922 resultados para Hip radiography


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We evaluated midterm patient-reported outcomes and satisfaction with total hip arthroplasty in patients who had severe juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Thirty-one patients (49 hips), with a mean age of 29 years (range, 16-43 years), reported low hip pain and stiffness at follow-up (mean, 7 years; range, 3-17 years). Up to 92% were satisfied with their ability to perform various activities; 96% were satisfied with pain relief. A mean postoperative flexion arc of 96° was observed. Final 36-Item Short Form Health Survey, EuroQol in 5 dimensions, Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index, and Harris Hip scores were lower than reference populations, particularly for mobility, physical functioning, and social functioning subscores. Young adults with end-stage hip involvement and severe longstanding juvenile idiopathic arthritis expressed high satisfaction with total hip arthroplasty, which improved range of motion, pain, and stiffness, despite poor performance on widely used outcome measures.


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The International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) and the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) convened the FRAX(®) Position Development Conference (PDC) in Bucharest, Romania, on November 14, 2010, following a two-day joint meeting of the ISCD and IOF on the "Interpretation and Use of FRAX(®) in Clinical Practice." These three days of critical discussion and debate, led by a panel of international experts from the ISCD, IOF and dedicated task forces, have clarified a number of important issues pertaining to the interpretation and implementation of FRAX(®) in clinical practice. The Official Positions resulting from the PDC are intended to enhance the quality and clinical utility of fracture risk assessment worldwide. Since the field of skeletal assessment is still evolving rapidly, some clinically important issues addressed at the PDCs are not associated with robust medical evidence. Accordingly, some Official Positions are based largely on expert opinion. Despite limitations inherent in such a process, the ISCD and IOF believe it is important to provide clinicians and technologists with the best distillation of current knowledge in the discipline of bone densitometry and provide an important focus for the scientific community to consider. This report describes the methodology and results of the ISCD-IOF PDC dedicated to FRAX(®).


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Flexible intramedullary nailing (FIN) is the gold standard treatment for femur fracture in school-aged children. It has been performed successfully in younger children, although Spica cast immobilisation (SCI) has been the most widely used strategy to date. METHOD: A retrospective analysis was performed between two comparable groups of children aged 1-4 years with a femoral shaft fracture. Two University hospitals, each using specific treatment guidelines, participated in the study: SCI in Group I (Basel, Switzerland) and FIN in Group II (Lausanne, Switzerland). RESULTS: Group I included 19 children with a median age of 26 months (range 12-46 months). Median hospital stay was 1 day (range 0-5 days) and casts were retained for a median duration of 21 days (range 12-29 days). General anaesthesia was used in six children and sedation in four. Skin breakdown secondary to cast irritation occurred in two children (10.5%). The median follow-up was 114 months (range 37-171 months). No significant malunion was noted. Group II included 27 children with a median age of 38.4 months (range 18.7-46.7 months). Median hospital stay was 4 days (range 1-13 days). All children required general anaesthesia for insertion and removal of the nails. Free mobilisation and full weight bearing were allowed at a median of 2 days (range 1-10 days) and 7 days (range 1-30 days), respectively, postoperatively. Nail exteriorisation was noted in three children (11%). The median follow-up was 16.5 months (range 8-172 months). No significant malunion was reported. CONCLUSIONS: Young children with a femoral shaft fracture treated by SCI or FIN had similarly favourable outcomes and complication rates. FIN allowed earlier mobilisation and full weight bearing. Compared to SCI, a greater number of children required general anaesthesia. In a pre-school child with a femoral shaft fracture, immediate SCI applied by a paediatric orthopaedic team following specific guidelines allowed early discharge from hospital with few complications.


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This prospective study addresses early results of the treatment of acute acetabular fractures in elderly patients by total hip arthroplasty and cerclage wiring.Fifteen patients with an average age of 81 years were treated at our institution between February 1998 and December 2000. There were two transverse fractures, eight T-shaped fractures, two transverse fractures with associated posterior wall fracture, two posterior column fractures with associated posterior wall fracture, and one fracture of both columns. Treatment consisted of cerclage wiring of the fracture and primary non-cemented total hip replacement.All of the patients were followed for a mean of 36 months. Although there was one patient with three hip dislocations during the first 10 months after the operation, we found an excellent or good result for the entire group. During this relatively short follow-up period, we have not found a radiological loss of fracture reduction of more than 1 mm or a cup migration of more than 3.2 mm. All of the fractures healed and no loosening of the implant was evident.Primary total hip arthroplasty combined with internal fixation is a valid treatment option for acetabular fractures in the elderly. Preliminary results are convincing, but a bigger patient population and a longer follow-up time are necessary before we are able to draw final conclusions.


