791 resultados para Gestão Estratégica - Strategic Management


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This paper explores the extent to which it is possible to address issues pertaining to developing countries with significant socio-cultural and political interventions. Examples from the Sri Lankan tea plantations are used to illustrate the necessity to understand the context from actors’ perspectives using rigorous case study research, before making prescriptive recommendations. Current problems faced by the Sri Lankan tea industry are identified as not merely micro-institutional or managerial. We argue that their roots lie in reproduction of social struggles at the level of production. We propose a research agenda, in the doctrine of critical theory, for exploring the formation and implementation of business strategies in developing countries, using the tea plantation sector as a case. Our primary attempt here is to conceptualize strategic management in the context of political economy and to identify central issues to be addressed. Accordingly, we argue that researching historical dynamics of strategic management facilitates understanding and interpreting the articulation of modes of production in a given social formation. We further argue that a highly context specific research agenda is required to fully comprehend idiosyncratic characteristics of Sri Lankan strategy structures and organizational forms. Then, it is proposed that explaining the role of social formation in shaping and reshaping strategy relations should be at the centre of the research due to the social significance attached to ‘strategy’. Finally, methodological and epistemological necessities arising from the nature of strategy relationships are discussed.


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A sociedade está cada vez mais complexa, sendo notória a preocupação por parte das organizações no que respeita à qualidade dos serviços prestados. Tal como nas outras atividades, a atenção às mais variadas alterações internas e externas por parte das organizações que prestam cuidados de saúde deve ser uma constante, garantindo assim uma rápida e eficaz resposta aos novos desafios. Neste contexto, as organizações de saúde vêem-se obrigadas a criar e utilizar modelos de gestão mais direcionados aos seus objetivos concretos de forma a atingir os fins que visionaram sendo o Balanced Scorecard (BSC) um dos instrumentos mais vocacionados para este fim. Esta ferramenta, criada por Kaplan e Norton, visa a tradução da estratégia e missão de uma organização em objetivos e medidas divididas por quatro perspetivas diferentes: financeira, clientes, processos internos e aprendizagem e crescimento. O BSC é um modelo bastante flexível e o seu sucesso é reconhecido perante o mundo académico e empresarial. Neste sentido, foi desenvolvida uma proposta de implementação de um BSC para a Clínica Oftalmológica Dr. Miguel Sousa Neves, Lda.. Desta forma, foi definida e proposta uma ferramenta de gestão estratégica, permitindo também destacar um conjunto de melhorias que a mesma poderá trazer à organização. O método de estudo adotado foi o estudo de caso tendo sido realizada uma clarificação das orientações estratégicas da organização em questão através da definição da sua visão, missão e valores e, de seguida, a definição dos objetivos estratégicos e seleção dos indicadores de desempenho para cada perspetiva, garantindo assim o seu alinhamento. Por fim, foi delineado o mapa estratégico onde se apresentam as principais relações de causa-efeito entre as várias perspetivas do BSC. Verificou-se que a organização em análise tem os principais pilares do BSC – missão, valores e visão - bem definidos, tal como uma cultura aberta e comunicação clara, transparente e fluída. Estes elementos são muito relevantes para o início do processo de aplicação do BSC, uma vez que podem facilitar a compreensão e a aceitação do mesmo por parte das pessoas que trabalham na organização. O mapa estratégico desenhado para a Clínica Oftalmológica Dr. Miguel Sousa Neves, Lda. apresenta-se como uma ferramenta útil para a mesma nomeadamente ao fornecer aos funcionários uma linha clara da visão sobre a forma como as suas funções estão ligadas aos objetivos globais da organização; ao definir prioridades; ao identificar, racionalizar e alinhar as diversas iniciativas; ao ligar a estratégia com a afetação dos recursos disponíveis, orientando-os para o apoio ao cumprimento dos objetivos estratégicos da organização e satisfação das necessidades dos utentes; e ao incentivar a aprendizagem e a melhoria contínua dos colaboradores e da organização como um todo. Face ao exposto, o BSC poderá permitir à Clínica concentrar-se nas suas questões essenciais, estabelecendo as relações de causa-efeito para atingir os seus fins.


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The starting point of the project was the observation that strategic management is absent in small businesses. The first objective of the project was to examine the reasons causing this situation in Greece, the second one, to examine the appropriateness of the contemporary models of strategic planning for the Greek S.M.E.s, and the third to examine the appropriateness of the alternative approaches to strategic management for the Greek S.M.E.s. The term appropriateness includes (a) the ability of managers to use the models and (b) the ability of the models to assist the managers. The results of the research indicate that none of the two above conditions exists, hence, it is suggested that the contemporary models of strategic management are inappropriate for the Greek S.M.E.s. Many previous research projects on the topic suggest that since the strategic decision making process in S.M.E.s is informal, the whole process is absent or ineffective. Current trends in S.M.E.s' strategic management do not consider the informality of the strategic decision making process as a kind of managerial illness, but as a managerial characteristic. The use of sophisticated data collection and analytical methods does not indicate successful strategic decisions, but it indicates the method large firms use to manage their strategy. According to the literature review, the S.M.E.s' managers avoid the use of the contemporary models of strategic management, because they do not have the knowledge, the resources or the time. Another thesis, expressed by some firms' specialists, suggests that small firms are different from large ones, hence their practice of strategic management should not follow the large firm's prototypes.


