999 resultados para Geology--Argentina--Maps


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BACKGROUND: The increasing number of assembled mammalian genomes makes it possible to compare genome organisation across mammalian lineages and reconstruct chromosomes of the ancestral marsupial and therian (marsupial and eutherian) mammals. However, the reconstruction of ancestral genomes requires genome assemblies to be anchored to chromosomes. The recently sequenced tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) genome was assembled into over 300,000 contigs. We previously devised an efficient strategy for mapping large evolutionarily conserved blocks in non-model mammals, and applied this to determine the arrangement of conserved blocks on all wallaby chromosomes, thereby permitting comparative maps to be constructed and resolve the long debated issue between a 2n=14 and 2n=22 ancestral marsupial karyotype. RESULTS: We identified large blocks of genes conserved between human and opossum, and mapped genes corresponding to the ends of these blocks by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). A total of 242 genes was assigned to wallaby chromosomes in the present study, bringing the total number of genes mapped to 554 and making it the most densely cytogenetically mapped marsupial genome. We used these gene assignments to construct comparative maps between wallaby and opossum, which uncovered many intrachromosomal rearrangements, particularly for genes found on wallaby chromosomes X and 3. Expanding comparisons to include chicken and human permitted the putative ancestral marsupial (2n=14) and therian mammal (2n=19) karyotypes to be reconstructed. CONCLUSIONS: Our physical mapping data for the tammar wallaby has uncovered the events shaping marsupial genomes and enabled us to predict the ancestral marsupial karyotype, supporting a 2n=14 ancestor. Futhermore, our predicted therian ancestral karyotype has helped to understand the evolution of the ancestral eutherian genome.


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In Thomas Mann’s tetralogy of the 1930s and 1940s, Joseph and His Brothers, the narrator declares history is not only “that which has happened and that which goes on happening in time,” but it is also “the stratified record upon which we set our feet, the ground beneath us.” By opening up history to its spatial, geographical, and geological dimensions Mann both predicts and encapsulates the twentieth-century’s “spatial turn,” a critical shift that divested geography of its largely passive role as history’s “stage” and brought to the fore intersections between the humanities and the earth sciences. In this paper, I draw out the relationships between history, narrative, geography, and geology revealed by this spatial turn and the questions these pose for thinking about the disciplinary relationship between geography and the humanities. As Mann’s statement exemplifies, the spatial turn itself has often been captured most strikingly in fiction, and I would argue nowhere more so than in Graham Swift’s Waterland (1983) and Anne Michaels’s Fugitive Pieces (1996), both of which present space, place, and landscape as having a palpable influence on history and memory. The geographical/geological line that runs through both Waterland and Fugitive Pieces continues through Tim Robinson’s non-fictional, two-volume “topographical” history Stones of Aran. Robinson’s Stones of Aran—which is not history, not geography, and not literature, and yet is all three—constructs an imaginative geography that renders inseparable geography, geology, history, memory, and the act of writing.


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This contribution outlines Synchrotron-based X-ray micro-tomography and its potential use in structural geology and rock mechanics. The paper complements several recent reviews of X-ray microtomography. We summarize the general approach to data acquisition, post-processing as well as analysis and thereby aim to provide an entry point for the interested reader. The paper includes tables listing relevant beamlines, a list of all available imaging techniques, and available free and commercial software packages for data visualization and quantification. We highlight potential applications in a review of relevant literature including time-resolved experiments and digital rock physics. The paper concludes with a report on ongoing developments and upgrades at synchrotron facilities to frame the future possibilities for imaging sub-second processes in centimetre-sized samples.


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We have analyzed segregation patterns of markers among the late generation progeny of several crosses of pea. From the patterns of association of these markers we have deduced linkage orders. Salient features of these linkages are discussed, as is the relationship between the data presented here and previously published genetic and cytogenetic data.


