905 resultados para Gonadotropins, FSH, LH, Ovarian cancer, Signalling pathways


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The thesis examined the experience of posttraumatic stress symptoms and posttraumatic growth in women with ovarian cancer. Adaptive coping styles were found to be associated with increased growth and fewer symptom of PTSD. Higher levels of psychological distress and social disconnectedness were associated with increased PTSD symptoms and less growth.


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Recent research highlights the importance of redox signalling pathway activation by contraction-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide (NO) in normal exercise-related cellular and molecular adaptations in skeletal muscle. In this review, we discuss some potentially important redox signalling pathways in skeletal muscle that are involved in acute and chronic responses to contraction and exercise. Specifically, we discuss redox signalling implicated in skeletal muscle contraction force, mitochondrial biogenesis and antioxidant enzyme induction, glucose uptake and muscle hypertrophy. Furthermore, we review evidence investigating the impact of major exogenous antioxidants on these acute and chronic responses to exercise. Redox signalling pathways involved in adaptive responses in skeletal muscle to exercise are not clearly elucidated at present, and further research is required to better define important signalling pathways involved. Evidence of beneficial or detrimental effects of specific antioxidant compounds on exercise adaptations in muscle is similarly limited, particularly in human subjects. Future research is required to not only investigate effects of specific antioxidant compounds on skeletal muscle exercise adaptations, but also to better establish mechanisms of action of specific antioxidants in vivo. Although we feel it remains somewhat premature to make clear recommendations in relation to application of specific antioxidant compounds in different exercise settings, a bulk of evidence suggests that N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is ergogenic through its effects on maintenance of muscle force production during sustained fatiguing events. Nevertheless, a current lack of evidence from studies using performance tests representative of athletic competition and a potential for adverse effects with high doses (>70 mg/kg body mass) warrants caution in its use for performance enhancement. In addition, evidence implicates high dose vitamin C (1 g/day) and E (≥260 IU/day) supplementation in impairments to some skeletal muscle cellular adaptations to chronic exercise training. Thus, determining the utility of antioxidant supplementation in athletes likely requires a consideration of training and competition periodization cycles of athletes in addition to type, dose and duration of antioxidant supplementation.


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We report an unusual case of a 37-year-old woman who presented in 1980 with a serous papillary cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary. The patient refused any treatment and the patient was lost to follow-up for 6 years. After this period of time she returned with an extremely large, cutaneous, cauliflower-type of metastasis located in the lower abdominal wall and measuring 20 x 20 cm. She received two courses of chemotherapy treatment consisting of intraperitoneal cisplatin (100 mg/m2) and intravenous epirubicin (50 mg/m2) every 3 weeks. After the second course of chemotherapy she received cobalt radiotherapy (5000 cGy). Subsequently, she received four more courses of chemotherapy with dramatic remission of the cutaneous metastasis. Shortly after chemotherapy, the patient underwent a laparotomy consisting of the resection of the abdominal wall including the cutaneous metastasis completed by total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, and omentectomy. The patient is well after the surgery and without any evidence of residual disease after 6 years of follow up. This description illustrates a rare example of ovarian cancer with skin metastases and favorable outcome. (C) 1994 Academic Press, Inc.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Aims and background. The study was undertaken to investigate CCL2/MCP-1, CCL3/MIP-l alpha, CCL4/MIP-1 beta, CCL5/RANTES and CXCL8/IL-8 women with epithelial ovarian cancer.Methods and study design. Sixteen patients diagnosed with epithelial ovarian cancer and 18 healthy women with no evidence of malign neoplasia (control group) aged from 23 to 89 years (mean +/- SEM, 58.7 +/- 2.3) were included. The epithelial ovarian cancer patients underwent laparotomy and debulking surgery Chemokines serum levels were measured by cytometric bead array. Statistical analysis was performed using Mann-Whitney and Kendall's tau. P <0.05 was considered statistically significant for all analyses.Results. The tumor staging (FIGO) was classified into: I in 4 cases (25%), III in 5 cases (31.3%) and stage IV in 7 cases (43.8%). Sera chemokine dosages of CCL2 /MCP-1 and CCL4/MIP-1 beta were lower in epithelial ovarian cancer patients than in the control group (P = 0.021 and P = 0.030, respectively). No significant difference between groups was observed in the levels of CCL3/MIP-l alpha, CCL5/RANTES and CXCL8/IL-8. No association between the chemokines analyzed and tumor stage was found. The serum level of CCL4/MIP-1 beta was correlated with CA-125.Conclusions. The study of serum levels of CCL2/MCP-1, CCL3/MIP-l alpha, CCL4/MIP-1 beta, CCL5/RANTES and CXCL8/IL-8 chemokines in epithelial ovarian cancer patients identified a down-regulation in CCL2/MCP-1 and CCL4/MIP-1 beta, which suggests that the two chemokines may play an important role in the pathophysiology of ovarian cancer.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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About 5-10% of breast and ovarian carcinomas are hereditary and most of these result from germline mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. In women of Ashkenazi Jewish ascendance, up to 30% of breast and ovarian carcinomas may be attributable to mutations in these genes, where 3 founder mutations, c.68_69del (185delAG) and c.5266dup (5382insC) in BRCA1 and c.5946del (6174delT) in BRCA2, are commonly encountered. It has been suggested by some authors that screening for founder mutations should be undertaken in all Brazilian women with breast cancer. Thus, the goal of this study was to determine the prevalence of three founder mutations, commonly identified in Ashkenazi individuals in a sample of non-Ashkenazi cancer-affected Brazilian women with clearly defined risk factors for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) syndrome. Among 137 unrelated Brazilian women from HBOC families, the BRCA1c.5266dup mutation was identified in seven individuals (5%). This prevalence is similar to that encountered in non-Ashkenazi HBOC families in other populations. However, among patients with bilateral breast cancer, the frequency of c.5266dup was significantly higher when compared to patients with unilateral breast tumors (12.1% vs 1.2%, p = 0.023). The BRCA1 c.68_69del and BRCA2 c.5946del mutations did not occur in this sample. We conclude that screening non-Ashkenazi breast cancer-affected women from the ethnically heterogeneous Brazilian populations for the BRCA1 c.68_69del and BRCA2 c.5946del is not justified, and that screening for BRCA1c.5266dup should be considered in high risk patients, given its prevalence as a single mutation. In high-risk patients, a negative screening result should always be followed by comprehensive BRCA gene testing. The finding of a significantly higher frequency of BRCA1 c.5266dup in women with bilateral breast cancer, as well as existence of other as yet unidentified founder mutations in this population, should be further assessed in a larger well characterized high-risk cohort.


