984 resultados para Honey of Beira Alta region


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Context. On 12 November 2014, the European mission Rosetta delivered the Philae lander on the nucleus of comet 67P /Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P). After the first touchdown, the lander bounced three times before finally landing at a site named Abydos. Aims. We provide a morphologically detailed analysis of the Abydos landing site to support Philae's measurements and to give context for the interpretation of the images coming from the Comet Infrared and Visible Analyser (CIVA) camera system onboard the lander. Methods. We used images acquired by the OSIRIS Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) on 6 December 2014 to perform the analysis of the Abydos landing site, which provided the geomorphological map, the gravitational slope map, the size-frequency distribution of the boulders. We also computed the albedo and spectral reddening maps. Results. The morphological analysis of the region could suggest that Philae is located on a primordial terrain. The Abydos site is surrounded by two layered and fractured outcrops and presents a 0.02 km(2) talus deposit rich in boulders. The boulder size frequency distribution gives a cumulative power-law index of 4.0 + 0.3/0.4, which is correlated with gravitational events triggered by sublimation and /or thermal fracturing causing regressive erosion. The average value of the albedo is 5.8% at lambda(1) = 480.7 nm and 7.4% at lambda(2) = 649.2 nm, which is similar to the global albedos derived by OSIRIS and CIVA, respectively.


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The distribution of mould species was examined at several points of the processing chain in a Manchego cheese plant and associated dairy farms. Geotrichum and Fusarium were the most frequent genera isolated in milk samples as well as in 1-month ripened cheeses, evidencing a direct transfer from raw milk. Conversely, the mycobiota of long-ripened cheeses consisted mainly of Penicillium species, which gained entry to the cheese through the air of ripening rooms. This study contributes to the understanding of the dynamics of fungal populations in semihard and hard cheeses, highlighting that airborne transfer from the stables could have a direct impact on their quality.


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In the last decade, Object Based Image Analysis (OBIA) has been accepted as an effective method for processing high spatial resolution multiband images. This image analysis method is an approach that starts with the segmentation of the image. Image segmentation in general is a procedure to partition an image into homogenous groups (segments). In practice, visual interpretation is often used to assess the quality of segmentation and the analysis relies on the experience of an analyst. In an effort to address the issue, in this study, we evaluate several seed selection strategies for an automatic image segmentation methodology based on a seeded region growing-merging approach. In order to evaluate the segmentation quality, segments were subjected to spatial autocorrelation analysis using Moran's I index and intra-segment variance analysis. We apply the algorithm to image segmentation using an aerial multiband image.


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The purpose of this paper is to expose the importance of observing cultural systems present in a territory as a reference for the design of urban infrastructures in the new cities and regions of rapid development. If we accept the idea that architecture is an instrument or cultural system developed by man to act as an intermediary to the environment, it is necessary to understand the elemental interaction between man and his environment to meet a satisfactory design. To illustrate this purpose, we present the case of the Eurasian Mediterranean region, where the architectural culture acts as a cultural system of adaptation to the environment and it is formed by an ancient process of selection. From simple observation of architectural types, construction systems and environmental mechanisms treasured in mediterranean historical heritage we can extract crucial information about this elemental interaction. Mediterranean architectural culture has environmental mechanisms responding to the needs of basics habitability, ethnics and passive conditioning. These mechanisms can be basis of an innovative design without compromising the diversity and lifestyles of human groups in the region. The main fundament of our investigation is the determination of the historical heritage of domestic architecture as holder of the formation process of these mechanisms. The result allows us to affirm that the successful introduction of new urban infrastructures in an area need a reliable reference and it must be a cultural system that entailing in essence the environmental conditioning of human existence. The urban infrastructures must be sustainable, understood and accepted by the inhabitants. The last condition is more important when the urban infrastructures are implemented in areas that are developing rapidly or when there is no architectural culture.


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Adobe is commonly found in Aveiro's ancient constructions. Preservation and rehabilitation of those constructions, some of them with architectural and historical interest, has been forgotten for many years. As a result, in Aveiro region, the majority of existing constructions in adobe is structurally weak, and, in several cases, they are in the threshold of ruin. Rehabilitation and/or strengthening urge. Despite some efforts has been made, a great difficulty for technicians working on the rehabilitation of these constructions relies on the lack of knowledge on adobe's mechanical behaviour. In fact, in order to properly describe the structural behaviour of those constructions, there is a need to investigate the mechanical behaviour of adobe. Hence, this paper is based on a study intended to characterise the behaviour of adobe brick units. Specimens were prepared from selected representative constructions of the Aveiro region. The prepared specimens were tested in order to evaluate their mechanical behaviour in compression and tension


