985 resultados para High-shear Granulation


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Cosmic shear requires high precision measurement of galaxy shapes in the presence of the observational point spread function (PSF) that smears out the image. The PSF must therefore be known for each galaxy to a high accuracy. However, for several reasons, the PSF is usually wavelength dependent; therefore, the differences between the spectral energy distribution of the observed objects introduce further complexity. In this paper, we investigate the effect of the wavelength dependence of the PSF, focusing on instruments in which the PSF size is dominated by the diffraction limit of the telescope and which use broad-band filters for shape measurement. We first calculate biases on cosmological parameter estimation from cosmic shear when the stellar PSF is used uncorrected. Using realistic galaxy and star spectral energy distributions and populations and a simple three-component circular PSF, we find that the colour dependence must be taken into account for the next generation of telescopes. We then consider two different methods for removing the effect: (i) the use of stars of the same colour as the galaxies and (ii) estimation of the galaxy spectral energy distribution using multiple colours and using a telescope model for the PSF. We find that both of these methods correct the effect to levels below the tolerances required for per cent level measurements of dark energy parameters. Comparison of the two methods favours the template-fitting method because its efficiency is less dependent on galaxy redshift than the broad-band colour method and takes full advantage of deeper photometry.


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The Major Gercino Shear Zone is one of the NE-SW lineaments that separate the Neoproterozoic Dom Feliciano Belt, of Brazil and Uruguay, into two different domains: a northwestern supracrustal domain from a southeastern granitoid domain. The shear zone, striking NE, is composed of protomylonites to ultramylonites with mainly dextral kinematic indicators. In Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil, the shear zone is composed of two mylonite belts. The mylonites have mineral orientations produced under greenschist fades conditions at a high strain rate. Strong flattening and coaxial deformation indicate the transpressive character, while the role of pure shear is emphasized by the orientation of the mylonite belts in relation to the inferred stress field component. The quartz microstructures point out that different dynamic recrystallization regimes and crystal plasticity were the dominant mechanisms of deformation during the mylonitization process. Additionally, the fabrics suggest that the glide systems are activated for deformation conditions compatible with the metamorphism in the middle greenschist facies. Elongated granitoid intrusions belonging to two petrographically, geochemically and isotopically distinct rock associations occur between the two mylonite belts. The structures observed in the granites result from a deformation range from magmatic to solid-state conditions points to a continuum of magma straining during and just after its crystallization. Conventional U-Pb analysis of multi-crystal zircon fractions yielded essentially identical ages of 609 +/- 16 Ma and 614 +/- 2 Ma for the two granitic associations, and constrain the transpressive phase of the shear zone. K-Ar ages of biotites between 585 and 560 Ma record the slow cooling and uplift of the intrusions. Some K-Ar ages of micas in regional mylonites are similar, suggesting that thermo-tectonic activity was intense up to this time, probably related to the agglutination of the granite belt to the supracrustal belt NW of the MGSZ. (C) 2009 International Association for Gondwana Research. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We used the fabrics of two granite plutons and U/Pb (SHRIMP) zircon ages to constrain the tectonic evolution of the E-trending Patos shear zone (Borborema Province, NE Brazil). The pre-tectonic Teixeira batholith consists of an amphibole leucogranite locally with aegirine-augite. Zircons from a syenogranite yielded crystallization ages of 591 +/- 5 Ma. The batholith fabrics were determined by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and mineral shape preferred orientation. The fabrics support pre-transcurrent batholith emplacement, as evidenced by: (i) magmatic/magnetic fabrics in low susceptibility (<0.35 mSI) leucogranites highly discordant to the regional host rock structure, and (ii) concordant magnetic fabrics restricted to high susceptibility (>1 mSI) corridors connected to shear zones branching off from Patos. One of these satellite shear zones controlled the syntectonic emplacement of the Serra Redonda pluton, which yields a crystallization age of 576 +/- 3 Ma. This late shearing event marks the peak regional deformation that, south of Patos, was coupled to crustal shortening nearly perpendicular to the shear belt. The chronology of the deformational events indicates that the major shear zones of the eastern Borborema are late structures active after the crustal blocks amalgamated. