea species is presented.