808 resultados para Hepatitis B, Chronic
The identification of associations between interleukin-28B (IL-28B) variants and the spontaneous clearance of hepatitis C virus (HCV) raises the issues of causality and the net contribution of host genetics to the trait. To estimate more precisely the net effect of IL-28B genetic variation on HCV clearance, we optimized genotyping and compared the host contributions in multiple- and single-source cohorts to control for viral and demographic effects. The analysis included individuals with chronic or spontaneously cleared HCV infections from a multiple-source cohort (n = 389) and a single-source cohort (n = 71). We performed detailed genotyping in the coding region of IL-28B and searched for copy number variations to identify the genetic variant or haplotype carrying the strongest association with viral clearance. This analysis was used to compare the effects of IL-28B variation in the two cohorts. Haplotypes characterized by carriage of the major alleles at IL-28B single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were highly overrepresented in individuals with spontaneous clearance versus those with chronic HCV infections (66.1% versus 38.6%, P = 6 × 10(-9) ). The odds ratios for clearance were 2.1 [95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.6-3.0] and 3.9 (95% CI = 1.5-10.2) in the multiple- and single-source cohorts, respectively. Protective haplotypes were in perfect linkage (r(2) = 1.0) with a nonsynonymous coding variant (rs8103142). Copy number variants were not detected. We identified IL-28B haplotypes highly predictive of spontaneous HCV clearance. The high linkage disequilibrium between IL-28B SNPs indicates that association studies need to be complemented by functional experiments to identify single causal variants. The point estimate for the genetic effect was higher in the single-source cohort, which was used to effectively control for viral diversity, sex, and coinfections and, therefore, offered a precise estimate of the net host genetic contribution.
Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) is a major healthcare problem, representing the third most common cause of cancer-related mortality worldwide. Chronic infections with Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and/or Hepatitis C virus (HCV) are the major risk factors for the development of HCC. The incidence of HBV -associated HCC is in decline as a result of an effective HBV vaccine; however, since an equally effective HCV vaccine has not yet been developed, there are 130 million HCV infected patients worldwide who are at a high-risk for developing HCC. Because reliable parameters and/or tools for the early detection of HCC among high-risk individuals are severely lacking, HCC patients are always diagnosed at a late stage where surgical solutions or effective treatment are not possible. Using urine as a non-invasive sample source, two different approaches (proteomic-based and genomic-based approaches) were pursued with the common goal of discovering potential biomarker candidates for the early detection of HCC among high-risk chronic HCV infected patients. Urine was collected from 106 HCV infected Egyptian patients, 32 of whom had already developed HCC and 74 patients who were diagnosed as HCC-free at the time of initial sample collection. In addition to these patients, urine samples were also collected from 12 healthy control individuals. Total urinary proteins, Trans-renal nucleic acid (Tr-NA) and microRNA (miRNA) were isolated from urine using novel methodologies and silicon carbide-loaded spin columns. In the first, "proteomic-based", approach, liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) was used to identify potential candidates from pooled urine samples. This was followed by validating relative expression levels of proteins present in urine among all the patients using quantitative real time-PCR (qRT-PCR). This approach revealed that significant over-expression of three proteins: DJ-1, Chromatin Assembly Factor-1 (CAF-1) and 11 Moemen Abdalla HCC Biomarkers Heat Shock Protein 60 (HSP60), were characteristic events among HCC-post HCV infected patients. As a single-based HCC biomarker, CAF-1 over-expression identified HCC among HCV infected patients with a specificity of 90%, sensitivity of 66% and with an overall diagnostic accuracy of 78%. Moreover, the CAF-lIHSP60 tandem identified HCC among HCV infected