978 resultados para Genuine saving


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To identify the critical success factors in the adoption of energy efficiency actions in Brazilian hospitals and describe their behaviour are the objectives of this paper. In order to achieve these goals, a literature review was performed on green management and energy efficiency. This was the basis to define the questions of the interview script applied to two hospitals located in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The interview script application was complemented by secondary data and direct observation. The results showed that: a) the studied hospitals are embracing environmental management actions more often and, whenever possible, energy efficiency actions are taken as well; and b) in the cases analysed top management support, commitment with the environment, green process design and employee empowerment were some of the most relevant critical success factors to the accomplishment of energy efficiency actions. These findings may be of interest to emerging countries, including BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).


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For every possible spectrum of 2(N)-dimensional density operators, we construct an N-qubit X-state of the same spectrum and maximal genuine multipartite (GM-) concurrence, hence characterizing a global unitary transformation that -constrained to output X-states-maximizes the GM-concurrence of an arbitrary input mixed state of N qubits. We also apply semidefinite programming methods to obtain N-qubit X-states with maximal GM-concurrence for a given purity and to provide an alternative proof of optimality of a recently proposed set of density matrices for the purpose, the so-called X-MEMS. Furthermore, we introduce a numerical strategy to tailor a quantum operation that converts between any two given density matrices using a relatively small number of Kraus operators. We apply our strategy to design short operator-sum representations for the transformation between any given N-qubit mixed state and a corresponding X-MEMS of the same purity.


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Many species of insects display a disposition to move towards light. As a consequence, nocturnal artificial lighting often contributes to an increase in insect population among humans. We tested the hypothesis that residential white lamps can evoke significantly different attraction to insects even when their light outputs are nearly indistinguishable to humans. In a two-choice experiment using insect traps equipped with either a compact fluorescent or a LED light source with similar photometric specifications, about three times more insects were captured in the trap with a compact fluorescent lamp than in the LED trap. The results suggest that LED lamps are preferable to compact fluorescent lamps when the objective is to avoid attracting nocturnal insects to households.


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The recent likely extinction of the baiji (Chinese river dolphin [Lipotes vexillifer]) (Turvey et al. 2007) makes the vaquita (Gulf of California porpoise [Phocoena sinus]) the most endangered cetacean. The vaquita has the smallest range of any porpoise, dolphin, or whale and, like the baiji, has long been threatened primarily by accidental deaths in fishing gear (bycatch) (Rojas-Bracho et al. 2006). Despite repeated recommendations from scientific bodies and conservation organizations, no effective actions have been taken to remove nets from the vaquita’s environment. Here, we address three questions that are important to vaquita conservation: (1) How many vaquitas remain? (2) How much time is left to find a solution to the bycatch problem? and (3) Are further abundance surveys or bycatch estimates needed to justify the immediate removal of all entangling nets from the range of the vaquita? Our answers are, in short: (1) there are about 150 vaquitas left, (2) there are at most 2 years within which to find a solution, and (3) further abundance surveys or bycatch estimates are not needed. The answers to the first two questions make clear that action is needed now, whereas the answer to the last question removes the excuse of uncertainty as a delay tactic. Herein we explain our reasoning.


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Background: Peroxiredoxins have diverse functions in cellular defense-signaling pathways. 2-Cys-peroxiredoxins (2-Cys-Prx) reduce H2O2 and alkyl-hydroperoxide. This study describes the purification and characterization of a genuine 2-Cys-Prx from Vigna unguiculata (Vu-2-Cys-Prx). Methods: Vu-2-Cys-Prx was purified from leaves by ammonium sulfate fractionation, chitin affinity and ion exchange chromatography. Results: Vu-2-Cys-Prx reduces H2O2 using NADPH and DTT. Vu-2-Cys-Prx is a 44 kDa (SDS-PAGE)/46 kDa (exclusion chromatography) protein that appears as a 22 kDa molecule under reducing conditions, indicating that it is a homodimer linked intermolecularly by disulfide bonds and has a pI range of 4.56-4.72; its NH2-terminal sequence was similar to 2-Cys-Prx from Phaseolus vulgaris (96%) and Populus tricocarpa (96%). Analysis by ESI-Q-TOF MS/MS showed a molecular mass/pI of 28.622 kDa/5.18. Vu-2-Cys-Prx has 8% alpha-helix, 39% beta-sheet, 22% of turns and 31% of unordered forms. Vu-2-Cys-Prx was heat stable, has optimal activity at pH 7.0, and prevented plasmid DNA degradation. Atomic force microscopy shows that Vu-2-Cys-Prx oligomerized in decamers which might be associated with its molecular chaperone activity that prevented denaturation of insulin and citrate synthase. Its cDNA analysis showed that the redox-active Cys(52) residue and the amino acids Pro(45), Thr(49) and Arg(128) are conserved as in other 2-Cys-Prx. General significance: The biochemical and molecular features of Vu-2-Cys-Prx are similar to other members of 2-Cys-Prx family. To date, only one publication reported on the purification of native 2-Cys-Prx from leaves and the subsequent analysis by N-terminal Edman sequencing, which is crucial for construction of stromal recombinant 2-Cys-Prx proteins. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Questa tesi si pone il problema di studiare lo stato dell’arte degli impianti di produzione farmaceutici e di formulare, in base ai risultati ottenuti, uno o più possibili ipotesi di recupero d’energia, con particolare attenzione ai fluidi termo-vettori: in altri termini, questa tesi si prefissa l’obiettivo di realizzare un sistema utile e concreto per recuperare parte dell’energia termica, che nell'attuale concezione dell’impianto e dei suoi macchinari andrebbe smaltita e persa nei fluidi in uscita dal processo, e convertirla in energia riutilizzabile. Come modello per lo studio del problema, si fa riferimento a un tipico layout di produzione del farmaco, progettato e dimensionato dalla ditta IMA S.p.A. , settore Active, il quale entra come “materiale grezzo” ed esce come prodotto finito. L’azienda concepisce e progetta tipicamente le sue macchine e, di conseguenza, i suoi impianti in base alla quantità di prodotto che mediamente ogni ciclo produttivo lavorerà: in parole povere, gli impianti della divisione Active di IMA S.p.A. sono dimensionati e suddivisi per “taglie”.


