963 resultados para GSK-3-BETA
Two new epimeric chlorinated withaphysalins, rel-(4 beta,5 beta,6 alpha,18S,22R)- and rel-(4 beta,5 beta,6 alpha,18R,22R)-6-chloro-18,20-epoxy-18-ethoxy-4,5-dihydroxy-1- oxowitha-2,24-diene-26,22-lactone (1 and 2 resp.), together with the new rel-(4 beta,5 beta,6a,18R,22R)-6-chloro-18,20-epoxy-4,5-dihydroxy-18-methoxy-1-oxowitha-2,24-diene-26,22-lactone (3) and rel-(3 beta,4 beta,5 beta,6 beta,18R,22R)-5,6:18,20-diepoxy-3,18-diethoxy-4-hydroxy-1-oxowith-24-ene-26,22-lactone (4) were isolated from the leaves of Acnistus arborescens and named withaphysalins TW, respectively. The final structures and the complete 1H- and 13C-NMR assignments of the three chlorowithaphysalins 13 were performed by means of HR-ESI-MS and 1D- and 2D-NMR experiments, including COSY, HSQC, and HMBC, beside comparison with spectral data of analogous compounds from the literature. The structure of 4 was also confirmed by means of a single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis.
The progression of carcinogenesis entails the detachment of cells, invasion and migration of neoplastic cells. Alterations in epithelial adhesion and basement membrane proteins might mediate the early stages of carcinogenesis. This study investigated the expression of adhesion molecules and the basement membrane protein laminin-5 in actinic cheilitis (AC) and incipient squamous cell carcinoma of the lower lip to understand early photocarcinogenesis. Ln-5 gamma 2 chain as well as alpha 3, beta 1 subunits of alpha 3 beta 1 heterodimer and beta 4 subunit of integrin alpha 6 beta 4 were evaluated by immunohistochemistry in 16 cases of AC and 16 cases of superficially invasive squamous cell carcinoma (SISCC). Most AC cases showed reduced expression of beta 1, beta 4 and alpha 3 integrins, and SISCCs lacked beta 1, beta 4 and alpha 3 integrins in the invasive front. AC cases were negative for the Ln-5 gamma 2 chain. Five cases of SISCC (31%) showed heterogeneous Ln-5 gamma 2 chain expression in the invasive front of the tumor. Integrin beta 1, beta 4 and alpha 3 expression is lost during the early stages of lip carcinogenesis. Expression of Ln-5 gamma 2 in the invasive front in cases and its correlation with tumor progression suggest that it mediates the acquisition of the migrating and invading epithelial cell phenotype. (C) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the third highest cause of cancer death worldwide. In general, the disease is diagnosed at an advanced stage when potentially curative therapies are no longer feasible. For this reason, it is very important to develop new therapeutic approaches. Retinoic acid (RA) is a natural derivative of vitamin A that regulates important biological processes including cell proliferation and differentiation. In vitro studies have shown that RA is effective in inhibiting growth of HCC cells; however, responsiveness to treatment varies among different HCC cell lines. The objective of the present study was to determine if the combined use of RA (0.1 µM) and cAMP (1 mM), an important second messenger, improves the responsiveness of HCC cells to RA treatment. We evaluated the proliferative behavior of an HCC cell line (HTC) and the expression profile of genes related to cancer signaling pathway (ERK and GSK-3β) and liver differentiation (E-cadherin, connexin 26 (Cx26), and Cx32). RA and cAMP were effective in inhibiting the proliferation of HTC cells independently of combined use. However, when a mixture of RA and cAMP was used, the signals concerning the degree of cell differentiation were increased. As demonstrated by Western blot, the treatment increased E-cadherin, Cx26, Cx32 and Ser9-GSK-3β (inactive form) expression while the expression of Cx43, Tyr216-GSK-3β (active form) and phosphorylated ERK decreased. Furthermore, telomerase activity was inhibited along treatment. Taken together, the results showed that the combined use of RA and cAMP is more effective in inducing differentiation of HTC cells.