patients with a specificity of 92%, sensitivity of 61 % and with an overall diagnostic accuracy of 77%. In the second genomic-based approach, two different approaches were processed. The first approach was the miRNA-based approach. The expression levels of miRNAs isolated from urine were studied using the Illumina MicroRNA Expression Profiling Assay. This was followed by qRT-PCR-based validation of deregulated expression of identified miRNA candidates among all the patients. This approach shed the light on the deregulated expression of a number of miRNAs, which may have a role in either the development of HCC among HCV infected patients (i.e. miR-640, miR-765, miR-200a, miR-521 and miR-520) or may allow for a better understanding of the viral-host interaction (miR-152, miR-486, miR-219, miR452, miR-425, miR-154 and miR-31). Moreover, the deregulated expression of both miR-618 and miR-650 appeared to be a common event among HCC-post HCV infected patients. The results of the search for putative targets of these two miRNA suggested that miR-618 may be a potent oncogene, as it targets the tumor-suppressor gene Low density lipoprotein-related protein 12 (LPR12), while miR-650 may be a potent tumor-suppressor gene, as it is supposed to downregulate the TNF receptor-associated factor-4 (TRAF4) oncogene. The specificity of miR-618 and miR-650 deregulated expression patterns for the early detection of HCC among HCV infected patients was 68% and 58%, respectively, whereas the sensitivity was 64% and 72%, respectively. When the deregulated expression of both miRNAs was combined as a tandem biomarker, the specificity and the sensitivity were 75% and 58% respectively. 111 Moemen Abdalla HCC Biomarkers In the second, "Trans-renal nucleic acid-based", approach, the urinary apoptotic nucleic acid (uaNA) levels of 70ng/mL or more were found to be a good predictor of HCC among chronic HCV infected patients. The specificity and the sensitivity of this diagnostic approach were 76% and 86%, respectively, with an overall diagnostic value of 81 %. The uaNA levels positively correlated to HCC disease progression as monitored by epigenetic changes of a panel of eight tumor-suppressor genes (TSGs) using methylation-sensitive PCR. Moreover, the pairing of high uaNA levels (:::: 70 ng/mL) and CAF-1 over-expreSSIOn produced a highly specific (l 00%) multiple-based HCC biomarker with an acceptable sensitivity of 64%, and with a diagnostic accuracy of 82%. In comparison to the previous pairing, the uaNA levels (:::: 70 ng/mL) in tandem with HSP60 over-expression was less specific (89%) but highly sensitive (72%), resulting in a diagnostic accuracy of 64%. The specificities of miR-650 deregulated expression in combination with either high uaNA content or HSP 60 over-expression were 82% and 79%, respectively, whereas, the sensitivities of these combinations were 64% and 58%, respectively. The potential biomarkers identified in this study compare favorably with the diagnostic accuracy of the a-fetoprotein levels test, which has a specificity of 75%, sensitivity of 68% and an overall diagnostic accuracy of 70%. Here we present an intriguing study which shows the significance of using urine as a noninvasive sample source for the identification of promising HCC biomarkers. We have also introduced new techniques for the isolation of different urinary macromolecules, especially miRNA, from urine. Furthermore, we strongly recommend the potential biomarkers indentified in this study as focal points of any future research on HCC diagnosis. A larger testing pool will determine if their use is practical for mass population screening. This explorative study identified potential targets that merit further investigation for the development of diagnostically accurate biomarkers isolated from 1-2 mL urine samples that were acquired in a non-invasive manner.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Doenças Tropicais - FMB
