207 resultados para HYALURONAN SYNTHASES
Le cardiomiopatie che insorgono a seguito di infarto miocardico sono causa di elevata morbilità e mortalità dalle importanti ricadute cliniche, dovute alle patologie insorgenti a seguito dell’ischemia e della cicatrice post-infatuale. Il ventricolo sinistro danneggiato va incontro a un rimodellamento progressivo, con perdita di cardiomiociti e proliferazione dei fibroblasti, risultante in un’architettura e in una funzionalità dell’organo distorta. I fibroblasti cardiaci sono i principali responsabili della fibrosi, il processo di cicatrizzazione caratterizzato da un’eccessiva deposizione di matrice extracellulare (ECM). Negli ultimi anni gli sforzi del nostro laboratorio sono stati volti a cercare di risolvere questo problema, attraverso l’uso di una molecola da noi sintetizzata, un estere misto degli acidi butirrico, retinoico e ialuronico, HBR, capace di commissionare le cellule staminali in senso cardio-vascolare. Studi in vivo mostrano come l’iniezione diretta di HBR in cuori di animali sottoposti a infarto sperimentale, sia in grado, tra le atre cose, di diminuire la fibrosi cardiaca. Sulla base di questa evidenza abbiamo cercato di capire come e se HBR agisse direttamente sui fibroblasti, indagando i meccanismi coinvolti nella riduzione della fibrosi in vivo.. In questa tesi abbiamo dimostrato come HBR abbia un’azione diretta su fibroblasti, inibendone la proliferazione, senza effetti citotossici. Inoltre HBR induce una significativa riduzione della deposizione di collagene.. HBR agisce sull’espressione genica e sulla sintesi proteica, sopprimendo la trascrizione dei geni del collagene, così come dell’a-sma, inibendo la trasizione fibroblasti-miofibroblasti, e promuovendo la vasculogenesi (attraverso VEGF), la chemoattrazione di cellule staminali (attraverso SDF) e un’attività antifibrotica (inibendo CTGF). HBR sembra modulare l’espressione genica agendo direttamente sulle HDAC, probabilmente grazie alla subunità BU. L’abilità di HBR di ridurre la fibrosi post-infartuale, come dimostrato dai nostri studi in vivo ed in vitro, apre la strada a importanti prospettive terapeutiche.
In dieser Arbeit wird eine Einteilung der degenerativen strukturellen Veränderungen der Synovialmembran vorgestellt. Anhand der Kriterien Fibrosierung des Stromas, Rückgang des Gefäßnetzes, Auftreten von Hyalinose und chondroider Metaplasie mit und ohne Nachweis von CPPD Kristallen wurden Präparate der Synovialmembran von 59 Patienten mit Nachweis degenerativer strukturellen Veränderungen in 4 Stadien eingeteilt. rnHyalinose (Stadium 3) konnte in den untersuchten Schnitten nur relativ selten beobachtet werden, so dass am ehesten von einem Vorstadium zur chondroiden Metaplasie auszugehen ist. rnDie Verteilung der Erkrankungsdauer und des Alters in den verschiedenen Stadien lassen darauf schließen, dass höhere Stadien mit höherem Alter und längerer Erkrankungsdauer korrelieren. rnAus der vorhandenen Literatur ergeben sich Hinweise, welche Faktoren zu der Entstehung der strukturellen Veränderungen beitragen können: rnAus dem Netzwerk der Zytokine scheinen TGF-beta und die BMP’s an der Zunahme der Fibrose und an der Entstehung chondroider Metaplasie beteiligt zu sein. Makrophagen scheinen dabei eine wichtige Rolle zu spielen. Dies weist darauf hin, dass entzündliche und strukturelle Veränderungen miteinander vernetzt sind. rnBei der Entstehung der chondroiden Metaplasie kommen zusätzlich mechanische Einflüsse in Form von zyklischen Kompressionen als Einflussfaktor in Frage. rnDie Regulierung der Angiogenese ist noch zu wenig verstanden, um den Gefäßrückgang bei fortgeschrittenen strukturellen Veränderungen zu erklären. Erklärungsansätze sind zum einen zunehmende mechanische Schädigung bei zunehmender Inkongruenz der Gelenkflächen. Zum anderen könnte eine beginnende chondroide Metaplasie mit Expression von Chondromodulin I eine entscheidende Rolle spielen. rnInsgesamt muss man davon ausgehen, dass die zunehmenden strukturellen Veränderungen die Ernährung des Knorpels erschweren. Dabei ist an erster Stelle