979 resultados para Grapevine rust mite


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The mite Varroa destructor (Anderson & Treuman 2000) has caused extensive damage to beekeeping worldwide. In Brazil, weather conditions and the strains of bees do not provide ideal conditions for mite parasitism, which is reflected in the low number of deaths of colonies caused by varroatosis well as the stability of infestation levels. The aim of this study was to evaluate the damage caused by the mite infestation in hives maintained in natural conditions. For this purpose the number of mites per bee was calculated and used to quantify the level of infestation in each colony. To record the mortality rates of parasitized bees during development daily checks were performed. The data were analyzed by G test of independence and a Test of Proportions. The results indicate that the rate of mortality of pupae and larvae was proportional to the degree of infestation in each colony, and all colonies showed mortality rates significantly higher than the control rate. A significant interaction among death rates recorded between the third and fourth days of larval life and the total death of larvae was found (G Test = 50.22; P < 0.0001). So, it can be concluded that bee inbreeding contributed significantly to the increase of the larval rate of mortality. In Africanized honeybee colonies infested by the mite Varroa destructor mortality rates in conditions of natural infestation varied from 6.65 to 9.89% in pupae (<(x)over bar>= 8.78%) and from 6.13 to 13.48% in larvae ((x) over bar = 9.91%), against 3.85% and 3.74% in the control colony, respectively. Therefore, in the infested colonies the average rates of mortality caused by the harmful effects of the mite were, respectively, 2.28 times and 2.65 times greater in those two developmental stages.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this paper a second species of the feather mite genus Cotingodectes Valim and Hernandes, C. breviphallus n. sp., is described from Rupicola rupicola (Passeriformes, Cotingidae) in Brazil. A new genus, Berladectes, is erected to accommodate Dolichodectes neotropicus Hernandes and Valim.


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O presente trabalho caracteriza o gene codificador da proteína capsidial do isolado do Grapevine virus A (GVA) encontrado no Estado de São Paulo (GVA-SP). RNA total foi extraído de folhas e pecíolos de plantas de videira (Vitis spp.) da variedade 'Kober 5BB' e submetido a RT-PCR usando oligonucleotídeos desenhados para amplificar um fragmento entre as posições 6409 e 7175 do RNA do GVA (GenBank, acesso X75433). Foi obtido um fragmento de tamanho esperado (767 nt) que inclui o gene da proteína capsidial, codificando 198 aminoácidos. A seqüência do GVA-SP apresentou similaridade de nucleotídeos e aminoácidos de, respectivamente, 86-92,3% e 94,5-98% com isolados do GVA da Europa, África e Japão (Acessos X75433, AF441234, AF007415, AB039841) e da região Sul do Brasil (Acesso AF494187), sendo, entretanto, mais similar aos isolados africano e italiano.


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O vírus A da videira (Grapevine virus A, GVA) e o vírus B da videira (Grapevirus virus B, GVB) estão associados à acanaladura do lenho de Kober (Kober stem grooving) e ao fendilhamento cortical da videira (grapevine corky bark), respectivamente. Este trabalho descreve o uso de sondas moleculares de cDNA na detecção de isolados do GVA (GVA-SP) e do GVB (GVB-C-SP e GVB-I-SP) em videiras (Vitis spp.) e fumo (Nicotiana occidentalis). As sondas marcadas com digoxigenina foram produzidas por RT-PCR utilizando oligonucleotídeos específicos para os genes da proteína capsidial. Os RNA totais foram extraídos de 45 plantas de diversas variedades de videira e de 13 plantas de fumo inoculadas mecanicamente com o GVB. Os RNA extraídos das plantas infetadas, indexadas biologicamente, hibridizaram com as sondas, não se verificando reação com plantas sadias. Para confirmar os resultados de hibridização, foram também feitos testes de RT-PCR. A utilização de hibridização dot-blot com sondas de cDNA mostrou-se eficaz na detecção dos vírus com especificidade e sensibilidade, ressaltando-se que, preferencialmente, folhas maduras e ramos dormentes devem ser utilizados nos testes diagnósticos para o GVB e GVA, respectivamente.