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Purpose – The main purpose of this paper is to analyze knowledge management in service networks. It analyzes the knowledge management process and identifies related challenges. The authors take a strategic management approach instead of a more technology-oriented approach, since it is believed that managerial problems still remain after technological problems are solved. Design/methodology/approach – The paper explores the literature on the topic of knowledge management as well as the resource (or knowledge) based view of the firm. It offers conceptual insights and provides possible solutions for knowledge management problems. Findings – The paper discusses several possible solutions for managing knowledge processes in knowledge-intensive service networks. Solutions for knowledge identification/generation, knowledge application, knowledge combination/transfer and supporting the evolution of tacit network knowledge include personal and technological aspects, as well as organizational and cultural elements. Practical implications – In a complex environment, knowledge management and network management become crucial for business success. It is the task of network management to establish routines, and to build and regularly refresh meta-knowledge about the competencies and abilities that exist within the network. It is suggested that each network partner should be rated according to the contribution to the network knowledge base. Based on this rating, a particular network partner is a member of a certain knowledge club, meaning that the partner has access to a particular level of network knowledge. Such an established routine provides strong incentives to add knowledge to the network's knowledge base Originality/value – This paper is a first attempt to outline the problems of knowledge management in knowledge-intensive service networks and, by so doing, to introduce strategic management reasoning to the discussion.


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Strategic management is a special kind of managerial activity dealing with long-term development and growth of the enterprise. Therefore it has specific information needs and uses various information technologies different than used in the operational and middle-level management processes. In the current paper we present an information technologies' classification according to the phases of strategic management process and extract these information technologies which are of crucial importance for the successful strategic management.


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This article builds theory at the intersection of ecological sustainability and strategic management literature—specifically, in relation to dynamic capabilities literature. By combining industrial organization economics–based, resource-based, and dynamic capability–based views, it is possible to develop a better understanding of the strategies that businesses may follow, depending on their managers’ assumptions about ecological sustainability. To develop innovative strategies for ecological sustainability, the dynamic capabilities framework needs to be extended. In particular, the sensing–seizing–maintaining competitiveness framework should operate not only within the boundaries of a business ecosystem but in relation to global biophysical ecosystems; in addition, two more dynamic capabilities should be added, namely, remapping and reaping. This framework can explicate core managerial beliefs about ecological sustainability. Finally, this approach offers opportunities for managers and academics to identify, categorize, and exploit business strategies for ecological sustainability.


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The use of simulation games as a pedagogic method is well established though its effective use is context-driven. This study adds to the increasing growing body of empirical evidence of the effectiveness of simulation games but more importantly emphasises why by explaining the instructional design implemented reflecting best practices. This multi-method study finds evidence that student learning was enhanced through the use of simulation games, reflected in the two key themes; simulation games as a catalyst for learning and simulation games as a vehicle for learning. In so doing the research provides one of the few empirically based studies that support simulation games in enhancing learning and, more importantly, contextualizes the enhancement in terms of the instructional design of the curriculum. This research should prove valuable for those with an academic interest in the use of simulation games and management educators who use, or are considering its use. Further, the findings contribute to the academic debate concerning the effective implementation of simulation game-based training in business and management education.


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E-learning and e-learning applications/tools are available to all educators thanks to the evolution of technology and the internet. Although a great variety of technologies are available it is not always obvious how these can be integrated in traditional teaching to support and enhance the learning experience. The majority of the existing literature proposes the use of blogging as an activity that students should do in order to increase their active participation in learning. This article presents the use of blogspots in the teaching of Strategic Management as a tool used to create greater linkages between theory and practice, discussing the evolution of its utilisation in my modules, the current state of use and a series of reflections on experience gained from its use so far. Overall, I have found that there is limited literature on how blogging could link to teaching activities and its utilisation should be viewed as learning by doing which is evaluated and improved by critical reflection of the user.