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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this article is to assess the effect of the adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction (ASIR) technique on image quality in hip MDCT arthrography and to evaluate its potential for reducing radiation dose. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Thirty-seven patients examined with hip MDCT arthrography were prospectively randomized into three different protocols: one with a regular dose (volume CT dose index [CTDIvol], 38.4 mGy) and two with a reduced dose (CTDIvol, 24.6 or 15.4 mGy). Images were reconstructed using filtered back projection (FBP) and four increasing percentages of ASIR (30%, 50%, 70%, and 90%). Image noise and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) were measured. Two musculoskeletal radiologists independently evaluated several anatomic structures and image quality parameters using a 4-point scale. They also jointly assessed acetabular labrum tears and articular cartilage lesions. RESULTS: With decreasing radiation dose level, image noise statistically significantly increased (p=0.0009) and CNR statistically significantly decreased (p=0.001). We also found a statistically significant reduction in noise (p=0.0001) and increase in CNR (p≤0.003) with increasing percentage of ASIR; in addition, we noted statistically significant increases in image quality scores for the labrum and cartilage, subchondral bone, overall diagnostic quality (up to 50% ASIR), and subjective noise (p≤0.04), and statistically significant reductions for the trabecular bone and muscles (p≤0.03). Regardless of the radiation dose level, there were no statistically significant differences in the detection and characterization of labral tears (n=24; p=1) and cartilage lesions (n=40; p≥0.89) depending on the ASIR percentage. CONCLUSION: The use of up to 50% ASIR in hip MDCT arthrography helps to reduce radiation dose by approximately 35-60%, while maintaining diagnostic image quality comparable to that of a regular-dose protocol using FBP.


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In a prospective study, total hip arthroplasty (THA) patients were assessed preoperatively and postoperatively (n = 95) to determine if tender points (TPs) are associated with poor THA outcomes. Patients with high follow-up TP counts had higher visual analog scale (VAS) for pain and sleep, higher follow-up Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (pain, stiffness, function), lower Health Assessment Questionnaire, Harris Hip, and Short Form 36 (physical functioning, bodily pain, physical component summary) scores. High follow-up TP were associated with increased pain, pain not relieved by surgery, poor function, and poor sleep. Visual analog scale pain and sleep, Short Form 36 (physical functioning, bodily pain), Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index, Health Assessment Questionnaire, and Harris hip scores improved significantly after THA; TP scores did not. Higher preoperative TP were predictive of higher follow-up TP but were poorly predictive of poor outcome measures after surgery in individual patients, suggesting that preoperative TPs are contraindicative for THA.


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Résumé¦L'Embrochage Centro-Médullaire Elastique Stable (ECMES) est le traitement de choix des fractures du fémur chez l'enfant en âge scolaire. Il est pratiqué avec succès chez le jeune enfant, alors que l'Immobilisation par Plâtre (IP) était la technique la plus largement utilisée jusque-là.¦Méthode : Une analyse rétrospective comparant deux groupes d'enfants âgés de 1 à 4 ans avec des fractures diaphysaires du fémur a été effectuée. Deux hôpitaux universitaires, utilisant chacun une méthode de traitement spécifique, ont participé à cette étude : l'IP dans le groupe I (Bâle, Suisse) et l'ECMES dans le groupe II (Lausanne, Suisse).¦Résultats : Le groupe I inclue 19 enfants avec un âge médian de 26 mois (12-46 mois). La médiane du séjour hospitalier est de 1 jour (0-5 jours) et le plâtre est laissé en place pour une durée médiane de 21 jours (12-29 jours). Une anesthésie générale a été nécessaire chez 6 enfants et une sédation chez 4. Des lésions cutanées secondaires au plâtre sont apparues chez 2 enfants (10.5%). La médiane de la durée du suivi est de 114 mois (37-171 mois). Aucun défaut de consolidation n'est à déplorer. Le groupe II inclue 27 enfants avec un âge médian de 38.4 mois (18.7-46.7 mois). La médiane du séjour hospitalier est de 4 jours (1-13 jours). Tous les enfants ont nécessité une anesthésie générale pour la mise en place et pour le retrait des broches. La mobilisation et la mise en charge complète du membre ont été permises respectivement à une médiane de 2 jours (1-10 jours) et 7 jours (1-30 jours) postopératoires. Une complication sous la forme d'une extériorisation à la peau d'une broche a été notée chez 3 enfants (11%). La médiane de la durée du suivi et de 16.5 mois (8-172 mois). Aucun défaut de consolidation n'est à déplorer.¦Conclusion : Les jeunes enfants présentant une fracture diaphysaire du fémur, traité pas IP ou ECMES, ont des résultats favorables et des taux de complications similaires. L'ECMES permet une mobilisation et une charge complète sur le membre fracturé plus rapide. Mais comparé à l'IP, l'ECMES requiert un plus grand nombre d'anesthésies générales. Chez un enfant d'âge préscolaire présentant une fracture diaphysaire du fémur, l'application immédiate d'un plâtre par une équipe orthopédique pédiatrique entraînée à la mise en place de plâtre chez l'enfant, permet un retour à domicile rapide et un taux de complication bas.


