982 resultados para INITIAL CONDITION


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Pasture rest is a possible strategy for improving land condition in the extensive grazing lands of northern Australia. If pastures currently in poor condition could be improved, then overall animal productivity and the sustainability of grazing could be increased. The scientific literature is examined to assess the strength of the experimental information to support and guide the use of pasture rest, and simulation modelling is undertaken to extend this information to a broader range of resting practices, growing conditions and initial pasture condition. From this, guidelines are developed that can be applied in the management of northern Australia’s grazing lands and also serve as hypotheses for further field experiments. The literature on pasture rest is diverse but there is a paucity of data from much of northern Australia as most experiments have been conducted in southern and central parts of Queensland. Despite this, the limited experimental information and the results from modelling were used to formulate the following guidelines. Rest during the growing season gives the most rapid improvement in the proportion of perennial grasses in pastures; rest during the dormant winter period is ineffective in increasing perennial grasses in a pasture but may have other benefits. Appropriate stocking rates are essential to gain the greatest benefit from rest: if stocking rates are too high, then pasture rest will not lead to improvement; if stocking rates are low, pastures will tend to improve without rest. The lower the initial percentage of perennial grasses, the more frequent the rests should be to give a major improvement within a reasonable management timeframe. Conditions during the growing season also have an impact on responses with the greatest improvement likely to be in years of good growing conditions. The duration and frequency of rest periods can be combined into a single value expressed as the proportion of time during which resting occurs; when this is done the modelling suggests the greater the proportion of time that a pasture is rested, the greater is the improvement but this needs to be tested experimentally. These guidelines should assist land managers to use pasture resting but the challenge remains to integrate pasture rest with other pasture and animal management practices at the whole-property scale.


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The initial boundary value problem for the Burgers equation in the domain x greater-or-equal, slanted 0, t > 0 with flux boundary condition at x = 0 has been solved exactly. The behaviour of the solution as t tends to infinity is studied and the “asymptotic profile at infinity” is obtained. In addition, the uniqueness of the solution of the initial boundary value problem is proved and its inviscid limit as var epsilon → 0 is obtained.


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In a practical situation, it is difficult to model exact contact conditions clue to challenges involved in the estimation of contact forces, and relative displacements between the contacting bodies. Sliding and seizure conditions were simulated on first-of-a-kind displacement controlled system. Self-mated stainless steels have been investigated in detail. Categorization of contact conditions prevailing at the contact interface has been carried out based on the variation of coefficient of friction with number of cycles, and three-dimensional fretting loops. Surface and subsurface micro-cracks have been observed, and their characteristic shows strong dependence on loading conditions. Existence of shear bands in the subsurface region has been observed for high strain and low strain rate loading conditions. Studies also include the influence of initial surface roughness on the damage under two extreme contact conditions. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Three-dimensional direct numerical simulation (DNS) of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR)-type turbulent combustion operated in moderate and intense low-oxygen dilution (MILD) condition has been carried out to study the flame structure and flame interaction. In order to achieve adequate EGR-type initial/inlet mixture fields, partially premixed mixture fields which are correlated with the turbulence are carefully preprocessed. The chemical kinetics is modelled using a skeletal mechanism for methane-air combustion. The results suggest that the flame fronts have thin flame structure and the direct link between the mean reaction rate and scalar dissipation rate remains valid in the EGR-type combustion with MILD condition. However, the commonly used canonical flamelet is not fully representative for MILD combustion. During the flame-flame interactions, the heat release rate increases higher than the maximum laminar flame value, while the gradient of progress variable becomes smaller than laminar value. It is also proposed that the reaction rate and the scalar gradient can be used as a marker for the flame interaction. © 2012 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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An experimental study on ignition and combustion of single particles was conducted at normal gravity (1-g) and microgravity (l-g) for three high volatile coals with initial diameter of 1.5 and 2.0 mm, respectively. The non-intrusive twin-color pyrometry method was used to retrieve the surface temperature of the coal particle through processing the images taken by a color CCD camera. At the same time, a mathematical model considering thermal conduction inside the coal particle was developed to simulate the ignition process. Both experiments and modeling found that ignition occurred homogeneously at the beginning and then heterogeneously for the testing coal particles burning at l-g. Experimental results confirmed that ignition temperature decreased with increasing volatile content and increasing particle size. However, contradicted to previous studies, this study found that for a given coal with certain particle size, ignition temperature was about 50–80 K lower at l-g than that at 1-g. The model predictions agreed well with the l-g experimental data on ignition temperature. The criterion that the temperature gradient in the space away from the particle surface equaled to zero was validated to determine the commence of homogeneous ignition. Thermal conduction inside the particle could have a noticeable effect for determining the ignition temperature. With the consideration of thermal conduction, the critical size for the phase transient from homogeneous to heterogeneous is about 700 lm at ambient temperature 1500 K and oxygen concentration 0.23. 2009 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this work the influence of initial liquid volume on the capillary flow in an interior corner is studied systematically by microgravity experiments using the drop tower, under three different conditions: the Concus-Finn condition is satisfied,close to and dissatisfied. The capillary flow is studied by discussing the movement of tip of the meniscus in the corner. Experimental results show that with the increase of initial liquid volume the tip location increases for a given microgravity time, the achievable maximum tip velocity increases and the flow reaches its maximum tip velocity earlier However, the results for the three different conditions show some difference. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved


