990 resultados para HIGHLY ENRICHED URANIUM


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Drilling of the distal Newfoundland margin at Ocean Drilling Program Site 1277 recovered part of the transition between exhumed sub-continental mantle lithosphere and normal mid-ocean-ridge basalt (N-MORB) volcanism perhaps related to the initiation of seafloor spreading, which may have occurred near the Aptian/Albian boundary, coincident with the final separation of subcontinental mantle lithosphere. Subcontinental mantle lithosphere was recovered near the crest of a basement high, the Mauzy Ridge. This ridge lies near magnetic Anomaly M1 and is inferred to be of Barremian age. The recovered section is dominated by serpentinized spinel harzburgite, with subordinate dunite and minor gabbroic intrusives, and it includes inferred high-temperature ductile shear zones. The serpentinite is capped by foliated gabbro cataclasite that is interpreted as the product of a major seafloor extensional detachment. The serpentinized harzburgite beneath is highly depleted subcontinental mantle lithosphere that was exhumed to create new seafloor within the ocean-continent transition zone. After inferred removal of overlying brittle crust, the detachment was eroded, producing multiple mass flows that were dominated by clasts of serpentinite and gabbro in a lithoclastic and calcareous matrix. Basaltic lavas were erupted spasmodically, mainly as sheet flows, with subordinate lava breccia, hyaloclastite, and possible pillow lava. The sedimentary-volcanic succession and the exhumed mantle lithosphere experienced later high-angle extensional fracturing and probably faulting. Extensional fissures opened incrementally and were filled with silt-sized carbonate, basalt-derived clastic sediment, and hyaloclastite, forming neptunian dykes and geopetal structures. Chemical analysis of representative basalts for major elements and trace elements were made using a high-precision, high-accuracy X-ray fluorescence method (utilizing increased count times) and by whole-rock inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry that yielded additional evidence for rare earth elements. The analyses indicate N-MORB to slightly enriched compositions. The MORB was produced by relatively high degree melting of a fertile mantle source that differed strongly from the cored serpentinized peridotites. The basalts exhibit a distinct negative Nb anomaly on MORB-normalized plots that can be explained by prior extraction of melt from upper mantle that had previously been affected by subduction, possibly during closure of the Iapetus or Rheic oceans. In the proposed interpretation, mantle lithosphere was exhumed to the seafloor and experienced mass wasting to form serpentinite-rich mass flows. The interbedded MORB records the beginning of a transition to "normal" seafloor spreading. This interpretation takes into account drilling results from the Iberia-Galicia margin and the Jurassic Alps-Apennines.


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Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is associated with several classes of plasma lipoproteins and mediates uptake of lipoproteins through its ability to interact with specific cell surface receptors. Besides its role in cardiovascular diseases, accumulating evidence has suggested that apoE could play a role in neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer disease. In vertebrates, apoA-I is the major protein of high-density lipoprotein. ApoA-I may play an important role in regulating the cholesterol content of peripheral tissues through the reverse cholesterol transport pathway. We have isolated cDNA clones that code for apoE and apoA-I from a zebrafish embryo library. Analysis of the deduced amino acid sequences showed the presence of a region enriched in basic amino acids in zebrafish apoE similar to the lipoprotein receptor-binding region of human apoE. We demonstrated by whole-mount in situ hybridization that apoE and apoA-I genes are highly expressed in the yolk syncytial layer, an extraembryonic structure implicated in embryonic and larval nutrition. ApoE transcripts were also observed in the deep cell layer during blastula stage, in numerous ectodermal derivatives after gastrulation, and after 3 days of development in a limited number of cells both in brain and in the eyes. Our data indicate that apoE can be found in a nonmammalian vertebrate and that the duplication events, from which apoE and apoA-I genes arose, occurred before the divergence of the tetrapod and teleost ancestors. Zebrafish can be used as a simple and useful model for studying the role of apolipoproteins in embryonic and larval nutrition and of apoE in brain morphogenesis and regeneration.