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Der Folsäure-basierte Radiotracer Etarfolatide (99mTc-EC 20) hat in der Vergangenheit sehr vielversprechende Ergebnisse im Bereich der frühzeitigen Diagnostik von Ovarialkarzinomen gezeigt. Einzelphotonen-Emissionscomputertomographie (SPECT) erlaubt dabei eine Visualisierung der Krankheit in einem sehr frühen Stadium – ermöglicht wird dies durch Folsäure, welche als Target Vektor dient. Um das erfolgreiche Prinzip der Radiofolate auf die Positronen-Emissionstomographie (PET) zu übertragen, welche eine noch höhere räumliche Auflösung ermöglicht, wurden in den letzten fünf Jahren bereits 18F-folate entwickelt. Deren hepatobiliären Exkretionsmuster, verursacht durch die relativ hohe Lipophilie der Strukturen, entsprachen jedoch nicht den Anforderungen. Eine optimierte Bioverteilung der Tracer in vivo kann durch eine generelle Erhöhung der Polarität erfolgen. Die Kombination aus einem polaren 68Ga-Komplex mit Folsäure als Target Vektor stellte den Fokus dieses Projektes dar. Ziel war die Entwicklung eines Radiofolates mit der Tendenz einer raschen renalen Ausscheidung und verringerter hepatobiliärer Anreicherung. Dazu wurde Folsäure regiospezifisch über ihre y-Säure an verschiedene bifunktionelle Chelatoren (BFCs) gekoppelt. Vier verschiedene Reaktionstypen wurden gewählt und durchgeführt: Cu-katalysierte sowie Cu-freie Click Reaktion, Amindbindung und Thioharnstoff Bildung. Es wurden sechs verschiedene Derivate erhalten und mit 68Ga radiomarkiert.