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The effects of acute temperature challenge on some immune parameters of haemocyte in Zhikong scallop, Chlamys farreri, recognised as a temperature sensitive bivalve species, were evaluated over a short period of time. Scallops were suddenly transferred from 17 degrees C to 11 degrees C, 23 degrees C and 28 degrees C for a period of 72 h. Total haemocyte count (THC), percentage of phagocytic haemocytes, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, acid phosphatase (ACP) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities (in both haemocyte lysate and cell-free haemolymph) were chosen as biomarkers of temperature stress. Results demonstrated that the percentage of phagocytic haemocytes and ACP activity in cell-free haemolymph of scallops challenged at 28 degrees C for 72 h significantly decreased. By contrast, reactive oxygen species production by haemocytes increased when compared to the initial values. It is concluded that haemocyte activities of C. farreri appear to be compromised when scallops were transferred from 17 degrees C to 28 degrees C. Meanwhile, no obvious negative effect of acute temperature stress was detected on haemocyte activities of C. farreri challenged at 11 degrees C, which highlighted the high tolerance of scallops to acute decrease of seawater temperatures. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The rate of uptake of Endosulfan by Mytilus edulis L. exposed to pesticide concentrations of 0.1, 0.5, and 1.0 mg/l, and its subsequent elution on removal to clean sea water, was investigated. Higher residue levels were recorded for mussels exposed to higher concentrations of the pesticide, but concentration factors were reduced. There was a rapid initial fall in tissue residue levels on transfer to clean sea water due, it is suggested, to elution of Endosulfan adsorbed on particulate matter assimilated in the gut. The spawning period was prolonged at higher concentrations and, at 1.0 mg/l, the onset of spawning was delayed, possibly due to interference with gamonic action. At 0.1 mg/l, the minor protraction of the spawning period may reflect the effect of experimental tank conditions. No seasonal trend was obvious, and there was an exaggeration of the expected fall in condition in mussels exposed to higher concentrations of Endosulfan. In controls, the expected seasonal trend was reduced.


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Human motor behaviour is continually modified on the basis of errors between desired and actual movement outcomes. It is emerging that the role played by the primary motor cortex (M1) in this process is contingent upon a variety of factors, including the nature of the task being performed, and the stage of learning. Here we used repetitive TMS to test the hypothesis that M1 is intimately involved in the initial phase of sensorimotor adaptation. Inhibitory theta burst stimulation was applied to M1 prior to a task requiring modification of torques generated about the elbow/forearm complex in response to rotations of a visual feedback display. Participants were first exposed to a 30° clockwise (CW) rotation (Block A), then a 60° counterclockwise rotation (Block B), followed immediately by a second block of 30° CW rotation (A2). In the STIM condition, participants received 20s of continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) prior to the initial A Block. In the conventional (CON) condition, no stimulation was applied. The overt characteristics of performance in the two conditions were essentially equivalent with respect to the errors exhibited upon exposure to a new variant of the task. There were however, profound differences between the conditions in the latency of response preparation, and the excitability of corticospinal projections from M1, which accompanied phases of de-adaptation and re-adaptation (during Blocks B and A2). Upon subsequent exposure to the A rotation 24h later, the rate of re-adaptation was lower in the stimulation condition than that present in the conventional condition. These results support the assertion that primary motor cortex assumes a key role in a network that mediates adaptation to visuomotor perturbation, and emphasise that it is engaged functionally during the early phase of learning.