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O enrolamento da folha da videira (grapevine leafroll) é uma doença atribuída a pelo menos nove vírus sorologicamente distintos, Grapevine leafroll-associated viruses 1 a 9 e designados GLRaV-1 a GLRaV-9. No Brasil, já é conhecida a existência do GLRaV-1, GLRaV-2, GLRaV-3 e GLRaV-6. Neste trabalho, foi demonstrada a ocorrência do GLRaV-5 em amostras de videiras cultivadas no Estado de São Paulo, mediante teste de Biotina-ELISA. O vírus foi detectado com baixa incidência nas cultivares avaliadas, exceto na 'Cardinal', que apresentou 100% de infecção. Este é o primeiro relato da ocorrência do GLRaV-5 no Brasil.


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No presente trabalho, descreve-se a caracterização do gene codificador da proteína capsidial de dois isolados sintomatologicamente distintos do Grapevine virus B (GVB). Para isto, RNA totais foram extraídos de folhas e pecíolos de videiras (Vitis spp.) infetadas, cultivares Rubi (GVB-C SP) e Itália (GVB-I SP) e utilizados para amplificar, por RT/PCR, um fragmento entre as posições 6425 e 7118 (694 nucleotídeos, nt) do RNA do GVB (GenBank, acesso X75448). O fragmento obtido inclui o gene da proteína capsidial (594 nt) codificando 197 aminoácidos com massa molecular estimada em aproximadamente 21.600 Da. A seqüência do GVB-C SP apresentou maior similaridade de nucleotídeos e aminoácidos deduzidos com o isolado italiano (acesso X75448), enquanto que o GVB-I SP foi mais similar a um outro isolado brasileiro do GVB descrito no Rio Grande do Sul (GVB BR1, acesso AF438410). Os dois isolados paulistas do GVB podem ser diferenciados por digestão com a enzima de restrição EcoRI, uma vez que há um sítio interno no GVB-C SP que está ausente no isolado GVB-I SP.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Two new genera and five new species of feather mites of the family Proctophyllodidae are described from passerine birds from Brazil: Tyranniphyllodes pitangi gen. n., sp. n. from Pitangus sulphuratus (Tyrannidae); Atrichophyllodes delalandi gen. n., sp. n. from Corythopis delalandi (Tyrannidae); A. mentalis gen. n., sp. n. from Dysithamnus mentalis (Thamnophilidae); Anisophyllodes candango sp. n. from Elaenia chiriquensis (Tyrannidae); and Platyacarus sittasomi sp. n. from Sittasomus griseicapillus (Dendrocolaptidae). The discovery of these taxa might give data for a better understanding of the evolution of the family Proctophyllodidae in general and the dispersion of these mites on passerines in South America in paricular.


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An apiary trial was conducted in 1997 in Sardinia, Italy, to verify the effectiveness of fluvalinate in polyvinyl chloride strips and flumethrin in polyethylene strips against Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans. Two indices to evaluate the efficacy of the treatments were adopted: percentage change in mite infestation of worker-sealed brood cells considering only treated hives and percentage change in mite mortality, and the natural variation in mite populations recorded in control hives during the trial. All acaricide treatments reduced the level of mite infestation of both sealed brood and adult bees. However, their effectiveness was slightly reduced in comparison to previous studies because of mite resistance phenomena. Portions of polyethylene strips of flumethrin from treated hives were sampled weekly to determine acaricide persistence using gas chromatography. After 4 wk, a slight reduction (approximate to9%) of the active ingredient content was observed, A laboratory bioassay also was performed to establish the resistance of adult female mites to fluvalinate, Mites were sampled from the experimental apiary and from various Sardinian apiaries which had primarily been subjected to fluvalinate applications in plastic strips or wood inserts for years. Mite resistance varied from 0 to 96%, depending on the acaricide management adopted, the lowest resistance level occurred in an apiary where pyrethroids had never been used, whereas the highest level occurred in an apiary with intensive use of fluvalinate in wood inserts.