A cebola é uma cultura de expressiva importância socioeconômica para o Brasil. Marcantes contribuições para o desenvolvimento da cultura têm sido feitas utilizando-se germoplasma de cebola adaptado às regiões tropicais e subtropicais. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a diversidade genética existente em uma coleção de germoplasma potencialmente útil ao desenvolvimento de cultivares para essas regiões. Para isso, a variabilidade genética de um grupo de 21 acessos foi analisada via marcadores RAPD. Esses acessos ('Red Creole', 'Roxa IPA-3', 'Valenciana 14', 'Beta Cristal', 'Diamante', 'Composto IPA-6', 'Aurora', 'Bojuda Rio Grande', 'Alfa Tropical', 'Pêra IPA-4', 'Primavera', 'Belém IPA-9', 'Crioula Alto Vale', 'Conquista', 'Pira-Ouro', 'Vale-Ouro IPA-11', 'Franciscana IPA-10', 'Serrana', 'CNPH 6400', 'Petroline' e 'Baia Periforme') têm sido empregados como germoplasma e/ou foram desenvolvidos pelos programas de melhoramento genético de cebola conduzidos no Brasil. Dos 520 iniciadores ('primers') utilizados na triagem inicial, somente 38 confirmaram polimorfismos entre os 21 acessos. Esses 38 'primers' produziram 624 amplicons, dos quais 522 (83,7%) foram monomórficos e 102 (16,3%) polimórficos. Com base nos padrões revelados, seis grupos foram formados de acordo com a similaridade média global entre os acessos (= 0,72). Somente um desses seis grupos englobou mais de um acesso. O grupo principal (formado por 16 acessos) incluiu, predominantemente, as cultivares que apresentam no seu pedigree a contribuição de 'Baia Periforme' ('Diamante', 'Composto IPA-6', 'Aurora', 'Bojuda Rio Grande', 'Conquista', 'Pira-Ouro', 'Serrana', 'Vale-Ouro IPA-11', 'Baia Periforme', 'Primavera', 'Franciscana IPA-10', 'Belém IPA-9', 'Crioula Alto Vale', 'Petroline', 'Pêra IPA-4' e 'Alfa Tropical'). As cultivares 'Red Creole', 'Roxa IPA-3', 'Beta Cristal', 'CNPH 6400' e 'Valenciana 14' formaram agrupamentos isolados e distintos do grupo 'Baia Periforme', revelando, dessa forma, divergência genética entre essas cinco populações e o grupo principal. Verificou-se que os materiais estudados possuem base genética relativamente estreita, apresentando, em sua grande maioria origem na população 'Baia Periforme'. Existem, no entanto, alguns materiais divergentes, cuja diversidade pode ser explorada em programas de melhoramento.
In beef cattle, the ability to conceive has been associated positively with size of the preovulatory follicle (POF). Proestrus estradiol and subsequent progesterone concentrations can regulate the endometrium to affect receptivity and fertility. The aim of the present study was to verify the effect of the size of the POF on luteal and endometrial gene expression during subsequent early diestrus in beef cattle. Eighty-three multiparous, nonlactating, presynchronized Nelore cows received a progesterone-releasing device and estradiol benzoate on Day–10 (D 10). Animals received cloprostenol (large follicle-large CL group; LF-LCL; N ¼ 42) or not (small follicle-small CL group; SF-SCL; N ¼ 41) on D 10. Progesterone devices were withdrawn and cloprostenol administered 42 to 60 hours (LF-LCL) or 30 to 36 hours (SF-SCL) before GnRH treatment (D0). Tissues were collected at slaughter on D7. The LF-LCL group had larger (P < 0.0001) POF (13.24 0.33 mm vs. 10.76 0.29 mm), greater (P < 0.0007) estradiol concentrations on D0 (2.94 0.28 pg/mL vs. 1.27 0.20 pg/mL), and greater (P < 0.01) progesterone concentrations on D7 (3.71 0.25 ng/mL vs. 2.62 0.26 ng/mL) compared with the SF-SCL group. Luteal gene expression of vascular endothelial growth factor A, kinase insert domain receptor, fms-related tyrosine kinase 1, steroidogenic acute regulatory protein, cytochrome P450, family 11, subfamily A, polypeptide 1, and hydroxy-delta-5-steroid dehydrogenase, 3 beta- and steroid deltaisomerase 7 was similar between groups. Endometrial gene expression of oxytocin receptor and peptidase inhibitor 3, skin-derived was reduced, and estrogen receptor alpha 2, aldo-keto reductase family 1, member C4, and lipoprotein lipase expression was increased in LF-LCL versus SF-SCL. Results support the hypothesis that the size of the POF alters the periovulatory endocrine milieu (i.e., proestrus estradiol and diestrus progesterone concentrations) and acts on the uterus to alter endometrial gene expression. It is proposed that the uterine environment and receptivity might also be modulated. Additionally, it is suggested that increased progesterone secretion of cows ovulating larger follicles is likely due to increased CL size rather than increased luteal expression of steroidogenic genes.