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In multivariate time series analysis, the equal-time cross-correlation is a classic and computationally efficient measure for quantifying linear interrelations between data channels. When the cross-correlation coefficient is estimated using a finite amount of data points, its non-random part may be strongly contaminated by a sizable random contribution, such that no reliable conclusion can be drawn about genuine mutual interdependencies. The random correlations are determined by the signals' frequency content and the amount of data points used. Here, we introduce adjusted correlation matrices that can be employed to disentangle random from non-random contributions to each matrix element independently of the signal frequencies. Extending our previous work these matrices allow analyzing spatial patterns of genuine cross-correlation in multivariate data regardless of confounding influences. The performance is illustrated by example of model systems with known interdependence patterns. Finally, we apply the methods to electroencephalographic (EEG) data with epileptic seizure activity.


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To quantify the evolution of genuine zero-lag cross-correlations of focal onset seizures, we apply a recently introduced multivariate measure to broad band and to narrow-band EEG data. For frequency components below 12.5 Hz, the strength of genuine cross-correlations decreases significantly during the seizure and the immediate postseizure period, while higher frequency bands show a tendency of elevated cross-correlations during the same period. We conclude that in terms of genuine zero-lag cross-correlations, the electrical brain activity as assessed by scalp electrodes shows a significant spatial fragmentation, which might promote seizure offset.


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Philosophers and laymen alike have often used morality to invite misconceptions of human life into ethics, and also of ethics into human life. The Kant/Williams discourse provides a rich backdrop on which to consider these misconceptions. But the misconceptionsof morality involved are just as numerous and just as serious. One thing that the Kant/Williams discourse shows is this: that ethics can be neither contained by nor cultivated without morality. Though much of Williams’ critique of Kantian morality is quite astute, thephilosophical and ethical wisdoms of morality abound in spite of these. Morality understands the fundamental condition of moral loss, and the sometimes irreducible quandaries that this condition places human beings in. It understands the nature of the moral law, and theintricacies that the levels of letter and spirit invite into human life. Perhaps more importantly, it understands the uncompromising relationship between moral loss and moral law, and how the human navigation of this relationship leads into the ethical realm via giving rise to ethical conviction. Finally, for all of its pressures, morality abounds in valuable wisdoms for the one discovering that the human soul occupies a place of ethical significance in the world. It is responsible for pointing out, grounding and providing a framework for some of the most fundamental truths about the world and human beings; and these are essential to any viable ethical theory and sensible conception of human life.


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The analysis of short segments of noise-contaminated, multivariate real world data constitutes a challenge. In this paper we compare several techniques of analysis, which are supposed to correctly extract the amount of genuine cross-correlations from a multivariate data set. In order to test for the quality of their performance we derive time series from a linear test model, which allows the analytical derivation of genuine correlations. We compare the numerical estimates of the four measures with the analytical results for different correlation pattern. In the bivariate case all but one measure performs similarly well. However, in the multivariate case measures based on the eigenvalues of the equal-time cross-correlation matrix do not extract exclusively information about the amount of genuine correlations, but they rather reflect the spatial organization of the correlation pattern. This may lead to failures when interpreting the numerical results as illustrated by an application to three electroencephalographic recordings of three patients suffering from pharmacoresistent epilepsy.


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Daily use of conventional electronic portal imaging devices (EPID) for organ tracking is limited due to the relatively high dose required for high quality image acquisition. We studied the use of a novel dose saving acquisition mode (RadMode) allowing to take images with one monitor unit per image in prostate cancer patients undergoing intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and tracking of implanted fiducial gold markers. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Twenty five patients underwent implantation of three fiducial gold markers prior to the planning CT. Before each treatment of a course of 37 fractions, orthogonal localization images from the antero-posterior and from the lateral direction were acquired. Portal images of both the setup procedure and the five IMRT treatment beams were analyzed. RESULTS: On average, four localization images were needed for a correct patient setup, resulting in four monitor units extra dose per fraction. The mean extra dose delivered to the patient was thereby increased by 1.2%. The procedure was precise enough to reduce the mean displacements prior to treatment to < o =0.3 mm. CONCLUSIONS: The use of a new dose saving acquisition mode enables to perform daily EPID-based prostate tracking with a cumulative extra dose of below 1 Gy. This concept is efficiently used in IMRT-treated patients, where separation of setup beams from treatment beams is mandatory.