914 resultados para Graeffe, Gunnar
This special issue of Sociologisk Forskning contains 14 papers by distinguished Swedish sociologists on the development of sociology in Sweden during the last decades and the forming of their own academic habitus in relation to that development. Contributors are: Göran Ahrne, Boel Berner, Margareta Bertilsson, Ulla Björnberg, Thomas Brante, Hedvig Ekerwald, Rosmarie Eliasson-Lappalainen, Johanna Esseveld, Bengt Furåker, Staffan Lindberg, Gunnar Olofsson, Sune Sunesson, Göran Therborn and Karin Widerberg. The volume is edited by Gunnar Andersson, Thomas Brante and Christofer Edling.
Small-scale enterprises face difficulties in fulfilling the regulations for organising Systematic Work Environment Management. This study compared three groups of small-scale manufacturing enterprises with and without support for implementing the provision. Two implementation methods, supervised and network method, were used. The third group worked according to their own ideas. Twenty-three enterprises participated. The effects of the implementation were evaluated after one year by semi-structured dialogue with the manager and safety representative. Each enterprise was classified on compliance with ten demands concerning the provision. The work environment was estimated by the WEST-method. Impact of the implementation on daily work was also studied. At the follow-up, the enterprises in the supervised method reported slightly more improvements in the fulfilment of the demands in the provision than the enterprises in the network method and the enterprises working on their own did. The effect of the project reached the employees faster in the enterprises with the supervised method. In general, the work environment improved to some extent in all enterprises. Extensive support to small-scale enterprises in terms of advise and networking aimed to fulfil the regulations of Systematic Work Environment Management had limited effect especially considering the cost of applying these methods.
Rapporten utgår från forskningsområdet ”Hur kan och bör arbetsmiljö¬arbete bedrivas och integreras i organisationers kärnverksamhet?” vid tema SMARTA, Arbetslivsinstitutet. I ett tidigare arbete har ett antal egenskaper identifierats som viktiga för motivation och engagemang för arbetsmiljöarbete, sk Moveit-egenskaper. Dessa egenskaper och deras roll i arbetsmiljöarbetet ställs här i relation till perspektivet integrerat arbetsmiljöarbete, där arbetsmiljön ingår i styrsystemet och arbetsmiljöarbete betraktas som en del av styrningen av produktion och verksamhet. Syftet är att utveckla förståelsen för viktiga aspekter i arbetsmiljöarbetet utifrån en målsättning att metoder ska bidra till ett integrerat och kontinuerligt fungerande arbetsmiljöarbete. Den metodansats som rapporten utgår från bygger till stor del på interaktion med företagshälsovårdcentraler, konsulter och ergonomer samt på tidigare forskning. Ett viktigt steg i interaktionen har varit workshops som arrangerats vid tre tillfällen och vid olika platser - Borlänge, Göteborg och Umeå. Rapporten beskriver ett underlag för att bedöma metoders motivationskraft, erfarenheter från workshops med aktörer inom arbetsmiljöområdet, en fristående konsults tillämpning av metoden Visit samt olika former av förutsättningar för arbetsmiljöarbete, såsom företags mognad och hur metoder introduceras på arbetsplatser. Aspekter som identifieras som viktiga för ett integrerat arbetsmiljöarbete är: delegering av ansvar och befogenheter i arbetsmiljöfrågor, bred delaktighet och samverkan mellan anställda och ledning, hanterbara men ändå utmanande krav på arbetsmiljöarbetet, processfokusering och dynamik, samt utrymme för reflektion. Flera av dessa aspekter uppvisar överensstämmelser med egenskaper hos metoder som bidrar till att skapa motivation för arbetsmiljöarbete.