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We describe the identification of Neuregulin-3 (NRG3), a novel protein that is structurally related to the neuregulins (NRG1). The NRG1/neuregulins are a diverse family of proteins that arise by alternative splicing from a single gene. These proteins play an important role in controlling the growth and differentiation of glial, epithelial, and muscle cells. The biological effects of NRG1 are mediated by receptor tyrosine kinases ErbB2, ErbB3, and ErbB4. However, genetic studies have suggested that the activity of ErbB4 may also be regulated in the central nervous system by a ligand distinct from NRG1. NRG3 is predicted to contain an extracellular domain with an epidermal growth factor (EGF) motif, a transmembrane domain, and a large cytoplasmic domain. We show that the EGF-like domain of NRG3 binds to the extracellular domain of ErbB4 in vitro. Moreover, NRG3 binds to ErbB4 expressed on cells and stimulates tyrosine phosphorylation of this receptor. The expression of NRG3 is highly restricted to the developing and adult nervous system. These data suggest that NRG3 is a novel, neural-enriched ligand for ErbB4.


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Ocean circulation may have undergone reductions and reinvigorations in the past closely tied to regional climate changes. Measurements of 231Pa/230Th ratios in a sediment core from the Bermuda Rise have been interpreted as evidence that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) was weakened or completely eliminated during a period of catastrophic iceberg discharges (Heinrich-Event 1, H1). Here we present new data from the Bermuda Rise that show further 231Pa/230Th peaks during Heinrich-2 (H2) and Heinrich-3 (H3). Additionally, a tight correlation between diatom abundances (biogenic silica) and 231Pa/230Th is discovered in this core. Our results redirect the interpretation of 231Pa/230Th from the Bermuda Rise as a proxy for ocean circulation towards a proxy that reacts highly sensitive to changes of particle composition and water mass properties.


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Includes bibliographic references (page 13).


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Surface and airborne prospecting of the Ely Springs dolomite is recommended in this region, especially near silicified breccia pipes.


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Mineralogical investigations have determined the sites of u and Th associated with two radioelement-enriched granites from different geological settings. In the Ririwai ring complex, Nigeria, the u- and Th-bearing accessories have been greatly affected by post-magmatic alteration of the biotite granite. Primary thorite, zircon and monazite were altered to Zr(±Y)-rich thorite, partially metamict zircon (enriched in Th, U, Y, P, Fe, Mn, Ca) and an unidentified LREE-phase respectively, by pervasive fluids which later precipitated Zr-rich coffinite. More intense, localised alteration and albitisation completely remobilised primary accessories and gave rise to a distinctive generation of haematite- and uranothorite-enriched zircon with clear, Hi-enriched rims and xenotime overgrowths. In the Ririwai lode, microclinisation and later greisenisation locally remobilised or altered zircon and deposited Y-ricl1 coffinite and Y(±Zr)-rich thorite which was overgrown by traces of xenotime and LREE-phase(s) of complex and variable composition. Compositions indicating extensive solid-solution among thorite, coffinite, xenotime and altered zircon are probably metastable and formed at low temperatures. The widespread occurrence of REE-rich fluorite suggests that F-complexing aided the mobility of REE, Y, U, Th and Zr during late-magmatic to post-magmatic alteration, while uranyl-carbonate complexing may have occurred during albitisation. The Caledonian, Helmsdale granite in northern Scotland has undergone pervasive and localised hydrothermal alteration associated with U enrichment. Zircon xenocrysts, primary sphene and apatite contain a small.proportion of this U which is largely adsorbed on to secondary iron-oxide, TiOand phyllosilicates.Additional sites for U in the overlying, Lower Devonian Ousdale arkose include coffinite, secondary uranyl phosphates, hydrocarbon and traces of xenotime and unidentified LREE-phases. U may have been leached from the granite and deposited in the arkose, along channelways associated with the Helmsdale fault, by convecting, hydrothermal fluids


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Basalt formation waters collected from Hole 504B at sub-basement depths of 194, 201, 365, and 440 meters show inverse linear relationships between 87Sr/86Sr and Ca, 87Sr/86Sr and Sr, and K and Ca. If the Ca content of a fully reacted formation water end-member is assumed to be 1340 ppm, the K, Sr, and 87Sr/86Sr values for the end-member are 334 ppm, 7.67 ppm, and 0.70836, respectively. With respect to contemporary seawater at Hole 504B, K is depleted by 13%, Sr is enriched by 2.7%, and 87Sr/86Sr is depleted by 0.8%. The Sr/Ca ratio of the formation water (0.0057) is much lower than that of seawater (0.018) but is similar to the submarine hot spring waters from the Galapagos Rift and East Pacific Rise and to geothermal brines from Iceland. At the intermediate temperatures represented by the Hole 504B formation waters (70°-105°C), the interaction between seawater and the ocean crust produces large solution enrichments in Ca, the addition of a significant basalt Sr isotope component accompanied by only a minor elemental Sr component, and the removal from solution of seawater K. The Rb, Cs, and Ba contents of the formation waters appear to be affected by contamination, possibly from drilling muds.


