921 resultados para Gestão Educacional
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Nos finais do século XX e início do século XXI ocorreram transformações sócio-económicas e culturais nas sociedades que determinaram o aparecimento de certos problemas no seio dos sistemas educativos contemporâneos. O fenómeno da mudança acelerada e da globalização fez com que os sistemas educativos actuais enfrentassem situações que reclamam adaptação constante dos indivíduos à mudança. De acordo com a literatura, há que reinventar constantemente e com criatividade a educação, o ensino, a aprendizagem, a escola. De facto, o contexto actual traz novos desafios às Organizações Educativas. Perante este cenário urge investir numa gestão/liderança capaz de definir e concretizar objectivos, capaz de influenciar positivamente os seus membros e conduzir ao sucesso. Este estudo tem como principal objectivo identificar, descrever e analisar a cultura de uma escola particular do 1º ciclo do ensino básico, com Pré-Escolar, no âmbito da sua gestão/liderança, numa perspectiva de trabalho cooperativo, e suas implicações no processo ensino/aprendizagem. Nesta investigação é utilizada a metodologia etnográfica, para a recolha e interpretação dos dados. Esta metodologia implicou a observação participante, completa por oportunidade, pelo facto da investigadora exercer a sua profissão no contexto que foi objecto de estudo. O estudo permitiu concluir que a mudança visionada pelos docentes não depende apenas das propostas imputadas pela administração educativa, mas sim quando eles próprios, reconhecem, participam e decidem conjuntamente sobre o que deve ser mudado; o trabalho cooperativo é muito mais profícuo no processo ensino e aprendizagem na medida em que permite aos alunos e professores uma visão mais ampla, uma vez que estão expostos a mais de uma opinião, e a uma maior participação e superação das dificuldades; para que as alterações aconteçam, efectivamente, em contexto escolar, não se pode ignorar o papel das Direcções, tanto no âmbito administrativo como no âmbito pedagógico.
In Brazil, the selection of school principals is set in a decentralized manner by each state and city, such that processes may vary with time for a specific locality. In the state of Bahia, school principals were appointed by a higher political hierarchy until 2008, when schools under state administration started selecting principals by elections. The main goal of this work is to evaluate whether changing this specific rule affected students proficiency levels. This is achieved by using a panel data and difference-in-differences approachs that compares state schools (treatment group) to city schools (control group) that did not face a selection rule change and thus kept having their principals politically appointed. The databases used are Prova Brasil 2007, 2009 and 2011, the first one prior and the other two former to the policy change. Our results suggest that students attending schools with principals that are selected and elected have slightly lower mean proficiency levels both in mathematics and in portuguese exams than those attending schools with appointed principals. This result, according to the literature, could be related to perverse effects of selecting school administrators by vote, such as corporatism, clientelism and politicization of the school environment
This dissertation reports the results of a research which has aimed to analyze the senses attributed to the curriculum by the students of the Technical Course of Computation Maintenance and Support, organized through the Programme of Integration of the the Professional Education with the Basic Education in the Youngster and Adult Education Modality (PROEJA), at Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN), Campus Santa Cruz. It has been sought to know who the students are and to investigate their curriculum conceptions, on which the this investigation has been based on. Thus, those senses attributed by the students on their narratives have been compared to the official proposed curriculum for the Programme and to the curriculum implemented by IFRN. The current research follows the qualitative approach being led by a study case and life stories methods. In order to effective that approach, two data collecting instruments have been developed: questionnaires and semi structured interviews. The collected data has been complemented by the legal and institutional documents analysis. This study is derived from the presupposition that PROEJA s students, although are able to access school after the educational system restructuration, are still facing difficulties during their courses because of the excluding and traditional curriculum, decontextualized with their personal and work life, that is, without curriculum integration. This study has accomplished PROEJA s students characterization presenting important data for the integrated curriculum construction at IFRN and revealing that the students consider the Programme as inclusive. Nevertheless, the practices concerned to the democratic construction of the curriculum and its dialogical action indicate partial inclusion, considering that, in order to include those students indeed, it would be necessary to include them to the institutional and academic context. Contradictory situations have been detected on the course pedagogical project, considered traditional and decontextualized, especially regarding to methodological aspects. The research also allowed to increase PROEJA s investigation field as well as to contribute with a better implementation of the Programme as curricular proposal bonded to Basic and Professional Education in the Youngster and Adult Modality Education Modality