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The history of planning and creating strategies has a past of over half a century. Throughout this lifetime period we have witnessed both the evolution of theory and practice. The MBA study books in the last-third of the 20th century have with predilection exhibited this very process as a complex of monetary centered budget planning, forecast-based planning, strategic planning and strategic management. There might be a controversy existing about the naming, characteristics and timing of these different sections but there is an accordance that the changes that we have taken place in the last decade as a whole without a doubt can be derived from these very changes in the business environment or in some outstanding cases (like 9/11) they can be acknowledged as the ability of corporate foreseeing and the ability to adapt to the vision of the future. The main purposes of the research is to provide a summarized picture about the changing process of this procedure during last decades as far as the planning and creating strategies are concerned and also their milestones and periods. Try to explore and systemize the very aspects of these changes. The happenings of the first decade of the new millennium are outstandingly interesting if we consider their real effect on the theory and practice of strategic management. Let us remember the euphoria around the year 2000, the predictions of „new technologies”, „new economy”, „new organization” and „new leadership”. We have implied before on the destruction of the twin towers of the World Trade Center which meant a new era, a new quality of international terrorism and its consequences (Afghanistan, Iraq). But the „product” of this decade is the strategic aim that companies focus on, which is the social responsibility regarding the unavoidance of the effects of climate change on the long run. During the research the big question has risen concerning how did the science of strategic management do as far as the predictions of the global monetary and economic crisis are concerned? And also its solutions this very science has to offer in order to handle and get over the crisis. Does it conclude from the answers given to the questions that a change in paradigms are necessary, a new quality is needed or may be we have come to a new crossroad of the development process that will take over strategic management? (...)


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Strategy is highly important for organisational success and the achievement of competitive advantage. Strategy is dynamic and it depends on accurate individual decision-making from medium and high-level managers and executives. Since managers always formulate strategy, its formulation depends mostly on their assertive decisions. Making good decisions is a complex task, even more in today’s business world where a large quantity of information and a dynamic environment forces people to decide without having complete information. As Shafir, Simonson, & Tversky (1993) point out, "the making of decisions, both big and small, is often difficult because of uncertainty and conflict". In this paper the author will explain a basic theoretical framework about top manager's individual decision-making, showing how complex the process of making high-impact decisions is; then, he will compare this theory with one of the most important streams in strategic management, the Resource-Based View (RBV) of the firm. Finally, within the context of individual decision-making and the RBV stream, the author will show how individual decision makers in top management positions constitute a valuable, rare, non-imitable and non-substitutable resource that provides sustained competitive advantage.


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The post-crisis managerial literature emphasizes the roles of institutional factors in any disruption of the ecosystem of market capitalism and puts it in the middle of its analytical framework. It has become clear that nowadays, scientific discussions about the measure of increase of direct state involvement in certain economic areas has become more relevant. The socio-economic model based on market coordination was no doubt shaken by the crisis in 2008 across the world and inspired various representatives of the scientific and political community to revise their theses on coordination mechanisms that support the way out of an economic downturn. This paper intends to give a brief summary of the two leading strategic management approaches (Porter’s five forces and the resource-based view of the firm) on institutions. The author’s aim is to demonstrate that incorporation of the institution-based view into the mainstream theories can enrich the analytical framework of strategic management by providing deeper understanding of the contextual factors that underpin interactions between institutions and organizations.


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Long-term survival and growth depends on the firm’s ability to exploit its current competencies while exploring fundamentally new ones. Finding the balance between exploration and exploitation is called ambidexterity in the literature. This paper is a comprehensive review of organizational ambidexterity theory. Creating and maintaining the capacity to simultaneously pursue these contradictory activities is an extremely difficult managerial challenge. Although, several aspects are well-researched, especially structural and leadership solutions in large, multinational enterprises, but little is known about: (1) how ambidexterity forms in earlier growth stages? (2) What are the key drivers and elements of organizational context that makes organizations able to become ambidextrous? (3) What is the role of different managerial levels in this formation process? Reviewing the literature, in this article the author would like to introduce the paradox of exploration and exploitation, the tensions and different aspects of ambidexterity, the fields current stage and some important research gaps.


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O presente estudo, baseado no modelo teórico de portfólio de compras proposto por Kraljic (1983), apresenta um modelo de portfólio de compras voltado para gestão de compras hospitalares, por meio da aplicação do método de decisão multicritério Fuzzy-TOPSIS. Para fins de exemplificação do método, a pesquisa foi aplicada em um Hospital de grande porte localizado em Natal/RN e teve como amostra doze itens de compras. Os itens foram avaliados pelo grupo de decisores nas dimensões de importância da compra e complexidade de fornecimento, sendo cada dimensão composta por quatro critérios. Por meio da utilização do método Fuzzy-TOPSIS e de regras de decisão, os itens foram classificados entre as categorias: estratégicos, gargalos, alavancagem e não-críticos. O resultado dessa etapa identificou três itens estratégicos, seis itens gargalos, um item de alavancagem e dois itens não-críticos. Para os três itens classificados como estratégicos, foi aplicado o método Fuzzy-TOPSIS visando a identificar o posicionamento estratégico do Hospital em relação aos fornecedores desses itens, a partir da avaliação das dimensões força do mercado fornecedor e força da empresa compradora, sendo cada uma composta por quatro critérios. Nessa etapa, foi identificada uma postura de balanceamento das forças. Conclui-se a efetividade da ferramenta de portfólio de compras para gestão hospitalar, proporcionando uma visão mais clara das características, inerentes ao processo de compras nesse contexto complexo. O método Fuzzy-TOPSIS apresentou-se como uma ferramenta flexível, capaz de lidar com problemas de classificação, gerando resultados satisfatórios e contribuindo para a tomada de decisão.


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