964 resultados para Hydraulic Sorting


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The geometry of tree branches can have considerable effect on their efficiency in terms of carbon export per unit carbon investment in structure. The purpose of this study was to evaluate different design criteria using data describing the form of Picea sitchensis branches. Allometric analysis of the data suggests that resources are distributed to favour shoots with the greatest opportunity for extension into new space, with priority to the extension of the leader. The distribution of allometric relations of links (branch elements) was tested against two models: the pipe model, based on hydraulic transport requirements, and a static load model based on the requirement of shoots to provide mechanical resistance to static loads. Static load resistance required the load parameter to be proportional to the link radius raised to the power of 4. This was shown to be true within a 95% statistical confidence limit. The pipe model would require total distal length to be proportional to link radius squared but the measured branches did not conform well to this model. The comparison suggests that the diameters of branch elements were more related to the requirements for mechanical load. The cost of following a hydraulic design principle (the pipe model) in terms of mechanical efficiency was estimated and suggested that the pipe model branch would not be mechanically compromised but would use structural resources inefficiently. Resource allocation among branch elements was found to be consistent with mechanical stability criteria but also indicated the possibility of allocation based on other criteria, such as potential light interception by shoots. The evidence suggests that whilst branch topology increments by reiteration of units of morphogenesis, the geometry follows a functional design pattern.


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Subsistence farming communities with low socio-economic status reliant on a mono cereal maize diet are exposed to fumonisin levels that exceed the provisional maximum tolerable daily intake of 2 mu g kg(-1) body weight day(-1) recommended by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. In the rural Centane magisterial district, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa, it is customary during food preparation to sort visibly infected maize kernels from good maize kernels and to wash the good kernels prior to cooking. However, this customary practice seems not to sufficiently reduce the fumonisin levels. This is the first study to optimise the reduction of fumonisin mycotoxins in home-grown maize based on customary methods of a rural population, under laboratory-controlled conditions. Maize obtained from subsistence farmers was analysed for the major naturally occurring fumonisins (FB1, FB2 and FB3) by fluorescence HPLC. Large variations were observed in the unsorted and the experimental maize batches attributable to the non-homogeneous distribution of fumonisin contamination in maize kernels. Optimised hand-sorting of maize kernels by removing the visibly infected/damaged kernels (fumonisins, 53.7 +/- 15.0 mg kg(-1), 2.5% by weight) reduced the mean fumonisins from 2.32 +/- 1.16 mg kg(-1) to 0.68 +/- 0.42 mg kg(-1). Hand washing of the sorted good maize kernels for a period of 10 min at 25 degrees C resulted in optimal reduction with no additional improvement for wash periods up to 15 h. The laboratory optimised sorting reduced the fumonisins by 71 +/- 18% and an additional 13 +/- 12% with the 10 min wash. Based on these results and on local practices and practicalities the protocol that would be recommended to subsistence farmers consists of the removal of the infected/damaged kernels from the maize followed by a 10 min ambient temperature water wash. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Seepage flow under hydraulic structures provided with intermediate filters has been investigated. The flow through the banks of the canal has been included in the model. Different combinations of intermediate filter and canal width were studied. Different lengths of the floor, differential heads, and depths of the sheet pile driven beneath the floor were also investigated. The introduction of an intermediate filter to the floor of hydraulic structures reduced the uplift force acting on the downstream floor by up to 72%. The maximum uplift reduction occurred when the ratio of the distance of filter location downstream from the cutoff to the differential head was 1. Introducing a second filter in the downstream side resulted in a further reduction in the exit hydraulic gradient and in the uplift force, which reached 90%. The optimum locations of the two filters occurred when the first filter was placed just downstream of the cutoff wall and the second filter was placed nearly at the middistance between the cutoff and the end toe of the floor. The results showed significant differences between the three-dimensional (3D) and the two-dimensional (2D) analyses.


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In this study, some limitations associated with modeling the hydraulic conductivity of soil improved with vertical drains are discussed. In addition, some limitations of conventional methodologies for deducing the hydraulic conductivity from oedometer or Rowe cell tests are investigated. An alternative approach for estimating the hydraulic conductivity in soils improved by vertical drains is discussed. This methodology will allow for simpler finite element modeling of consolidation due to vertical drains. The effectiveness of this technique has been demonstrated using a field study.


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The characteristics of hydraulic jumps were investigated for three shapes of artificial apparent corrugated beds in a horizontal rectangular flume. Rectangular, triangular, and circular-shaped tire waste corrugated beds were used. Froude number ranged from 2.75 to 4.25. The experimental observations included water surface profiles, bed shear stress, and the hydraulic jump length. Results showed that the shape of the corrugation had relatively insignificant effects on hydraulic jump properties for small Froude numbers. The rectangular, triangular, and circular-shaped corrugated beds reduced the hydraulic jump length by up to 7, 10, and 11%, respectively. The corrugated bed also reduced the tailwater depth by up to 11.5% compared with the smooth bed. The apparent conditions of corrugated bed reduced the hydraulic jump relative length and height by about 0.4 and 0.5, respectively. The circular-shaped tire waste was found to be more effective in reducing the length and depth of the hydraulic jump.


