931 resultados para Generalized impulse response functions


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Damage-induced anisotropy of quasi-brittle materials is investigated using component assembling model in this study. Damage-induced anisotropy is one significant character of quasi-brittle materials coupled with nonlinearity and strain softening. Formulation of such complicated phenomena is a difficult problem till now. The present model is based on the component assembling concept, where constitutive equations of materials are formed by means of assembling two kinds of components' response functions. These two kinds of components, orientational and volumetric ones, are abstracted based on pair-functional potentials and the Cauchy - Born rule. Moreover, macroscopic damage of quasi-brittle materials can be reflected by stiffness changing of orientational components, which represent grouped atomic bonds along discrete directions. Simultaneously, anisotropic characters are captured by the naturally directional property of the orientational component. Initial damage surface in the axial-shear stress space is calculated and analyzed. Furthermore, the anisotropic quasi-brittle damage behaviors of concrete under uniaxial, proportional, and nonproportional combined loading are analyzed to elucidate the utility and limitations of the present damage model. The numerical results show good agreement with the experimental data and predicted results of the classical anisotropic damage models.


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The vibration analysis of an elastic container with partially filled fluid was investigated in this paper. The container is made of a thin cylinder and two circular plates at the ends. The axis of the cylinder is in the horizontal direction. It is difficult to solve this problem because the complex system is not axially symmetric. The equations of motion for this system were derived. An incompressible and ideal fluid model is used in the present work. Solutions of the equations were obtained by the generalized variational method. The solution was expressed in a series of normalized generalized Fourier's functions. This series converged rapidly, and so its approximate solution was obtained with high precision. The agreement of the calculated values with the experimental result is good. It should be mentioned that with our method, the computer time is less than that with the finite-element method.


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This paper estimates a standard version of the New Keynesian monetary (NKM) model under alternative specifications of the monetary policy rule using U.S. and Eurozone data. The estimation procedure implemented is a classical method based on the indirect inference principle. An unrestricted VAR is considered as the auxiliary model. On the one hand, the estimation method proposed overcomes some of the shortcomings of using a structural VAR as the auxiliary model in order to identify the impulse response that defines the minimum distance estimator implemented in the literature. On the other hand, by following a classical approach we can further assess the estimation results found in recent papers that follow a maximum-likelihood Bayesian approach. The estimation results show that some structural parameter estimates are quite sensitive to the specification of monetary policy. Moreover, the estimation results in the U.S. show that the fit of the NKM under an optimal monetary plan is much worse than the fit of the NKM model assuming a forward-looking Taylor rule. In contrast to the U.S. case, in the Eurozone the best fit is obtained assuming a backward-looking Taylor rule, but the improvement is rather small with respect to assuming either a forward-looking Taylor rule or an optimal plan.


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Damage-induced anisotropy of quasi-brittle materials is investigated using component assembling model in this study. Damage-induced anisotropy is one significant character of quasi-brittle materials coupled with nonlinearity and strain softening. Formulation of such complicated phenomena is a difficult problem till now. The present model is based on the component assembling concept, where constitutive equations of materials are formed by means of assembling two kinds of components' response functions. These two kinds of components, orientational and volumetric ones, are abstracted based on pair-functional potentials and the Cauchy - Born rule. Moreover, macroscopic damage of quasi-brittle materials can be reflected by stiffness changing of orientational components, which represent grouped atomic bonds along discrete directions. Simultaneously, anisotropic characters are captured by the naturally directional property of the orientational component. Initial damage surface in the axial-shear stress space is calculated and analyzed. Furthermore, the anisotropic quasi-brittle damage behaviors of concrete under uniaxial, proportional, and nonproportional combined loading are analyzed to elucidate the utility and limitations of the present damage model. The numerical results show good agreement with the experimental data and predicted results of the classical anisotropic damage models.


