986 resultados para HEAVY WATER


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Salinity acts to inhibit plant access to soil water by increasing the osmotic strength of the soil solution. As the soil dries, the soil solution becomes increasingly concentrated, further limiting plant access to soil water. An experiment was conducted to examine the effect of salt on plant available water in a heavy clay soil, using a relatively salt tolerant species, wheat ‘Kennedy’, and a more salt sensitive species, chickpea ‘Jimbour’. Sodium chloride was applied to Red Ferrosol at 10 rates from 0 to 3 g/kg. Plants were initially maintained at field capacity. After 3 weeks, plants had become established and watering was ceased. The plants then grew using the water stored in the soil. Once permanent wilting point was reached plants were harvested, and soil water content was measured. The results showed that without salt stress, wheat and chickpea extracted approximately the same amount of water. However, as the salt concentration increased, the ability of chickpea to extract water was severely impaired, while wheat’s ability to extract water was not affected over the range of concentrations examined. Growth of both wheat and chickpea was reduced even from low salt concentrations. Possible explanations for this are that the effect on growth is due to Cl- toxicity and that this occurs at lower concentrations than the osmotic effect of salinity, or that the metabolic demands of maintaining plant water balance and extracting soil water under saline conditions result in reduced growth.


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During the expeditions ARK-VII/1, ARK-VII/3 and ARK-Xl2 sediment cores were taken by "RV Polarstern" from the shelf and the fjords of East Greenland and the Greenland Sea. The magnetic susceptibility and heavy mineral were determined at 48 surface sediment samples from undisturbed box cores. The main objective of this study was the identification of source areas and transport processes of terrigenous sediments at the East Greenland continental margin. The results can be summarized as lollows: 1a) Magnetic susceptibility in the North Atlantic is useful to detect delivery regions of the material transported by currents. b) The magnetic susceptibility is controlled by the ferromagnetic particles of the silt fraction. c) There are four important source areas: . The ferromagnetic particles of the box core PS2644-2 are transported from the Iceland Archipelago. . The material from the Geiki-Plateau effects the magnetic susceptibility in the Scoresby Sund Basin. . The magnetic susceptibility in the shelf regions in the North are produced by material from the fjords. . The ferromagnetic particles in the Greenland Sea are derived from the Mid Atlantic Ridges in the east. d) It is possible to determine the rock type, which delivers the ferromagnetic material because of differences in magnetic susceptibility of different intensity. . The erosion of the basalts of the Geiki-Plateau and the basalts of the Mid Atlantic ridges produce the high magnetic susceptibility in the south. . The magnetic susceptibility on the shelf in the north are probably produced by erosionproducts of the gneises of East Greenland. (2a) Heavy mineral assemblages show a significant difference between material transported by the Transpolar Drift from the Eurasian shelf regions (amphiboles, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene) and material derived from East Greenland (garnets and opaque minerals). Transport via ice is dominant. b) lt is also possible to show different petrographic provenances (volcanic and metamorphic provenances). These associations verify the source areas. c) The information of heavy mineral composition gives no more detailed hint on the rock type or rock formation in the source area, due to mixing processes, large area of investigation and the sample quantity.


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Acknowledgements We thank B. Lahner, E. Yakubova and S. Rikiishi for ICP-MS analysis, N. Komiyama, Iowa State University Plant Transformation Facility and Prashant Hosmani for generation of transgenic rice, K. Wang for providing pTF101.1 vector and N. Verbruggen for providing pYES2 and pYEC2/CT-GFP vectors. We also thank Rice T-DNA Insertion Sequence Database center for providing the T-DNA insertion line and X. Wang, T. Zheng and Z. Li for accessing 3 K rice genome sequence, and Graeme Paton for helpful discussions on Cu bioavailability in water-logged soils. This research was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Specially promoted Research (JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 16H06296 to J.F.M), and the US National Science Foundation, Plant Genome Research Program (Grant #IOS 0701119 to D.E.S., M.L.G. and S.R.M.P.).


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The authors acknowledge the financial support the Scottish Government’s Rural and Environmental Sciences and Analytical Services (RESAS) in order to complete some of the soil and pore water sample analysis as well as the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (COST CZ LD13068), the Czech Science Foundation (GAČR 14-02183P) and EU COST actionFP1407 (‘ModWoodLife’) short term scientific mission grant in order to complete the column leaching test.


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A preliminary set of heavy metal analyses from surface sediment samples covering the whole Adriatic Basin is presented, and their significance in terms of pollution is discussed. The core samples were analysed for Fe, Mn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, P, organic carbon, Ca- and Mg-carbonate, and their mineralogical composition and grain size distribution were determined. All heavy metal concentrations found can be attributed to natural sedimentological processes and are not necessarily to be interpreted as indications of pollution.


