857 resultados para IEEE 802.11i


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Programa de doctorado: Tecnologías de la Información y sus Aplicaciones. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura


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Com a incorporação de conceitos da automação em ambientes hospitalares surge uma série de novos requisitos pertinentes a área médica. Dentre esses requisitos, um que merece destaque é a necessidade do estabelecimento de uma rede de comunicação segura e eficiente entre os elementos do ambiente hospitalar, visto que, os mesmos encontram-se de maneira distribuída. Nesse sentido, existe uma série de protocolos que podem ser utilizados no estabelecimento dessa rede, dentre os quais, um que merece destaque é o PM-AH (Protocolo Multiciclos para Automação Hospitalar) justamente por ser voltado a automatização de ambientes hospitalares tanto no que diz respeito ao cumprimento dos requisitos impostos nesse tipo de ambiente, como pelo fato de ser projetado para funcionar sobre a tecnologia Ethernet, padrão esse que é comumente utilizado pela rede de dados dos hospitais. Em decorrência disso, o presente trabalho aborda uma análise de desempenho comparativa entre redes PM-AH e puramente Ethernet visando atestar a eficiência do primeiro no que diz respeito ao cumprimento dos requisitos impostos pela automação hospitalar


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VALENTIM, R. A. M. ; MORAIS, A. H. F. ; SOUZA, V. S. V ; ARAUJO JUNIOR, H. B. ; BRANDAO, G. B. ; GUERREIRO, A. M. G. . Rede de Controle em Ambiente Hospitalar: um protocolo multiciclos para automação hospitalar sobre IEEE 802.3 com IGMP Snooping. Revista Ciência e Tecnologia, v. 11, p. 19, 2009


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Com a incorporação de conceitos da automação em ambientes hospitalares surge uma série de novos requisitos pertinentes a área médica. Dentre esses requisitos, um que merece destaque é a necessidade do estabelecimento de uma rede de comunicação segura e eficiente entre os elementos do ambiente hospitalar, visto que, os mesmos encontram-se de maneira distribuída. Nesse sentido, existe uma série de protocolos que podem ser utilizados no estabelecimento dessa rede, dentre os quais, um que merece destaque é o PM-AH (Protocolo Multiciclos para Automação Hospitalar) justamente por ser voltado a automatização de ambientes hospitalares tanto no que diz respeito ao cumprimento dos requisitos impostos nesse tipo de ambiente, como pelo fato de ser projetado para funcionar sobre a tecnologia Ethernet, padrão esse que é comumente utilizado pela rede de dados dos hospitais. Em decorrência disso, o presente trabalho aborda uma análise de desempenho comparativa entre redes PM-AH e puramente Ethernet visando atestar a eficiência do primeiro no que diz respeito ao cumprimento dos requisitos impostos pela automação hospitalar


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El presente trabajo de graduación consta de la implementación de un sistema de identificación de huellas dactilares para el acceso a lugares restringidos con protocolo de comunicación IEEE 802.11, el cual consta de una Raspberry P: 2.0, un Arduino Nano, una USB Wifi, una pantalla táctil 3.5” y un sensor biométrico GT511C3. El sistema muestra en un navegador web como página inicial la introducción de un usuario y contraseña, la cual da paso a la interfaz principal donde se registra y valida huellas y además consultar la base de datos de las huellas existentes en el sistema, las cuales son asociadas a un nombre de usuario


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This research investigates wireless intrusion detection techniques for detecting attacks on IEEE 802.11i Robust Secure Networks (RSNs). Despite using a variety of comprehensive preventative security measures, the RSNs remain vulnerable to a number of attacks. Failure of preventative measures to address all RSN vulnerabilities dictates the need for a comprehensive monitoring capability to detect all attacks on RSNs and also to proactively address potential security vulnerabilities by detecting security policy violations in the WLAN. This research proposes novel wireless intrusion detection techniques to address these monitoring requirements and also studies correlation of the generated alarms across wireless intrusion detection system (WIDS) sensors and the detection techniques themselves for greater reliability and robustness. The specific outcomes of this research are: A comprehensive review of the outstanding vulnerabilities and attacks in IEEE 802.11i RSNs. A comprehensive review of the wireless intrusion detection techniques currently available for detecting attacks on RSNs. Identification of the drawbacks and limitations of the currently available wireless intrusion detection techniques in detecting attacks on RSNs. Development of three novel wireless intrusion detection techniques for detecting RSN attacks and security policy violations in RSNs. Development of algorithms for each novel intrusion detection technique to correlate alarms across distributed sensors of a WIDS. Development of an algorithm for automatic attack scenario detection using cross detection technique correlation. Development of an algorithm to automatically assign priority to the detected attack scenario using cross detection technique correlation.


