897 resultados para Heroin Shortage
Objective To determine the association between rural undergraduate training, rural postgraduate training and medical school entry criteria favouring rural students, on likelihood of working in rural Australian general practice. Methods National case - control study of 2414 rural and urban general practitioners (GPs) sampled from the Health Insurance Commission database. Participants completed a questionnaire providing information on demographics, current practice location and rural undergraduate and postgraduate experience. Results Rural GPs were more likely to report having had any rural undergraduate training [ odds ratio ( OR) 1.61, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.32 - 1.95] than were urban GPs. Rural GPs were much more likely to report having had rural postgraduate training ( OR 3.14, 95% CI 2.57 - 3.83). As the duration of rural postgraduate training increased so did the likelihood of working as a rural GP: those reporting that more than half their postgraduate training was rural were most likely to be rural GPs ( OR 10.52, 95% CI 5.39 - 20.51). South Australians whose final high school year was rural were more likely to be rural GPs ( OR 3.18, 95% CI 0.99 - 10.22). Conclusions Undergraduate rural training, postgraduate training and medical school entry criteria favouring rural students, all are associated with an increased likelihood of being a rural GP. Longer rural postgraduate training is more strongly associated with rural practice. These findings argue for continuation of rural undergraduate training opportunities and rural entry schemes, and an expansion in postgraduate training opportunities for GPs.
A sample of 312 heroin users was interviewed on their injection of methadone syrup. Methadone injecting was widespread, with 52% of subjects having injected methadone syrup, 29% in the preceding six months. Males and females were equally likely to report methadone injecting. Forty per cent Of current methadone injectors reported weekly or more frequent methadone injecting over the preceding six months. A history of methadone injecting was;associated with abscesses and infections in injection sites, having been diagnosed with a venous thrombosis and a history of heroin overdose. Current methadone injectors were in poorer general health, had more injection-related symptoms, higher levels of psychological distress, were more likely to have recently passed on used injecting equipment and to have recently committed criminal acts. Implications for the reduction in the prevalence of methadone injecting and associated harm are discussed.
Organ transplant shortage is a global problem caused by several factors, most of which are related to members of the family, who play it major role in the donation process. Objective. We sought to determine the most determinant features in the donor profile that relate to positive decisions versus refusal of donation. Material and Methods. Fifty-six families who were approached by the Organ Procurement Organization (OPO) from November 2004 to April 2006 agreed to participate in this work. To assess donor profiles, we used it structured interview. Results. Parental involvement directly in decisions about donation lead to significantly less frequent consent (P = .005), young donor age was associated with a reduced probability of donation (P = .002), violent death negatively influenced donation consent, excluding suicide (P = .004). Conclusion. The present study showed violent death, young patient age, and parental donation consent to be the most important factors that make it harder to obtain consent organ donation. When a collateral relative (sibling/uncle) or children were responsible for the donation decision, there was more success of consent.
Background: Organ shortage impairs the proposition of multivisceral transplantation to treat multiple organ failure. Interspecies (xeno) transplantation is a valid solution for organ shortage; however, suitable models of this advance are lacking. We describe an effective model of multivisceral xenotransplantation to study hyperacute rejection. Methods: Under general anesthesia, we in block recovered the distal esophagus, stomach, small bowel, colon, liver, pancreas, spleen, and kidneys from donors and implanted heterotopically in the lower abdomen of recipients. Animals were divided into four groups: I-canine donor, swine recipient (n = 6); II - swine donor, canine recipient (n = 5); III-canine donor, canine recipient (n = 4); and IV-swine donor, swine recipient (n = 5). Groups I and 11 comprised experimental (xenotransplantation) and III and IV control groups (allotransplantation). During the experiment, we appraised recipient evolution and graft modification by sequential biopsy up to 3 h. At this time, we killed animals for autopsy (experimental end point). Results: We accomplished all experiments successfully. Every grafts attained customary appearance and convenient urine output immediately after unclamp. Around 15 min after reperfusion, xenografts achieved signs of progressive hyperacute rejection and absence of urine output. At the end of experiments we observed moderate to severe hyperacute rejection at small bowel, colon, mesenteric lymph node, liver, spleen, pancreas, and kidney, while stomach and esophagus achieved mild lesions. In contrast, allograft achieved normal or minimum ischemia/reperfusion injury and constant urine output. Conclusion: The present procedure assembles a simple and effective model to study multivisceral xenotransplantation and may ultimately spread researches toward hyperacute rejection.
