246 resultados para Goodhew, Lily E.


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‘Broadlees’ exists as an Adelaide Hills hill-station retreat in Australia, established in the 1920s as a permanent residence for the Waite sisters.1 Typically most large hill-station residences and their accompanying private ‘botanic gardens’ were developed as summer residences from the summer onslaught of the Adelaide Plains, but the Waite sisters saw ‘Broadlees’ as their permanent residence. Further, although the design of the residence was not important in the eyes of Misses Eva and Lily Waite, it was the gardens of the property that were their real passion. This article reviews the history and development of the ‘Broadlees’ property and in particular the role played by the writings and gardens of Gertrude Jekyll (1843–1932)2 in its design, form and plantings, which remain the most intact and mature Jekyll-inspired landscape in South Australia today. It is a significant, extant Jekyll-influenced garden developed in the 1920s and 1930s in the Adelaide Hills3 that has been little featured in the coffee-table garden profile literature in Australia, and no article has previously been written about the property. It has been profiled in the Australian Home Beautiful and the South Australian Homes & Gardens magazines in 1932 and 1936 respectively, and also has been subject to a recent comparative assessment as to the role and influence of prominent Adelaide garden designer ElsieMarion Cornish (1870–1946).4 Perhaps because of the wishes of the owners who personally developed and sought to maintain the privacy of the gardens and house, subsequent owners have sought to respect this philosophy in their curatorship of the property.5


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This book presents a comprehensive examination of Chinese consumer behaviour and challenges the previously dichotomous interpretation of the consumption of Western and non-Western brands in China.


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Chinese consumers employ Western brands to assert competing versions of Chinese national identity. These uses emerged from findings that Chinese form meanings of Western brands, drawing from select historical national narratives of East-West relations: the West as liberator and Western brands as instruments of democratization; the West as oppressor and Western brands as instruments of domination; the West as subjugated and Western brands, by their own subjugation, as symbolically erasing China’s past humiliations; and the West as partner and Western brands as instruments of economic progress. Our emergent theory elaborates processes by which Western brands are shaped by macrolevel, sociohistorical forces to motivate consumers’ responses to them as political action tied to nation making.


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 Motion Bank Phase One (2010-2013) was a four-year international and interdisciplinary research project of The Forsythe Company providing a broad context for research into choreographic practice. The main focus was on the creation of on-line digital scores in collaboration with guest choreographers, to be made publicly available via this website. For Phase One, the guest choreographers were Deborah Hay, Jonathan Burrows & Matteo Fargion, Bebe Miller and Thomas Hauert. Teams from the Motion Bank Score Partners worked with these artists to make their diverse choreographic approaches accessible in new ways through the digital medium with the results published here: http://scores.motionbank.org/. Alongside this core research, Motion Bank Education Partners and an International Education Workgroup researched ways to integrate the new on-line digital scores and related choreographic resources produced by other artists into their academic programs. Accompanying the Motion Bank education research was an interdisciplinary initiative titled Dance Engaging Science aiming to stimulate new forms of collaborative research involving dance practice. Motion Bank public events offered at The Frankfurt Lab included performances and talks with the guest choreographers as well as a series of Motion Bank Workshops with internationally recognized practitioners from different fields. An extensive series of reports and documentation on all Motion Bank activities and results are available on-line at http://motionbank.org.

Motion Bank Score Partners:
- Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design and Department of Dance at The Ohio State University
- Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD
- Hochschule Darmstadt - University of applied sciences
- Hochschule für Gestaltung (HFG) Offenbach.

Motion Bank Education Partners:
- Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts
- Palucca Hochschule für Tanz Dresden


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Synchronous Objects is a website where a visitor/ reader can investigate the interlocking systems of organisation in the choreography of William Forsythe's dance One Flat Thing, reproduced (2000). These systems were quantified through the collection of data and transformed into a series of objects - synchronous objects - that work in harmony to explore these choreographic structures, reveal their patterns and re-imagine what they might look like. The goal of the project was to create a learning platform to engage a broad public in this exploration of choreography, to explore cross-disciplinary research and to stimulate creative discovery for specialists and non-specialists alike.