der Rückgang des Gefäßnetzes zu nennen. Dies erschwert nicht nur die Versorgung mit Nährstoffen, sondern auch den Abtransport von Stoffwechselprodukten. Ab einem gewissen Punkt ist aber auch davon auszugehen, dass die Funktion der Deckzellschicht beeinträchtigt wird. Wenn die Konzentration der Hyaluronsäure in der Synovia dadurch sinkt, kann dies durch eine vermehrte Permeabilität der Synovialmembran zum verstärkten Ausstrom von Wasser aus der Gelenkhöhle führen. Durch ein Ödem des umliegenden Gewebes kann dadurch der Blutfluss im Bereich des Gelenks zusätzlich vermindert werden. rnAuch die zunehmende Fibrosierung der Synovialmembran kann einen Einfluss auf die Permeabilität der Synovialmembran haben. Ob und in welchen Stadien der Veränderungen das einen relevanten Einfluss für die Ernährung der Chondrozyten hat, ist noch unklar.rn
To assess repair tissue (RT) after the implantation of BioCartII, an autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) technique with a fibrin-hyaluronan polymer as scaffold. T2 mapping and delayed Gadolinium Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Cartilage (dGEMRIC) were used to gain first data on the biochemical properties of BioCartII RT in vivo.
Pentraxins are a family of evolutionarily conserved multifunctional pattern-recognition proteins characterized by a cyclic multimeric structure. Based on the primary structure of the subunit, the pentraxins are divided into two groups: short pentraxins and long pentraxins. C-reactive protein (CRP) and serum amyloid P-component (SAP) are the two short pentraxins. The prototype protein of the long pentraxin group is pentraxin 3 (PTX3). CRP and SAP are produced primarily in the liver in response to IL-6, while PTX3 is produced by a variety of tissues and cells and in particular by innate immunity cells in response to proinflammatory signals and Toll-like receptor (TLR) engagement. PTX3 interacts with several ligands, including growth factors, extracellular matrix components and selected pathogens, playing a role in complement activation and facilitating pathogen recognition by phagocytes, acting as a predecessor of antibodies. In addition, PTX3 is essential in female fertility by acting as a nodal point for the assembly of the cumulus oophorus hyaluronan-rich extracellular matrix. Here we will concisely review the general properties of PTX3 in the context of the pentraxin superfamily and discuss recent data suggesting that PTX3 plays a cardiovascular protective effect. PTX3 may represent a new marker in vascular pathology which correlates with the risk of developing vascular events.
Aim: The study was designed to determine the effect on clinical variables, subgingival bacteria and local immune response brought about by additional application of hyaluronan-containing gels in early wound healing after scaling and root planing (SRP). Material and Methods: In this randomised clinical study, data from 34 individuals with chronic periodontitis was evaluated after full-mouth SRP. In the test group (n = 17), hyaluronan gels in two molecular weights were additionally applied during the first two weeks after SRP. The control group (n = 17) was treated with SRP only. Probing depth (PD) and attachment level (AL) were recorded at baseline and after 3 and 6 months, and subgingival plaque and sulcus fluid samples were taken for microbiological and biochemical analysis. Results: In both groups, PD and AL were significantly reduced (p < 0.001). The changes in PD and the reduction of the numbers of pockets with PD ≥ 5mm were significantly higher in the test group after 3 (p = 0.014; p = 0.021) and 6 months (p = 0.046; p = 0.045). Six months after SRP, the counts of Treponema denticola were significantly reduced in both groups (both p = 0.043), those of Campylobacter rectus in the test group only (p = 0.028). Prevotella intermedia and Porphyromonas gingivalis increased in the control group. Conclusions: The adjunctive application of hyaluronan may have positive effects on probing depth reduction and may prevent recolonization by periodontopathogens.