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The Th content of the sediment samples from "Meteor" core GIK12310-4 (3080 m water depth, off NW Africa) on a carbonate-free basis lies around the average of 12.4 ppm and is similar to the average content of the earth crust. On the contrary, uranium was found to be up to 3.5-fold enriched in the core section between 60 and 330 cm (within the Wuerm Glacial) where reducing conditions occur, due to deposition of authigenic uranium (9 µg/cm**2 1000 yrs.). The authigenic uranium content is correlated to the organic matter content (U/Corg ratio = 6 * 10**4). On the basis of the uranium content of the oxidized section uranium was split into a detritic and an authigenic component and the amount of supported ionium was calculated. From the profile of the specific Io-cxcess activity (= Io-total - Io-supported) with depth, average sedimentation rates of 3.3 ± 0.6 cm/1000 yrs. for the warmer stages and of 5 ± 1 cm/l000 yrs. for the cooler periods were estimated.


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We have conducted high-pressure experiments on a natural oceanic gabbro composition (Gb108). Our aim was to test recent proposals that Sr-enrichment in rare primitive melt inclusions from Mauna Loa, Hawaii, may have resulted from melting of garnet pyroxenite formed in the magma source regions by reaction of peridotite with siliceous, Sr-enriched partial melts of eclogite of gabbroic composition. Gb108 is a natural, Sr-enriched olivine gabbro, which has a strong positive Sr anomaly superimposed on an overall depleted incompatible trace element pattern, reflecting its origin as a plagioclase-rich cumulate. At high pressures it crystallises as a coesite eclogite assemblage, with the solidus between 1,300 and 1,350°C at 3.5 GPa and 1,450 and 1,500°C at 4.5 GPa. Clinopyroxenes contain 4-9% Ca-eskolaite component, which varies systematically with pressure and temperature. Garnets are almandine and grossular-rich. Low degree partial melts are highly siliceous in composition, resembling dacites. Coesite is eliminated between 50 and 100°C above the solidus. The whole-rock Sr-enrichment is primarily hosted by clinopyroxene. This phase dominates the mode (>75 wt%) at all investigated PT conditions, and is the major contributor to partial melts of this eclogite composition. Hence the partial melts have trace element patterns sub-parallel to those of clinopyroxene with ~10* greater overall abundances and with strong positive Sr anomalies. Recent studies of primitive Hawaiian volcanics have suggested the incorporation into their source regions of eclogite, formerly gabbroic material recycled through the mantle at subduction zones. The models suggest that formerly gabbroic material, present as eclogite in the Hawaiian plume, partially melted earlier than surrounding peridotite (i.e. at higher pressure) because of the lower solidus temperature of eclogite compared with peridotite. This produced highly siliceous melts which reacted with surrounding peridotite producing hybrid pyroxene + garnet lithologies. The Sr-enriched nature of the formerly plagioclase-rich gabbro was present in the siliceous partial melts, as demonstrated by these experiments, and was transferred to the reactive pyroxenite. These in turn partially melted, producing Sr-enriched picritic liquids which mixed with normal picritic partial melts of peridotite before eruption. On rare occasions these mixed, relatively Sr-rich melts were trapped as melt inclusions in primitive olivine phenocrysts.Yaxley-Sobolev


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During the African Humid Period (AHP), much of the modern hyperarid Saharan desert was vegetated and covered with numerous lakes. In marine sediments off northwestern Africa, the AHP is represented by markedly reduced siliciclastic sediment flux between ~ 12.3 and 5.5 ka. Changes in the origin of this terrigenous sediment fraction can be constrained by sediment chemistry and radiogenic isotope tracers. At Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 658, Hole C (20°44.95'N, 18°34.85'W, 2263 mbsl), the neodymium (Nd) isotope composition of terrigenous detritus shows little variability throughout the last 25 kyr, indicating that the contributing geological terranes have not changed appreciably since the last glacial period. In contrast, there were large and abrupt changes in strontium (Sr) isotope ratios and chemical compositions associated with the AHP, during which 87Sr/86Sr ratios were markedly less radiogenic, and sediments show higher chemical indices of alteration. We show that sediment geochemical changes during the AHP cannot be attributed to changes in the source terranes, physical sorting, or intensity of chemical weathering. The low 87Sr/86Sr and high Sr concentrations of AHP-age samples also conflict with the interpretation of increased fine-grained, fluvially derived sediments. We propose that the most significant compositional changes at ODP 658C are due to the addition of an aluminosilicate component that has a highly altered major element signature but is enriched in soluble elements like Sr and magnesium (Mg) compared to aluminum (Al) and has low 87Sr/86Sr relative to local terrigenous source areas. We interpret these characteristics to reflect authigenic sediment supply from extensive North African paleolake basins that were prevalent during the AHP.