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In Crypto’95, Micali and Sidney proposed a method for shared generation of a pseudo-random function f(·) among n players in such a way that for all the inputs x, any u players can compute f(x) while t or fewer players fail to do so, where 0 ≤ t < u ≤ n. The idea behind the Micali-Sidney scheme is to generate and distribute secret seeds S = s1, . . . , sd of a poly-random collection of functions, among the n players, each player gets a subset of S, in such a way that any u players together hold all the secret seeds in S while any t or fewer players will lack at least one element from S. The pseudo-random function is then computed as where f s i (·)’s are poly-random functions. One question raised by Micali and Sidney is how to distribute the secret seeds satisfying the above condition such that the number of seeds, d, is as small as possible. In this paper, we continue the work of Micali and Sidney. We first provide a general framework for shared generation of pseudo-random function using cumulative maps. We demonstrate that the Micali-Sidney scheme is a special case of this general construction.We then derive an upper and a lower bound for d. Finally we give a simple, yet efficient, approximation greedy algorithm for generating the secret seeds S in which d is close to the optimum by a factor of at most u ln 2.


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This article explores the use of digital technology such as interactive maps to enhance books.


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In our large library of annotated environmental recordings of animal vocalizations, searching annotations by label can return thousands of results. We propose a heat map of aggregated annotation time and frequency bounds, maintaining the shape of the annotations as they appear on the spectrogram. This compactly displays the distribution of annotation bounds for the user's query, and allows them to easily identify unusual annotations. Key to this is allowing zero values on the map to be differentiated from areas where there are single annotations.


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Regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) and blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) contrasts represent different physiological measures of brain activation. The present study aimed to compare two functional brain imaging techniques (functional magnetic resonance imaging versus [15O] positron emission tomography) when using Tower of London (TOL) problems as the activation task. A categorical analysis (task versus baseline) revealed a significant BOLD increase bilaterally for the dorsolateral prefrontal and inferior parietal cortex and for the cerebellum. A parametric haemodynamic response model (or regression analysis) confirmed a task-difficulty-dependent increase of BOLD and rCBF for the cerebellum and the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. In line with previous studies, a task-difficulty-dependent increase of left-hemispheric rCBF was also detected for the premotor cortex, cingulate, precuneus, and globus pallidus. These results imply consistency across the two neuroimaging modalities, particularly for the assessment of prefrontal brain function when using a parametric TOL adaptation.


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Repeatable and accurate seagrass mapping is required for understanding seagrass ecology and supporting management decisions. For shallow (< 5 m) seagrass habitats, these maps can be created by integrating high spatial resolution imagery with field survey data. Field survey data for seagrass is often collected via snorkelling or diving. However, these methods are limited by environmental and safety considerations. Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) are used increasingly to collect field data for habitat mapping, albeit mostly in deeper waters (>20 m). Here we demonstrate and evaluate the use and potential advantages of AUV field data collection for calibration and validation of seagrass habitat mapping of shallow waters (< 5 m), from multispectral satellite imagery. The study was conducted in the seagrass habitats of the Eastern Banks (142 km2), Moreton Bay, Australia. In the field, georeferenced photos of the seagrass were collected along transects via snorkelling or an AUV. Photos from both collection methods were analysed manually for seagrass species composition and then used as calibration and validation data to map seagrass using an established semi-automated object based mapping routine. A comparison of the relative advantages and disadvantages of AUV and snorkeller collected field data sets and their influence on the mapping routine was conducted. AUV data collection was more consistent, repeatable and safer in comparison to snorkeller transects. Inclusion of deeper water AUV data resulted in mapping of a larger extent of seagrass (~7 km2, 5 % of study area) in the deeper waters of the site. Although overall map accuracies did not differ considerably, inclusion of the AUV data from deeper water transects corrected errors in seagrass mapped at depths to 5 m, but where the bottom is visible on satellite imagery. Our results demonstrate that further development of AUV technology is justified for the monitoring of seagrass habitats in ongoing management programs.