The changes that have taken place in the organizational environment in recent decades have led to new performance measurement systems being proposed, given the inadequacy of traditional models. The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) emerged as an instrument to translate financial and non-financial assets into real values for all interested parties in the organization, allowing the introduction of strategies to achieve the desired goals. Research shows that most errors committed with the use of this method are related to the implementation process. Thus, the aim of this dissertation is to analyze the process of building and implementing the BSC in an organization. This empirical exploratory study is based on the classic case study method, which enables the researcher to work with a set of evidence, including direct observation, interviews and document analysis. The results show that the use of BSC in the company investigated posed problems during the process of building and implementing the method. These problems were caused mainly by the lack of involvement on the part of upper management and the team s scant knowledge of Balanced Scorecard. One of the gains obtained from adopting the system was the introduction and/or consolidation of a culture of strategic planning and participative management. The continuous implementation phase was highlighted in the monitoring program, created by the organization in an attempt to reverse existing problems, using the BSC as a third generation strategic management system, which led to significant gains, better use of the system and stronger management practices
The present work was carried through in the Grossos city - RN and had as main objectives the elaboration of an physicist-ambient, socioeconomic survey and execution a multisecular evaluation of 11 years, between 1986 and 1996, using remote sensing products, to evaluate the modifications of the land use, aiming at the generation of an information database to implementation a geographical information system (GIS) to management the this city. For they had been in such a way raised given referring the two Demographic Censuses carried through by the IBGE (1991 and 2000) and compared, of this form was possible to the accomplishment of an evaluation on the demographic aspects (degree of urbanization, etária structure, educational level) and economic (income, habitation, vulnerability, human development). For the ambient physical survey the maps of the natural resources had been confectioned (simplified geology, hydrography, geomorphologi, veget covering, ground association, use and occupation), based in comments of field and orbital products of remote sensoriamento (images Spot-HRVIR, Landsat 5-TM and IKONOS - II), using itself of techniques of digital picture processing. The survey of these data and important in the identification of the potentialities and fragilities of found ecosystems, therefore allows an adequate planning of the partner-economic development by means of an efficient management. The project was part of a partnership between the Grossos city hall the municipal City hall of Grossos - RN and the Geoscience post-graduate program of the UFRN, more specifically the Geomatica laboratory LAGEOMA
This paper is set in a scenario in which higher education institutions suffer from external pressure to increase efficiency. The legislation after the Law of Directives and Bases for Education (LDBE), from 1996, is characterized by the fragmentation in its implementation, raising a concern with flexibility and innovation in several normative devices as well as aspects that must be incorporated to its organizational structure. The policies examined in this thesis are: Distance Education (DE); Law of Innovation and the Program of Support to Restructuring and Expansion of Federal Universities (PSREFU). This thesis aims to observe to what extent the characteristics of innovation and flexibility, which mark the new post- LDBE educational legislation, influence the organizational redesign of the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). For being about implementation policies, using contingency approach in order to collect the internal dynamics permeating the redesign of higher education institutions, the thesis focuses on the impacts caused by flexibility and innovation. This is a qualitative research, with case study methods, archive research and semi-structured