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Statement of problem. Different combinations of Co-Cr alloys bonded to ceramic have been used in dentistry; however, the bond strength of ceramic to metal can vary because of different compositions of these alloys.Purpose. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the shear bond strength of a dental ceramic to 5 commercially available Co-Cr alloys.Material and methods. Five Co-Cr alloys (IPS d.SIGN 20, IPS d.SIGN 30, Remanium 2000, Heranium P, and Wirobond C) were tested and compared to a control group of an Au-Pd alloy (Olympia). Specimen disks, 5 mm high and 4 mm in diameter, were fabricated with the lost-wax technique. Sixty specimens were prepared using opaque and dentin ceramics (VITA Omega 900), veneered, 4 mm high and 4 mm in diameter, over the metal specimens (n = 10). The shear bond strength test was performed in a universal testing machine with a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. After shear bond testing, fracture surfaces were evaluated in a stereomicroscope under x25 magnification. Ultimate shear bond strength (MPa) data were analyzed with 1-way ANOVA and the Tukey HSD test (alpha = .05).Results. The mean (SID) bond strengths (MPa) were: 61.4 (7.8) for Olympia; 94.0 (18.9) for IPS 20; 96.8 (10.2) for I PS 30; 75.1 (12.4) for Remanium; 71.2 (14.3) for Heranium P; and 63.2 (10.9) for Wirobond C. Mean bond strengths for IPS 20 and IPS 30 were not significantly different, but were significantly (P<.001) higher than mean bond strengths for the other 4 alloys, which were not significantly different from each other.Conclusions. Bond strength of a dental ceramic to a Co-Cr alloy is dependent on the alloy composition.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The mechanical and thermo-oxidative degradation of high density polyethylene (HDPE) was measured in a twin-screw extruder using various processing conditions. Two types of HDPE, Phillips and Ziegler-Natta, having different levels of terminal vinyl unsaturation were analysed. Mild screw profiles, having mainly conveying elements, have short mean residence times then profiles with kneading discs and left hand elements. Carbonyl and traps-vinylene group concentrations increased, whereas vinyl group concentration decreased with number of extrusions. Higher temperature profiles intensified these effects. The thermo-mechanical degradation mechanism begins with chain scission in the longer chains due to their higher probability of entanglements. These macroradicals then react with the vinyl terminal unsaturations of other chains producing chain branching. Shorter chains are more mobile, not suffering scission but instead are used for grafting the macroradicals, increasing the molecular weight. Increase in the levels of extrusion temperature, shear and vinyl end groups content facilitates the thermo-mechanical degradation reducing the amount of both, longer chains via chain scission and shorter chains via chain branching, narrowing the polydispersity. Phillips HDPE produces a higher level of chain branching than does the Ziegler-Natta type. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Statement of problem. The success of metal-ceramic restorations is influenced by the compatibility between base metal alloys and porcelains. Although porcelain manufacturers recommend their own metal systems as the most compatible for fabricating metal-ceramic prostheses, a number of alloys have been used.Purpose. This study evaluated the shear bond strength between a porcelain system and 4 alternative alloys.Material and methods. Two Ni-Cr alloys: 4 ALL and Wiron 99, and 2 Co-Cr alloys: IPS d.SIGN 20 and Argeloy NP were selected for this study. The porcelain (IPS d.Sign porcelain system) portion of the cylindrical inetal-ceramic specimens was 4 mm thick and 4 mm high; the metal portion was machined to 4 x 4 mm, with a base that was 5 nun thick and 1 mm high. Forty-four specimens were prepared (n=11). Ten specimens from each group were subjected to a shear load oil a universal testing machine using a 1 min/min crosshead speed. One specimen from each group was observed with a scanning electron microscope. Stress at failure (MPa) was determined. The data were analyzed with a 1-way analysis of variance (alpha=.05).Results. The groups, all including IPS d.Sign porcelain, presented the following mean bond strengths (+/-SD) in MPa: 4 ALL, 54.0 +/- 20.0; Wiron, 63.0 +/- 13.5; IPS d.SIGN 20, 71.7 +/- 19.2; Argeloy NP, 55.2 +/- 13.5. No significant differences were found among the shear bond strength values for the metal-ceramic specimens tested.Conclusion. None of the base metal alloys studied demonstrated superior bond strength to the porcelain tested.


