984 resultados para Heterogeneous rock mass


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No país existem inúmeras estruturas e obras civis que estão em operação a dezenas de anos e necessitam de monitoramento periódico devido a sua importância. Por este motivo, a dissertação apresenta um caso de um túnel antigo com problema de queda de bloco e visa instigar novas pesquisas e aumentar o conhecimento sobre o tema. Foram realizadas inspeções em campo em alguns túneis não revestidos da Estrada de Ferro Vitória-Minas (EFVM), bem como os ensaios em laboratório e in situ realizados nas amostras e no maciço rochoso para caracterizar o problema. Para o estudo foi escolhido o túnel Monte Seco Linha 1 e Linha 2 nos quais foram realizadas sondagens rotativas inclinadas e orientadas próximas ao eixo para investigação dos planos de descontinuidade. Os conceitos da Teoria dos Blocos-Chave foram aplicados às famílias de descontinuidades encontradas nos Túneis Monte Seco L1 e L2 para identificar os possíveis blocos instáveis formados pelas escavações. Para obtenção dos parâmetros geotécnicos de resistência e deformabilidade foram realizados ensaios de compressão uniaxial instrumentados com strain gages. A resistência a tração foi obtida através de Ensaio de Compressão Diametral (ECD). No ensaio de campo foi utilizado o Martelo de Schmidt para avaliação da rocha in situ. Através da análise dos dados foi possível distinguir setores cuja ocorrência de queda de blocos são maiores e a classe do maciço rochoso de acordo com a proposta de Bieniawski.


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El Slope Mass Rating (SMR, Romana, 1985) constituye una clasificación geomecánica de uso muy extendido para la caracterización de taludes en roca. Se obtiene por adición al índice RMR básico, calculado a partir de valores característicos del macizo rocoso, de una serie de factores de corrección dependientes del paralelismo discontinuidad-talud, del buzamiento de las discontinuidades, del buzamiento relativo entre las discontinuidades y el talud, así como del método de excavación empleado. En este trabajo se propone un método gráfico que permite obtener los parámetros de corrección del SMR (F1, F2 y F3) representando en proyección estereográfica los planos de discontinuidad y del talud a estudiar.


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Disponible en Github: https://github.com/adririquelme/DSE


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Various studies indicate that most of the slope instabilities affecting Flysch heterogeneous rock masses are related to differential weathering of the lithologies that make up the slope. Therefore, the weathering characteristics of the intact rock are of great importance for the study of these types of slopes and their associated instability processes. The main aim of this study is to characterise the weathering properties of the different lithologies outcropping in the carbonatic Flysch of Alicante (Spain), in order to understand the effects of environmental weathering on them, following slope excavation. To this end, 151 strata samples obtained from 11 different slopes, 5–40 years old, were studied. The lithologies were identified and their mechanical characteristics obtained using field and laboratory tests. Additionally, the slaking properties of intact rocks were determined, and a classification system proposed based on the first and fifth slake cycles (Id1 and Id5 respectively) and an Index of Weathering (IW5), defined in the study. Information obtained from the laboratory and the field was used to characterise the weathering behaviour of the rocks. Furthermore, the slaking properties determined from laboratory tests were related to the in-situ weathering properties of rocks (i.e., the weathering profile, patterns and length, and weathering rate). The proposed relationship between laboratory test results, field data, and in-situ observations provides a useful tool for predicting the response of slopes to weathering after excavation during the preliminary stages of design.


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Stress relaxation is relevant to the design of both civil and mining excavations. While many authors refer to the adverse effect of stress relaxation on excavation stability, some present compelling empirical evidence indicating that stress relaxation does not have a significant effect. Establishing clear definitions of stress relaxation was critical to understanding and quantifying stress relaxation of the various types that have been referred to in the literature. This paper defines three types of stress relaxation – partial relaxation, full relaxation and tangential relaxation. Once clear definitions were determined, it became clear that the theoretical arguments and empirical evidence presented by various authors to support their respective cases are not contradictory; rather, the different conclusions can be attributed to different types of stress relaxation. In particular, when the minor principal stress is negative the intermediate principal stress has been identified as significantly affecting jointed rock mass behaviour. The aim of the study was to review and evaluate existing methods of quantifying the effect of stress relaxation around underground excavations and, if necessary, propose a new set of recommendations. An empirical stope stability model, that has been termed the Extended Mathews stability chart, was considered to be the most appropriate method of quantifying the effects of stress relaxation. A new set of guidelines to account for the effect of stress relaxation on excavation stability in the Extended Mathews stability chart has been proposed from a back-analysis of 55 case histories of stress relaxation.