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A novel wireless local area network (WLAN) security processor is described in this paper. It is designed to offload security encapsulation processing from the host microprocessor in an IEEE 802.11i compliant medium access control layer to a programmable hardware accelerator. The unique design, which comprises dedicated cryptographic instructions and hardware coprocessors, is capable of performing wired equivalent privacy, temporal key integrity protocol, counter mode with cipher block chaining message authentication code protocol, and wireless robust authentication protocol. Existing solutions to wireless security have been implemented on hardware devices and target specific WLAN protocols whereas the programmable security processor proposed in this paper provides support for all WLAN protocols and thus, can offer backwards compatibility as well as future upgrade ability as standards evolve. It provides this additional functionality while still achieving equivalent throughput rates to existing architectures. © 2006 IEEE.


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Maintaining a high level of data security with a low impact on system performance is more challenging in wireless multimedia applications. Protocols that are used for wireless local area network (WLAN) security are known to significantly degrade performance. In this paper, we propose an enhanced security system for a WLAN. Our new design aims to decrease the processing delay and increase both the speed and throughput of the system, thereby making it more efficient for multimedia applications. Our design is based on the idea of offloading computationally intensive encryption and authentication services to the end systems’ CPUs. The security operations are performed by the hosts’ central processor (which is usually a powerful processor) before delivering the data to a wireless card (which usually has a low-performance processor). By adopting this design, we show that both the delay and the jitter are significantly reduced. At the access point, we improve the performance of network processing hardware for real-time cryptographic processing by using a specialized processor implemented with field-programmable gate array technology. Furthermore, we use enhanced techniques to implement the Counter (CTR) Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code Protocol (CCMP) and the CTR protocol. Our experiments show that it requires timing in the range of 20–40 μs to perform data encryption and authentication on different end-host CPUs (e.g., Intel Core i5, i7, and AMD 6-Core) as compared with 10–50 ms when performed using the wireless card. Furthermore, when compared with the standard WiFi protected access II (WPA2), results show that our proposed security system improved the speed to up to 3.7 times.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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As one of the most widely used wireless network technologies, IEEE 802.11 wireless local area networks (WLANs) have found a dramatically increasing number of applications in soft real-time networked control systems (NCSs). To fulfill the real-time requirements in such NCSs, most of the bandwidth of the wireless networks need to be allocated to high-priority data for periodic measurements and control with deadline requirements. However, existing QoS-enabled 802.11 medium access control (MAC) protocols do not consider the deadline requirements explicitly, leading to unpredictable deadline performance of NCS networks. Consequentially, the soft real-time requirements of the periodic traffic may not be satisfied, particularly under congested network conditions. This paper makes two main contributions to address this problem in wireless NCSs. Firstly, a deadline-constrained MAC protocol with QoS differentiation is presented for IEEE 802.11 soft real-time NCSs. It handles periodic traffic by developing two specific mechanisms: a contention-sensitive backoff mechanism, and an intra-traffic-class QoS differentiation mechanism. Secondly, a theoretical model is established to describe the deadline-constrained MAC protocol and evaluate its performance of throughput, delay and packet-loss ratio in wireless NCSs. Numerical studies are conducted to validate the accuracy of the theoretical model and to demonstrate the effectiveness of the new MAC protocol.