STUDY DESIGN: The structural integrity of the nucleus pulposus (NP) of intervertebral discs was targeted by enzyme-specific degradations to correlate their effects to the magnetic resonance (MR) signal. OBJECTIVE: To develop quantitative MR imaging as an accurate and noninvasive diagnostic tool to better understand and treat disc degeneration. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Quantitative MR analysis has been previously shown to reflect not only the disc matrix composition, but also the structural integrity of the disc matrix. Further work is required to identify the contribution of the structural integrity versus the matrix composition to the MR signal. METHODS: The bovine coccygeal NPs were injected with either enzyme or buffer, incubated at 37 degrees C as static, unloaded and closed 3-disc segments, and analyzed by a 1.5-Tesla MR scanner to measure MR parameters. RESULTS: Collagenase degradation of the NP significantly decreased the relaxation times, slightly decreased the magnetization transfer ratio, and slightly increased the apparent diffusion coefficient. Targeting the proteoglycan and/or hyaluronan integrity by trypsin and hyaluronidase did not significantly affect the MR parameters, except for an increase in the apparent diffusion coefficient of the disc after trypsin treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate that changes in the structural integrity of matrix proteins can be assessed by quantitative MR.
Mitochondrial F(1)F(o)-ATP synthase is a molecular motor that couples the energy generated by oxidative metabolism to the synthesis of ATP. Direct visualization of the rotary action of the bacterial ATP synthase has been well characterized. However, direct observation of rotation of the mitochondrial enzyme has not been reported yet. Here, we describe two methods to reconstitute mitochondrial F(1)F(o)-ATP synthase into lipid bilayers suitable for structure analysis by electron and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Proteoliposomes densely packed with bovine heart mitochondria F(1)F(o)-ATP synthase were obtained upon detergent removal from ternary mixtures (lipid, detergent and protein). Two-dimensional crystals of recombinant hexahistidine-tagged yeast F(1)F(o)-ATP synthase were grown using the supported monolayer technique. Because the hexahistidine-tag is located at the F(1) catalytic subcomplex, ATP synthases were oriented unidirectionally in such two-dimensional crystals, exposing F(1) to the lipid monolayer and the F(o) membrane region to the bulk solution. This configuration opens a new avenue for the determination of the c-ring stoichiometry of unknown hexahistidine-tagged ATP synthases and the organization of the membrane intrinsic subunits within F(o) by electron microscopy and AFM.
Neonatal cattle and in part neonates of other species have manyfold higher plasma concentrations of nitrite plus nitrate than mature cows and subjects of other species, suggesting an enhanced and needed activation of the nitric oxide (NO) axis at birth. While the biological half-life of NO is short (<1 sec), its functionality can be prolonged, and in many regards more discretely modulated, when it reacts with low-molecular-weight and protein-bound thiols to form S-nitrosothiols (RSNO), from which NO subsequently can be rereleased. We used the calf as a model to test the hypothesis that plasma concentrations of RSNO are elevated at birth in mammals, correlate with ascorbate and urate levels, are selectively generated in critical tissue beds, and are generated in a manner temporally coincident with changes in tissue levels of active NO synthases (NOS). Plasma concentrations of RSNO, ascorbate, and urate were highest immediately after birth (Day 0), dropped >50% on Day 1, and gradually decreased over time, reaching a nadir in mature cattle. Albumin and immunoglobulin G were identified as major plasma RSNO. The presence of S-nitrosocysteine (SNC, a validated marker for S-nitrosylated proteins), inducible NOS (iNOS), and activated endothelial NOS (eNOS phosphorylated at Ser1177) in different tissues was analyzed by immunohistochemistry in another group of similar-aged calves. SNC, iNOS, and phosphorylated eNOS were detected in liver and ileum at the earliest timepoint of sampling (4 hrs after birth), increased between 4 and 24 hrs, and then declined to near-nondetectable levels by 2 weeks of life. Our data show that the neonatal period in the bovine species is characterized by highly elevated and coordinated NO-generating and nitrosylation events, with the ontogenetic changes occurring in iNOS and eNOS contents in key tissues as well as RSNO products and associated antioxidant markers.