Com o objetivo de contribuir para um melhor conhecimento do eventual envolvimento das infecções pelos vírus das hepatites B e C, na etiopatogenia do carcinoma hapatocelular (CHC) na Amazônia Oriental, estudaram-se 36 pacientes internados em três hospitais públicos em Belém (PA), de janeiro de 1992 a março de 1999. Os critérios de inclusão adotados foram: o clínico, associado à imagenologia compatível, níveis séricos de alfafetoproteína (AFP) acima de 400ng/ml e/ou histopatologia compatível. Foram avaliados os aspectos clínicos, exames bioquímicos e hematológicos, imagenologia, histopatologia, níveis séricos de AFP e exames sorológicos das hepatites B e C. A presença dos ácidos nucléicos virais, o HBV-DNA e o HCV-RNA, foi avaliada a partir da detecção no soro pela reação em cadeia da polimerase. Observou-se um predomínio do sexo masculino (p<0.01), com reação M/F de 6,2: 1. Média e medianas gerais de idade foram, respectivamente, 50,8 e 53,0 anos, com amplitude de 6-81 anos. A maioria dos pacientes (52,7%) era procedente da zona rural, sendo a profissão de lavrador a mais freqüente (p<0,01). Etilismo foi encontrado em 33,3% dos casos. Dor abdominal e hepatomegalia, presentes em 94,4% dos casos, foram os sintomas e sinais mais freqüentes. Observou-se a presença de cirrose em 83,3% dos casos, sendo 80% enquadrados nas classes B e C (child-pugh). Cinqüenta por cento apresentaram complicações durante o diagnóstico, sendo as mais freqüentes a encefalopatia hepática e a hemorragia digestiva alta, relacionadas à doença hepática crônica de base. Marcadores sorológicos de infecção pelo HBV e pelo HCV foram encontrados em, respectivamente, 88,9% e 8,3% da casuística. Em 11,1% não se encontrou marcador sorológico. O HbsAg foi encontrado em 58, 3%. Anti-HBc foi encontrado em 86%, estando associado ao anti- HBs em 25%. Entre os HbsAg positivos: o anti- Hbe foi encontrado em 85%; o antiHBc IgM em 57,1%; e o anti-HD não foi detectado. O HBV- DNA foi encontrado em 37,7% do total de casos e em 65% dos HbsAG positivos. O HCV-RNA foi encontrado em 8,5% da amostra estudada e em 100% dos casos anti-HCV positivos. Não foi observada positividade para o HBV-DNA e para o HCV-RNA em soros de pacientes HbsAG ou anti- HCV negativos. A AFP esteve acima da normalidade em 88,9% dos casos, estando acima de 400 ng/ml em 75% e em 27,8% a titulações foi superior a 70.000 ng/ml. A ultrassonografia abdominal mostrou tumores com múltiplos nódulos em 63,9% e, nódulo único em 36,1% dos casos. O tipo histológico predominante foi carcinoma bem diferenciado do tipo trabecular (p<0,05). Os casos HbsAg positivos apresentaram menor média de idade e níveis de AFP mais elevados (p<0,01). A maioria dos pacientes se encontravam em fase avançada de doenças com uma taxa de óbito durante o diagnóstico de 38,9%. Conclui-se que, na Amazônia Oriental, a infecção pelo HBV parece exercer importância na etiologia do CHC, ressaltando-se a necessidade de incrementação de medidas preventivas, como vacinação e programa de detecção precoce do tumor em populações de risco. São necessários estudos adicionais controlados ou direcionados, para os possíveis co-fatores de importância na região, o que pode contribuir para um melhor entendimento dos mecanismos envolvidos na hepatocarcinogênese.
A hepatite B crônica apresenta amplo espectro de manifestações clínicas, resultante de diversos fatores, tais como o padrão de secreção e polimorfismo nos genes de citocinas. Este trabalho objetiva correlacionar os polimorfismos TNF-α -308G/A, INF-γ +874A/T, TGF-β1 -509C/T e IL-10 -1081A/G e os níveis séricos destas citocinas com a apresentação clínica da hepatite B. Foram selecionados 53 casos consecutivos de hepatite B, sendo divididos em grupo A (portador inativo= 30) e B (hepatite crônica/cirrose= 23). Como grupo controle, selecionaram-se 100 indivíduos com anti-HBc e anti-HBs positivos. Os níveis séricos das citocinas foram determinados por ensaios imunoenzimáticos, tipo ELISA (eBiosceince, Inc. Califórnia, San Diego, USA). A amplificação gênica das citocinas se realizou pela PCR e a análise histopatológica obedeceu à classificação METAVIR. Identificou-se maior prevalência do genótipo TNF-α -308AG (43,3% vs. 14,4%) no grupo B do que nos controles e a presença do alelo A se correlacionou com risco de infecção crônica pelo VHB (OR= 2,6). Os níveis séricos de INF-γ e de IL-10 foram maiores (p< 0,001) nos controles do que os demais grupos e, inversamente, as concentrações plasmáticas de TGF-β1 foram menores no grupo controle (p< 0,01). Observou-se, na histopatologia hepática, que atividade inflamatória > 2 se correlacionou com maiores níveis de TNF-α e de INF-γ (p< 0,05), assim como a fibrose > 2 com maiores níveis de INF-γ (p< 0,01). Na população pesquisada, menores níveis séricos de INF-γ e de IL-10 e maiores de TGF-β1 estiveram associados com a hepatite B crônica, bem como a presença do alelo A no gene TNF-α - 308 aumentou em 2,6 o risco de cronificação.