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There have been several studies on the performance of TCP controlled transfers over an infrastructure IEEE 802.11 WLAN, assuming perfect channel conditions. In this paper, we develop an analytical model for the throughput of TCP controlled file transfers over the IEEE 802.11 DCF with different packet error probabilities for the stations, accounting for the effect of packet drops on the TCP window. Our analysis proceeds by combining two models: one is an extension of the usual TCP-over-DCF model for an infrastructure WLAN, where the throughput of a station depends on the probability that the head-of-the-line packet at the Access Point belongs to that station; the second is a model for the TCP window process for connections with different drop probabilities. Iterative calculations between these models yields the head-of-the-line probabilities, and then, performance measures such as the throughputs and packet failure probabilities can be derived. We find that, due to MAC layer retransmissions, packet losses are rare even with high channel error probabilities and the stations obtain fair throughputs even when some of them have packet error probabilities as high as 0.1 or 0.2. For some restricted settings we are also able to model tail-drop loss at the AP. Although involving many approximations, the model captures the system behavior quite accurately, as compared with simulations.


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As redes de comunicação de nova geração, sejam elas por cabo ou sem fios, têm sido uma área onde os investigadores têm apostado muito e por consequência tem havido imenso desenvolvimento. As tecnologias FTTx (Fiber To The x) já são uma realidade em alguns países, em especial a FTTH (Fiber To The Home) onde se tem apostado muito nos últimos anos em Portugal. Para além de chegar às casas (edifícios), a fibra óptica já penetrou nos edifícios, sendo actualmente a sua instalação regulamentada através do manual do ITED (Prescrições e Especificações Técnicas das Infra-estruturas de Telecomunicações em Edifícios). Por outro lado, a utilização das redes sem fios tem vindo a crescer em detrimento da rede cablada. Em alguns cenários de aplicação, onde existia uma rede de fibra óptica instalada, um edifício que não seja totalmente coberto pelo router sem fios poderá beneficiar dessa cobertura, se o sinal wireless for transmitido transparentemente no domínio óptico através de fibra óptica e convertido novamente para o domínio eléctrico, num ponto remoto do edifício. Nesta dissertação, inicialmente é elaborada uma análise à tecnologia Rádio sobre Fibra, evidenciando-se as vantagens e desvantagens da sua aplicação. São também apresentados alguns dos possíveis cenários de aplicação da mesma com alguns exemplos reais. O padrão IEEE 802.11 é exposto, dando-se especial atenção à sua camada MAC, as suas principais funções e os seus modos de funcionamento. Por fim, são analisadas eventuais influências da camada MAC do IEEE802.11 no funcionamento e performance das redes Radio sobre Fibra. O Modelo de Simulação utilizado nesta dissertação é apresentado e são também apresentados alguns dos conceitos principais e benefícios da utilização. O sistema que se pretende desenvolver e simular é também apresentado assim como o simulador utilizado na elaboração deste trabalho. O seu modo de funcionamento é explicado, assim como a sua estrutura. Por fim, são simulados alguns cenários utilizando o simulador de eventos OMNeT++ onde se pretende verificar o desempenho de um sistema RoF, fazendo variar o comprimento de uma fibra óptica que liga dois equipamentos a trocar mensagens entre si.


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A method to map all the variants of the IEEE 802.11 MAC frames into the Multiband OFDM based ECMA-368 Physical standard is proposed, without contravening the standard. The transportation of IEEE 802.11 MAC frames over ECMA-368 allows for the migration current of Wireless LAN applications towards a Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) solution. This system benefits the Consumer Electronics Market as the high data-rate WPAN is capable of transporting broadcast-quality video while the same system can also transport existing applications available today, maintaining existing effort, products and backward-compatibility(1).


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Wireless local area networks (WLANs) based on the IEEE 802.11 standard are now widespread. Most are used to provide access for mobile devices to a conventional wired infrastructure, and some are used where wires are not possible, forming an ad hoc network of their own. There are several varieties at the physical or radio layer (802.11, 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g), with each featuring different data rates, modulation schemes and transmission frequencies. However, all of them share a common medium access control (MAC) layer. As this is largely based on a contention approach, it does not allow prioritising of traffic or stations, so it cannot easily provide the quality of service (QoS) required by time-sensitive applications, such as voice or video transmission. In order to address this shortfall of the technology, the IEEE set up a task group that is aiming to enhance the MAC layer protocol so that it can provide QoS. The latest draft at the time of writing is Draft 11, dated October 2004. The article describes the yet-to-be-ratified 802.11e standard and is based on that draft.