Nitric oxide mediates a wide array of cellular functions in many tissues. It is generated by three known isoforms of nitric oxide synthases (NOS). Recently, the endothelial isoform, NOSIII, was shown to be abundantly expressed in the rat thyroid gland and its expression increased in goitrous glands. In this study, we analyzed whether NOSIII is expressed in human thyroid tissue and whether levels of expression vary in different states of thyroid gland function. Semiquantitative RT-PCR was used to assess variations in NOSIII gene expression in seven patients with Graves' disease, one with a TSH-receptor germline mutation and six hypothyroid patients (Hashimoto's thyroiditis). Protein expression and subcellular localization were determined by immunohistochemistry (two normal thyroids, five multinodular goiters, ten hyperthyroid patients and two hypothyroid patients). NOSIII mRNA was detected in all samples: the levels were significantly higher in tissues from hyperthyroid patients compared with euthyroid and hypothyroid patients. NOSIII immunoreactivity was detected in vascular endothelial cells, but was also found in thyroid follicular cells. In patients with Graves' disease, the immunostaining was diffusely enhanced in all follicular cells. A more intense signal was observed in toxic adenomas and in samples obtained from a patient with severe hyperthyroidism due to an activating mutation in the TSH receptor. In multinodular goiters, large follicles displayed a weak signal whereas small proliferative follicles showed intense immunoreactivity near the apical plasma membrane. In hypothyroid patients, NOSIII immunoreactivity was barely detectable. In summary, NOSIII is expressed both in endothelial cells and thyroid follicular cells. The endothelial localization of NOSIII is consistent with a role for nitric oxide in the vascular control of the thyroid. NOSIII expression in thyroid follicular cells and the variations in its immunoreactivity suggest a possible role for nitric oxide in thyrocyte function and/or growth.
Lymphedema is a disease characterized by swelling resulting from the accumulation of fluid in the extracellular matrix (ECM) of the skin. In order to alleviate this swelling, the authors sought to selectively degrade certain hydrophilic molecules in the ECM called glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). GAGs are long unbranched sugar molecules present in the ECM that attract water to their numerous negative charges. The authors hypothesized that the density of GAGs would increase in lymphedema and inhibit fluid from leaving the tissue. An existing mouse tail model of experimental lymphedema that reproduced important features of the human condition was used to evaluate GAG content in swollen tissue. In this model, a surgical excision of tissue was made circumferentially around the tail that caused swelling distal to the wound site. Tissue distal to the wound site was analyzed via two assays; one that measured hyaluronan (an unsulfated GAG) and another that measured sulfated GAGs (including Dermatan Sulfate and Chondroitin Sulfate), at various timepoints post surgical intervention. Hyaluronan (HA) levels were significantly higher than control (tissues with no surgical intervention) by day 5 (p
AIMS:Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a muscle disease with serious cardiac complications. Changes in Ca(2+) homeostasis and oxidative stress were recently associated with cardiac deterioration, but the cellular pathophysiological mechanisms remain elusive. We investigated whether the activity of ryanodine receptor (RyR) Ca(2+) release channels is affected, whether changes in function are cause or consequence and which post-translational modifications drive disease progression. METHODS AND RESULTS:Electrophysiological, imaging, and biochemical techniques were used to study RyRs in cardiomyocytes from mdx mice, an animal model of DMD. Young mdx mice show no changes in cardiac performance, but do so after ∼8 months. Nevertheless, myocytes from mdx pups exhibited exaggerated Ca(2+) responses to mechanical stress and 'hypersensitive' excitation-contraction coupling, hallmarks of increased RyR Ca(2+) sensitivity. Both were normalized by antioxidants, inhibitors of NAD(P)H oxidase and CaMKII, but not by NO synthases and PKA