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Total hip replacement has seen a tremendous development and has become one of the most successful surgical interventions in orthopaedics. While during the first decades of development of total hip arthroplasty the fixation of the implant into the bone was the main concern, the focus has shifted towards surgical technique and soft tissue handling. In order to avoid permanent soft tissue damage, muscular dysfunction and concerns in regards to cosmetics, minimal invasive and anatomic approaches have been developed. We here provide a short overview on various methods of total hip replacements and we describe our technique through a minimal invasive direct anterior approach. While muscle and nerve damage is minimal, this technique allows for a rapid rehabilitation and is associated with an excellent functional outcome and a minimal risk for dislocation.


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La planification scanographique (3D) a démontré son utilité pour une reconstruction anatomique plus précise de la hanche (longueur du fémur, centre de rotation, offset, antéversion et rétroversion). Des études ont montré que lors de la planification 2D 50% seulement correspondaient à l'implant définitif du fémur alors que dans une autre étude ce taux s'élevait à 94% pour une planification 3D. Les erreurs étaient liées à l'agrandissement des radiographies. L'erreur sur la taille de la tige est liée à l'estimation inadéquate de la morphologie osseuse ainsi qu'à la densité osseuse. L'erreur de l'antéversion, augmentée par l'inclinaison du bassin, a pu être éliminée par la planification 3D et l'offset restauré dans 98%. Cette étude est basée sur une nouvelle technique de planification scanographique en trois dimensions pour une meilleure précision de la reconstruction de la hanche. Le but de cette étude est de comparer l'anatomie post-opératoire à celle préopératoire en comparant les tailles d'implant prévu lors de la planification 3D à celle réellement utilisée lors de l'opération afin de déterminer l'exactitude de la restauration anatomique avec étude des différents paramètres (centre de rotation, densité osseuse, L'offset fémoral, rotations des implants, longueur du membre) à l'aide du Logiciel HIP-PLAN (Symbios) avec évaluation de la reproductibilité de notre planification 3D dans une série prospective de 50 patients subissant une prothèse totale de hanche non cimentée primaire par voie antérieure. La planification pré-opératoire a été comparée à un CTscan postopératoire par fusion d'images. CONCLUSION ET PRESPECTIVE Les résultats obtenus sont les suivants : La taille de l'implant a été prédit correctement dans 100% des tiges, 94% des cupules et 88% des têtes (longueur). La différence entre le prévu et la longueur de la jambe postopératoire était de 0,3+2,3 mm. Les valeurs de décalage global, antéversion fémorale, inclinaison et antéversion de la cupule étaient 1,4 mm ± 3,1, 0,6 ± 3,3 0 -0,4 0 ± 5 et 6,9 ° ± 11,4, respectivement. Cette planification permet de prévoir la taille de l'implant précis. Position de la tige et de l'inclinaison de la cupule sont exactement reproductible. La planification scanographique préopératoire 3D permet une évaluation précise de l'anatomie individuelle des patients subissant une prothèse totale de hanche. La prédiction de la taille de l'implant est fiable et la précision du positionnement de la tige est excellente. Toutefois, aucun avantage n'est observée en termes d'orientation de la cupule par rapport aux études impliquant une planification 2D ou la navigation. De plus amples recherches comparant les différentes techniques de planification pré-opératoire à la navigation sont nécessaire.