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Xylella fastidiosa causes citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC) disease in Brazil and Pierce's disease of grapevines in the United States. Both of these diseases cause significant production problems in the respective industries. The recent establishment of the glassy-winged sharpshooter in California has radically increased the threat posed by Pierces disease to California viticulture. Populations of this insect reach very high levels in citrus groves in California and move from the orchards into the vineyards, where they acquire inoculum and spread Pierce's disease in the vineyards. Here we show that strains of X. fastidiosa isolated from diseased citrus and coffee in Brazil can incite symptoms of Pierce's disease after mechanical inoculation into seven commercial Vitis vinifera varieties grown in Brazil and California. Thus, any future introduction of the CVC strains of X. fastidiosa into the United States would pose a threat to both the sweet orange and grapevine industries. Previous work has clearly shown that the strains of X. fastidiosa isolated from Pierce's disease- and CVC-affected plants are the most distantly related of all strains in the diverse taxon X. fastidiosa. The ability of citrus strains of X. fastidiosa to incite disease in grapevine is therefore surprising and creates an experimental system with which to dissect mechanisms used by X.,fastidiosa in plant colonization and disease development using the full genome sequence data that has recently become available for both the citrus and grapevine strains of this pathogen.


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Asian soybean rust is a formidable threat to soybean (Glycine max) production in many areas of the world, including the United States. Only five sources of resistance have been identified (Resistance to Phakopsora pachyrhizi1 [Rpp1], Rpp2, Rpp3, Rpp4, and Rpp5). Rpp4 was previously identified in the resistant genotype PI459025B and mapped within 2 centimorgans of Satt288 on soybean chromosome 18 (linkage group G). Using simple sequence repeat markers, we developed a bacterial artificial chromosome contig for the Rpp4 locus in the susceptible cv Williams82 (Wm82). Sequencing within this region identified three Rpp4 candidate disease resistance genes (Rpp4C1-Rpp4C3 [Wm82]) with greatest similarity to the lettuce (Lactuca sativa) RGC2 family of coiled coil-nucleotide binding site-leucine rich repeat disease resistance genes. Constructs containing regions of the Wm82 Rpp4 candidate genes were used for virus-induced gene silencing experiments to silence resistance in PI459025B, confirming that orthologous genes confer resistance. Using primers developed from conserved sequences in the Wm82 Rpp4 candidate genes, we identified five Rpp4 candidate genes (Rpp4C1-Rpp4C5 [PI459025B]) from the resistant genotype. Additional markers developed from the Wm82 Rpp4 bacterial artificial chromosome contig further defined the region containing Rpp4 and eliminated Rpp4C1 (PI459025B) and Rpp4C3 (PI459025B) as candidate genes. Sequencing of reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction products revealed that Rpp4C4 (PI459025B) was highly expressed in the resistant genotype, while expression of the other candidate genes was nearly undetectable. These data support Rpp4C4 (PI459025B) as the single candidate gene for Rpp4-mediated resistance to Asian soybean rust.


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Asian soybean rust (ASR) is caused by the fungal pathogen Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydow & Sydow. It was first identified in Brazil in 2001 and quickly infected soybean areas in several countries in South America. Primary efforts to combat this disease must involve the development of resistant cultivars. Four distinct genes that confer resistance against ASR have been reported: Rpp1, Rpp2, Rpp3, and Rpp4. However, no cultivar carrying any of those resistance loci has been released. The main objective of this study was to genetically map Rpp2 and Rpp4 resistance genes. Two F(2:3) populations, derived from the crosses between the resistant lines PI 230970 (Rpp2), PI 459025 (Rpp4) and the susceptible cultivar BRS 184, were used in this study. The mapping populations and parental lines were inoculated with a field isolate of P. pachyrhizi and evaluated for lesion type as resistant (RB lesions) or susceptible (TAN lesions). The mapping populations were screened with SSR markers, using the bulk segregant analysis (BSA) to expedite the identification of linked markers. Both resistance genes showed an expected segregation ratio for a dominant trait. This study allowed mapping Rpp2 and Rpp4 loci on the linkage groups J and G, respectively. The associated markers will be of great value on marker assisted selection for this trait.