Com o objetivo de estudar a prevalência dos vírus das hepatites B (HBV) e D (HDV), nas aldeias Apyterewa e Xingu, do grupo Parakanã, e avaliar o impacto da vacinação contra a hepatite B, iniciada nessas aldeias em 1995, foram coletadas, em 2004, 258 amostras de soro para análise dos marcadores sorológicos das hepatites B e D, por técnicas imunoenzimáticas; cujos resultados revelaram padrão de endemicidade moderada com prevalência total de infecção pelo HBV de 55,7%, com 5,4% de portadores do vírus, na aldeia Apyterewa, e de 49,5%, com 1,1% de portadores, na Xingu; 31,4% de anti-HBs+ como marcador isolado nas duas aldeias, e não foi detectada sorologia positiva para o HDV entre portadores do HBV. Caracterizamos, em base laboratorial, a presença de portadores crônicos do HBV, ausência de portadores do HDV e emergência de perfil vacinal entre os susceptíveis, confirmando a efetividade e a necessidade de manter a vacinação, principalmente no primeiro ano de vida, e, ainda, a necessidade de desenvolver vigilância epidemiológica efetiva para detecção precoce da infecção pelo HDV, entre os portadores do HBV.
A infecção pelo virus da hepatite B apresenta amplo espectro de manifestações clínicas. Objetivando conhecer os genótipos do HBV mais prevalentes e determinar a ocorrência da mutação pré-core A-1896, em uma população da Amazônia oriental, correlacionando com o diagnóstico clínico, foram selecionados 51 pacientes portadores crônicos de HBsAg e HBV-DNA positivos e divididos em três grupos: grupo A (n=14, pacientes assintomáticos); grupo B (n=20, sintomáticos HBeAg positivos) e grupo C (n=17, sintomáticos HBeAg negativos), sendo usado o sequenciador automático ABI modelo 377 para identificação de genótipos e mutantes pré-core. Os resultados evidenciaram o genótipo A como o mais prevalente, 81,8%, 89,5% e 93,7%, nos grupos A, B e C, respectivamente. A mutação pré-core A-1896 foi encontrada em 11,5% (3/26), sendo todos assintomáticos. Concluiu-se que na população estudada o genótipo A foi o mais prevalente e houve baixa ocorrência do mutante pré-core A-1896, ambos não se constituindo fatores agravantes da doença hepática.
Pós-graduação em Fisiopatologia em Clínica Médica - FMB
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
This paper proposed a two-dimensional spatial model to describe the adaptive immune response for viral hepatitis B. This model considered six populations: healthy hepatocytes T, infected hepatocytes Y , hepatitis B virus V , innate immune system I, active immune system X and memory cells, X. First, a compartmental model was constructed and its equilibrium solutions and also the threshold values related to the stability of each solution were obtained. Using this model, we was able to reproduce the different trends observed for the disease, which are: individuals that eliminate the infection without forming immune response, patients with acute and chronic carriers. By including dispersion of defense cells of the immune system and virus (spatial model), we analyze two situations: homogeneous model, in which the model parameters are the same at all points of the network, and heterogeneous model, which characterizes cells more permeable and less permeable to virus invasion. For the two spatial models (homogeneous and heterogeneous) the times relatead to the viral erradication and/or virus invasion and persistence becoming smaller in relation to the compartmental model. The results also showed that for the set of values used in the simulations and if the two diffusion rates are different from zero, the model is sensitive to variations in the rate of viral spread and not dependent on the dispersion of memory cells. Finally, the heterogeneous model when compared to the homogeneous model shows that the infection can be spatially limited depending on the type of the cell involved in the infection process
Abstract Background Hepatitis C chronic liver disease is a major cause of liver transplant in developed countries. This article reports the first nationwide population-based survey conducted to estimate the seroprevalence of HCV antibodies and associated risk factors in the urban population of Brazil. Methods The cross sectional study was conducted in all Brazilian macro-regions from 2005 to 2009, as a stratified multistage cluster sample of 19,503 inhabitants aged between 10 and 69 years, representing individuals living in all 26 State capitals and the Federal District. Hepatitis C antibodies were detected by a third-generation enzyme immunoassay. Seropositive individuals were retested by Polymerase Chain Reaction and genotyped. Adjusted prevalence was estimated by macro-regions. Potential risk factors associated with HCV infection were assessed by calculating the crude and adjusted odds ratios, 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) and p