800 resultados para Gravitational lenses


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Con questa dissertazione di tesi miro ad illustrare i risultati della mia ricerca nel campo del Semantic Publishing, consistenti nello sviluppo di un insieme di metodologie, strumenti e prototipi, uniti allo studio di un caso d‟uso concreto, finalizzati all‟applicazione ed alla focalizzazione di Lenti Semantiche (Semantic Lenses).


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B0218+357 è un blazar soggetto al lensing che si trova a z=0.944. Questo sistema consiste in due componenti compatte (A e B) e un anello di Einstein. Recentemente è stato associato ad una sorgente gamma soggetta a burst osservata con il satellite Fermi-LAT. Questo blazar ha mostrato una forte variabilità in banda γ da agosto a settembre del 2012. Gli episodi di variabilità osservati hanno consentito di misurare per la prima volta in banda gamma il ritardo temporale previsto dalla teoria del lensing gravitazionale. Le osservazioni in banda gamma sono state seguite da un programma di monitoring con il Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) in banda radio con lo scopo di verificare l’esistenza di una correlazione tra l’emissione nelle due bande. In questa Tesi tali osservazioni radio sono state analizzate con lo scopo di studiare la variabilità di B0218+357 e, quindi, attestare la connessione tra l’emissione alle alte energie e quella in banda radio. L’obiettivo principale di questo lavoro di Tesi è quello di studiare l’evoluzione della densità di flusso, dell’indice spettrale e della morfologia delle immagini A e B e delle loro sottocomponenti. I dati analizzati sono stati ottenuti con l’interferometro VLBA a tre frequenze di osser- vazione: 2.3, 8.4 GHz (4 epoche con osservazioni simultanee alle due frequenze) e 22 GHz (16 epoche). Le osservazioni hanno coperto un periodo di circa due mesi, subito successivo al flare in banda gamma. La riduzione dei dati è stata effettuata con il pacchetto AIPS. Dall’analisi delle immagini, nella componente B è possibile riconoscere la tipica struttura nucleo-getto chiaramente a tutte e tre le frequenze, invece nella componente A questa struttura è identificabile solo a 22 GHz. A 2.3 e 8.4 GHz la risoluzione non è sufficiente a risolvere nucleo e getto della componente A e l’emissione diffusa risulta dominante. Utilizzando il metodo dello stacking sulle immagini a 2.3 GHz, è stato possibile rivelare le parti più brillanti dell’Einstein ring associato a questa sorgente. Questo è stato possibile poiché la sorgente non ha mostrato alcun segno di variabilità significativa né di struttura né di flusso nelle componenti. Quindi dall’analisi delle curve di luce delle due componenti A e B non è emersa una variabilità significativa chiaramente associabile al flare osservato in banda gamma. Per verificare questo risultato, le curve di luce ottenute sono state confrontate con le osservazioni del radio telescopio OVRO (15 GHz) nel periodo corrispondente alle nostre osservazioni. La curva di luce OVRO è risultata in pieno accordo con le curve di luce ottenute durante questo lavoro di tesi e ha confermato che B0218+257 non ha mostrato un’importante attività radio nel periodo delle osservazioni VLBA. In definitiva, la mancanza di variabilità radio associata a quella osservata nei raggi gamma può essere dovuta al fatto che la regione in cui si è originato il flare gamma è otticamente spessa alle lunghezze d’onda radio, oppure non esiste una precisa correlazione tra le due emissioni, rimanendo quindi un problema aperto da investigare.


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21 cm cosmology opens an observational window to previously unexplored cosmological epochs such as the Epoch of Reionization (EoR), the Cosmic Dawn and the Dark Ages using powerful radio interferometers such as the planned Square Kilometer Array (SKA). Among all the other applications which can potentially improve the understanding of standard cosmology, we study the promising opportunity given by measuring the weak gravitational lensing sourced by 21 cm radiation. We performed this study in two different cosmological epochs, at a typical EoR redshift and successively at a post-EoR redshift. We will show how the lensing signal can be reconstructed using a three dimensional optimal quadratic lensing estimator in Fourier space, using single frequency band or combining multiple frequency band measurements. To this purpose, we implemented a simulation pipeline capable of dealing with issues that can not be treated analytically. Considering the current SKA plans, we studied the performance of the quadratic estimator at typical EoR redshifts, for different survey strategies and comparing two thermal noise models for the SKA-Low array. The simulation we performed takes into account the beam of the telescope and the discreteness of visibility measurements. We found that an SKA-Low interferometer should obtain high-fidelity images of the underlying mass distribution in its phase 1 only if several bands are stacked together, covering a redshift range that goes from z=7 to z=11.5. The SKA-Low phase 2, modeled in order to improve the sensitivity of the instrument by almost an order of magnitude, should be capable of providing images with good quality even when the signal is detected within a single frequency band. Considering also the serious effect that foregrounds could have on this detections, we discussed the limits of these results and also the possibility provided by these models of measuring an accurate lensing power spectrum.


