930 resultados para Hydroxymethylglutaryl CoA reductase inhibitors
Introduction. 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase inhibitor ("statin") have been widely used for hypercholesteroremia and Statin induced myopathy is well known. Whether Statins contribute to exacerbation of Myasthenia Gravis (MG) requiring hospitalization is not well known. ^ Objectives. To determine the frequency of statin use in patients with MG seen at the neuromuscular division at University of Alabama in Birmingham (UAB) and to evaluate any association between use of statins and MG exacerbations requiring hospitalization in patients with an established diagnosis of Myasthenia Gravis. ^ Methods. We reviewed records of all current MG patients at the UAB neuromuscular department to obtain details on use of statins and any hospitalizations due to exacerbation of MG over the period from January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2006. ^ Results. Of the 113 MG patients on whom information was available for this period, 40 were on statins during at least one clinic visit. Statin users were more likely to be older (mean age 60.2 vs 53.8, p = 0.029), male (70.0% vs 43.8%, p = 0.008), and had a later onset of myasthenia gravis (mean age in years at onset 49.8 versus 42.9, p = 0.051). The total number of hospitalizations or the proportion of subjects who had at least one hospitalization during the study period did not differ in the statin versus no-statin group. However, when hospitalizations which occurred from a suspected precipitant were excluded ("event"), the proportion of subjects who had at least one such event during the study period was higher in the group using statins. In the final Cox proportional hazard model for cumulative time to event, statin use (OR = 6.44, p <0.01) and baseline immunosuppression (OR = 3.03, p = 0.07) were found to increase the odds of event. ^ Conclusions. Statin use may increase the rate of hospitalizations due to MG exacerbation, when excluding exacerbations precipitated by other suspected factors.^
A previously unknown chemical structure, 6-desmethyl-6-ethylerythromycin A (6-ethylErA), was produced through directed genetic manipulation of the erythromycin (Er)-producing organism Saccharopolyspora erythraea. In an attempt to replace the methyl side chain at the C-6 position of the Er polyketide backbone with an ethyl moiety, the methylmalonate-specific acyltransferase (AT) domain of the Er polyketide synthase was replaced with an ethylmalonate-specific AT domain from the polyketide synthase involved in the synthesis of the 16-member macrolide niddamycin. The genetically altered strain was found to produce ErA, however, and not the ethyl-substituted derivative. When the strain was provided with precursors of ethylmalonate, a small quantity of a macrolide with the mass of 6-ethylErA was produced in addition to ErA. Because substrate for the heterologous AT seemed to be limiting, crotonyl-CoA reductase, a primary metabolic enzyme involved in butyryl-CoA production in streptomycetes, was expressed in the strain. The primary macrolide produced by the reengineered strain was 6-ethylErA.
Alcaligenes eutrophus genes encoding the enzymes, β-ketothiolase (phaA), acetoacetyl-CoA reductase (phaB), and polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase (phaC) catalyze the production of aliphatic polyester poly-d-(−)-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) from acetyl-CoA. PHB is a thermoplastic polymer that may modify fiber properties when synthesized in cotton. Endogenous β-ketothiolase activity is present in cotton fibers. Hence cotton was transformed with engineered phaB and phaC genes by particle bombardment, and transgenic plants were selected based on marker gene, β-glucuronidase (GUS), expression. Fibers of 10 transgenic plants expressed phaB gene, while eight plants expressed both phaB and phaC genes. Electron microscopy examination of fibers expressing both genes indicated the presence of electron-lucent granules in the cytoplasm. High pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, and mass spectrometry evidence suggested that the new polymer produced in transgenic fibers is PHB. Sixty-six percent of the PHB in fibers is in the molecular mass range of 0.6 × 106 to 1.8 × 106 Da. The presence of PHB granules in transgenic fibers resulted in measurable changes of thermal properties. The fibers exhibited better insulating characteristics. The rate of heat uptake and cooling was slower in transgenic fibers, resulting in higher heat capacity. These data show that metabolic pathway engineering in cotton may enhance fiber properties by incorporating new traits from other genetic sources. This is an important step toward producing new generation fibers for the textile industry.