Objectives: To analyze mortality rates of children with severe sepsis and septic shock in relation to time-sensitive fluid resuscitation and treatments received and to define barriers to the implementation of the American College of Critical Care Medicine/Pediatric Advanced Life Support guidelines in a pediatric intensive care unit in a developing country. Methods: Retrospective chart review and prospective analysis of septic shock treatment in a pediatric intensive care unit of a tertiary care teaching hospital. Ninety patients with severe sepsis or septic shock admitted between July 2002 and June 2003 were included in this study. Results: Of the 90 patients, 83% had septic shock and 17% had severe sepsis; 80 patients had preexisting severe chronic diseases. Patients with septic shock who received less than a 20-mL/kg dose of resuscitation fluid in the first hour of treatment had a mortality rate of 73%, whereas patients who received more than a 40-mL/kg dose in the first hour of treatment had a mortality rate of 33% (P < 0.05.) Patients treated less than 30 minutes after diagnosis of severe sepsis and septic shock had a significantly lower mortality rate (40%) than patients treated more than 60 Minutes after diagnosis (P < 0.05). Controlling for the risk of mortality, early fluid resuscitation was associated with a 3-fold reduction in the odds of death (odds ratio, 0.33; 95% confidence interval, 0.13-0.85). The most important barriers to achieve adequate severe sepsis and septic shock treatment were lack of adequate vascular access, lack of recognition of early shock, shortage of health care providers, and nonuse of goals and treatment protocols. Conclusions: The mortality rate was higher for children older than years, for those who received less than 40 mL/kg in the first hour, and for those whose treatment was not initiated in the first 30 Minutes after the diagnosis of septic shock. The acknowledgment of existing barriers to a timely fluid administration and the establishment of objectives to overcome these barriers may lead to a more successful implementation of the American College of Critical Care Medicine guidelines and reduced mortality rates for children with septic shock in the developing world.
In Spain, crack cocaine use is silently increasing. In Barcelona, an intentional sample was selected to describe the general characteristics of this consumption. Participants were submitted to an interview and data were analyzed through qualitative research procedures. Users are young males and of low socioeconomic status and formal education. The major pattern of use is compulsive. Illegal income activities are the choice for crack cocaine or money acquisition, increasing individual and social health costs. Polydrug use is a matter of concern. Although these findings can not be generalized, they should be considered for the development of public policies to adequately address crack cocaine users` needs.
Transmission of urothelial carcinoma via solid organ transplant has never been reported in the literature to our knowledge. We report a case of transmission of this tumour to a kidney recipient. The donor was a 37-year-old woman, victim of a subarachnoid haemorrhage. The recipient was a 21-year-old girl, with a history of chronic kidney disease secondary to neurogenic bladder. This fatality has been rarely described in literature, but never with this histological type of cancer. Nowadays, with the expanded criteria for donation, older people are accepted as donor because of the shortage of organs. However, this may increase the likelihood of the number of cancer transmission.
The Woronin body, a septal pore-associated organelle specific to filamentous ascomycetes, is crucial for preventing cytoplasmic bleeding after hyphal injury. In this study, we show that T1hex-1 transcript and a variant splicing T2hex-1 transcript are up-regulated at alkaline pH. We also show that both hex-1 transcripts are overexpressed in the preg(c), nuc-1(RIP), and pacC(ko) mutant strains of Neurospora crassa grown under conditions of phosphate shortage at alkaline pH, suggesting that hex-1 transcription may be coregulated by these genes. In addition, we present evidence that N. crassa PacC also has metabolic functions at acidic pH. (C) 2008 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
Illicit opiate use, especially injected drugs, contributes to premature mortality and morbidity in many developed and developing societies. The economic costs of illicit drug use are substantial. Fatal overdoses and HIV/AIDS resulting from sharing dirty needles and injecting equipment are major contributors to mortality and morbidity. Illicit opioid use accounted for 0.7 percent of global disability–adjusted life years in 2000. An estimated 15.3 million people, or 0.4 percent of the world population ages 15 to 64, used illicit opioids in 2002, with more than half using heroin and the rest using opium or diverted pharmaceuticals such as buprenorphine, methadone, or morphine. The most popular interventions for illicit opioid dependence in many developed societies have been law enforcement efforts to interdict the drug supply and enforce legal sanctions against drug use. One consequence has been that illicit opioid users have been exposed to the least effective intervention: imprisonment for drug or property offenses. The most effective intervention to reduce blood–borne virus infection resulting from illicit drug injections is provision of clean injecting equipment to users. This intervention has been widely supported in developed countries, but less so in developing countries. In addition, vaccinations are effective against hepatitis B. In treatment settings, the most popular interventions have been detoxification and drug–free treatment, which has proven the least productive in retaining opioid–dependent people in treatment. Opioid agonists have a niche role in treatment of opioid dependence, especially if their efficacy improves with development of long–acting injectable forms of the drug.
Permanent hearing loss is a leading global health care burden, with 1 in 10 people affected to a mild or greater degree. A shortage of trained healthcare professionals and associated infrastructure and resource limitations mean that hearing health services are unavailable to the majority of the world population. Utilizing information and communication technology in hearing health care, or tele-audiology, combined with automation offer unique opportunities for improved clinical care, widespread access to services, and more cost-effective and sustainable hearing health care. Tele-audiology demonstrates significant potential in areas such as education and training of hearing health care professionals, paraprofessionals, parents, and adults with hearing disorders; screening for auditory disorders; diagnosis of hearing loss; and intervention services. Global connectivity is rapidly growing with increasingly widespread distribution into underserved communities where audiological services may be facilitated through telehealth models. Although many questions related to aspects such as quality control, licensure, jurisdictional responsibility, certification and reimbursement still need to be addressed; no alternative strategy can currently offer the same potential reach for impacting the global burden of hearing loss in the near and foreseeable future.