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The potential energy in materials is well approximated by pair functional which is composed of pair potentials and embedding energy. During calculating material potential energy, the orientational component and the volumetric component are derived respectively from pair potentials and embedding energy. The sum of energy of all these two kinds of components is the material potential. No matter how microstructures change, damage or fracture, at the most level, they are all the changing and breaking atomic bonds. As an abstract of atomic bonds, these components change their stiffness during damaging. Material constitutive equations have been formulated by means of assembling all components' response functions. This material model is called the component assembling model. Theoretical analysis and numerical computing indicate that the proposed model has the capacity of reproducing some results satisfactorily, with the advantages of great conceptual simplicity, physical explicitness, and intrinsic induced anisotropy, etc.


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A constrained high-order statistical algorithm is proposed to blindly deconvolute the measured spectral data and estimate the response function of the instruments simultaneously. In this algorithm, no prior-knowledge is necessary except a proper length of the unit-impulse response. This length can be easily set to be the width of the narrowest spectral line by observing the measured data. The feasibility of this method has been demonstrated experimentally by the measured Raman and absorption spectral data.


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We apply a scattering theory of nonperturbative quantum electrodynamics to study the photoelectron angular distributions (PADs) of a hydrogen atom irradiated by linearly polarized laser light. The calculated PADs show main lobes and jetlike structure. Previous experimental studies reveal that in a set of above-threshold-ionization peaks when the absorbed-photon number increases by one, the jet number also increases by one. Our study confirms this experimental observation. Our calculations further predict that in some cases three more jets may appear with just one-more-photon absorption. With consideration of laser-frequency change, one less jet may also appear with one-more-photon absorption. The jetlike structure of PADs is due to the maxima of generalized phased Bessel functions, not an indication of the quantum number of photoelectron angular momentum states.


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Fast radio bursts (FRBs), a novel type of radio pulse, whose physics is not yet understood at all. Only a handful of FRBs had been detected when we started this project. Taking account of the scant observations, we put physical constraints on FRBs. We excluded proposals of a galactic origin for their extraordinarily high dispersion measures (DM), in particular stellar coronas and HII regions. Therefore our work supports an extragalactic origin for FRBs. We show that the resolved scattering tail of FRB 110220 is unlikely to be due to propagation through the intergalactic plasma. Instead the scattering is probably caused by the interstellar medium in the FRB's host galaxy, and indicates that this burst sits in the central region of that galaxy. Pulse durations of order $\ms$ constrain source sizes of FRBs implying enormous brightness temperatures and thus coherent emission. Electric fields near FRBs at cosmological distances would be so strong that they could accelerate free electrons from rest to relativistic energies in a single wave period. When we worked on FRBs, it was unclear whether they were genuine astronomical signals as distinct from `perytons', clearly terrestrial radio bursts, sharing some common properties with FRBs. Recently, in April 2015, astronomers discovered that perytons were emitted by microwave ovens. Radio chirps similar to FRBs were emitted when their doors opened while they were still heating. Evidence for the astronomical nature of FRBs has strengthened since our paper was published. Some bursts have been found to show linear and circular polarizations and Faraday rotation of the linear polarization has also been detected. I hope to resume working on FRBs in the near future. But after we completed our FRB paper, I decided to pause this project because of the lack of observational constraints.