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Standard identification systems usually ensure that biopsy material is correctly associated with a given patient. Sometimes, as when a tumor is unexpectedly found, the provenance (proof of origin) of a tissue sample may be questioned; the tissue may have been mislabelled or contaminated with tissue from another patient. Techniques used to confirm tissue provenance include comparing either tissue markers of gender or ABO blood groups; however, these methods have weak confirmatory power. Recently, the use of DNA-based polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques has been reported. Paired, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded, 10 microns tissue sections were selected from 17 patients, 8 of whom had carcinoma, either by dividing a biopsy section, using sequential biopsies, or sequential biopsy and autopsy tissue. The resulting 36 samples were coded before analysis. In two additional cases, 1-mm fragments of tumor from one patient were included in the tissue block of benign tissue from another patient, the tumor fragments were identified on hematoxylin-and-eosin-stained sections, separately scraped off the glass slide, and analyzed. Tissue from two clinical cases, one of suspected mislabelling and one with a suspected carry-over of malignant tissue were also investigated. Short tandem repeat sequences (STR) or microsatellites, are 2-5 base pair repeats that vary in their repeat number between individuals. This variation (polymorphism) can be assessed using a PCR. A panel of markers of 3 STRs; ACPP, INT 2, and CYP 19 (on chromosomes 3, 11, and 15, respectively) were used. DNA was isolated from the samples after xylene deparaffinization and proteinase digestion, and was then amplified in a radioactive PCR using primers selected to give a product size ranging from 136-178 bases. Amplified products were electrophoresed on denaturing polyacrylamide gels, dried, and autoradiographed. DNA segments were successfully extracted from all samples but one, which was fixed in Bouin's fluid. By comparing allele sizes from the panel, all tissue pairs (other than the Bouin's pair) were successfully matched, the 1-mm tumor fragments were correctly assigned, and the two clinical problems were solved. STRs are highly informative and robust markers, well suited to PCR of small portions of tissue sections, and are an effective method to confirm the provenance of benign and malignant biopsy and autopsy material.


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Retrograde transport links early/recycling endosomes to the trans-Golgi network (TGN), thereby connecting the endocytic and the biosynthetic/secretory pathways. To determine how internalized molecules are targeted to the retrograde route, we have interfered with the function of clathrin and that of two proteins that interact with it, AP1 and epsinR. We found that the glycosphingolipid binding bacterial Shiga toxin entered cells efficiently when clathrin expression was inhibited. However, retrograde transport of Shiga toxin to the TGN was strongly inhibited. This allowed us to show that for Shiga toxin, retrograde sorting on early/recycling endosomes depends on clathrin and epsinR, but not AP1. EpsinR was also involved in retrograde transport of two endogenous proteins, TGN38/46 and mannose 6-phosphate receptor. In conclusion, our work reveals the existence of clathrin-independent and -dependent transport steps in the retrograde route, and establishes a function for clathrin and epsinR at the endosome-TGN interface.


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An efficient and robust case sorting algorithm based on Extended Equal Area Criterion (EEAC) is proposed in this paper for power system transient stability assessment (TSA). The time-varying degree of an equivalent image system can be deduced by comparing the analysis results of Static EEAC (SEEAC) and Dynamic EEAC (DEEAC), the former of which neglects all time-varying factors while the latter partially considers the time-varying factors. Case sorting rules according to their transient stability severity are set combining the time-varying degree and fault messages. Then a case sorting algorithm is designed with the “OR” logic among multiple rules, based on which each case can be identified into one of the following five categories, namely stable, suspected stable, marginal, suspected unstable and unstable. The performance of this algorithm is verified by studying 1652 contingency cases from 9 real Chinese provincial power systems under various operating conditions. It is shown that desirable classification accuracy can be achieved for all the contingency cases at the cost of very little extra computational burden and only 9.81% of the whole cases need to carry out further detailed calculation in rigorous on-line TSA conditions.


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Tese de Doutoramento, Ecologia, Especialidade de Ecofisiologia, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Universidade do Algarve, 2007


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As afluências indevidas resultantes direta ou indiretamente da precipitação são um dos principais fatores que provocam graves problemas de carácter ambiental, estrutural e económico, no âmbito de um bom funcionamento dos sistemas separativos de saneamento e tratamento de águas residuais urbanas. Ao longo dos anos, com a expansão do serviço de saneamento à população, tem sido reconhecido que os caudais excedentes às redes de drenagem de águas residuais e estações de tratamento são um problema grave e para isso estão a ser criados critérios cada vez mais exigentes no domínio da gestão e operação destes sistemas de saneamento. Para uma melhor compreensão sobre a incidência das afluências indevidas nos sistemas de saneamento e nas estações de tratamento de águas residuais, é necessário realizar estudos de quantificação e caracterização no sistema de esgotos. Com a necessidade de compreender a plenitude e natureza deste problema, tornou-se necessário desenvolver metodologias com o objetivo de melhorar a eficiência e eficácia hidráulica dos sistemas de drenagem e de tratamento. Este trabalho tem como objetivo a análise quantitativa das afluências indevidas, recorrendo a um caso de estudo de uma bacia de drenagem de águas residuais. Para adquirir mais conhecimento sobre o tema foi necessário recolher várias metodologias existentes de maneira a selecionar, estudar e aplicar o método mais vantajoso. Nesta dissertação, foram utilizados dados disponibilizados pela SIMRIA, no que respeita aos caudais de bombagem da estação elevatória a que afluiu a rede em estudo, e pela INDAQUA Feira, no que respeita aos dados de precipitação.


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Tese para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Civil, Especialidade Ciências da Construção