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Symptomatic overdrainage in children with shunt-treated hydrocephalus represents one of the more difficult shunt-related diseases and may require repeated surgery. Gravity-assisted valve design has become a standard device to avoid overdrainage in many European pediatric hydrocephalus centers. However, the use of a gravitational valve for relieving symptoms associated with overdrainage has not yet been addressed. The goal of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a gravitational valve in the treatment of symptomatic overdrainage in children with shunts.


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Our understanding of regional filling of the lung and regional ventilation distribution is based on studies using stepwise inhalation of radiolabelled tracer gases, magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography. We aimed to investigate whether these differences in ventilation distribution at different end-expiratory levels (EELs) and tidal volumes (V (T)s) held also true during tidal breathing. Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) measurements were performed in ten healthy adults in the right lateral position. Five different EELs with four different V (T)s at each EEL were tested in random order, resulting in 19 combinations. There were no measurements for the combination of the highest EEL/highest V (T). EEL and V (T) were controlled by visual feedback based on airflow. The fraction of ventilation directed to different slices of the lung (VENT(RL1)-VENT(RL8)) and the rate of the regional filling of each slice versus the total lung were analysed. With increasing EEL but normal tidal volume, ventilation was preferentially distributed to the dependent lung and the filling of the right and left lung was more homogeneous. With increasing V (T) and maintained normal EEL (FRC), ventilation was preferentially distributed to the dependent lung and regional filling became more inhomogeneous (p < 0.05). We could demonstrate that regional and temporal ventilation distribution during tidal breathing was highly influenced by EEL and V (T).


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BACKGROUND: In this paper, we present a new method for the calibration of a microscope and its registration using an active optical tracker. METHODS: Practically, both operations are done simultaneously by moving an active optical marker within the field of view of the two devices. The IR LEDs composing the marker are first segmented from the microscope images. By knowing their corresponding three-dimensional (3D) position in the optical tracker reference system, it is possible to find the transformation matrix between the referential of the two devices. Registration and calibration parameters can be extracted directly from that transformation. In addition, since the zoom and focus can be modified by the surgeon during the operation, we propose a spline based method to update the camera model to the new setup. RESULTS: The proposed technique is currently being used in an augmented reality system for image-guided surgery in the fields of ear, nose and throat (ENT) and craniomaxillofacial surgeries. CONCLUSIONS: The results have proved to be accurate and the technique is a fast, dynamic and reliable way to calibrate and register the two devices in an OR environment.


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BACKGROUND: Secondary intraocular lens (IOL) implantation is exposed to an increased risk of complications, including endophthalmitis and retinal detachment. The present analysis compares the outcomes and complications experienced in our own series of patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed a consecutive series of secondary posterior chamber IOL implantations performed in a single centre, two surgeon setting over a period of 8 years and with a follow up-time of at least 4 months. RESULTS: Between 1997 and 2005, 75 patients received a sulcus-supported secondary IOL without suture fixation, whereas suture fixation was required in 137 instances. Visual acuity improved in both groups (group 1: from 0.36 +/- 0.39 (0.01-1.2) to 0.73 +/- 0.33 (0.02-1.0; p = 0.18); group 2: from 0.33 +/- 0.34 (0.02-1.0) to 0.46 +/- 0.33 (0.01-1.0; p = 0.006), but more pronounced in eyes not requiring suture fixation (p = 0.012). IOL placement was more likely to be combined with endophacoemulsification in the not suture-fixed IOLs (12.7 vs. 5.3 %). In contrast, retinal tears (10.6 vs. 8.6 %, respectively) and retinal detachment (5.3 vs. 2.2 %, respectively) were equally distributed. In the early postoperative phase, IOP was lower in suture-fixed eyes, which showed a higher incidence of minor intraocular haemorrhages and cystoid macular edema (5.3 vs. 8.0 %); late complications up to 5 years postoperatively were equally distributed. CONCLUSION: A preoperatively less complicated anterior segment situation and a lower incidence of postoperative macular edema may account for a better visual outcome after placement of a sulcus supported IOLs without suturing. If required, suture fixation may be performed without exposing the eye to an increased risk of late postoperative complications.