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En 1903, paraît le magnum opus de William Edward Burghardt Du Bois, The Souls of Black Folk. Ce dernier écrit cet ouvrage en poursuivant trois objectifs. Primo, il souhaite démontrer que Booker T. Washington et ses supporters font fausse route en défendant l’idée selon laquelle les Afro-américains pourront accéder à un avenir meilleur en échangeant leurs droits politiques contre des opportunités économiques. Secundo, Du Bois cherche à faire la lumière sur les talents distinctifs et les grandes réalisations de son peuple afin de convaincre les Blancs que les Noirs ne leur sont pas biologiquement ou moralement inférieurs et, par conséquent, que l’égalité raciale doit être totale et immédiate. Tertio, il veut persuader les Américains de devenir de meilleurs citoyens, en renouant avec les idéaux de leur République et en vivant en fonction de principes moraux élevés. L’écriture de Souls marque un tournant majeur dans la vie intellectuelle de son auteur, car il renonce à cette époque au discours conciliatoire qu’il avait tenu dans sa jeunesse. Les idées qu’il défend dans son livre ont germé quelques années plus tôt, au contact de certains de ses professeurs de l’Université de Berlin, d’Alexander Crummell et surtout, en effectuant une étude de terrain sur la communauté noire de Philadelphie. Du Bois réalise alors l’ampleur des injustices dont sont victimes les Noirs et contre lesquelles la bonne volonté et le travail acharné ne peuvent rien.


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We study initial-boundary value problems for linear evolution equations of arbitrary spatial order, subject to arbitrary linear boundary conditions and posed on a rectangular 1-space, 1-time domain. We give a new characterisation of the boundary conditions that specify well-posed problems using Fokas' transform method. We also give a sufficient condition guaranteeing that the solution can be represented using a series. The relevant condition, the analyticity at infinity of certain meromorphic functions within particular sectors, is significantly more concrete and easier to test than the previous criterion, based on the existence of admissible functions.


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In this paper we investigate the equilibrium properties of magnetic dipolar (ferro-) fluids and discuss finite-size effects originating from the use of different boundary conditions in computer simulations. Both periodic boundary conditions and a finite spherical box are studied. We demonstrate that periodic boundary conditions and subsequent use of Ewald sum to account for the long-range dipolar interactions lead to a much faster convergence (in terms of the number of investigated dipolar particles) of the magnetization curve and the initial susceptibility to their thermodynamic limits. Another unwanted effect of the simulations in a finite spherical box geometry is a considerable sensitivity to the container size. We further investigate the influence of the surface term in the Ewald sum-that is, due to the surrounding continuum with magnetic permeability mu(BC)-on the convergence properties of our observables and on the final results. The two different ways of evaluating the initial susceptibility, i.e., (1) by the magnetization response of the system to an applied field and (2) by the zero-field fluctuation of the mean-square dipole moment of the system, are compared in terms of speed and accuracy.


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Background Cluttering is a fluency disorder characterised by overly rapid or jerky speech patterns that compromise intelligibility. The neural correlates of cluttering are unknown but theoretical accounts implicate the basal ganglia and medial prefrontal cortex. Dysfunction in these brain areas would be consistent with difficulties in selection and control of speech motor programs that are characteristic of speech disfluencies in cluttering. There is a surprising lack of investigation into this disorder using modern imaging techniques. Here, we used functional MRI to investigate the neural correlates of cluttering. Method We scanned 17 adults who clutter and 17 normally fluent control speakers matched for age and sex. Brain activity was recorded using sparse-sampling functional MRI while participants viewed scenes and either (i) produced overt speech describing the scene or (ii) read out loud a sentence provided that described the scene. Speech was recorded and analysed off line. Differences in brain activity for each condition compared to a silent resting baseline and between conditions were analysed for each group separately (cluster-forming threshold Z > 3.1, extent p < 0.05, corrected) and then these differences were further compared between the two groups (voxel threshold p < 0.01, extent > 30 voxels, uncorrected). Results In both conditions, the patterns of activation in adults who clutter and control speakers were strikingly similar, particularly at the cortical level. Direct group comparisons revealed greater activity in adults who clutter compared to control speakers in the lateral premotor cortex bilaterally and, as predicted, on the medial surface (pre-supplementary motor area). Subcortically, adults who clutter showed greater activity than control speakers in the basal ganglia. Specifically, the caudate nucleus and putamen were overactive in adults who clutter for the comparison of picture description with sentence reading. In addition, adults who clutter had reduced activity relative to control speakers in the lateral anterior cerebellum bilaterally. Eleven of the 17 adults who clutter also stuttered. This comorbid diagnosis of stuttering was found to contribute to the abnormal overactivity seen in the group of adults who clutter in the right ventral premotor cortex and right anterior cingulate cortex. In the remaining areas of abnormal activity seen in adults who clutter compared to controls, the subgroup who clutter and stutter did not differ from the subgroup who clutter but do not stutter. Conclusions Our findings were in good agreement with theoretical predictions regarding the neural correlates of cluttering. We found evidence for abnormal function in the basal ganglia and their cortical output target, the medial prefrontal cortex. The findings are discussed in relation to models of cluttering that point to problems with motor control of speech.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)