The pulsar triple system, J0733+1715, has its orbital parameters fitted to high accuracy owing to the precise timing of the central $\ms$ pulsar. The two orbits are highly hierarchical, namely $P_{\mathrm{orb,1}}\ll P_{\mathrm{orb,2}}$, where 1 and 2 label the inner and outer white dwarf (WD) companions respectively. Moreover, their orbital planes almost coincide, providing a unique opportunity to study secular interaction associated purely with eccentricity beyond the solar system. Secular interaction only involves effect averaged over many orbits. Thus each companion can be represented by an elliptical wire with its mass distributed inversely proportional to its local orbital speed. Generally there exists a mutual torque, which vanishes only when their apsidal lines are parallel or anti-parallel. To maintain either mode, the eccentricity ratio, $e_1/e_2$, must be of the proper value, so that both apsidal lines precess together. For J0733+1715, $e_1\ll e_2$ for the parallel mode, while $e_1\gg e_2$ for the anti-parallel one. We show that the former precesses $\sim 10$ times slower than the latter. Currently the system is dominated by the parallel mode. Although only a little anti-parallel mode survives, both eccentricities especially $e_1$ oscillate on $\sim 10^3\yr$ timescale. Detectable changes would occur within $\sim 1\yr$. We demonstrate that the anti-parallel mode gets damped $\sim 10^4$ times faster than its parallel brother by any dissipative process diminishing $e_1$. If it is the tidal damping in the inner WD, we proceed to estimate its tidal quantity parameter ($Q$) to be $\sim 10^6$, which was poorly constrained by observations. However, tidal damping may also happen during the preceding low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) phase or hydrogen thermal nuclear flashes. But, in both cases, the inner companion fills its Roche lobe and probably suffers mass/angular momentum loss, which might cause $e_1$ to grow rather than decay.

Several pairs of solar system satellites occupy mean motion resonances (MMRs). We divide these into two groups according to their proximity to exact resonance. Proximity is measured by the existence of a separatrix in phase space. MMRs between Io-Europa, Europa-Ganymede and Enceladus-Dione are too distant from exact resonance for a separatrix to appear. A separatrix is present only in the phase spaces of the Mimas-Tethys and Titan-Hyperion MMRs and their resonant arguments are the only ones to exhibit substantial librations. When a separatrix is present, tidal damping of eccentricity or inclination excites overstable librations that can lead to passage through resonance on the damping timescale. However, after investigation, we conclude that the librations in the Mimas-Tethys and Titan-Hyperion MMRs are fossils and do not result from overstability.

Rubble piles are common in the solar system. Monolithic elements touch their neighbors in small localized areas. Voids occupy a significant fraction of the volume. In a fluid-free environment, heat cannot conduct through voids; only radiation can transfer energy across them. We model the effective thermal conductivity of a rubble pile and show that it is proportional the square root of the pressure, $P$, for $P\leq \epsy^3\mu$ where $\epsy$ is the material's yield strain and $\mu$ its shear modulus. Our model provides an excellent fit to the depth dependence of the thermal conductivity in the top $140\,\mathrm{cm}$ of the lunar regolith. It also offers an explanation for the low thermal inertias of rocky asteroids and icy satellites. Lastly, we discuss how rubble piles slow down the cooling of small bodies such as asteroids.

Electromagnetic (EM) follow-up observations of gravitational wave (GW) events will help shed light on the nature of the sources, and more can be learned if the EM follow-ups can start as soon as the GW event becomes observable. In this paper, we propose a computationally efficient time-domain algorithm capable of detecting gravitational waves (GWs) from coalescing binaries of compact objects with nearly zero time delay. In case when the signal is strong enough, our algorithm also has the flexibility to trigger EM observation {\it before} the merger. The key to the efficiency of our algorithm arises from the use of chains of so-called Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters, which filter time-series data recursively. Computational cost is further reduced by a template interpolation technique that requires filtering to be done only for a much coarser template bank than otherwise required to sufficiently recover optimal signal-to-noise ratio. Towards future detectors with sensitivity extending to lower frequencies, our algorithm's computational cost is shown to increase rather insignificantly compared to the conventional time-domain correlation method. Moreover, at latencies of less than hundreds to thousands of seconds, this method is expected to be computationally more efficient than the straightforward frequency-domain method.