The aim was to evaluate results and experiences from development of new technology, a training program and implementation of strategies for the use of a video exposure monitoring method, PIMEX. Starting point of this study is an increased incidence of asthma among workers in the aluminium industry. Exposure peaks of fumes are supposed to play an important role. PIMEX makes it possible to link used work practice, use of control technology, and so forth to peaks. Nine companies participated in the project, which was divided into three parts, development of PIMEX technology, production of training material, and training in use of equipment and related strategies. The use of the video exposure monitoring method PIMEX offers prerequisites supporting workers participation in safety activities. The experiences from the project reveal the importance of good timing of primary training, technology development, technical support, and follow up training. In spite of a delay of delivery of the new technology, representatives from the participating companies declared that the experiences showed that PIMEX gave an important contribution for effective control of hazards in the companies. Eight out of nine smelters used the PIMEX method as a part of a strategy for control of workers exposure to fumes in potrooms. Possibilities to conduct effective control measures were identified. This article describes experiences from implementation of a, for this branch, new method supporting workers participation for workplace improvements.
Background Young people are at an increased risk for illness in working life. The authorities stipulate certain goals for training in occupational health and safety (OHS) in vocational schools. A previous study concluded that pupils in vocational education had limited knowledge in the prevention of health risks at work. The aim of the current study, therefore, was to study how OHS training is organized in school and in workplace-based learning (WPL). Method The study design featured a qualitative approach, which included interviews with 12 headmasters, 20 teachers, and 20 supervisors at companies in which the pupils had their WPL. The study was conducted at 10 upper secondary schools, located in Central Sweden, that were graduating pupils in four vocational programs. Result The interviews with headmasters, teachers, and supervisors indicate a staggered picture of how pupils are prepared for safe work. The headmasters generally give teachers the responsibility for how goals should be reached. Teaching is very much based on risk factors that are present in the workshops and on teachers’ own experiences and knowledge. The teaching during WPL also lacks the systematic training in OHS as well as in the traditional classroom environment. Conclusion Teachers and supervisors did not plan the training in OHS in accordance with the provisions of systematic work environment management. Instead, the teachers based the training on their own experiences. Most of the supervisors did not get information from the schools as to what should be included when introducing OHS issues in WPL.
Negative outcomes of a poor work environment are more frequent among young workers. The aim of the current study was to study former pupils’ conditions concerning occupational health and safety by investigating the workplaces’, safety climate, the degree of implementation of SWEM and the their introduction programs. Four branches were included in the study: Industrial, Restaurant, Transport and Handicraft, specialising in wood. Semi-structured dialogues were undertaken with 15 employers at companies in which former pupils were employed. They also answered a questionnaire about SWEM. Former pupils and experienced employees were upon the same occasion asked to fill in a questionnaire about safety climate at the workplace. Workplace introduction programs varied and were strongly linked to company size. Most of the former pupils and experienced employees rated the safety climate at their company as high, or good. Employers in three of the branches rated the SWEM implemented at their workplaces to be effective. The Industry companies, which had the largest workplaces, gave the most systematic and workplace introduction for new employees. There are no results from this study explaining the fact that young workers have a higher risk for workplace accidents.
Investigamos o padrão de comportamento de um grande número de investidores entre pessoas físicas, pessoas jurídicas institucionais e não-institucionais que transacionaram na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo (BOVESPA) entre 2001 e 2004. Nosso objetivo foi testar o efeito disposição, ou seja, a tendência a realizar ganhos (winners) antes de perdas (losers), já demonstrado em vários estudos empíricos. Usando várias medidas do efeito disposição em corte-transversal, demonstramos que todos os investidores tendem a realizar winners antes do que losers ao longo de todo o período analisado assim como para cada ano. Entretanto, quando testamos para o efeito disposição por tipo de investidor encontramos resultados distintos. Enquanto os investidores pessoa física ainda apresentam o efeito disposição, os demais investidores demonstram um comportamento ambíguo. Podemos concluir que a segmentação por tipo de investidor traz contribuições relevantes na avaliação do efeito disposição. Usando uma medida em séries temporais, o efeito disposição foi encontrado em todos os anos e para todos os investidores, com exceção dos investidores institucionais no ano de 2004, na utilização da medida baseada em valor (R$). Para validar o resultado anterior aplicamos testes complementares comparando os resultados após isolar alguns fatores como: vendas motivadas pela tributação, rebalanceamento, dividendos e a influência de quedas bruscas de preços de três ações com liquidez. Demonstramos que nenhum destes fatores alterou a tendência a realizar winners antes do que losers.
Includes bibliography
Includes bibliography