interviews with members of the university administration. The results don t allow us to confirm the adoption of a more flexible and innovative configuration in the university but it is possible to identify the presence of those elements in the implementation changes, characterizing the hybrid structure. The changes mainly expose the extension of the management of projects to the administrative and academic components related to the institution. In terms of projection, the study found changes in the elements which characterize the current setting and the tendency of the university for adopting a diverse organizational structure. However, if the decentralization of management persists, the academic units may adopt their own structural solutions, but with no evidence of changes in the professional organization in most units. In this perspective, this thesis states that there are difficulties when incorporating innovation and flexibility to their organizational structure, which lead to improvised solutions, superposing skills through the redundancy of structures created with the same purpose or copying exogenous solutions
O uso da tecnologia de informática é uma realidade em todas as áreas do conhecimento humano, nos dias atuais. A incorporação tecnológica se faz nos serviços e no ensino, nos diferentes processos de trabalho do enfermeiro. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar um site desenvolvido sobre o tema Escala de Pessoal de Enfermagem, relevante na gestão de recursos humanos em saúde. A metodologia envolveu pesquisa quantitativa com docentes da área de administração em enfermagem, e alunos das oito Universidades Públicas do estado de São Paulo que formam enfermeiros. Entre os principais resultados, apontamos que 85% dos avaliadores consideraram o site excelente ou satisfatório. Além disso, foram analisados os comentários enviados por e-mail e as autoras fazem uma auto-avaliação. O site foi considerado de utilidade tanto para a prática profissional (81,7% entre excelente e satisfatório) como para o ensino (84,6% entre excelente e satisfatório).
L'article présente les résultats finaux de l'enquête inter-institutionnelle qui a eu pour objet d'analyser la nature et les conséquences de partenariats conclus entre des secteurs privés et des gouvernements municipaux de la métropole de São Paulo pour le service de l'éducation à la maternelle et à l'enseignement élémentaire. La période a correspondu aux années 1996 à 2006, sachant que la perception d'une augmentation des responsabilités des municipalités pour l'offre éducationnelle, suite à la municipalisation de l'enseignement élémentaire, pourrait stimuler la sous-traitance de l'offre et la privatisation de l'éducation municipale. L'étude présente des tendances en relation avec trois modalités de partenariat: subvention publique pour l'offre de places en institutions privées de l'éducation élémentaire; acquisition de systèmes privés de l'enseignement et recours à des cabinets de conseil privés pour la gestion de l'éducation municipale. Les tendances perçues dans l'analyse indiquent que les actuelles relations entre les sphères publiques et privées dans le champ de l'éducation, suite à la décentralisation survenue dans le secteur, représentent un mouvement dans le sens de sa privatisation.
Este artigo empreende a análise do discurso dos capítulos cinco e sete do documento do Banco Mundial: Para além do consenso de Washington: a importância das instituições, identificando e questionando a proposição de modelos teóricos para as reformas da administração pública e educacional na América Latina, com fundamento em autores preocupados em examinar o conceito de modelo teórico. A intenção é discutir as categorias envolvidas, suas ambigüidades e seu caráter inovador/conservador e definir se as propostas contidas no texto referido são nacional e regionalmente adequadas, se detêm o poder de transformar a realidade ou constituem apenas algo mais sobre a mesma coisa ou, pior, traduzem o resgate/elogio de modelos remodelados, inspirados na teoria empresarial, que alimentam a crítica dos acadêmicos regionais há décadas.
Neste trabalho, apresenta-se a descrição histórica da Biblioteca Pública do Maranhão. Aborda-se a situação econômica, política e social vivenciada no estado, no século XIX, que contribuiu para a sua criação e expõem-se, ainda, os fatores que condicionaram a sua falência e o seu ressurgimento no início da Primeira República, marcada pela identidade sociocultural progressista. Além disso, pontuam-se os principais aspectos educativos existentes na biblioteca, na gestão de Antônio Lobo. O método empregado se caracteriza como histórico-descritivo, baseando-se, principalmente, na análise e na descrição dos Relatórios Presidenciais do Maranhão, referentes ao século XIX e início do XX. Desta forma, o estudo constatou que a história da biblioteca do Maranhão foi marcada pelas dificuldades relacionadas, especialmente, à falta de interesse dos governantes em proporcionar condições necessárias para a promoção da cultura.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR