204 resultados para Hash


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Two main problems prevent the deployment of content delivery in a wireless sensor network: the address, which is widely used in the Internet as the identifier, is meaningless in wireless network, and the routing efficiency is a big concern in wireless sensor network. This paper presents an embedded multi-level ring (MVR) structure to address those two problems. The MVR uses names rather than addresses to identify sensor nodes. The MVR routes packets on the name identifiers without being aware the location. Some sensor nodes are selected as the backbone nodes and are placed on the different levels of the virtual rings. MVR hashes nodes and contents identifiers, and stores them at the backbone nodes. MVR takes the cross-level routing to improve the routing efficiency. Further, MVR is constructed decentralized and runs on the mobile nodes themselves, requiring no central control. Experiments using ns2 simulator for up to 200 nodes show that the storage and bandwidth requirements of MVR grow slowly with the size of the network. Furthermore, MVR has demonstrated as self-administrating, fault-tolerant, and resilient under the different workloads. We also discuss alternative implementation options, and future work.


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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology that enables the non-contact, automatic and unique identification of objects using radio waves. Its use for commercial applications has recently become attractive with RFID technology seen as the replacement for the optical barcode system that is currently in widespread use. RFID has many advantages over the traditional barcode and these advantages have the potential to significantly increase the efficiency of decentralised business environments such as logistics and supply chain management. One of the important features of an RFID system is its ability to search for a particular tag among a group of tags. In order to ensure the privacy and security of the tags, the search has to be conducted in a secure fashion. To our knowledge not much work has been done in this secure search area of RFID. The limited work that has been done does not comply with the EPC Class-1 Gen-2 standards since most of them use expensive hash operations or sophisticated encryption schemes that cannot be implemented on low-cost passive tags that are highly resource constrained. Our work aims to fill this gap by proposing a serverless ultra-lightweight secure search protocol that does not use the expensive hash functions or any complex encryption schemes but achieves compliance with EPC Class-1 Gen-2 standards while meeting the required security requirements. Our protocol is based on XOR encryption and random numbers - operations that are easily implemented on low-cost RFID tags. Our protocol also provides additional protection using a blind-factor to prevent tracking attacks. Since our protocol is EPC Class-1 Gen-2 compliant it makes it possible to implement it on low-cost passive RFID tags.


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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technological revolution that is expected to soon replace barcode systems. One of the important features of an RFID system is its ability to search for a particular tag among a group of tags. This task is quite common where RFID systems play a vital role. To our knowledge not much work has been done in this secure search area of RFID. Also, most of the existing work do not comply with the C1G2 standards. Our work aims to fill that gap by proposing a protocol based on Quadratic Residues property that does not use the expensive hash functions or any complex encryption schemes but achieves total compliance with industry standards while meeting the security requirements.


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Several grouping proof protocols have been proposed over the years but they are either found to be vulnerable to certain attacks or do not comply with EPC Class-1 Gen-2 (C1G2) standard because they use hash functions or other complex encryption schemes. Also, synchronization of keys, forward security, proving simultaneity, creating dependence, detecting illegitimate tags, eliminating unwanted tag processing and denial-of-proof (DoP) attacks have not been fully addressed by many. Our protocol addresses these important gaps and is based on Quadratic Residues property where the tags are only required to use XOR, 128-bit Pseudo Random Number Generators (PRNG) and Modulo (MOD) operations which can be easily implemented on low-cost passive tags and hence achieves EPC C1G2 compliance.


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Several grouping proof protocols have been proposed over the years but they are either found to be vulnerable to certain attacks or do not comply with EPC Class-1 Gen-2 (C1G2) standard because they use hash functions or other complex encryption schemes. Among other requirements, synchronization of keys, forward security, dependence, detecting illegitimate tags, eliminating unwanted tag processing and denial-of-proof (DoP) attacks have not been fully addressed by many. Our protocol addresses these important gaps and is based on simple XOR encryption and 128-bit Pseudo Random Number Generators (PRNG), operations that are easily implemented on low-cost passive tags and hence achieves EPC C1G2 compliance.


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In this paper we propose a secure ownership transfer protocol for a multi-tag and multi-owner RFID environment. Most of the existing work in this area do not comply with the EPC Global Class-1 Gen-2 (C1G2) standard since they use expensive hash operations or sophisticated encryption schemes that cannot be implemented on low-cost passive tags that are highly resource constrained. Our work aims to fill this gap by proposing a protocol based on simple XOR and 128-bit Pseudo Random Number Generators (PRNG), operations that can be easily implemented on low-cost passive RFID tags. The protocol thus achieves EPC C1G2 compliance while meeting the security requirements. Also, our protocol provides additional protection using a blind-factor to prevent tracking attacks.


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A web operating system is an operating system that users can access from any hardware at any location. A peer-to-peer (P2P) grid uses P2P communication for resource management and communication between nodes in a grid and manages resources locally in each cluster, and this provides a proper architecture for a web operating system. Use of semantic technology in web operating systems is an emerging field that improves the management and discovery of resources and services. In this paper, we propose PGSW-OS (P2P grid semantic Web OS), a model based on a P2P grid architecture and semantic technology to improve resource management in a web operating system through resource discovery with the aid of semantic features. Our approach integrates distributed hash tables (DHTs) and semantic overlay networks to enable semantic-based resource management by advertising resources in the DHT based upon their annotations to enable semantic-based resource matchmaking. Our model includes ontologies and virtual organizations. Our technique decreases the computational complexity of searching in a web operating system environment. We perform a simulation study using the Gridsim simulator, and our experiments show that our model provides enhanced utilization of resources, better search expressiveness, scalability, and precision. © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media New York.


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Several grouping proof protocols for RFID systems have been proposed over the years but they are either found to be vulnerable to certain attacks or do not comply with the EPC class-1 gen-2 (C1G2) standard because they use hash functions or other complex encryption schemes. Among other requirements, synchronization of keys, simultaneity, dependence, detecting illegitimate tags, eliminating unwanted tag processing, and denial-of-proof attacks have not been fully addressed by many. Our protocol addresses these important gaps by taking a holistic approach to grouping proofs and provides forward security, which is an open research issue. The protocol is based on simple (XOR) encryption and 128-bit pseudorandom number generators, operations that can be easily implemented on low-cost passive tags. Thus, our protocol enables large-scale implementations and achieves EPC C1G2 compliance while meeting the security requirements.


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Security is a major challenge in Opportunistic Networks (OppNets) because of its characteristics, such as open medium, dynamic topology, no centralized management and absent clear lines of defense.A packet dropping attack is one of the major security threats in OppNets since neither source nodes nor destination nodes have the knowledge of where or when the packet will be dropped. In this paper, we present a novel attack and traceback mechanism against a special type of packet dropping where the malicious node drops one or more packets and then injects new fake packets instead. We call this novel attack a Catabolism Attack and we call our novel traceback mechanism against this attack Anabolism Defense. Our novel detection and traceback mechanism is very powerful and has very high accuracy. Each node can detect and then traceback the malicious nodes based on a solid and powerful idea that is, hash chain techniques. In our defense techniques we have two stages. The first stage is to detect the attack, and the second stage is to find the malicious nodes. Simulation results show this robust mechanism achieves a very high accuracy and detection rate.


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In this paper we propose a secure ownership transfer protocol for a multi-tag multi-owner RFID environment that provides individual-owner-privacy. To our knowledge, the existing schemes do not provide individual-owner-privacy and most of the existing schemes do not comply with the EPC Global Class-1 Gen-2 (C1G2) standard since the protocols use expensive hash operations or sophisticated encryption schemes that cannot be implemented on low-cost passive tags that are highly resource constrained. Our work aims to fill these gaps by proposing a protocol that provides individual-owner-privacy, based on simple XOR and 128-bit pseudo-random number generators (PRNG), operations that are easily implemented on low-cost RFID tags while meeting the necessary security requirements thus making it a viable option for large scale implementations. Our protocol also provides additional protection by hiding the pseudo-random numbers during all transmissions using a blind-factor to prevent tracking attacks.