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We hypothesized that combining clinical risk factors (CRF) with the heel stiffness index (SI) measured via quantitative ultrasound (QUS) would improve the detection of women both at low and high risk for hip fracture. Categorizing women by risk score improved the specificity of detection to 42.4%, versus 33.8% using CRF alone and 38.4% using the SI alone. This combined CRF-SI score could be used wherever and whenever DXA is not readily accessible. INTRODUCTION AND HYPOTHESIS: Several strategies have been proposed to identify women at high risk for osteoporosis-related fractures; we wanted to investigate whether combining clinical risk factors (CRF) and heel QUS parameters could provide a more accurate tool to identify women at both low and high risk for hip fracture than either CRF or QUS alone. METHODS: We pooled two Caucasian cohorts, EPIDOS and SEMOF, into a large database named "EPISEM", in which 12,064 women, 70 to 100 years old, were analyzed. Amongst all the CRF available in EPISEM, we used only the ones which were statistically significant in a Cox multivariate model. Then, we constructed a risk score, by combining the QUS-derived heel stiffness index (SI) and the following seven CRF: patient age, body mass index (BMI), fracture history, fall history, diabetes history, chair-test results, and past estrogen treatment. RESULTS: Using the composite SI-CRF score, 42% of the women who did not report a hip fracture were found to be at low risk at baseline, and 57% of those who subsequently sustained a fracture were at high risk. Using the SI alone, corresponding percentages were 38% and 52%; using CRF alone, 34% and 53%. The number of subjects in the intermediate group was reduced from 5,400 (including 112 hip fractures) and 5,032 (including 111 hip fractures) to 4,549 (including 100 including fractures) for the CRF and QUS alone versus the combination score. CONCLUSIONS: Combining clinical risk factors to heel bone ultrasound appears to correctly identify more women at low risk for hip fracture than either the stiffness index or the CRF alone; it improves the detection of women both at low and high risk.


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Since its introduction, total hip arthroplasty has become one of the most successful orthopedic operations ever. However, periprosthetic infection, now reported with the prevalence of around 1-2% is the most challenging complication. It is associated with disasterous physiological, psychological and financial effects. Therefore, early firm diagnosis is essential to avoid further patient morbidity and mortality as well as overwhelming financial medical service costs. This article reviews our current understanding of periprosthetic infection with particular focus on the clinical usefulness of various tests which are used to help make the diagnosis.


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PURPOSE: To review, retrospectively, the possible causes of sub- or intertrochanteric fractures after screw fixation of intracapsular fractures of the proximal femur. METHODS: Eighty-four patients with an intracapsular fracture of proximal femur were operated between 1995 and 1998 by using three cannulated 6.25 mm screws. The screws were inserted in a triangular configuration, one screw in the upper part of the femoral neck and two screws in the inferior part. Between 1999 and 2001, we use two screws proximally and one screw distally. RESULTS: In the first series, two patients died within one week after operation. Sixty-four fractures healed without problems. Four patients developed an atrophic non-union; avascular necrosis of the femoral head was found in 11 patients. Three patients (3.6%) suffered a sub- and/or intertrochanteric fracture after a mean postoperative time of 30 days, in one case without obvious trauma. In all three cases surgical revision was necessary. Between 1999 and 2001 we did not observe any fracture after screwing. CONCLUSION: Two screws in the inferior part of the femoral neck create a stress riser in the subtrochanteric region, potentially inducing a fracture in the weakened bone. For internal fixation for proximal intracapsular femoral fracture only one screw must be inserted in the inferior part of neck.


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OBJECTIVES: Studies of small area variations of health care utilization are more and more frequent. Such variations are often considered to be an indication of variations in the quality of medical care. The variations in the rate of operations for hip fractures are among the lowest studied to date, due to the fact that a consensus exists concerning this surgery. Our objective is to examine these variations within the context of relatively small and heterogeneous districts. METHOD: Based on anonymous computerized data on public hospital stays, this study describes the variations in population rates (crude and standardized) of operations for hip fracture among the health districts of the Canton of Vaud for the period from 1986 to 1991. District populations vary from 22,000 to 164,000. Using the extremal quotient (EQ), the importance of these variations was determined. RESULTS: The study population consists of 2363 cases, of which 78% are women. Mean age is 80.4 for women and 70.6 for men. Standardized rates of operation for hip fracture per 100,000 in the Canton Vaud for the years 1986 to 1991 are, respectively: 56; 67; 86; 91; 89 and 94. The EQ for the years 1986 to 1991 are respectively: 8.2; 4.0; 3.5; 2.7; 1.9 and 1.9. The high EQ, especially for the earlier years, are contrary to the initial premise of absence of variation. The progressive implementation in the Canton Vaud of VESKA medical statistics could play a role, as could the small size of many of the districts, with resultant instability of rates. CONCLUSIONS: Considering the wide variations shown here for an operation hardly regarded as subject to variations, it is important to exercise caution in interpreting published data of small area variations.