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Oceanic flood basalts are poorly understood, short-term expressions of highly increased heat flux and mass flow within the convecting mantle. The uniqueness of the Caribbean Large Igneous Province (CLIP, 92-74 Ma) with respect to other Cretaceous oceanic plateaus is its extensive sub-aerial exposures, providing an excellent basis to investigate the temporal and compositional relationships within a starting plume head. We present major element, trace element and initial Sr-Nd-Pb isotope composition of 40 extrusive rocks from the Caribbean Plateau, including onland sections in Costa Rica, Colombia and Curaçao as well as DSDP Sites in the Central Caribbean. Even though the lavas were erupted over an area of ~3*10**6 km**2, the majority have strikingly uniform incompatible element patterns (La/Yb=0.96+/-0.16, n=64 out of 79 samples, 2sigma) and initial Nd-Pb isotopic compositions (e.g. 143Nd/144Ndin=0.51291+/-3, epsilon-Nd i=7.3+/-0.6, 206Pb/204Pbin=18.86+/-0.12, n=54 out of 66, 2sigma). Lavas with endmember compositions have only been sampled at the DSDP Sites, Gorgona Island (Colombia) and the 65-60 Ma accreted Quepos and Osa igneous complexes (Costa Rica) of the subsequent hotspot track. Despite the relatively uniform composition of most lavas, linear correlations exist between isotope ratios and between isotope and highly incompatible trace element ratios. The Sr-Nd-Pb isotope and trace element signatures of the chemically enriched lavas are compatible with derivation from recycled oceanic crust, while the depleted lavas are derived from a highly residual source. This source could represent either oceanic lithospheric mantle left after ocean crust formation or gabbros with interlayered ultramafic cumulates of the lower oceanic crust. High 3He/4He in olivines of enriched picrites at Quepos are ~12 times higher than the atmospheric ratio suggesting that the enriched component may have once resided in the lower mantle. Evaluation of the Sm-Nd and U-Pb isotope systematics on isochron diagrams suggests that the age of separation of enriched and depleted components from the depleted MORB source mantle could have been <=500 Ma before CLIP formation and interpreted to reflect the recycling time of the CLIP source. Mantle plume heads may provide a mechanism for transporting large volumes of possibly young recycled oceanic lithosphere residing in the lower mantle back into the shallow MORB source mantle.


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In most countries along with various food products, fish sausage is supplied in different formulas. Unfortunately, in our country because of different reasons, production and supply of fish sausage in industrial level has not yet been successful and some efforts taken, has also been doomed to failure or not welcomed. Fat fish is a rich source of poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and co-3. In this research, efforts have been made to produce and enrich sausage with fish oil and maintenance of fatty acids has also been experimented using gas chromatography along with heating process. The stages of producing ground fish and fish sausage are as the following: Transferring and preparing fish, washing the cleared fish, filleting, separating fillet steak, washing and drying them, Refining meat, Producing and homogenizing mixture from basic ingredients in a cutter, filling, knotting and heat processing. The fish sausage produced by this method tried and welcomed by the subjects. In the product in which fish meat was used, the subjects was not recognized fish flavor and taste and when in addition to fish meat, fish oil was used during enrichment, the flavor and taste of fish was considered as highly acceptable. TVN measurement of the produced fish sausage was kept in the refrigerator in two month was at a maximum of 16.5, the amount of peroxide was at a maximum 1.5% after the period of two months. During this period the Colony count was at maximum of 19.5 x 104, the high maximum of the number of coliforms was 10/gr, and for mold and yeast 83/gr , but Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella and Clostridium perfringens were not found. The protein of the resulting product was 15-18%, lipid at about 11-15% and moisture 60-65%. Comparing fatty acids, including unsaturated fatty acids in ground and oil fish used in producing fish sausage with those of fish sausage showed that the heat used in processing had the least effect on fatty acids of the meat and oil used here and the resulting fish sausage is considered as food for good health.