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Esse trabalho está baseado na investigação dos detectores de falhas aplicando classificadores de classe única. As falhas a serem detectadas são relativas ao estado de funcionamento de cada componente do circuito, especificamente de suas tolerâncias (falha paramétrica). Usando a função de transferência de cada um dos circuitos são gerados e analisados os sinais de saída com os componentes dentro e fora da tolerância. Uma função degrau é aplicada à entrada do circuito, o sinal de saída desse circuito passa por uma função diferenciadora e um filtro. O sinal de saída do filtro passa por um processo de redução de atributos e finalmente, o sinal segue simultaneamente para os classificadores multiclasse e classe única. Na análise são empregados ferramentas de reconhecimento de padrões e de classificação de classe única. Os classficadores multiclasse são capazes de classificar o sinal de saída do circuito em uma das classes de falha para o qual foram treinados. Eles apresentam um bom desempenho quando as classes de falha não possuem superposição e quando eles não são apresentados a classes de falhas para os quais não foram treinados. Comitê de classificadores de classe única podem classificar o sinal de saída em uma ou mais classes de falha e também podem classificá-lo em nenhuma classe. Eles apresentam desempenho comparável ao classificador multiclasse, mas também são capazes detectar casos de sobreposição de classes de falhas e indicar situações de falhas para os quais não foram treinados (falhas desconhecidas). Os resultados obtidos nesse trabalho mostraram que os classificadores de classe única, além de ser compatível com o desempenho do classificador multiclasse quando não há sobreposição, também detectou todas as sobreposições existentes sugerindo as possíveis falhas.


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Os processos estocásticos com ruído branco multiplicativo são objeto de atenção constante em uma grande área da pesquisa científica. A variedade de prescrições possíveis para definir matematicamente estes processos oferece um obstáculo ao desenvolvimento de ferramentas gerais para seu tratamento. Na presente tese, estudamos propriedades de equilíbrio de processos markovianos com ruído branco multiplicativo. Para conseguirmos isto, definimos uma transformação de reversão temporal de tais processos levando em conta que a distribuição estacionária de probabilidade depende da prescrição. Deduzimos um formalismo funcional visando obter o funcional gerador das funções de correlação e resposta de um processo estocástico multiplicativo representado por uma equação de Langevin. Ao representar o processo estocástico neste formalismo (de Grassmann) funcional eludimos a necessidade de fixar uma prescrição particular. Neste contexto, analisamos as propriedades de equilíbrio e estudamos as simetrias ocultas do processo. Mostramos que, usando uma definição apropriada da distribuição de equilíbrio e considerando a transformação de reversão temporal adequada, as propriedades usuais de equilíbrio são satisfeitas para qualquer prescrição. Finalmente, apresentamos uma dedução detalhada da formulação supersimétrica covariante de um processo markoviano com ruído branco multiplicativo e estudamos algumas das relações impostas pelas funções de correlação através das identidades de Ward-Takahashi.


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We present a quantum algorithm to simulate general finite dimensional Lindblad master equations without the requirement of engineering the system-environment interactions. The proposed method is able to simulate both Markovian and non-Markovian quantum dynamics. It consists in the quantum computation of the dissipative corrections to the unitary evolution of the system of interest, via the reconstruction of the response functions associated with the Lindblad operators. Our approach is equally applicable to dynamics generated by effectively non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. We confirm the quality of our method providing specific error bounds that quantify its accuracy.