We have studied components of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) proofreading and degradation system in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Using a der3–1 mutant defective in the degradation of a mutated lumenal protein, carboxypeptidase yscY (CPY*), a gene was cloned which encodes a 64-kDa protein of the ER membrane. Der3p was found to be identical with Hrd1p, a protein identified to be necessary for degradation of HMG-CoA reductase. Der3p contains five putative transmembrane domains and a long hydrophilic C-terminal tail containing a RING-H2 finger domain which is oriented to the ER lumen. Deletion of DER3 leads to an accumulation of CPY* inside the ER due to a complete block of its degradation. In addition, a DER3 null mutant allele suppresses the temperature-dependent growth phenotype of a mutant carrying the sec61–2 allele. This is accompanied by the stabilization of the Sec61–2 mutant protein. In contrast, overproduction of Der3p is lethal in a sec61–2 strain at the permissive temperature of 25°C. A mutant Der3p lacking 114 amino acids of the lumenal tail including the RING-H2 finger domain is unable to mediate degradation of CPY* and Sec61–2p. We propose that Der3p acts prior to retrograde transport of ER membrane and lumenal proteins to the cytoplasm where they are subject to degradation via the ubiquitin-proteasome system. Interestingly, in ubc6-ubc7 double mutants, CPY* accumulates in the ER, indicating the necessity of an intact cytoplasmic proteolysis machinery for retrograde transport of CPY*. Der3p might serve as a component programming the translocon for retrograde transport of ER proteins, or it might be involved in recognition through its lumenal RING-H2 motif of proteins of the ER that are destined for degradation.
The current paper describes a line of cultured rat hepatoma cells (McA-RH7777 cells) that mimics the behavior of rat liver by producing an excess of mRNA for sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c (SREBP-1c) as opposed to SREBP-1a. These two transcripts are derived from a single gene by use of alternative promoters that are separated by many kilobases in the genome. The high level of SREBP-1c mRNA is abolished when cholesterol synthesis is blocked by compactin, an inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA (HMG CoA) reductase that inhibits cholesterol synthesis. Levels of SREBP-1c mRNA are restored by mevalonate, the product of the HMG CoA reductase reaction, and by ligands for the nuclear hormone receptor LXR, including 22(R)-hydroxycholesterol and T0901317. These data suggest that transcription of the SREBP-1c gene in hepatocytes requires tonic activation of LXR by an oxysterol intermediate in the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway. Reduction of this intermediate lowers SREBP-1c levels, and this in turn is predicted to lower the rates of fatty acid biosynthesis in liver.
Biochemical, epidemiological, and genetic findings demonstrate a link between cholesterol levels, processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP), and Alzheimer's disease. In the present report, we identify the α-secretase ADAM 10 (a disintegrin and metalloprotease) as a major target of the cholesterol effects on APP metabolism. Treatment of various peripheral and neural cell lines with either the cholesterol-extracting agent methyl-β-cyclodextrin or the hydroxymethyl glutaryl-CoA reductase inhibitor lovastatin resulted in a drastic increase of secreted α-secretase cleaved soluble APP. This strong stimulatory effect was in the range obtained with phorbol esters and was further increased in cells overexpressing ADAM 10. In cells overexpressing APP, the increase of α-secretase activity resulted in a decreased secretion of Aβ peptides. Several mechanisms were elucidated as being the basis of enhanced α-secretase activity: increased membrane fluidity and impaired internalization of APP were responsible for the effect observed with methyl-β-cyclodextrin; treatment with lovastatin resulted in higher expression of the α-secretase ADAM 10. Our results demonstrate that cholesterol reduction promotes the nonamyloidogenic α-secretase pathway and the formation of neuroprotective α-secretase cleaved soluble APP by several mechanisms and suggest approaches to prevention of or therapy for Alzheimer's disease.
Human prostate tumor growth in athymic mice: inhibition by androgens and stimulation by finasteride.