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At high concentrations, the tubule poison paclitaxel is able to kill cancer cells that express Bcl-2; it inhibits the antiapoptotic activity of Bcl-2 by inducing its phosphorylation. To localize the site on Bcl-2 regulated by phosphorylation, mutant forms of Bcl-2 were constructed. Mutant forms of Bcl-2 with an alteration in serine at amino acid 70 (S70A) or with deletion of a 60-aa loop region between the α1 and α2 helices (Δloop Bcl-2, which also deletes amino acid 70) were unable to be phosphorylated by paclitaxel treatment of MDA-MB-231 cells into which the genes for the mutant proteins were transfected. The Δloop mutant completely inhibited paclitaxel-induced apoptosis. In cells expressing the S70A mutant, paclitaxel induced about one-third the level of apoptosis seen with wild-type Bcl-2. To evaluate the role of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) in Bcl-2 phosphorylation, the activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), and p38 was examined. Paclitaxel-induced apoptosis was associated with phosphorylation of Bcl-2 and activation of ERK and JNK MAPKs. If JNK activation was blocked by transfections with either a stress-activated protein kinase kinase dominant-negative (K→R) gene (which prevents the activation of a kinase upstream of JNK) or MAPK phosphatase-1 gene (which dephosphorylates and inactivates JNK), Bcl-2 phosphorylation did not occur, and the cells were not killed by paclitaxel. By contrast, neither an ERK inhibitor (PD098059) nor p38 inhibitors (SB203580 and SB202190) had an effect on Bcl-2 phosphorylation. Thus, our data show that the antiapoptotic effects of Bcl-2 can be overcome by phosphorylation of Ser-70; forms of Bcl-2 lacking the loop region are much more effective at preventing apoptosis than wild-type Bcl-2 because they cannot be phosphorylated. JNK, but not ERK or p38 MAPK, appear to be involved in the phosphorylation of Bcl-2 induced by paclitaxel.


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Mutant, but not wild-type p53 binds with high affinity to a variety of MAR-DNA elements (MARs), suggesting that MAR-binding of mutant p53 relates to the dominant-oncogenic activities proposed for mutant p53. MARs recognized by mutant p53 share AT richness and contain variations of an AATATATTT “DNA-unwinding motif,” which enhances the structural dynamics of chromatin and promotes regional DNA base-unpairing. Mutant p53 specifically interacted with MAR-derived oligonucleotides carrying such unwinding motifs, catalyzing DNA strand separation when this motif was located within a structurally labile sequence environment. Addition of GC-clamps to the respective MAR-oligonucleotides or introducing mutations into the unwinding motif strongly reduced DNA strand separation, but supported the formation of tight complexes between mutant p53 and such oligonucleotides. We conclude that the specific interaction of mutant p53 with regions of MAR-DNA with a high potential for base-unpairing provides the basis for the high-affinity binding of mutant p53 to MAR-DNA.


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The central problem of complex inheritance is to map oligogenes for disease susceptibility, integrating linkage and association over samples that differ in several ways. Combination of evidence over multiple samples with 1,037 families supports loci contributing to asthma susceptibility in the cytokine region on 5q [maximum logarithm of odds (lod) = 2.61 near IL-4], but no evidence for atopy. The principal problems with retrospective collaboration on linkage appear to have been solved, providing far more information than a single study. A multipoint lod table evaluated at commonly agreed reference loci is required for both collaboration and metaanalysis, but variations in ascertainment, pedigree structure, phenotype definition, and marker selection are tolerated. These methods are invariant with statistical methods that increase the power of lods and are applicable to all diseases, motivating collaboration rather than competition. In contrast to linkage, positional cloning by allelic association has yet to be extended to multiple samples, a prerequisite for efficient combination with linkage and the greatest current challenge to genetic epidemiology.


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The epsilon enhancer element is a pyrimidine-rich sequence that increases expression of T7 gene 10 and a number of Escherichia coli mRNAs during initiation of translation and inhibits expression of the recF mRNA during elongation. Based on its complementarity to the 460 region of 16S rRNA, it has been proposed that epsilon exerts its enhancer activity by base pairing to this complementary rRNA sequence. We have tested this model of enhancer action by constructing mutations in the 460 region of 16S rRNA and examining expression of epsilon-containing CAT reporter genes and recF–lacZ fusions in strains expressing the mutant rRNAs. Replacement of the 460 E.coli stem–loop with that of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium or a stem–loop containing a reversal of all 8 bp in the helical region produced fully functional rRNAs with no apparent effect on cell growth or expression of any epsilon-containing mRNA. Our experiments confirm the reported effects of the epsilon elements on gene expression but show that these effects are independent of the sequence of the 460 region of 16S rRNA, indicating that epsilon–rRNA base pairing does not occur.


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Objectives: The study examines how Loansome Doc services are implemented and used by libraries in the Southeast Region and describe end users' experiences with and attitudes toward Loansome Doc.