values. Population attributable risk was estimated for multiple factors using a case–control approach. Results The overall weighted prevalence of hepatitis C antibodies was 1.38% (95% CI: 1.12%–1.64%). Prevalence of infection increased in older groups but was similar for both sexes. The multivariate model showed the following to be predictors of HCV infection: age, injected drug use (OR = 6.65), sniffed drug use (OR = 2.59), hospitalization (OR = 1.90), groups socially deprived by the lack of sewage disposal (OR = 2.53), and injection with glass syringe (OR = 1.52, with a borderline p value). The genotypes 1 (subtypes 1a, 1b), 2b and 3a were identified. The estimated population attributable risk for the ensemble of risk factors was 40%. Approximately 1.3 million individuals would be expected to be anti-HCV-positive in the country. Conclusions The large estimated absolute numbers of infected individuals reveals the burden of the disease in the near future, giving rise to costs for the health care system and society at large. The known risk factors explain less than 50% of the infected cases, limiting the prevention strategies. Our findings regarding risk behaviors associated with HCV infection showed that there is still room for improving strategies for reducing transmission among drug users and nosocomial infection, as well as a need for specific prevention and control strategies targeting individuals living in poverty.
Zusammenfassung: Die Applikation des Mykotoxins Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) führt in der Ratte zu Lebertumoren hepatozellulären Ursprungs, während bisher keine transformierende Wirkung dieses Mykotoxins auf Kupffer- und Endothelzellen (Nichtparenchymzellen, NPC) nachgewiesen werden konnte. Diese Resistenzmechanismen der NPC gegenüber AFB1 wurden im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit untersucht. AFB1 ist per se inaktiv, wird jedoch durch Verstoffwechselung in den chemisch reaktiven, an DNA bindenden Metaboliten AFB1-8,9-Epoxid überführt. Daneben stellt die enzymatische Hydroxylierung von AFB1 am Kohlenstoff-9a zum Aflatoxin M1 eine Detoxifizierung dar. Durch HPLC-Analyse der AFB1-Metabolite konnte gezeigt werden, daß in Nichtparenchymzellen (NPC) das Verhältnis von 9a-Hydroxylierung zu 8,9-Epoxidierung höher als in Parenchymzellen (PC) ist. Die AFB1-9a-hydroxylase fördert insbesondere in den NPC der Leber die Bildung des weniger gentoxischen Metaboliten AFM1 und konkurriert daher um die Aktivierung von AFB1 zum mutagenen und kanzerogenen 8,9-Epoxid. Dieser metabolische Unterschied scheint also einen Beitrag zur Resistenz der NPC der Leber gegenüber der hepatokanzerogenen Wirkung von AFB1 zu leisten. Da ein Synergismus zwischen der AFB1-Exposition und einer Infektion mit dem Hepatitis B-Virus (HBV) beim Menschen bezüglich des Auftretens von hepatozellulären Karzinomen zu bestehen scheint, wurde im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit untersucht, ob die metabolische Aktivierung von AFB1 durch eine HBV-Infektion verstärkt wird. In einem Vergleich der Biotransformation von AFB1 mit mikrosomalen Leberfraktionen von transgenen HBV-Mäusen und Kontrollmäusen wurde keine signifikanten Unterschiede festgestellt. Dagegen wurde bei Virus-infizierten Waldmurmeltieren eine deutlich reduzierte Bildung des AFB1-8,9-Epoxids beobachtet. Es konnte z.T. ein Zusammenhang zwischen den verschiedenen Stadien der Leberschädigung und den Metabolismusraten festgestellt werden, wobei die metabolische Aktivierung mit zunehmender Leberschädigung abzunehmen scheint. Auch hinsichtlich der Aktivitäten verschiedener Cytochrom P450 abhängiger Monooxygenasen wurde eine weitgehende Übereinstimmung mit den durch HPLC ermittelten Metabolitenprofilen des AFB1 beobachtet. Diese Studien mit subzellulären Leberfraktion der transgenen HBV-Mäusen und der Waldmurmeltieren zeigen, daß die Interaktion zwischen Hepatitis und AFB1 nicht mit der verstärkten metabolischer Aktivierung von AFB1 zu erklären ist. TGF-ß1, aus der Gruppe der Cytokine, wird als Mediator bei Entzündungsprozessen in der Leber so z.B. im Verlauf einer Virushepatitis freigesetzt. Aufgrund der besonderen Bedeutung des murinen CYP2A5 (ortholog zum humanen CYP2A6) bei der Aktivierung von AFB1 wurde der Einfluß von TGF-ß1 auf CYP2A5 in Primärkulturen von Maushepatozyten untersucht. Durch Messung der Aktivität der Cumarin-7-hydroxylase sowie durch Bestimmung der Proteinmenge von CYP2A5 mittels Western Blotting konnte zunächst die Induzierbarkeit des CYP2A5-Isoenzyms durch Phenobarbital in kultivierten Hepatozyten der Maus gezeigt werden. Nur bei einer niedrigen TGF-ß1-Konzentration wurde eine leicht erhöhte Expression von CYP2A5 festgestellt, ansonsten führte die Behandlung der kultivierten Maushepatozyten mit TGF-ß1 zu einer dosisabhängigen Verminderung der Expression von CYP2A5.