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O presente trabalho aborda o problema de identificação de danos em uma estrutura a partir de sua resposta impulsiva. No modelo adotado, a integridade estrutural é continuamente descrita por um parâmetro de coesão. Sendo assim, o Modelo de Elementos Finitos (MEF) é utilizado para discretizar tanto o campo de deslocamentos, quanto o campo de coesão. O problema de identificação de danos é, então, definido como um problema de otimização, cujo objetivo é minimizar, em relação a um vetor de parâmetros nodais de coesão, um funcional definido a partir da diferença entre a resposta impulsiva experimental e a correspondente resposta prevista por um MEF da estrutura. A identificação de danos estruturais baseadas no domínio do tempo apresenta como vantagens a aplicabilidade em sistemas lineares e/ou com elevados níveis de amortecimento, além de apresentar uma elevada sensibilidade à presença de pequenos danos. Estudos numéricos foram realizados considerando-se um modelo de viga de Euler-Bernoulli simplesmente apoiada. Para a determinação do posicionamento ótimo do sensor de deslocamento e do número de pontos da resposta impulsiva, a serem utilizados no processo de identificação de danos, foi considerado o Projeto Ótimo de Experimentos. A posição do sensor e o número de pontos foram determinados segundo o critério D-ótimo. Outros critérios complementares foram também analisados. Uma análise da sensibilidade foi realizada com o intuito de identificar as regiões da estrutura onde a resposta é mais sensível à presença de um dano em um estágio inicial. Para a resolução do problema inverso de identificação de danos foram considerados os métodos de otimização Evolução Diferencial e Levenberg-Marquardt. Simulações numéricas, considerando-se dados corrompidos com ruído aditivo, foram realizadas com o intuito de avaliar a potencialidade da metodologia de identificação de danos, assim como a influência da posição do sensor e do número de dados considerados no processo de identificação. Com os resultados obtidos, percebe-se que o Projeto Ótimo de Experimentos é de fundamental importância para a identificação de danos.


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Nesta Dissertação propõe-se a aplicação de algoritmos genéticos para a síntese de filtros para modular sinais de controladores a estrutura variável e modo deslizante. A modulação do sinal de controle reduz a amplitude do sinal de saída e, consequentemente, pode reduzir o consumo de energia para realizar o controle e o chattering. Esses filtros também são aplicados em sistemas que possuem incertezas paramétricas nos quais nem todas as variáveis de estado são medidas. Nesses sistemas, as incertezas nos parâmetros podem impedir que seus estados sejam estimados com precisão por observadores. A síntese desses filtros necessita da obtenção da envoltória, que é o valor máximo da norma de cada resposta impulsiva admissível no sistema. Após este passo, é sintetizado um filtro que seja um majorante para a envoltória. Neste estudo, três métodos de busca da envoltória por algoritmos genéticos foram criados. Um dos métodos é o preferido, pois apresentou os melhores resultados e o menor tempo computacional.


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Bayesian formulated neural networks are implemented using hybrid Monte Carlo method for probabilistic fault identification in cylindrical shells. Each of the 20 nominally identical cylindrical shells is divided into three substructures. Holes of (12±2) mm in diameter are introduced in each of the substructures and vibration data are measured. Modal properties and the Coordinate Modal Assurance Criterion (COMAC) are utilized to train the two modal-property-neural-networks. These COMAC are calculated by taking the natural-frequency-vector to be an additional mode. Modal energies are calculated by determining the integrals of the real and imaginary components of the frequency response functions over bandwidths of 12% of the natural frequencies. The modal energies and the Coordinate Modal Energy Assurance Criterion (COMEAC) are used to train the two frequency-response-function-neural-networks. The averages of the two sets of trained-networks (COMAC and COMEAC as well as modal properties and modal energies) form two committees of networks. The COMEAC and the COMAC are found to be better identification data than using modal properties and modal energies directly. The committee approach is observed to give lower standard deviations than the individual methods. The main advantage of the Bayesian formulation is that it gives identities of damage and their respective confidence intervals.


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The feasibility of vibration data to identify damage in a population of cylindrical shells is assessed. Vibration data from a population of cylinders were measured and modal analysis was employed to obtain natural frequencies and mode shapes. The mode shapes were transformed into the Coordinate Modal Assurance Criterion (COMAC). The natural frequencies and the COMAC before and after damage for a population of structures show that modal analysis is a viable route to damage identification in a population of nominally identical cylinders. Modal energies, which are defined as the integrals of the real and imaginary components of the frequency response functions over various frequency ranges, were extracted and transformed into the Coordinate Modal Energy Assurance Criterion (COMEAC). The COMEAC before and after damage show that using modal energies is a viable approach to damage identification in a population of cylinders.