La carbamazepina fu commercializzata a partire dagli anni Sessanta; è un analgesico anticonvulsivante e specifico per la nevralgia del trigemino ed è uno dei principali farmaci usati nel trattamento dell’epilessia. La sua azione più nota a livello del sistema nervoso è quella di rallentare il recupero dei canali al sodio, sebbene abbia anche effetti metabolici importanti interferendo con il ciclo degli inositoli e con la GSK-3 (glicogeno sintasi-chinasi 3). Tale sostanza è sotto la lente d’ingrandimento sia per le sue caratteristiche chimico-fisiche (vedi la sua alta persistenza in ambiente) sia per la sua alta tossicità per la salute umana. Le sue proprietà terapeutiche spesso sono accompagnate da effetti collaterali sia nei pazienti che assumono direttamente il medicinale, sia negli organismi non-bersaglio che vengono a contatto con i residui ed i metaboliti del farmaco in ambiente. Le principali fonti di contaminazione dell’ambiente sono rappresentate dagli scarichi domestici, urbani, ospedalieri ed industriali e dagli effluenti di impianti di depurazione. Inoltre, l’uso irriguo di acque contenenti residui del farmaco oppure fenomeni di esondazione di corpi idrici contaminati contribuiscono ampiamente alla distribuzione di questo composto nei suoli. La matrice suolo ha avuto relativamente poca attenzione per quanto riguarda gli effetti dell’inquinamento sugli organismi in generale, ed in particolare non vi sono studi sui farmaci. Il presupposto di questo studio dunque è stato quello di mettere a punto una metodologia volta a valutare gli effetti all’esposizione del farmaco carbamazepina su organismi bioindicatori, i lombrichi della specie Eisenia andrei. Il seguente progetto è durato da Maggio 2012 a Febbraio 2013, periodo in cui sono stati effettuati saggi sub cronici per valutare l’effetto di suoli sperimentalmente contaminati con il farmaco sui parametri del ciclo vitale del lombrico (accrescimento, mortalità e riproduzione) e su una serie di biomarker cellulari (neutral red retention assay, accumulo lisosomiale di lipofuscine, accumulo lisosomiale di lipidi neutri insaturi, attività dell’enzima acetilcolinsterasi, attività dell’enzima catalasi, attività dell’ enzima glutatione-S-transferasi e concentrazione di malondialdeide). I risultati ottenuti mostrano che la carbamazepina non ha effetti sui parametri del ciclo vitale. Per quanto riguarda i parametri fisiologici si notano tuttavia dei risultati diversi. L’accumulo lisosomiale di lipofuscine e lipidi neutri indica che il metabolismo dei vermi risulta in qualche modo alterato dall’esposizione alla carbamazepina alle concentrazioni saggiate. Queste alterazioni potrebbero essere spiegate da un effetto di tipo ossidante; infatti i due biomarker oltre a rappresentare un segnale di alterazione metabolica rappresentano anche un indicazione di perossidazione lipidica. Queste osservazioni meritano di essere approfondite studiando il bioaccumulo e la degradazione della carbamazepina nei suoli, che potrebbero essere alla base della diversità di risultati rispetto alla tossicità evidenziata negli organismi acquatici. A fronte della consapevolezza dei rischi potenziali dovuti alla presenza di farmaci nelle acque e nel suolo, molto resta da fare per ampliare le conoscenze su questa tipologia di contaminazione, in particolare nei campi del monitoraggio e del comportamento ambientale, degli studi ecotossicologici e delle procedure e tecnologie idonee a limitare la loro immissione nell’ambiente.