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This paper aims at studying UFRN Parafolclórico Group, whose aesthetic formation is subjected to our analysis, specially at its two last performances, that is, Flor do Lírio (Lily Flower), 2004, and Debaixo do Barro do Chão (Under the Mud of the Ground), 2008. Three targets are envisaged here: to analyze the aesthetic ideas backing Parafolclórico Group exhibitions; to evaluate how their many folk elements interact with different artist languages in order to compose a certain choreography; and finally, to identify the aesthetic conformation placed behind the two different choreographs of the last performances, their trends and innermost features that differentiate them. In accordance with the Analysis of Contents (BARDIN, 2006), interviews have been made with the choreographers and the staff of the spectacles, resulting in elucidating answers to the understanding of their thematic axis. On the first chapter we called attention to motivating subjects as recollection, personal experiences, bibliography research, research in loco regarded as propelling forces of the creative works. Herein, folk culture is depicted as a dynamic process opening a frank dialogue with contemporary events and reinforcing their continuity. On the second chapter, we approached the aesthetic conformation and the scenic elements (costumes, light, scenario, make-up), integrating the studied spectacles and disseminating folk songs in various ways. As what concerns the subjects discourse, we have obtained support in authors like Robatto (1994); Lobo; Navas (2008); Burke (1989); Canclini (2006); Dufrenne (2005); Medeiros (2005); Pavis (2005); Silva (2005), among others. Those authors have provided us with an indispensable theoretic support which, added to the interviews, convinced us that the Parafolclórico Group s aesthetic conception tends to identify itself with the artist languages and other techniques of that Group. It also made sure that the Group s course aims at an aesthetic conception which is not limited to popular culture manifestations, like dance, but admits to play with other media in order to communicate its art. In view of this situation, we arrived to two conclusions: first: the group s interchanges emphasize the dynamic character of popular culture which, by establishing contacts with different realities, receives influences capable of extending its own continuity; second: the contemporary state of arts also improves multiple interchanges opening way, so, for many accomplishments in their field. Therefore, UFRN Parafolclórico Group inserts itself in the contemporary scenery by performing new evaluations of the popular dances as long as it puts them in contact with different technical, aesthetic, artist and culture combinations


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Devido a grande potencialidade na utilização de Hedychium coronarium, na medicina popular e também como biorremediadora no tratamento de efluentes, objetivou-se uma diagnose dos órgãos, folha e rizoma, para elucidar resultados estruturais e fitoquímicos. A folha é anfiestomática, com predominância de estômatos na face abaxial. em ambas as superfícies foliares há proj§Ãµes de cera epicuticular sobre as paredes anticlinais das células epidérmicas. O mesofilo dorsiventral apresenta hipoderme multisseriada (3 camadas) em ambos os lados. O parênquima clorofiliano é diferenciado em paliçádico (1-2 camadas) e lacunoso (4-5 camadas) com muitos espaços intercelulares e ocorrência de idioblastos cristalíferos. Na nervura central, o aerênquima ocorre em único arco na região abaxial. Os feixes vasculares distribuem-se aleatoriamente e são de diferentes tamanhos, pequenos, médios e grandes, envolvidos por fibras. Os feixes menores localizam-se no lado abaxial da nervura. A triagem fitoquímica das folhas mostrou a presença de saponinas e ausência de taninos, antraquinonas, alcalóides e flavonóides. Por meio de Cromatografia em Camada Delgada foram identificadas as presenças de cariofileno e mirceno no óleo essencial bruto obtido a partir das folhas de H. coronarium.


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Calla lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica) is appreciated as cut flower and for the composition of gardens. However, many pathogens affect this species. By the traditional method of propagation, some units of new seedlings can only be produced annually. Tissue culture allows fast large-scale clonal propagation and provides healthy uniform plants. During the in vitro process, type and concentration of growth regulator could affect the growth of seedlings. Thus, the aim of this work was to determine sucrose and GA(3) concentrations to increase the efficiency of the in vitro multiplication of calla lily. After 60 days, the length of the above ground part and the roots, the number of sprouts, roots and leaves, above ground part and root fresh weight of seedlings were evaluated. The experimental design was entirely randomized with four replications. It was necessary the addition of 60.5 g L-1 sucrose associated to 5 mg L-1 GA(3) to obtain hight sprouts number. For higher length of the above ground part the addition of 45.3 g L-1 sucrose and 10 mg L-1 GA(3) was enough. Better results in the root length and number of roots were observed only in the sucrose presence, in concentrations in the range of 51.13 - 56.5 g L-1.