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This paper outlines the methodology of blast fragmentation modeling undertaken for a green field feasibility study at the Riska gold deposit in Indonesia. The favoured milling process for the feasibility study was dump leaching,with no crushing of the ore material extracted from the pit. For this reason,blast fragmentation was a critical issue to be addressed by the study. A range of blast designs were considered with bench heights and blasthole diameters ranging from 4 m to 7 m and 76 mm to 102 mm respectively. Rock mass data was obtained from 19 diamond drill cores across the deposit (total drill length approximately 2200 m). Intact rock strength was estimated from qualitative strength descriptors,while the in situ block size distribution of the rock mass was estimated from the Rock Quality Designation (RQD) of the core.


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Oxygen- and carbon-isotopic analyses have been performed on the benthic foraminifer Planulina wuellerstorfi in seven Late Quaternary cores from the Vema Channel-Rio Grande Rise region. The cores are distributed over the water-depth interval of 2340 to 3939 m, which includes the present transition from North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) to Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW). The carbon-isotopic records in the cores vary as a function of water depth. The shallowest and deepest cores show no significant glacial-interglacial difference in delta13C. Four of the five cores presently located in the NADW have benthic foraminiferal delta13C that is lower during glacial isotopic stages. Based on bathymetric gradients in delta13C, we conclude that, like today, there were two water masses present in the Vema Channel during glacial intervals: a water mass enriched in 13C overlying another water mass depleted in 13C. The largest gradient of change of delta13C with depth, however, occurred at 2.7 km, ~1 km shallower than the present position of this gradient. On the basis of paleontologic and sedimentologic evidence, we consider it unlikely that the NADW:AABW transition shallowed to this level. Reduced carbon-isotopic gradients between the deep basins of the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans during the last glaciation suggest that production of NADW was reduced. Lower production of NADW may have modified the local abyssal circulation pattern in the Vema Channel region.


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Circulation of seawater through basaltic basement for several million years after crustal emplacement has been inferred from studies of surface heat flow, and may play a significant role in the exchange of elements between the oceanic crust and seawater. Without direct observation of the fluid chemistry, interpretations regarding the extent and timing of this exchange must be based on the integrated signal of alteration found in sampled basalts. Much interest has thus been expressed in obtaining and analyzing fluids directly from basaltic formations. It has been proposed that open oceanic boreholes can be used as oceanic groundwater wells to obtain fluids that are circulating within the formation. Water samples were collected from the open borehole in Hole 504B prior to drilling operations on Leg 137, with the original intention of collecting formation fluids from the surrounding basaltic rocks. Past results have yielded ambiguous conclusions as to the origin of the fluids recovered-specifically, whether or not the fluids were true formation fluids or merely the result of reaction of seawater in the borehole environment. The chemistry of eight borehole fluid samples collected during Leg 137 is discussed in this paper. Large changes in major, minor, and isotopic compositions relative to unaltered seawater were observed in the borehole fluids. Compositional changes increased with depth in the borehole. The samples exhibit the effect of simple mixing of seawater, throughout the borehole, with a single reacted fluid component. Analysis and interpretation of the results from Leg 137 in light of past results suggest that the chemical signals observed may originate predominantly from reaction with basaltic rubble residing at the bottom of the hole during the interim between drilling legs. Although this endeavor apparently did not recover formation waters, information on the nature of reaction between seawater and basalt at the prevalent temperatures in Hole 504B (>160°C) has been gained that can be related to reconstruction of the alteration history of the oceanic crust. Isotopic analyses allow calculation of element-specific water/rock mass ratios (Li and Sr) and are related to the extent of chemical exchange between the borehole fluids and basalt.


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The rock mass of fluvial and fluvioglacial deposits of the Late Holocene has been studied at the altitude of 1830 m a.s.l. using the palynologic, carpologic, geomorphologic, and geochronologic methods. It was ascertained that in the mid-Subatlantic period the area of the present-day beech elfin woodland was occupied by a belt of alpine meadows. Thus, the lower border of alpine meadows ran 370-400 m lower than the recent level, pointing to a rather significant cooling of the climate that occurred from ca 2nd cent. A.D.