antagonists. Sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) load and leak were unchanged in young mdx mice. However, by the age of 4-5 months and in senescence, leak was increased and load was reduced, indicating disease progression. By this age, all pharmacological interventions listed above normalized Ca(2+) signals and corrected changes in ECC, Ca(2+) load, and leak. CONCLUSION:Our findings suggest that increased RyR Ca(2+) sensitivity precedes and presumably drives the progression of dystrophic cardiomyopathy, with oxidative stress initiating its development. RyR oxidation followed by phosphorylation, first by CaMKII and later by PKA, synergistically contributes to cardiac deterioration.
Herbivore-induced volatiles play an important role in the indirect defense of plants. After herbivore damage, volatiles are released from the plant and can attract herbivore enemies that protect the plant from additional damage. The herbivore-induced volatile blend is complex and usually consists of mono- and sesquiterpenes, aromatic compounds, and indole. Although these classes of compounds are generally produced at different times after herbivore damage, the release of the terpene (E)-β-caryophyllene and the aromatic ester methyl anthranilate appear to be tightly coordinated. We have studied the herbivore induction patterns of two terpene synthases from Zea mays L. (Poaceae), TPS23 and TPS10, as well as S-adenosyl-L-methionine:anthranilic acid carboxyl methyltransferases (AAMT1), which are critical for the production of terpenes and anthranilate compounds, respectively. The transcript levels of tps23 and aamt1 displayed the same kinetics after damage by the larvae of Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), and showed the same organ-specific and haplotype-specific expression patterns. Despite its close functional relation to TPS23, the terpene synthase TPS10 is not expressed in roots and does not display the haplotype-specific expression pattern. The results indicate that the same JA-mediated signaling cascade maycontrol the production of both the terpene (E)-β-caryophyllene and aromatic ester methyl anthranilate.
STRUCTURE OF CUPIENNIUS SALEI VENOM HYALURONIDASE Hyaluronidases are important venom components acting as spreading factor of toxic compounds. In several studies this spreading effect was tested on vertebrate tissue. However, data about the spreading activity on invertebrates, the main prey organisms of spiders, are lacking. Here, a hyaluronidase-like enzyme was isolated from the venom of the spider Cupiennius salei. The amino acid sequence of the enzyme was determined by cDNA analysis of the venom gland transcriptome and confirmed by protein analysis. Two complex N-linked glycans akin to honey bee hyaluronidase glycosylations, were identified by tandem mass spectrometry. A C-terminal EGF-like domain was identified in spider hyaluronidase using InterPro. The spider hyaluronidase-like enzyme showed maximal activity at acidic pH, between 40-60°C, and 0.2 M KCl. Divalent ions did not enhance HA degradation activity, indicating that they are not recruited for catalysis. FUNCTION OF VENOM HYALURONIDASES Besides hyaluronan, the enzyme degrades chondroitin sulfate A, whereas heparan sulfate and dermatan sulfate are not affected. The end products of hyaluronan degradation are tetramers, whereas chondroitin sulfate A is mainly degraded to hexamers. Identification of terminal N-acetylglucosamine or N-acetylgalactosamine at the reducing end of the oligomers identified the enzyme as an endo-β-N-acetyl-D-hexosaminidase hydrolase. The spreading effect of the hyaluronidase-like enzyme on invertebrate tissue was studied by coinjection of the enzyme with the Cupiennius salei main neurotoxin CsTx-1 into Drosophila flies. The enzyme significantly enhances the neurotoxic activity of CsTx-1. Comparative substrate degradation tests with hyaluronan, chondroitin sulfate A, dermatan sulfate, and heparan sulfate with venoms from 39 spider species from 21 families identified some spider families (Atypidae, Eresidae, Araneidae and Nephilidae) without activity of hyaluronidase-like enzymes. This is interpreted as a loss of this enzyme and fits quite well the current phylogenetic idea on a more isolated position of these families and can perhaps be explained by specialized prey catching techniques.