Hepatitis B x protein (HBx) is a non structural, multifunctional protein of hepatitis B virus (HBV) that modulates a variety of host processes.Due to its transcriptional activity,able to alter the expression of growth-control genes,it has been implicated in hepatocarcinogenesis.Increased expression of HBx has been reported on the liver tissue samples of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC),and a specific anti-HBx immune response can be detected in the peripheral blood of patients with chronic HBV.However,its role and entity has not been yet clarified.Thus,we performed a cross-sectional analysis of anti-HBx specific T cell response in HBV-infected patients in different stage of disease.A total of 70 HBV-infected subjects were evaluated:15 affected by chronic hepatitis (CH-median age 45 yrs),14 by cirrhosis (median age 55 yrs),11 with dysplastic nodules (median age 64 yrs),15 with HCC (median age 60 yrs),15 with IC(median age 53 yrs).All patients were infected by virus genotype D with different levels of HBV viremia and most of them (91%) were HBeAb positive.The HBx-specific T cell response was evaluated by anti-Interferon (IFN)-gamma Elispot assay after in vitro stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells,using 20 overlapping synthetic peptides covering all HBx protein sequence.HBx-specific IFN-gamma-secreting T cells were found in 6 out of 15 patients with chronic hepatitis (40%), 3 out of 14 cirrhosis (21%), in 5 out of 11 cirrhosis with macronodules (54%), and in 10 out of 15 HCC patients (67%). The number of responding patients resulted significantly higher in HCC than IC (p=0.02) and cirrhosis (p=0.02). Central specific region of the protein x was preferentially recognize,between 86-88 peptides. HBx response does not correlate with clinical feature disease(AFP,MELD).The HBx specific T-cell response seems to increase accordingly to progression of the disease, being increased in subjects with dysplastic or neoplastic lesions and can represent an additional tool to monitor the patients at high risk to develop HCC
Schistosomiasis is a significant cause of human morbidity and mortality. We performed a genome-wide transcriptional survey of liver biopsies obtained from Chinese patients with chronic schistosomiasis only, or chronic schistosomiasis with a current or past history of viral hepatitis B. Both disease groups were compared with patients with no prior history or indicators of any liver disease. Analysis showed in the main, downregulation in gene expression, particularly those involved in signal transduction via EIF2 signalling and mTOR signalling, as were genes associated with cellular remodelling. Focusing on immune associated pathways, genes were generally downregulated. However, a set of three genes associated with granulocytes, MMP7, CLDN7, CXCL6 were upregulated. Differential gene profiles unique to schistosomiasis included the gene Granulin which was decreased despite being generally considered a marker for liver disease, and IGBP2 which is associated with increased liver size, and was the most upregulated gene in schistosomiasis only patients, all of which presented with hepatomegaly. The unique features of gene expression, in conjunction with previous reports in the murine model of the cellular composition of granulomas, granuloma formation and recovery, provide an increased understanding of the molecular immunopathology and general physiological processes underlying hepatic schistosomiasis.