When the human prostate cancer cell line, LNCaP 104-S, the growth of which is stimulated by physiological levels of androgen, is cultured in androgen-depleted medium for > 100 passages, the cells, now called LNCaP 104-R2, are proliferatively repressed by low concentrations of androgens. LNCaP 104-R2 cells formed tumors in castrated male athymic nude mice. Testosterone propionate (TP) treatment prevented LNCaP 104-R2 tumor growth and caused regression of established tumors in these mice. Such a tumor-suppressive effect was not observed with tumors derived from LNCaP 104-S cells or androgen receptor-negative human prostate cancer PC-3 cells. 5 alpha-Dihydrotestosterone, but not 5 beta-dihydrotestosterone, 17 beta-estradiol, or medroxyprogesterone acetate, also inhibited LNCaP 104-R2 tumor growth. Removal of TP or implantation of finasteride, a 5 alpha-reductase inhibitor, in nude mice bearing TP implants resulted in the regrowth of LNCaP 104-R2 tumors. Within 1 week after TP implantation, LNCaP 104-R2 tumors exhibited massive necrosis with severe hemorrhage. Three weeks later, these tumors showed fibrosis with infiltration of chronic inflammatory cells and scattered carcinoma cells exhibiting degeneration. TP treatment of mice with LNCaP 104-R2 tumors reduced tumor androgen receptor and c-myc mRNA levels but increased prostate-specific antigen in serum- and prostate-specific antigen mRNA in tumors. Although androgen ablation has been the standard treatment for metastatic prostate cancer for > 50 years, our study shows that androgen supplementation therapy may be beneficial for treatment of certain types of human prostate cancer and that the use of 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors, such as finasteride or anti-androgens, in the general treatment of metastatic prostate cancer may require careful assessment.
We and other groups have recently reported the potentiation by ribonucleotide reductase inhibitors such as hydroxyurea of the anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) activity of purine and pyrimidine 2',3'-dideoxynucleosides in both resting and phytohemagglutinin-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Little agreement prevails, however, as to the mechanism of the synergistic effects described. We report here that in phytohemagglutinin-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells, two mechanisms exist for the potentiation of the anti-HIV-1 activity by low-dose hydroxyurea of the purine-based dideoxynucleoside 2',3'-dideoxyinosine and the pyrimidine-based dideoxynucleosides 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine and 2',3'-dideoxycytidine. For 2',3'-dideoxyinosine, the enhancement arises from a specific depletion of dATP by hydroxyurea, resulting in a favorable shift of the 2',3'-dideoxyadenosine 5'-triphosphate/dATP ratio. For the pyrimidine dideoxynucleosides 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine and 2',3'-dideoxycytidine, the more modest anti-HIV enhancement results from hydroxyurea-induced increases of pyrimidine kinase activities in the salvage pathway and, hence, increased 5'-phosphorylation of these drugs, while depletion of the corresponding deoxynucleoside 5'-triphosphates (dTTP and dCTP) plays no significant role.
The prevalence of cholesterol gallstones differs among inbred strains of mice fed a diet containing 15% (wt/wt) dairy fat, 1% (wt/wt) cholesterol, and 0.5% (wt/wt) cholic acid. Strains C57L, SWR, and A were notable for a high prevalence of cholelithiasis; strains C57BL/6, C3H, and SJL had an intermediate prevalence; and strains SM, AKR, and DBA/2 exhibited no cholelithiasis after consuming the diet for 18 weeks. Genetic analysis of the difference in gallstone prevalence rates between strains AKR and C57L was carried out by using the AKXL recombinant inbred strain set and (AKR x C57L)F1 x AKR backcross mice. Susceptibility to gallstone formation was found to be a dominant trait determined by at least two genes. A major gene, named Lith1, mapped to mouse chromosome 2. When examined after 6 weeks on the lithogenic diet, the activity of hepatic 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (EC was downregulated as expected in the gallstone-resistant strains, AKR and SJL, but this enzyme failed to downregulate in C57L and SWR, the gallstone-susceptible strains. This suggests that regulation of the rate-limiting enzyme in cholesterol biosynthesis may be pivotal in determining the occurrence and severity of cholesterol hypersecretion and hence lithogenicity of gallbladder bile. These studies indicate that genetic factors are critical in determining gallstone formation and that the genetic resources of the mouse model may permit these factors to be identified.