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden durch den Einsatz von drei unabhängigen Methoden Proteine und Faktoren identifiziert, die die PON2-mRNA-Expression beeinflussen. Anhand der erhaltenen Faktoren wurden verstärkt solche ausgewählt, die eine Rolle in der Tumorbiologie spielen. Unter Verwendung verschiedener Zellmodelle wurde schließlich der Effekt dieser Faktoren auf die PON2-Expression analysiert. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass die PON2-Expression in K562-Zellen durch den PI3K / Akt-Signalweg, der in vielen Tumoren übermäßig aktiviert vorliegt, gesteigert wird. Auch eine Beteiligung des Wnt / β-Catenin-Signalweges kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden. Pharmakologische Inhibitoren von GSK-3β, einer Kinase die in beiden Signalwegen involviert ist, führt zu einer Steigerung der PON2-Expression durch den Transkriptionsfaktor LEF-1. Des Weiteren wurde gezeigt, dass die Familie der FoxO-Transkriptionsfaktoren an der Regulation der PON2-Expression in K562-Zellen beteiligt sind, wenn gleich es für die jeweiligen FoxO-Isoformen Unterschiede gibt.rnIm Hinblick auf die Assoziation von PON2 mit Leukämien wurde anhand eines PON2-/--Mausmodells, der Einfluss von PON2 auf die Hämatopoese untersucht. Dabei wurden signifikante Unterschiede in einigen Stammzellkompartimenten festgestellt. Ferner scheint PON2 die Entwicklung von Erythrozyten und Thrombozyten zu beeinflussen. Dies äußert sich in einer offensichtlichen Splenomegalie, zumindest bei alten weiblichen PON2-/--Mäusen.rnAbschließend wurde zur Generierung eines konditionalen PON2-Überexpressionsmausmodells erfolgreich ein Gene-Targeting-Vektor entwickelt. Durch eine gewebe-, zeit- und zellspezifische Steigerung der PON2-Expression ist es möglich, den Effekt einer PON2-Überexpression im Hinblick auf verschiedene Erkrankungen zu untersuchen.rnBisher war wenig über die Regulation des humanen PON2 bekannt. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigen erstmals, durch welche Signalwege und Transkriptionsfaktoren PON2 in Leukämiezellen reguliert wird. Im Hinblick auf die Rolle von PON2 in der Tumorbiologie ist es erstmals möglich, die PON2-Expression gezielt durch die Inhibition bzw. Aktivierung der PON2-regulierenden Faktoren zu beeinflussen, und damit neue Wege in der Krebstherapie zu beschreiten. rn
Three new steroid saponins (3beta,25R)-spirost-5-en-3-yl 6-deoxy-alpha-L-mannopyranosyl-(1-->2)-[beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->4)-6-deoxy-alpha-L-mannopyranosyl-(1-->3)]-beta-D-glucopyranoside (1), (3beta,22R,25R)-26-(beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-22-hydroxyfurost-5-en-3-yl 6-deoxy-alpha-L-mannopyranosyl-(1-->2)-[6-deoxy-alpha-L-mannopyranosyl-(1-->3)]-beta-D-glucopyranoside (3), and (3beta,22R,25R)-26-(beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-22-hydroxyfurost-5-en-3-yl 6-deoxy-alpha-L-mannopyranosyl-(1-->2)-[beta-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-->4)-6-deoxy-alpha-L-mannopyranosyl-(1-->3)]-beta-D-glucopyranoside (5), as well as the new pregnane glycoside (3beta,16beta)-3-{[6-deoxy-alpha-L-mannopyranosyl-(1-->2)-[6-deoxy-alpha-L-mannopyranosyl-(1-->3)]-beta-D-glucopyranosyl]oxy}-20-oxopregn-5-en-16-yl (4R)-5-(beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-4-methylpentanoate (6), were isolated from the rhizomes of Tacca integrifolia together with two known (25R) configurated steroid saponins (3beta,25R)-spirost-5-en-3-yl 6-deoxy-alpha-L-mannopyranosyl-(1-->2)-[6-deoxy-alpha-L-mannopyranosyl-(1-->3)]-beta-D-glucopyranoside (2) and (3beta,22R,25R)-26-(beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy)-22-methoxyfurost-5-en-3-yl 6-deoxy-alpha-L-mannopyranosyl-(1-->2)-[6-deoxy-alpha-L-mannopyranosyl-(1-->3)]-beta-D-glucopyranoside (4). The cytotoxic activity of the isolated compounds was evaluated in HeLa cells and showed the highest cytotoxicity value for compound 2 with an IC(50) of 1.2+/-0.4 muM. Intriguingly, while compounds 1-5 exhibited similar cytotoxic properties between 1.2+/-0.4 (2) and 4.0+/-0.6 muM (5), only compound 2 showed a significant microtubule-stabilizing activity in vitro.
