986 resultados para Genome Search
Most Internet search engines are keyword-based. They are not efficient for the queries where geographical location is important, such as finding hotels within an area or close to a place of interest. A natural interface for spatial searching is a map, which can be used not only to display locations of search results but also to assist forming search conditions. A map-based search engine requires a well-designed visual interface that is intuitive to use yet flexible and expressive enough to support various types of spatial queries as well as aspatial queries. Similar to hyperlinks for text and images in an HTML page, spatial objects in a map should support hyperlinks. Such an interface needs to be scalable with the size of the geographical regions and the number of websites it covers. In spite of handling typically a very large amount of spatial data, a map-based search interface should meet the expectation of fast response time for interactive applications. In this paper we discuss general requirements and the design for a new map-based web search interface, focusing on integration with the WWW and visual spatial query interface. A number of current and future research issues are discussed, and a prototype for the University of Queensland is presented. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
We report a further characterization of the genomic region containing the soybean supernodulation gene NTS-1. We performed a search for new markers linked to NTS-1 by combining DNA amplification fingerprinting (DAF) and bulked segregant analysis (BSA). The search resulted in one cloned polymorphism (B44-456) linked in trans, 8.5cM from the locus. Southern hybridization showed duplication of the B44-456 sequence in the soybean genome. Additionally, a DNA database search revealed one Arabidopsis thaliana genomic clone from chromosome I possessing 62% homology to the B44-456 marker. A relatively low number of polymorphisms were identified by several PCR marker technologies for this soybean genomic region, providing an additional support for its highly conserved and/or duplicated organization.
1. Schizophrenia is a chronic, disabling brain disease that affects approxmately 1% of the world's population. It is characterized by delusions, hallucinations and formal thought disorder, together with a decline in socio-occupational functioning. While the causes for schizophrenia remain unknown, evidence from family, twin and adoption studies clearly demonstrates that it aggregates in families, with this clustering largely attributable to genetic rather than cultural or environmental factors. Identifying the genes involved, however, has proven to be a difficult task because schizophrenia is a complex trait characterized by an imprecise phenotype, the existence of phenocopies and the presence of low disease penetrance, 2. The current working hypothesis for schizophrenia causation is that multiple genes of small to moderate effect confer compounding risk through interactions with each other and with non-genetic risk factors, The same genes may be commonly involved in conferring risk across populations or they may vary in number and strength between different populations. To search for evidence of such genetic loci, both candidate gene and genome-wide linkage studies have been used in clinical cohorts collected from a variety of populations. Collectively, these works provide some evidence for the involvement of a number of specific genes (e.g. the 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) type 2a receptor (5-HT2a) gene and the dopamine D-3 receptor gene) and as yet unidentified factors localized to specific chromosomal regions, including 6p, 6q, 8p, 13q and 22q, These data provide suggestive, but no conclusive, evidence for causative genes. 3. To enable further progress there is a need to: (i) collect fine-grained clinical datasets while searching the schizophrenia phenotype for subgroups or dimensions that may provide a more direct route to causative genes; and (ii) integrate recent refinements in molecular genetic technology, including modern composite marker maps, DNA expression assays and relevant animal models, while using the latest analytical techniques to extract maximum information in order to help distinguish a true result from a false-positive finding.