The enzymes of oxidative phosphorylation are a striking example of the functional association of multiple enzyme complexes, working together to form ATP from cellular reducing equivalents. These complexes, such as cytochrome c oxidase or the ATP synthase, are typically investigated individually and therefore, their functional interplay is not well understood. Here, we present methodology that allows the co-reconstitution of purified terminal oxidases and ATP synthases in synthetic liposomes. The enzymes are functionally coupled via proton translocation where upon addition of reducing equivalents the oxidase creates and maintains a transmembrane electrochemical proton gradient that energizes the synthesis of ATP by the F1F0 ATP synthase. The method has been tested with the ATP synthases from Escherichia coli and spinach chloroplasts, and with the quinol and cytochrome c oxidases from E. coli and Rhodobacter sphaeroides, respectively. Unlike in experiments with the ATP synthase reconstituted alone, the setup allows in vitro ATP synthesis under steady state conditions, with rates up to 90 ATP×s(-1)×enzyme(-1). We have also used the novel system to study the phenomenon of "mild uncoupling" as observed in mitochondria upon addition of low concentrations of ionophores (e.g. FCCP, SF6847) and the recoupling effect of 6-ketocholestanol. While we could reproduce the described effects, our data with the in vitro system does not support the idea of a direct interaction between a mitochondrial protein and the uncoupling agents as proposed earlier.
The p53 transcription factor is a tumor suppressor and a master regulator of apoptosis and the cell cycle in response to cell stress. In some advanced tumors, such as prostate cancers, the loss of p53 correlates with an increase in the occurrence of metastases. In addition, several groups have suggested that p53 status correlates with changes in cell migration and cell morphology associated with a migratory phenotype. Others have identified several genes with roles in cell migration that are directly transcriptionally regulated by p53. Even so, modulation of cell migration is not widely recognized as a p53 stress response. ^ In an effort to identify novel p53 target genes and expand our knowledge of the p53 transcriptional response, we performed Affymetrix gene expression analysis in p53-null PC3 prostate cancer cells following infection with a control virus or adenoviral construct expressing wild-type p53. Over 300 genes that had not been previously recognized as p53 target genes were identified. Of these genes, 224 were upregulated and 111 were downregulated (p<0.05). Functional over-representation analysis identified cell migration as a significantly over-represented biological function of p53. Further analysis identified two genes that are critical for the control of cell migration as potential p53 targets. One, hyaluronan mediated motility receptor (HMMR), has recently been shown to be a p53 target important for regulation of the cell cycle. Here, we show that HMMR is downregulated by p53 in several cell lines, and HMMR's regulation is dependent on the presence of the cdk inhibitor, p21, and histone deactelyase activity. The other gene, carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1 (CEACAM1), itself a tumor suppressor, is shown here, for the first time, as a p53 direct target by ChIP analysis. We next determined the effect of p53 activation on cell migration and found that p53 significantly slows the rate of cell migration in Boyden chamber migration assays and digital videomicroscopy wound healing studies. Further, our studies established the specific roles of CEACAM1 and HMMR in cell migration and determine that loss of CEACAM1 and overexpression of HMMR independently contribute to increased cell migration. Taken together, these studies provide a direct mechanistic link between p53 to the regulatory control of specific target genes that mediate cell adhesion and migration. ^