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Some 255 birds were recorded between 1982-2001 in and near a 2314-ha Horto of old eucalyptus plantations with native understory and a lake, near Rio Claro, in central São Paulo, Brazil. This is close to the 263 recorded in and around a ten-times smaller nearby 230-ha woodlot of semideciduous forest. Different species were 44, for a total of 307 in both areas. One hundred and fifty nonvagrant forest and border species were recorded in 1982-86, a number close to the 152 in the small native woodlot. With dry years and logging of plots in 1985-93, 21 of the 150 species were lost, 42 species decreased in numbers, 49 were stable, 19 increased (15 being border species), and 5 entered (one of dry forest and 4 of borders), so 129 species remained in 1996-2001 compared to 133 in the native woodlot. Open-area birds were 33, versus 50 in better-checked grassy swales in sugar cane near the natural woodlot, for a total of 53. Several species, like some border ones, did not enter the open but isolated and mowed interior lake area, or took years to do so. Water and marsh birds were 46 versus 40 in smaller creeks and ponds near the natural woodlot (total, 55) but many were migrants or infrequent visitors using distant areas, and perhaps should be counted as 0.1-0.9 local species rather than 1 species. Use of this more accurate method would reduce waterbird totals by 14 species in the Horto and by 11 around the native woodlot. I also recommend longer censusing at the edges in large woodlots or many edge species will be recorded only in small fragments of habitat. Several species increased and others decreased with occasional cat-tail and water-lily cleanups at the lake. A forested corridor between the Horto and natural woodlot is recommended, with old eucalyptus left to provide flowers for hummingbirds.


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There is a clear reported association between social disparity and oral health, for example, between dental caries and malnutrition in children. This fact is detected in several studies, and also found amongst the Brazilian population. However, several efforts have been made to improve the quality of life of the population and to achieve the 2015 Millennium Development Goals. Oral health is a branch to be improved among these goals. The Brazilian experience has been drawing the attention of authorities, insofar as there have been direct improvements in oral health through state oral health programs, and also indirect results by improving the quality of life of the population. Included within the Brazilian oral health programs are the Family Health Program and Smiling Brazil Program. The former is a global healthcare program which involves primary oral healthcare, while the latter is a specialized oral care program. Among the social programs that would indirectly improve oral health are Family Stipend and the Edmond and Lily Safra International Institute of Neuroscience of Natal (ELS-IINN). In conclusion, although oral health problems are related to socioeconomic factors, the implementation of primary oral health programs and programs to improve the population's quality of life may directly or indirectly improve the oral health scenario. This fact is being observed in Brazil, where the oral health policies have changed, and social programs have been implemented.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Effects of pulsing with different concentrations of gibberellin plus benzyladenine (GA(4+7) + BA), a proprietary mixture of GA(4+7) plus BA in a commercial floral preservative (GA(4+7) + BA + preservative), or a propriety mixture of sugar plus acidifier developed for bulbous flowers (floral bulb preservative) were studied on postharvest performance and quality of cut lily (Lilium hybrids) and gladiolus ( Gladiolus hybrids) flowers. Pulsing of cut stems of lily with GA(4+7) + BA at 5 or 2 mL.L-1 GA(4+7) + BA + preservative for 20 hours at 3 +/- 1 degrees C extended the vase life and controlled leaf chlorosis of 'Cobra'oriental lily and 'Cappuccino'and Pot Corn'asiatic lily. Cut 'Orange Art'asiatic lily performed best when pulsed with GA(4+7) + BA at 10 mg.L-1. For cut gladiolus, pulsing with GA(4+7) + BA at 10 mg.L-1 extended the vase life of 'Alice', 'Mammoth', and 'Passion', while 'Scarlet'had the longest vase life when pulsed with 5 mg.L-1 GA(4+7) + BA. GA(4+7) + BA + preservative also extended the vase life and controlled leaf chlorosis, but the floral bulb preservative had no effect on vase life extension or preventing leaf chlorosis of lilies. Gladiolus cultivars had no or minor leaf chlorosis during vase period. Overall, overnight pulsing with GA(4+7) + BA + or GA(4+7) + BA + preservative extended the vase life and prevented leaf chlorosis