Calcineurin mutation or inhibition enhanced the antifungal morphological effect of cell wall inhibitors caspofungin or nikkomycin Z against Aspergillus fumigatus. Quantification of 1,3-beta-d-glucan revealed decreased amounts in the calcineurin A (DeltacnaA) mutant. Calcineurin can be an excellent adjunct therapeutic target in combination with other cell wall inhibitors against A. fumigatus.
We recently demonstrated that in vivo insulin resistance is not retained in cultured skeletal muscle cells. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that treating cultured skeletal muscle cells with fatty acids has an effect on insulin action which differs between insulin-sensitive and insulin-resistant subjects. Insulin effects were examined in myotubes from 8 normoglycemic non-obese insulin-resistant and 8 carefully matched insulin-sensitive subjects after preincubation with or without palmitate, linoleate, and 2-bromo-palmitate. Insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis decreased by 27 +/- 5 % after palmitate treatment in myotubes from insulin-resistant, but not from insulin-sensitive subjects (1.50 +/- 0.08-fold over basal vs. 1.81 +/- 0.09-fold, p = 0.042). Despite this observation, we did not find any impairment in the PI 3-kinase/PKB/GSK-3 pathway. Furthermore, insulin action was not affected by linoleate and 2-bromo-palmitate. In conclusion, our data provide preliminary evidence that insulin resistance of skeletal muscle does not necessarily involve primary defects in insulin action, but could represent susceptibility to the desensitizing effect of fatty acids and possibly other environmental or adipose tissue-derived factors.
N-myc downstream-regulated gene 1 (NRDG1) is a stress-induced protein whose putative function is suppression of tumor metastasis. A recent proteonomic study showed NDRG1 interacts with the molecular chaperone heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90). From their reported association, we investigated if NDRG1 is dependent on Hsp90 for its stability and is therefore a yet unidentified Hsp90 client protein. Here, we demonstrate that endogenous NDRG1 and Hsp90 physically associate in hepatocellular cancer cell lines. However, geldanamycin (GA)-mediated inhibition of Hsp90 did not disrupt their interaction or result in NDRG1 protein destabilization. On the contrary, inhibition of Hsp90 led to a transcriptional increase of NDRG1 protein which was associated with cell growth arrest. We also observed that GA inhibited the phosphorylation of NDRG1 by targeting its regulating kinases, serum- and glucocorticoid-induced kinase 1 (SGK1) and glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK3beta). We demonstrate that in the presence of GA, GSK3beta protein and activity were decreased thus indicating that Hsp90 is necessary for GSK3beta stability. Taken together, our data demonstrate that NDRG1 is not a classic client protein but interacts with Hsp90 and is still dually regulated by Hsp90 at a transcriptional and post-translational level. Finally, we suggest for the first time GSK3beta as a new client protein of Hsp90.