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Zr-Excel alloy (Zr-3.5Sn-0.8Nb-0.8Mo) is a dual phase (α + β) alloy in the as-received pressure tube condition. It has been proposed to be the pressure tube candidate material for the Generation-IV CANDU-Supercritical Water Reactor (CANDU-SCWR). In this dissertation, the effects of heavy ion irradiation, deformation and heat treatment on the microstructures of the alloy were investigated to enable us to have a better understanding of the potential in-reactor performance of this alloy. In-situ heavy ion (1 MeV) irradiation was performed to study the nucleation and evolution of dislocation loops in both α- and β-Zr. Small and dense type dislocation loops form under irradiation between 80 and 450 °C. The number density tends to saturate at ~ 0.1 dpa. Compared with the α-Zr, the defect yield is much lower in β-Zr. The stabilities of the metastable phases (β-Zr and ω-Zr) and the thermal-dynamically equilibrium phase, fcc Zr(Mo, Nb)2, under irradiation were also studied at different temperatures. Chemi-STEM elemental mapping was carried out to study the elemental redistribution caused by irradiation. The stability of these phases and the elemental redistribution are strongly dependent on irradiation temperature. In-situ time-of-flight neutron diffraction tensile and compressive tests were carried out at different temperatures to monitor lattice strain evolutions of individual grain families during these tests. The β-Zr is the strengthening phase in this alloy in the as-received plate material. Load is transferred to the β-Zr after yielding of the α-Zr grains. The temperature dependence of static strain aging and the yielding sequence of the individual grain families were discussed. Strong tensile/compressive asymmetry was observed in the {0002} grain family at room temperature. The microstructures of the sample deformed at 400 °C and the samples only subjected to heat treatment at the same temperature were characterized with TEM. Concentration of β phase stabilizers in the β grain and the morphology of β grain have significant effect on the stability of β- and ω-Zr under thermal treatment. Applied stress/strain enhances the decomposition of isothermal ω phase but suppresses α precipitation inside the β grains at high temperature. An α → ω/ZrO phase transformation was observed in the thin foils of Zr-Excel alloy and pure Zr during in-situ heating at 700 °C in TEM.


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Antioxidant enzymes (catalase and peroxidase) and carotenoids (lutein and â-carotene) are often used as biomarkers of metal contamination of water and agricultural soils. In this study, the effects of heavy metals present in irrigation water on the aforementioned carotenoids of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) and carrots (Daucus carota L.), cultivated in a greenhouse and irrigated with a water solution including different levels of Cr(VI) and Ni(II) were investigated. These results were compared to the levels of the same metabolites that had been assessed in market-available potato and carrot samples. The findings indicated that the levels of the examined metabolites on the treated with Cr and Ni samples, resemble the levels of the same parameters in the market samples, originating from polluted areas. Therefore, the antioxidant enzymes, catalase and peroxidase, and the carotenoids, lutein and â-carotene, could be handled as indicators of heavy metal pollution.


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Physical control of water hyacinth consists of removing the plants from the water by hand or machines. It is considered over effetive because it involves removing the whole plants from water. The first attempt on physical control was in 1992 when weed infestation was causing serious problems to the fishing communities in Lake Kyoga. The fishermen had problems of accessing the lake as huge masses of mobile weed blocked landing sites. Furthermore, the fishers lost their nets, which were swept away by mobile water hyacinth. As a result, an integrated control strategy involving physical control (manual and mechanical removal) was put in place. Through this method, the fishers were able to open up access routes to fishing grounds even though weed mats often reblocked the access routes. In the infested lakes, manual removal offered remedial relief to fish Iandings and other access sites. Sites of strategic importance such as hydro-electric power generation dam, water intake points and docking points which had large masses of water hyacinth required heavy machinery and mechanical harvesters were used at these sites.