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Brain connectivity analyses are increasingly popular for investigating organization. Many connectivity measures including path lengths are generally defined as the number of nodes traversed to connect a node in a graph to the others. Despite its name, path length is purely topological, and does not take into account the physical length of the connections. The distance of the trajectory may also be highly relevant, but is typically overlooked in connectivity analyses. Here we combined genotyping, anatomical MRI and HARDI to understand how our genes influence the cortical connections, using whole-brain tractography. We defined a new measure, based on Dijkstra's algorithm, to compute path lengths for tracts connecting pairs of cortical regions. We compiled these measures into matrices where elements represent the physical distance traveled along tracts. We then analyzed a large cohort of healthy twins and show that our path length measure is reliable, heritable, and influenced even in young adults by the Alzheimer's risk gene, CLU.


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This paper describes ongoing work on a system using spatial descriptions to construct abstract maps that can be used for goal-directed exploration in an unfamiliar office environment. Abstract maps contain membership, connectivity, and spatial layout information extracted from symbolic spatial information. In goal-directed exploration, the robot would then link this information with observed symbolic information and its grounded world representation. We demonstrate the ability of the system to extract and represent membership, connectivity, and spatial layout information from spatial descriptions of an office environment. In the planned study, the robot will navigate to the goal location using the abstract map to inform the best direction to explore in.


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The development of a microstructure in 304L stainless steel during industrial hot-forming operations, including press forging (mean strain rate of 0.15 s(-1)), rolling/extrusion (2-5 s(-1)), and hammer forging (100 s(-1)) at different temperatures in the range 600-1200 degrees C, was studied with a view to validating the predictions of the processing map. The results have shown that excellent correlation exists between the regimes exhibited by the map and the product microstructures. 304L stainless steel exhibits instability bands when hammer forged at temperatures below 1100 degrees C, rolled/extruded below 1000 degrees C, or press forged below 800 degrees C. All of these conditions must be avoided in mechanical processing of the material. On the other hand, ideally, the material may be rolled, extruded, or press forged at 1200 degrees C to obtain a defect-free microstructure.


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The genus Corymbia is closely related to the genus Eucalyptus, and like Eucalyptus contains tree species that are important for sub-tropical forestry. Corymbia's close relationship with Eucalyptus suggests genetic studies in Corymbia should benefit from transfer of genetic information from its more intensively studied relatives. Here we report a genetic map for Corymbia spp. based on microsatellite markers identified de novo in Corymbia sp or transferred from Eucalyptus. A framework consensus map was generated from an outbred F 2 population (n = 90) created by crossing two unrelated Corymbia torelliana x C. citriodora subsp. variegata F1 trees. The map had a total length of 367 cM (Kosambi) and was composed of 46 microsatellite markers distributed across 13 linkage groups (LOD 3). A high proportion of Eucalyptus microsatellites (90%) transferred to Corymbia. Comparative analysis between the Corymbia map and a published Eucalyptus map identified eight homeologous linkage groups in Corymbia with 13 markers mapping on one or both maps. Further comparative analysis was limited by low power to detect linkage due to low genome coverage in Corymbia, however, there was no convincing evidence for chromosomal structural differences because instances of non-synteny were associated with large distances on the Eucalyptus map. Segregation distortion was primarily restricted to a single linkage group and due to a deficit of hybrid genotypes, suggesting that hybrid inviability was one factor shaping the genetic composition of the F2 population in this inter-subgeneric hybrid. The conservation of microsatellite loci and synteny between Corymbia and Eucalyptus suggests there will be substantial value in exchanging information between the two groups.


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While the popularity of destination image research has increased exponentially in the literature, there has been relatively little published about perceptions held by international consumers of destinations in South America. The purpose of this paper is to report the findings of a research project that aimed to identify the baseline market perceptions of Brazil, Argentina and Chile amongst Australian residents, at the time of the emergence of this long haul market. Of interest was the extent to which Australians differentiate the three distinct countries versus perceiving the continent as a gestalt. These baseline perceptions enable the effectiveness of future marketing communications in Australia by the three national tourism offices to be monitored over time. Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) is used as a practical analytical tool to guide decision makers. In terms of operationalising destination image, a key research finding was the very high ratio or participants using the ‘Don’t know’ (DK) option for each destination performance scale item. This finding has practical implications for the destination marketers, as well as for researchers engaged in destination image research in long haul and/or emerging markets.