We characterized the consensus sequence and structure of a long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposon from the genome of the human blood fluke, Schistosoma japonicum, and have earned this element, Gulliver. The full length, consensus Gulliver LTR retrotransposon was 4788 bp, and it was flanked at its 5'- and 3'-ends by LTRs of 259 bp. Each LTR included RNA polymerase II promoter sequences, a CAAT signal and a TATA box, Gulliver exhibited features characteristic of a functional LTR retrotransposon including two read through (termination) ORFs encoding retroviral gag and pol proteins of 312 and 1071 amino acid residues, respectively. The gag ORF encoded motifs conserved in nucleic acid binding proteins, while the pol ORF encoded conserved domains of aspartic protease, reverse transcriptase (RT), RNaseH and integrase, in that order, a pol pattern conserved in the gypsy lineage of LTR retrotransposons. Whereas the sequence and structure of Gulliver was similar to that of gypsy, phylogenetic analysis revealed that Gulliver did not group particularly closely with the gypsy family. Rather, its closest relatives were a LTR retrotransposon from Caenorhabditis elegans, mag from Bombyx mori and, to a lesser extent, easel from the salmon Oncorhynchus keta. Dot blot hybridizations indicated that Gulliver was present at between 100 and several thousand copies in the S. japonicum genome, and Southern hybridization analysis suggested its probable presence in the genome of Schistosoma mansoni. Transcripts encoding the RT domain of Gulliver were detected by RT-PCR in larval and adult stages of S. japonicum, indicating that (at least) the RT domain of Gulliver is transcribed. This is the first report of the sequence and structure of an LTR retrotransposon from any schistosome or indeed from any species belonging to the phylum Platyhelminthes. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial (mt) DNA molecule of the liverfluke, Fasciola hepatica (phylum Platyhelminthes, class Trematoda, family Fasciolidae), was determined, It comprises 14462 bp, contains 12 protein-encoding, 2 ribosomal and 22 transfer RNA genes, and is the second complete flatworm (and the first trematode) mitochondrial sequence to be described in detail. All of the genes are transcribed from the same strand. Of the genes typically found in mitochondrial genomes of eumetazoans, only atp8 is absent. The nad4L and nad4 genes overlap by 40 nt. Most intergenic sequences are very short. Two larger non-coding regions are present. The longer one (817 nt) is located between trnG and cox3 and consists of 8 identical tandem repeats of 85 nt, rich in G and C, followed by 1 imperfect repeat. The shorter non-coding region (187 nt) exhibits no special features and is separated from the longer region by trnG. The gene arrangement resembles that of some other trematodes including the eastern Asian Schistosoma species (and cyclophyllidean cestode species) but it is strikingly different from that of the African schistosomes, represented by Schistosoma mansoni. The genetic code is as inferred previously for flatworms. Transfer RNA genes range in length from 58 to 70 nt, their products producing characteristic 'clover leaf' structures, except for tRNA(S-VON) and tRNA(S-AGN) lacking the DHU arm.
The prevalence of type 2 diabetes among Australian residents is 7.5%; however, prevalence rates up to six times higher have been reported for indigenous Australian communities. Epidemiological evidence implicates genetic factors in the susceptibility of indigenous Australians to type 2 diabetes and supports the hypothesis of the thrifty genotype, but, to date, the nature of the genetic predisposition is unknown. We have ascertained clinical details from a community of indigenous Australian descent in North Stradbroke Island, Queensland. In this population, the phenotype is characterized by severe insulin resistance. We have conducted a genomewide scan, at an average resolution of 10 cM, for type 2 diabetes-susceptibility genes in a large multigeneration pedigree from this community. Parametric linkage analysis undertaken using FASTLINK version 4.1p yielded a maximum two-point LOD score of +2.97 at marker D2S2345. Multipoint analysis yielded a peak LOD score of +3.9
The mouse hnRNP A2/B1/B0 gene has been cloned using a PCR-based strategy and sequenced. Analysis of this sequence showed that the gene organization closely follows that of the human orthologue with 12 exons and 11 introns. The hnRNP A2/B1/B0 gene gives rise to four splice variants through alternative splicing of exons 2 and 9. RT-PCR assays indicated that all splice variants were expressed in mouse brain, skin, and stomach tissues of varying ages, although their ratios to one another varied with age and tissue type. We also identified a small subset of all polyadenylated splice variants that included intron 11, which shows 94% sequence identity between human and mouse. Several processed pseudogenes were identified in the mouse genome. A search of the mouse genome databases located five pseudogenes, four of. which are presumed to be non-functional because of the presence of premature stop codons, large deletions or rearrangements within the coding region. The fifth, which possesses putative promoter elements and has a coding sequence identical to that of the hnRNP A2 mRNA, variant, may be functional. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The first chordates appear in the fossil record at the time of the Cambrian explosion, nearly 550 million years ago. The modern ascidian tadpole represents a plausible approximation to these ancestral chordates. To illuminate the origins of chordate and vertebrates, we generated a draft of the protein-coding portion of the genome of the most studied ascidian, Ciona intestinalis. The Ciona genome contains similar to16,000 protein-coding genes, similar to the number in other invertebrates, but only half that found in vertebrates. Vertebrate gene families are typically found in simplified form in Ciona, suggesting that ascidians contain the basic ancestral complement of genes involved in cell signaling and development. The ascidian genome has also acquired a number of lineage-specific innovations, including a group of genes engaged in cellulose metabolism that are related to those in bacteria and fungi.