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Most commercially available reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF) membranes are based on the thin film composite (TFC) aromatic polyamide membranes. However, they have several disadvantages including low resistance to fouling, low chemical and thermal stabilities and limited chlorine tolerance. To address these problems, advanced RO/NF membranes are being developed from polyimides for water and wastewater treatments. The following three projects have resulted from my research. (1) Positively charged and solvent resistant NF membranes. The use of solvent resistant membranes to facilitate small molecule separations has been a long standing industry goal of the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. We developed a solvent resistant membrane by chemically cross-linking of polyimide membrane using polyethylenimine. This membrane showed excellent stability in almost all organic solvents. In addition, this membrane was positively charged due to the amine groups remaining on the surface. As a result, high efficiency (> 95%) and selectivity for multivalent heavy metal removal was achieved. (2) Fouling resistant NF membranes. Antifouling membranes are highly desired for “all” applications because fouling will lead to higher energy demand, increase of cleaning and corresponding down time and reduced life-time of the membrane elements. For fouling prevention, we designed a new membrane system using a coating technique to modify membrane surface properties to avoid adsorption of foulants like humic acid. A layer of water-soluble polymer such as polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), polyacrylic acid (PAA), polyvinyl sulfate (PVS) or sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone) (SPEEK), was adsorbed onto the surface of a positively charged membrane. The resultant membranes have a smooth and almost neutrally charged surface which showed better fouling resistance than both the positively charged NF membranes and commercially available negatively charged NTR-7450 membrane. In addition, these membranes showed high efficiency for removal of multivalent ions (> 95% for both cations and anions). Therefore, these antifouling surfaces can be potentially used for water softening, water desalination and wastewater treatment in a membrane bioreactor (MBR) process. (3) Thermally stable RO membranes. Commercial RO membranes cannot be used at temperature higher than 45°C due to the use of polysulfone substrate, which often limits their applications in industries. We successfully developed polyimides as the membrane substrate for thermally stable RO membranes due to their high thermal resistance. The polyimide-based composite polyamide membranes showed desalination performance comparable to the commercial TFC membrane. However, the key advantage of the polyimide-based membrane is its high thermal stability. As the feed temperature increased from 25oC to 95oC, the water flux increased 5 - 6 times while the salt rejection almost kept constant. This membrane appears to provide a unique solution for hot water desalination and also a feasible way to improve the water productivity by increasing the operating temperature without any drop in salt rejection.


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Today, the use of heavy metals and chemical products industry expanded. The presence of significant amounts of, pollutants in industrial waste water can lead to serious risks to the environment and human health have heavy metals like chromium is one example of the future of salmon knock pond environment. Chromium is an essential element in the diet, but high doses of this element is very dangerous. Hence the use of chemical methods as a tool for the removal of metals from waste water pond be used. The aim of this study was to investigate the mineral kaolin adsorbents for the removal of chromium is water. Thus, the effect of different concentrations of absorbent micro amounts of chromium absorption and variable temperature, pH and electrolytes were studied. During the investigation of spectroscopic instrument (Varian) UV-VIS are used. Comparison of the absorption mechanism of chromium adsorption by the adsorbent with nano-absorbent kaolin kaolin was investigated. According to the studies done in the same conditions of temperature, pH and shaking rate of chromium absorption by nano kaolin kaolin is much more attractive. Therefore, its use as an adsorbent abundant, cheap, accessible, efficient and effective is proposed.


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This paper deals with the qualification of water and sediment particularly those of benthos, as well as their interaction results, through careful laboratory researches within 24 experimental sites around the bank of Bandar Taheri, Persian Gulf water of Iranian borders, under 13th phase south Pars project. Samples were carried to the laboratories and careful experimental tests such as physical chemical, heavy metal, nitrate ammoniac, toc and other biologic tests including various type of benthos count were performed. Data gained through Shanon and Dankan statistical analyses were also studied to determine the water, sediment and pollution rate. Resulted information would classify the area as less polluted area which is rather away from critical environmental zone, another word the area could be liable to change to an undesired one while the density rates of principal metals follows the Fe>Mn>Zn>Cu>Pb>Cd>N pattern.


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The need for solutions to minimize the negative environmental impacts of anthropogenic activities Fhas increased. Sewage sludge is composed of predominantly organic matter and can be used to improve soil characteristics, such as fertility. Therefore, its application in agriculture is an adequate alternative for its final disposal. However, there is a lack of information on its long-term effects on soil changes in tropical areas. Thus, the objectives of this study were to determine (i) the effect of sewage sludge application on heavy metal build-up in soil and maize grains and leaves, and (ii) the effects of soil amendment with sewage sludge on the chemical properties of a Brazilian oxisol. Besides the increasing levels of Zn, Cu, Ni, and Cr, amending soil with sewage sludge also alters the distribution of these metals by increasing the mobile Phases, which correlated significantly with the increase in metal extraction with two single extractants, Mehlich 1 and DTPA (Diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid). The levels of Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu in maize grains and leaves increased with the type and rate of sewage sludge application. Nevertheless, metal build-up in soil and plants was within the allowed limits. Significant differences were also found in soil characteristics like humic fractionation with the applied sewage doses. The data obtained does not indicate any expressive drawbacks in the use of sewage sludge as a soil amendment, as the heavy metal concentrations observed are unlikely to cause any environmental or health problems, even overestimated loadings, and are in accordance with the Brazilian regulations on farming land biosolid disposal.