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We had earlier identified the pcnB locus as the gene for the major Escherichia coli poly(A) polymerase (PAP I). In this report, we describe the disruption and identification of a candidate gene for a second poly(A) polymerase (PAP II) by an experimental strategy which was based on the assumption that the viability of E. coli depends on the presence of either PAP I or PAP II. The coding region thus identified is the open reading frame f310, located at about 87 min on the E. coli chromosome. The following lines of evidence support f310 as the gene for PAP II: (i) the deduced peptide encoded by f310 has a molecular weight of 36,300, similar to the molecular weight of 35,000 estimated by gel filtration of PAP II; (ii) the deduced f310 product is a relatively hydrophobic polypeptide with a pI of 9.4, consistent with the properties of partially purified PAP II; (iii) overexpression of f310 leads to the formation of inclusion bodies whose solubilization and renaturation yields poly(A) polymerase activity that corresponds to a 35-kDa protein as shown by enzyme blotting; and (iv) expression of a f310 fusion construct with hexahistidine at the N-terminus of the coding region allowed purification of a poly(A) polymerase fraction whose major component is a 36-kDa protein. E. coli PAP II has no significant sequence homology either to PAP I or to the viral and eukaryotic poly(A) polymerases, suggesting that the bacterial poly(A) polymerases have evolved independently. An interesting feature of the PAP II sequence is the presence of sets of two paired cysteine and histidine residues that resemble the RNA binding motifs seen in some other proteins.


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The pseudoautosomal region (PAR) is a segment of shared homology between the sex chromosomes. Here we report additional probes for this region of the mouse genome. Genetic and fluorescence in situ hybridization analyses indicate that one probe, PAR-4, hybridizes to the pseudoautosomal telomere and a minor locus at the telomere of chromosome 9 and that a PCR assay based on the PAR-4 sequence amplifies only the pseudoautosomal locus (DXYHgu1). The region detected by PAR-4 is structurally unstable; it shows polymorphism both between mouse strains and between animals of the same inbred strain, which implies an unusually high mutation rate. Variation occurs in the region adjacent to a (TTAGGG)n array. Two pseudoautosomal probes can also hybridize to the distal telomeres of chromosomes 9 and 13, and all three telomeres contain DXYMov15. The similarity between these telomeres may reflect ancestral telomere-telomere exchange.


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Representational difference analysis was used to identify strain-specific differences in the pseudoautosomal region (PAR) of mouse X and Y chromosomes. One second generation (C57BL/6 x Mus spretus) x Mus spretus interspecific backcross male carrying the C57BL/6 (B6) PAR was used for tester DNA. DNA from five backcross males from the same generation that were M. spretus-type for the PAR was pooled for the driver. A cloned probe designated B6-38 was recovered that is B6-specific in Southern analysis. Analysis of genomic DNA from several inbred strains of laboratory mice and diverse Mus species and subspecies identified a characteristic Pst I pattern of fragment sizes that is present only in the C57BL family of strains. Hybridization was observed with sequences in DBA/2J and to a limited extent with Mus musculus (PWK strain) and Mus castaneus DNA. No hybridization was observed in DNA of different Mus species, M. spretus, M. hortulanus, and M. caroli. Genetic analyses of B6-38 was conducted using C57BL congenic males that carry M. spretus alleles for distal X chromosome loci and the PAR and outcrosses of heterozygous congenic females with M. spretus. These analyses demonstrated that the B6-38 sequences were inherited with both the X and Y chromosome. B6-38 sequences were genetically mapped as a locus within the PAR using two interspecific backcrosses. The locus defined by B6-38 is designated DXYRp1. Preliminary analyses of recombination between the distal X chromosome gene amelogenin (Amg) and the PAR loci for either TelXY or sex chromosome association (Sxa) suggest that the locus DXYRp1 maps to the distal portion of the PAR.


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The mouse Xist gene is expressed exclusively from the inactive X chromosome and may be implicated in initiating X inactivation. To better understand the mechanisms underlying the control of Xist expression, we investigated the upstream regulatory region of the mouse Xist promoter. A 1.2-kb upstream region of the Xist gene was sequenced and promoter activity was studied by chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) assays after transfection in murine XX and XY cell lines. The region analyzed (-1157 to +917 showed no in vitro sex-specific promoter activity. However, a minimal constitutional promoter was assigned to a region from -81 to +1, and a cis element from -41 to -15 regulates promoter activity. We showed that a nuclear factor binds to an element located at -30 to -25 (TTAAAG). A second sequence at -41 to -15 does not act as an enhancer and is unable to confer transcriptional activity to the Xist gene on its own. A third region from -82 to -41 is needed for correct expression. Deletion of the segment -441 to -231 is associated with an increase in CAT activity and may represent a silencer element.