The main focus of the human genome sequencing project has been gene discovery, but a great additional benefit is that it offers the chance to examine the large proportion of the genome that does not contain human genes. The nature of this ‘noncoding’ DNA is poorly understood, both as an evolutionary question (how did it get there?) and in the functional sense (what is it doing now?). Much of the noncoding DNA is derived from retroviruses that have inserted their DNA into the genome. The availability of complete genomic sequences will revolutionize studies of the number and location of endogenous retroviruses, their role in genome evolution, and their contribution to human disease.
Darwin's paradigm holds that the diversity of present-day organisms has arisen via a process of genetic descent with modification, as on a bifurcating tree. Evidence is accumulating that genes are sometimes transferred not along lineages but rather across lineages. To the extent that this is so, Darwin's paradigm can apply only imperfectly to genomes, potentially complicating or perhaps undermining attempts to reconstruct historical relationships among genomes (i.e., a genome tree). Whether most genes in a genome have arisen via treelike (vertical) descent or by lateral transfer across lineages can be tested if enough complete genome sequences are used. We define a phylogenetically discordant sequence (PDS) as an open reading frame (ORF) that exhibits patterns of similarity relationships statistically distinguishable from those of most other ORFs in the same genome. PDSs represent between 6.0 and 16.8% (mean, 10.8%) of the analyzable ORFs in the genomes of 28 bacteria, eight archaea, and one eukaryote (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). In this study we developed and assessed a distance-based approach, based on mean pairwise sequence similarity, for generating genome trees. Exclusion of PDSs improved bootstrap support for basal nodes but altered few topological features, indicating that there is little systematic bias among PDSs. Many but not all features of the genome tree from which PDSs were excluded are consistent with the 16S rRNA tree.
A newly described non-long terminal repeat (non-LTR) retrotransposon element was isolated from the genome of the Oriental schistosome, Schistosoma japonicum. At least 1000 partial copies of the element, which was named pido, were dispersed throughout the genome of S. japonicum. As is usual with non-LTR retrotransposons, it is expected that many pido elements will be 5'-truncated. A consensus sequence of 3564 bp of the truncated pido element was assembled from several genomic fragments that contained pido-hybridizing sequences. The sequence encoded part of the first open reading frame (ORF), the entire second ORF and, at its 3'-terminus, a tandemly repetitive, A-rich (TA(6)TA(5)TA(8)) tail, The ORF1 of pido encoded a nucleic acid binding protein and ORF2 encoded a retroviral-like polyprotein that included apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease (EN) and reverse transcriptase (RT) domains, in that order. Based on its sequence and structure, and phylogenetic analyses of both the RT and EN domains, pido belongs to the chicken repeat 1 (CR1)-like lineage of elements known from the chicken, turtle, puffer fish, mosquitoes and other taxa. pido shared equal similarity with CRI from chicken, an uncharacterized retrotransposon from Caenorhabditis elegans and SR1 (a non-LTR retrotransposon) from the related blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni; the level of similarity between pido and SR1 indicated that these two schistosome retrotransposons were related but not orthologous. The findings indicate that schistosomes have been colonized by at least two discrete CRI-like elements. Whereas pido did not appear to have a tight target site specificity, at least one copy of pido has inserted into the 3'-untranslated region of a protein-encoding gene (GeriBank AW736757) of as yet unknown identity. mRNA encoding the RT of pido was detected by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction in the egg, miracidium. and adult developmental stages of S. japonicum, indicating that the RT domain was transcribed and suggesting that pido was replicating actively and mobile within the S. japonicum genome. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Point mutations that resulted in a substitution of the conserved 3'-penultimate cytidine in genomic RNA or the RNA negative strand of the self-amplifying replicon of the Flavivirus Kunjin virus completely blocked in vivo replication. Similarly, substitutions of the conserved 3'-terminal uridine in the RNA negative or positive strand completely blocked replication or caused much-reduced replication, respectively. The same preference for cytidine in the 3'-terminal dinucleotide was noted in reports of the in vitro activity of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) for the other genera of Flaviviridae that also employ a double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) template to initiate asymmetric semiconservative RNA positive-strand synthesis. The Kunjin virus replicon results were interpreted in the context of a proposed model for initiation of RNA synthesis based on the solved crystal structure of the RdRp of phi6 bacteriophage, which also replicates efficiently using a dsRNA template with conserved 3'-penultimate cytidines and a 3'-terminal pyrimidine. A previously untested substitution of the conserved pentanucleotide at the top of the 3'-terminal stem-loop of all Flavivirus species also blocked detectable in vivo replication of the Kunjin virus replicon RNA.