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PURPOSE: We report the clinical, morphological, and ultrastructural findings of 13 consecutively explanted opacified Hydroview(R) (hydrogel) intraocular lenses (IOLs). Our purpose was to provide a comprehensive account on the possible factors involved in late postoperative opacification of these IOLs. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Thirteen consecutive opacified hydrogel IOLs (Hydroview H 60 M, Bausch ; Lomb) were explanted due to the significant visual impairment they caused. The IOLs underwent macroscopical examination, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), and electrophoresis for protein detection. Three unused control Hydroview IOLs served for comparison. RESULTS: Macroscopical examination showed a diffuse or localized grey-whitish opacification within the IOL optic. TEM confirmed the presence of lesions inside the optic in all the explanted IOLs and revealed 3 patterns of deep deposits: a) diffuse, thick, granular, electron-dense ones; b) small, thin, lattice-like ones, with prominent electron-lucent areas; and c) elongated electron-dense formations surrounded by electron-lucent halos. SEM showed surface deposits on four IOLs. EDS revealed oxygen and carbon in all IOLs and documented calcium, phosphorus, silicon and/or iron in the deposits. Two of the patients with iron in their IOLs had eye surgery prior to their phacoemulsification. Iron correlated well with the second TEM pattern of deep lesions, whereas calcium with the third TEM pattern. No protein bands were detected on electrophoresis. Control lenses did not show any ultrastructural or chemical abnormality. CONCLUSIONS: The present study supports the presence of chemical alterations inside the polymer of the optic in late postoperative opacification of Hydroview IOLs. This opacification does not follow a unique pathway but may present under different ultrastructular patterns depending on the responsible factors. Mechanical stress during surgery may initiate a sequence of events where ions such as calcium, phosphorus, silicon, and/or iron, participate in a biochemical cascade that leads to gradual alteration of the polymer network. Intraocular inflammation due to previous operation may be a factor inducing opacification through increase of iron-binding capacity in the aqueous humour. Calcification accounts only partially for the opacification noted in this type of IOL.


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The development of susceptibility maps for debris flows is of primary importance due to population pressure in hazardous zones. However, hazard assessment by process-based modelling at a regional scale is difficult due to the complex nature of the phenomenon, the variability of local controlling factors, and the uncertainty in modelling parameters. A regional assessment must consider a simplified approach that is not highly parameter dependant and that can provide zonation with minimum data requirements. A distributed empirical model has thus been developed for regional susceptibility assessments using essentially a digital elevation model (DEM). The model is called Flow-R for Flow path assessment of gravitational hazards at a Regional scale (available free of charge under http://www.flow-r.org) and has been successfully applied to different case studies in various countries with variable data quality. It provides a substantial basis for a preliminary susceptibility assessment at a regional scale. The model was also found relevant to assess other natural hazards such as rockfall, snow avalanches and floods. The model allows for automatic source area delineation, given user criteria, and for the assessment of the propagation extent based on various spreading algorithms and simple frictional laws. We developed a new spreading algorithm, an improved version of Holmgren's direction algorithm, that is less sensitive to small variations of the DEM and that is avoiding over-channelization, and so produces more realistic extents. The choices of the datasets and the algorithms are open to the user, which makes it compliant for various applications and dataset availability. Amongst the possible datasets, the DEM is the only one that is really needed for both the source area delineation and the propagation assessment; its quality is of major importance for the results accuracy. We consider a 10 m DEM resolution as a good compromise between processing time and quality of results. However, valuable results have still been obtained on the basis of lower quality DEMs with 25 m resolution.


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The main goal of the AEgIS experiment at CERN is to test the weak equivalence principle for antimatter. AEgIS will measure the free-fall of an antihydrogen beam traversing a moir'e deflectometer. The goal is to determine the gravitational acceleration with an initial relative accuracy of 1% by using an emulsion detector combined with a silicon μ-strip detector to measure the time of flight. Nuclear emulsions can measure the annihilation vertex of antihydrogen atoms with a precision of ~ 1–2 μm r.m.s. We present here results for emulsion detectors operated in vacuum using low energy antiprotons from the CERN antiproton decelerator. We compare with Monte Carlo simulations, and discuss the impact on the AEgIS project.


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We propose to build and operate a detector based on the emulsion film technology for the measurement of the gravitational acceleration on antimatter, to be performed by the AEgIS experiment (AD6) at CERN. The goal of AEgIS is to test the weak equivalence principle with a precision of 1% on the gravitational acceleration g by measuring the vertical position of the annihilation vertex of antihydrogen atoms after their free fall while moving horizontally in a vacuum pipe. With the emulsion technology developed at the University of Bern we propose to improve the performance of AEgIS by exploiting the superior position resolution of emulsion films over other particle detectors. The idea is to use a new type of emulsion films, especially developed for applications in vacuum, to yield a spatial resolution of the order of one micron in the measurement of the sag of the antihydrogen atoms in the gravitational field. This is an order of magnitude better than what was planned in the original AEgIS proposal.