Despite reports that boron (B) requirements differ among plant species there is a shortage of critical evidence to demonstrate unequivocally whether species differ in internal or external B requirements or both. The present research was conducted to establish the external and internal B requirements of three contrasting species, a woody dicot (marri), an herbaceous dicot (sunflower) and a monocot (wheat) using B-buffered solution culture. Boron-buffered solution culture provided satisfactory control of external B concentrations ranging from 0.04 to 30 muM throughout the 20- (sunflower and wheat) or 40-day (marri) growth period. At low external B concentrations (less than or equal to 0.13 muM), the growth of marri and sunflower was severely depressed but by contrast the vegetative growth of wheat plants was satisfactory and free of B deficiency symptoms. Marri and sunflower plants achieved total maximum shoot growth at greater than or equal to1.2 muM B in solutions while wheat plants did so at greater than or equal to 0.6 muM B. The critical B concentrations (mg kg(-1) dry matter) in the youngest open leaf blades of marri, sunflower and wheat plants were 17.9, 19.7 and 1.2 on 20, 10 and 10 days after transplanting (DAT), respectively. Lower internal and external B requirements of wheat were matched by a lower uptake rate of B compared to marri and sunflower.
The Biostatistics Collaboration of Australia (BCA) was formed in response to a shortage of statisticians seeking careers in the medical and health professions. The Collaboration has been successful in developing postgraduate courses (Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Masters) offered by a consortium of seven Australian Universities. These courses are available through a distance learning medium. The BCA was successful in securing funding from the Federal government to launch these courses, which commenced in March 2001. Two traineeships by the NSW Department of Health have also been awarded and a third is currently advertised. There has been close collaboration with governments, the pharmaceutical industry and research organisations to ensure that course content reflects practical problems and addresses industry needs. A second objective of the BCA is to provide ongoing workshops for practising biostatisticians to enhance professional development. These workshops serve to ring together biostatisticians from both within Australia and the Asia-Pacific region, providing a forum for discussion of current statistical thinking. (author abstract)
INJECTABLE HEROIN MAINTENANCE has been advocated as a form of treatment for opioid dependence that would attract, and retain in treatment, addicts who have either not sought treatment or who have failed at other forms of treatment, including methadone maintenance. Advocates of heroin maintenance argue that it would increase the proportion of addicts in treatment and reduce heroin use, drug related crime, and deaths due to overdose.
Australia ranks high internationally in the prevalence of cannabis and other illicit drug use, with the prevalence of all illicit drug use increasing since the 1970s. There are two distinctive features associated with harms from injecting drug use-high rates of death from heroin overdose and low rates of HIV infection. Australia has largely avoided a punitive and moralistic drug policy, developing instead harm minimization strategies and a robust treatment framework embedded in a strong law enforcement regime. Two illustrations of Australian drug policy are presented: legislation that provides for the expiation of simple cannabis offences by payment of a fine and the widespread implementation of agonist maintenance treatment for heroin dependence.
Context Previous studies have reported that early initiation of cannabis (marijuana) use is a significant risk factor for other drug use and drug-related problems. Objective To examine whether the association between early cannabis use and subsequent progression to use of other drugs and drug abuse/dependence persists after controlling for genetic and shared environmental influences. Design Cross-sectional survey conducted in 1996-2000 among an Australian national volunteer sample of 311 young adult (median age, 30 years) monozygotic and dizygotic same-sex twin pairs discordant for early cannabis use (before age 17 years). Main Outcome Measures Self-reported subsequent nonmedical use of prescription sedatives, hallucinogens, cocaine/other stimulants, and opioids; abuse or dependence on these drugs (including cannabis abuse/dependence); and alcohol dependence. Results Individuals who used cannabis by age 17 years had odds of other drug use, alcohol dependence, and drug abuse/dependence that were 2.1 to 5.2 times higher than those of their co-twin, who did not use cannabis before age 17 years. Controlling for known risk factors (early-onset alcohol or tobacco use, parental conflict/separation, childhood sexual abuse, conduct disorder, major depression, and social anxiety) had only negligible effects on these results. These associations did not differ significantly between monozygotic and dizygotic twins. Conclusions Associations between early cannabis use and later drug use and abuse/dependence cannot solely be explained by common predisposing genetic or shared environmental factors. The association may arise from the effects of the peer and social context within which cannabis is used and obtained. In particular, early access to and use of cannabis may reduce perceived barriers against the use of other illegal drugs and provide access to these drugs.