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In this paper, we propose a novel zero knowledge grouping proof protocol for RFID Systems. Over the years, several protocols have been proposed in this area but they are either found to be vulnerable to certain attacks or do not comply with the EPC Class 1 Gen 2 (C1G2) standard because they use hash functions or other complex encryption schemes. Also, the unique design requirements of grouping proofs have not been fully addressed by many. Our protocol addresses these important security and design gaps in grouping proofs. We present a novel approach based on pseudo random squares and quadratic residuosity to realize a zero knowledge system. Tag operations are limited to functions such as modulo (MOD), exclusive-or (XOR) and 128 bit Pseudo Random Number Generators (PRNG). These can be easily implemented on passive tags and hence achieves compliance with the EPC Global standard while meeting the security requirements.


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The creation of sharing communities has resulted in the astonishing increasing of digital videos, and their wide applications in the domains such as entertainment, online news broadcasting etc. The improvement of these applications relies on effective solutions for social user access to video data. This fact has driven the recent research interest in social recommendation in shared communities. Although certain effort has been put into video recommendation in shared communities, the contextual information on social users has not been well exploited for effective recommendation. In this paper, we propose an approach based on the content and social information of videos for the recommendation in sharing communities. Specifically, we first exploit a robust video cuboid signature together with the Earth Mover's Distance to capture the content relevance of videos. Then, we propose to identify the social relevance of clips using the set of users belonging to a video. We fuse the content relevance and social relevance to identify the relevant videos for recommendation. Following that, we propose a novel scheme called sub-community-based approximation together with a hash-based optimization for improving the efficiency of our solution. Finally, we propose an algorithm for efficiently maintaining the social updates in dynamic shared communities. The extensive experiments are conducted to prove the high effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed video recommendation approach.


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Database query verification schemes attempt to provide authenticity, completeness, and freshness guarantees for queries executed on untrusted cloud servers. A number of such schemes currently exist in the literature, allowing query verification for queries that are based on matching whole values (such as numbers, dates, etc.) or for queries based on keyword matching. However, there is a notable gap in the research with regard to query verification schemes for pattern-matching queries. Our contribution here is to provide such a verification scheme that provides correctness guarantees for pattern-matching queries executed on the cloud. We describe a trivial scheme, ȃŸż and show how it does not provide completeness guarantees, and then proceed to describe our scheme based on efficient primitives such as cryptographic hashing and Merkle hash trees along with suffix arrays. We also provide experimental results based on a working prototype to show the practicality of our scheme.Ÿż


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Esta dissertação apresenta o desenvolvimento de um novo algoritmo de criptografia de chave pública. Este algoritmo apresenta duas características que o tornam único, e que foram tomadas como guia para a sua concepção. A primeira característica é que ele é semanticamente seguro. Isto significa que nenhum adversário limitado polinomialmente consegue obter qualquer informação parcial sobre o conteúdo que foi cifrado, nem mesmo decidir se duas cifrações distintas correspondem ou não a um mesmo conteúdo. A segunda característica é que ele depende, para qualquer tamanho de texto claro, de uma única premissa de segurança: que o logaritmo no grupo formado pelos pontos de uma curva elíptica de ordem prima seja computacionalmente intratável. Isto é obtido garantindo-se que todas as diferentes partes do algoritmo sejam redutíveis a este problema. É apresentada também uma forma simples de estendê-lo a fim de que ele apresente segurança contra atacantes ativos, em especial, contra ataques de texto cifrado adaptativos. Para tanto, e a fim de manter a premissa de que a segurança do algoritmo seja unicamente dependente do logaritmo elíptico, é apresentada uma nova função de resumo criptográfico (hash) cuja segurança é baseada no mesmo problema.