Aims Fibrates or nicotinic acid are usually recommended for secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in patients with low plasma levels of both low-density tipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) less than or equal to140 mg/dL (less than or equal to3.6 mmol/L) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) less than or equal to40 mg/dL (less than or equal to1.03 mmol/L). The LIPID trial, a randomised, placebo-controlled trial in 9014 patients at 87 centres in Australia and New Zealand, provided an opportunity to investigate the effects of an HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor in patients with tow LDL-C and tow HDL-C. Methods and results Participants in this post hoc substudy were 2073 patients aged 31-75 years with baseline LDL-C less than or equal to140 mg/dL (less than or equal to3.6 mmoL/L), HDL-C less than or equal to40 mg/dL (less than or equal to1.03 mmol/L), and triglyceride less than or equal to300 mg/dL (less than or equal to3.4 mmol/L). The relative risk reduction with pravastatin treatment was 27% for major coronary events (95% Cl 8-42%), 27% for coronary heart disease mortality (95% CI 0-47%), 21% for all-cause mortality (95% Cl 0-38%), and 51% for stroke (95% CI 24-69%). The number needed to treat to prevent a major coronary event over 6 years was 22. Conclusions Treatment with pravastatin in patients with both low LDL-C and low HDL-C significantly reduced major coronary events, stroke, and all-cause mortality. The level of HDL-C is crucial to the risk of recurrent CHD events and, consequently, the benefit of lowering LDL-C. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The European Society of Cardiology.
The kidneys exhibit age-associated deterioration in function via a loss of 20% to 25% kidney mass, particularly from the renal cortex and increased fibrosis. Oxidative stress has been found to mediate age-associated renal cell injury and cell death, particularly apoptosis. Oxidative stress results from an imbalance between the levels of free radicals generated during aerobic metabolism, inflammation, and infection and the safe breakdown of these species by endogenous and exogenous scavengers. Other factors may influence these pathologies. For example, growth hormone and caloric restriction have been shown to influence life span, although neither method of prolonging life is likely to find general acceptance in humans. Some genetic knockout models offer promise; for example, knockout of the p66 isoform of the Shc gene in mice increases life span by 30%, but appetite, size, and fertility are retained. Whether the increase in life span is via increased kidney health is not yet clear, but decreasing the age-related renal pathologies will no doubt aid in increasing life span and health in general. This review looks at the role and modulation of factors that influence life span, in particular modulation of oxidative stress, with particular relevance to age-related renal pathologies. (C) 2005 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.
Background: jurisdictions are developing public drug insurance systems to improve access to pharmaceuticals, cost-effective prescribing, and patient health and well-being. We compared 2 Jurisdictions with different pharmaceutical policies to determine prescribing patterns for 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase inhibitors (le, statins). Objective: The aim of this work was to investigate the feasibility of using available prescription admimstrative databases to compare the use of statins in Queensland, Australia, and in Nova Scotia, Canada. Methods: Data from the Nova Scotia Pharmacare Program and the Health Insurance Commission in Australia were used to obtain dispensing data. Utilization was compared for the 5-year period from 1997 through 2001, using the World Health Organization anatomic therapeutic chemical/defined daily dose (DDD) system. Results: In the year 2001, there were 177,000 beneficiaries in the public drug plan in Nova Scotia (62% aged &GE; 65 years old) and 960,000 concession beneficiaries (pensioners and social security recipients, 61% aged &GE; 65 years) in Queensland. These 2 groups were comparable. The overall utilization of statin medications increased steadily in both areas over the study period, from 50 to 205 DDD/1000 beneficiaries per day. Comparison of the 2 growth lines showed no statistically significant differences in overall statin use despite differences in brand availabilities and policies about prescribing. In the year 2001, atorvastatin was the most commonly prescribed statin in both areas, comprising 46% of statin use in Nova Scotia and 51% in Queensland. Mean doses of each statin prescribed were slightly above the DDDs. Expenditure on statins per 1000 beneficiaries and per DDD were similar in each jurisdiction, being slightly higher in Nova Scotia. Conclusions: Despite differences in pharmaceutical reimbursement systems, use of the statins was similar in Nova Scotia and Queensland. The feasibility of the methodology was demonstrated. Future studies, including comparisons of drug utilization for other classes of drugs for which drug policies may be divergent (eg, different pricing structures or prior authorization requirements), or for which less evidence for appropriate use is available, may be useful. © 2005 Excerpta Medica, Inc.