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Statement of problem. Titanium has physical and mechanical properties, which have led to its increased use in dental prostheses despite casting difficulties due to high melting point and formation of oxide layers which affect the metal-ceramic bond strength.Purpose. This in vitro study evaluated the shear bond strength of the interface of 2 dental porcelains and pure titanium injected into a mold at 3 different temperatures.Material and methods. Using commercially pure (cp) titanium bars (Titanium, Grade I) melted at 1668degreesC and cast at mold temperatures of 430degreesC, 700degreesC or 900degreesC, 60 specimens were machined to 4 x 4 mm, with a base of 5 x 1 mm. The 4-mm surfaces were airborne-particle abraded with 100 mum aluminum oxide before applying and firing the bonding agent and evaluating the 2 porcelains (Triceram/Triline ti and Vita Titankeramik). Ten specimens were prepared for each temperature and porcelain combination Shear bond testing was performed in a universal testing machine, with a 500-kg load cell and crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. The specimens were loaded until failure. The interfaces of representative fractured specimens of each temperature were examined with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). Data for shear bond strength (MPa) were statistically analyzed by 2-way ANOVA and the Tukey test (alpha = .05).Results. The results showed significant differences for the metal/porcelain interaction effect (P = .0464). There were no significant differences for the 2 porcelains (P = .4250). The Tukey test showed a significant difference between the pair cp Ti 430degreesC Triceram and cp Ti 900degreesC Triceram, with respective mean values and SDs of 59.74 +/- 11.62 and 34.03 +/- 10.35 MPa.Conclusion. Triceram porcelain showed a bond strength decrease with an increase in the mold temperature for casting titanium. The highest bond strength for Vita porcelain and the best metal-ceramic interface observed with the SEM were found with the mold temperature of 700degreesC.


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This paper describes tectonic and metamorphic features of Precambrian rocks from the Guaxupe Complex and Varginha Shear Zone (VSZ) near the city of Guaxupe in the southern part of the Sao Francisco Craton, southeastern Brazil. The VSZ separates the metasediments of Araxa Group to the north from the granulites of Guaxupe Complex to the south. The sinistral transcurrent VSZ crosses the entire area striking approximately E-W, bending towards SE in the eastern part. Because of this bend, transpressional movement occurred, facilitating the exhumation of the garnet-rich rocks of the deepest exposed part of the granulite-facies terrane.In the garnet granulites the highest pressure-temperature conditions recorded are approximately 1040 degreesC and 14.4 kbar. The rocks underwent decompression from 14.0 kbar to 8.0 kbar, cooling from 980 degreesC to 710 degreesC, the retrograde path following the boundary between the kyanite and sillimanite stability fields. This interval is interpreted to record the uplift of the lower crustal granulite-facies terrane and re-equilibration during magmatic intrusions. For the felsic granulites an interval of 700-810 degreesC and 8.0-11.5 kbar was attained, also pointing to regional decompression.The granulites of the Guaxupe Complex comprise a medium- to high-pressure lower-crustal terrane, with local occurrences of higher-pressure garnet-rich gneisses, which were uplifted along a transpressional segment of the VSZ. Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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High strain shear zones of Brasiliano age, developed in Paleoproterozoic basement gneiss of the Caicó region, Borborema Province, NE Brazil, were associated with medium- to low-grade metamorphism and deformational processes that transformed porphyritic augen gneiss into muscovite quartzite, modifying their original mineralogy and chemical properties. During the last hydrothermal event mobility of major, minor and trace elements was great, whereas the pattern of Rare Earth Elements was not changed. We carried out a Sm-Nd isotopic study in these rocks in order to understand the behavior of Nd isotopes during mylonite generation. TDM model ages at around 2.6 Ga and εNd (t) values for both protolith and transformed rock suggest that the Nd isotopic system remained closed, recording the original source rock signature, despite undergoing two superposed metamorphic events. These new Sm-Nd results provide important information on the geologic evolution of basement rocks in the central Rio Grande do Norte Terrane of the Borborema Province, NE Brazil.