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Several members of the human kallikrein-related peptidase family, including KLK6, are up-regulated in ovarian cancer. High KLK6 mRNA or protein expression, measured by quantitative polymerase chain reaction and enzyme-linked immunoassay, respectively, was previously found to be associated with a shortened overall and progression-free survival (OS and PFS, respectively). In the present study, we aimed at analyzing KLK6 protein expression in ovarian cancer tissue by immunohistochemistry. Using a newly developed monospecific polyclonal antibody, KLK6 immunoexpression was initially evaluated in normal tissues. We observed strong staining in the brain and moderate staining in the kidney, liver, and ovary, whereas the pancreas and the skeletal muscle were unreactive, which is in line with previously published results. Next, both tumor cell- and stromal cell-associated KLK6 immunoexpression were analyzed in tumor tissue specimens of 118 ovarian cancer patients. In multivariate Cox regression analysis, only stromal cell-associated expression, besides the established clinical parameters FIGO stage and residual tumor mass, was found to be statistically significant for OS and PFS [high vs. low KLK6 expression; hazard ratio (HR), 1.92; p=0.017; HR, 1.80; p=0.042, respectively]. These results indicate that KLK6 expressed by stromal cells may considerably contribute to the aggressiveness of ovarian cancer.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: We investigated the molecular response of a non-ischemic hypoxic stress in the liver, in particular, to distinguish its hepatoprotective potential. METHODS: The livers of mice were subjected to non-ischemic hypoxia by clamping the hepatic-artery (HA) for 2h while maintaining portal circulation. Hypoxia was defined by a decrease in oxygen saturation, the activation of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1 and the mRNA up-regulation of responsive genes. To demonstrate that the molecular response to hypoxia may in part be hepatoprotective, pre-conditioned animals were injected with an antibody against Fas (Jo2) to induce acute liver failure. Hepatocyte apoptosis was monitored by caspase-3 activity, cleavage of lamin A and animal survival. RESULTS: Clamping the HA induced a hypoxic stress in the liver in the absence of severe metabolic distress or tissue damage. The hypoxic stimulus was sufficient to activate the HIF-1 signalling pathway and up-regulate hepatoprotective genes. Pre-conditioning the liver with hypoxia was able to delay the onset of Fas-mediated apoptosis and prolong animal survival. CONCLUSIONS: Our data reveal that hepatic cells can sense and respond to a decrease in tissue oxygenation, and furthermore, that activation of hypoxia-inducible signalling pathways function in part to promote liver cell survival.


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Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) is caused by a mutation in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. Women with a BRCA1/2 mutation are at increased risks for breast and ovarian cancer and often develop cancer at an earlier age than the general population. However, some women with a BRCA1/2 mutation do not develop breast or ovarian cancer under the age of 50 years. There have been no specific studies on BRCA positive women with no cancer prior to age 50, therefore this study sought to investigate factors within these women with no cancer under age 50 with respect to reproductive risk factors, BMI, tumor pathology, screening history, risk-reducing surgeries, and family history. 241 women were diagnosed with cancer prior to age 50, 92 with cancer at age 50 or older, and 20 women were over age 50 with no cancer. Data were stratified based on BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation status. Within the cohorts we investigated differences between women who developed cancer prior to age 50 and those who developed cancer at age 50 or older. We also investigated the differences between women who developed cancer at age 50 or older and those who were age 50 or older with no cancer. Of the 92 women with a BRCA1/2 mutation who developed cancer at age 50 or older, 46 developed ovarian cancer first, 45 developed breast cancer, and one had breast and ovarian cancer diagnosed synchronously. BRCA2 carriers diagnosed age 50 or older were more likely to have ER/PR negative breast tumors when compared to BRCA2 carriers who were diagnosed before age 50. This is consistent with one other study that has been performed. Ashkenazi Jewish women with a BRCA1 mutation were more likely to be diagnosed age 50 or older than other ethnicities. Hispanic women with a BRCA2 mutation were more likely to be diagnosed prior to age 50 when compared to other ethnicities. No differences in reproductive factors or BMI were observed. Further characterization of BRCA positive women with no cancer prior to age 50 may aid in finding factors important in the development of breast or ovarian cancer.


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PAX2 is one of nine PAX genes regulating tissue development and cellular differentiation in embryos. PAX2 promotes cell proliferation, oncogenic transformation, cell-lineage specification, migration, and survival. Unattenuated PAX2 has been found in several cancer types. We therefore sought to elucidate the role of PAX2 in ovarian carcinomas. We found that PAX2 was expressed in low-grade serous, clear cell, endometrioid and mucinous cell ovarian carcinomas, which are relatively chemoresistant compared to high grade serous ovarian carcinomas. Four ovarian cancer cell lines, RMUGL (mucinous), TOV21G (clear cell), MDAH-2774 (endometrioid) and IGROV1 (endometrioid), which express high-levels of PAX2, were used to study the function of PAX2. Lentiviral shRNAs targeting PAX2 were used to knock down PAX2 expression in these cell lines. Cellular proliferation and motility assays subsequently showed that PAX2 stable knockdown had slower growth and migration rates. Microarray gene expression profile analysis further identified genes that were affected by PAX2 including the tumor suppressor gene G0S2. Reverse phase protein array (RPPA) data showed that PAX2 knockdown affected several genes that are involved in apoptosis, which supports the fact that downregulation of PAX2 in PAX2-expressing ovarian cancer cells inhibits cell growth. We hypothesize that this growth inhibition is due to upregulation of the tumor suppressor gene G0S2 via induction of apoptosis. PAX2 represents a potential therapeutic target for chemoresistant PAX2-expressing ovarian carcinomas.