Background-Elevated serum inflammatory marker levels are associated with a greater long-term risk of cardiovascular events. Because 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme-A reductase inhibitors (statins) may have an antiinflammatory action, it has been suggested that patients with elevated inflammatory marker levels may have a greater reduction in cardiovascular risk with statin treatment. Methods and Results-We evaluated the association between the white blood cell count (WBC) and coronary heart disease mortality during a mean follow-up of 6.0 years in the Long-Term Intervention With Pravastatin in Ischemic Disease (LIPID) Study, a clinical trial comparing pravastatin (40 mg/d) with a placebo in 9014 stable patients with previous myocardial infarction or unstable angina. An increase in baseline WBC was associated with greater coronary heart disease mortality in patients randomized to placebo (hazard ratio for 1 X 10(9)/L increase in WBC, 1.18; 95% CI, 1.12 to 1.25; P<0.001) but not pravastatin (hazard ratio, 1.02; 95% CI, 0.96 to 1.09; P=0.56; P for interaction=0.004). The numbers of coronary heart disease deaths prevented per 1000 patients treated with pravastatin were 0, 9, 30, and 38 for baseline WBC quartiles of <5.9, 6.0 to 6.9, 7.0 to 8.1, and >8.2X10(9)/L, respectively. WBC was a stronger predictor of this treatment benefit than the ratio of total to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and a global measure of cardiac risk. There was also a greater reduction (P=0.052) in the combined incidence of cardiovascular mortality, nonfatal myocardial infarction, and stroke with pravastatin as baseline WBC increased ( by quartile: 3, 41, 61, and 60 events prevented per 1000 patients treated, respectively). Conclusions-These data support the hypothesis that individuals with evidence of inflammation may obtain a greater benefit from statin therapy.
Previous studies in man have shown that following dosing with L--3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) and cotrimoxazole, plasma biopterins were raised. By analogy with dihydropteridine reductase deficient children in whom plasma biopterins are greatly elevated and the observations that these preparations were dihydropteridine reductase inhibitors, it was assumed that these raised plasma levels were due to increased efflux from tissues which resulted in tissue depletion of biopterins. In some human disease states such as senile dementia of the Alzheimer type lowered plasma biopterins were observed; by analogy with tetrahydrobiopterin synthesis deficient children these reduced plasma biopterins were attributed to lowered tetrahydrobiopterin synthesis and concomitant low tissue biopterin levels. Because of ethical considerations it was not possible to measure directly the tissue biopterins changes in either case. The Wistar rat was used as a model for human tetrahydrobiopterin metabolism, since tissues not normally accessible for study in humans, such as the brain and liver, could be examined for their effects on tetrahydrobiopterin metabolism after administration of the various agents. Plasma total biopterins in normal conditions were found to be much higher than in healthy humans. The elevation of plasma total biopterins concentration following the administration of dihydropteridine reductase inhibitors to humans, such as L-DOPA and cotrimoxazole was not observed in the rat. However, the administration of inhibitors of de novo tetrahydrobiopterin biosynthesis, such as diaminohydroxypyrimidine (DAHP) and bromocriptine was shown to decrease plasma biopterins concentration. In general, hepatic biopterins were decreased after administration of both dihydropteridine reductase inhibitors and de novo biosynthesis inhibitors. Drugs which are direct (bromocriptine) or indirect (L-DOPA and Sinemet Plus) agonists at dopamine receptors were investigated and were shown to decrease hepatic total biopterins concentration, but had no effect on brain biopterins. Bromocriptine was demonstrated as a potent inhibitor of de novo tetrahydrobiopterin biosynthesis in vivo and in vitro. Cotrimoxazole decreased brain tetrahydrobiopterin concentration. DAHP was effective in causing hyperphenylalaninaemia due to tetrahydrobiopterin deficiency in the rat. p-hydroxyphenylacetate was shown to be an effective inhibitor of dihydropteridine reductase in vivo. Phenylacetate administration had no observable effect on tetrahydrobiopterin metabolism, but did cause tyrosinaemia. It is proposed that scopolamine reduces tetrahydrobiopterin turnover. Lead and aluminium exposure caused deranged tetrahydrobiopterin metabolism. Aluminium, but not lead decreased brain choline acetyltransferase activity. Phenylalanine loading in normal human subjects was followed by an elevation in plasma biopterins which was not observed after tyrosine loading. Plasma N : B ratios correlated well with VEP latencies after tyrosine loading, but not after phenylalanine loading in healthy subjects. The use of derived pterin measurements as an indicator of tetrahydrobiopterin turnover or tetrahydrofolate status is discussed in the text.
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