Kinases are part of a complex network of signaling pathways that enable a cell to respond to changes in environmental conditions in a regulated and coordinated way. For example, Glycogen Synthase Kinase 3 beta (GSK3β) modulates conformational changes, protein-protein interaction, protein degradation, and activation of unique domains in proteins that transduce signals from the extracellular milieu to the nucleus. ^ In this project, I investigated the expression and function that GSK3β exhibits in prostate cells. The capacity of GSK3β to regulate two transcription factors (JUN and CREB), which are known to be inversely utilized in prostate tumor cells, was measured. JUN/AP1 is constitutively activated in PC-3 cells; whereas, CREB/CRE activity is ∼20 fold less than the former. GSK3β overexpression obliterates JUN/AP1 activity. With respect to CREB GSK3β increases CREB/CRE activity. Cellular levels of active GSK3β can determine whether JUN or CREB is preferentially active in the PC-3s. Theoretically, in response to a particular cellular context or stimulus, a cell may coordinate JUN and CREB function by regulating GSK3β.^ A comparison of various prostate cell lines showed that active GSK3β is less expressed in normal prostate epithelial cells than in tumor cells. Differentially expressed active (GSK3β) may correlate with progression of prostate carcinoma. If a known marker associated with carcinoma of the prostate could be shown to be regulated by GSK3β then, further study of GSK3β may lead to a better understanding of both possible prevention of the disease and improved therapy for advanced stages. ^ The androgen receptor (AR) is an intriguing phosphoprotein whose regulation is potentially determined by a variety of kinases. One of these is (GSK3β) I found that (GSK3β) is a regulator of the androgen receptor in both the unliganded and liganded states. It can inhibit AR function as measured by reporter assays. Also, GSK3β associates with the AR at the DNA binding domain because deletion constructs expressing either the n-terminus or the c-terminus (both having the DBD in common) immunoprecipitated with GSK3β. Increased understanding of how GSK3β functions in prostate cancer would provide clues into how (1) certain signal pathways are coordinated and (2) the androgen receptor may be regulated. ^
Thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections (TAAD) are autosomal dominantly inherited in 19% of patients. Mapping studies determined that the disease is genetically heterogeneous with multiple loci and genetic mutations accounting for familial TAAD. However, regardless of the specific mutation, resulting pathology is consistently medial degeneration, characterized by increased proteoglycans and loss of elastic fibers. We tested the hypothesis that genetic mutations leading to familial TAAD alter common pathways in aortic smooth muscle cells (SMCs). Identification of mutations at R460 in TGFBR2 reveals a 5% contribution to TAAD, however downstream analysis of Smad2 phosphorylation in the TGF-β pathway is not commonly altered in familial or sporadic disease when compared to controls. Expression profiling using Illumina's Sentrix HumanRef 8 Expression Beadchip array was done on RNA isolated from SMCs explanted from 6 patients with inherited TAAD with no identified mutation and 3 healthy controls obtained from the International Institute for the Advancement of Medicine. Significant increases in expression of proteoglycan genes in patients' SMCs, specifically lumican, podocan, and decorin were confirmed using Q-PCR and tissue immunofluorescence. NCI's Ingenuity Pathway Analysis predicted alterations in the ERK, insulin receptor and SAPK/JNK pathways (p<0.001), which SMCs activate in response to cyclic stretch. Immunoblotting indicated increased phosphorylation of ERK and GSK-3β, a protein from the insulin receptor pathway, in explanted patient SMCs, also confirmed by increased immunoreactivity against phosphorylated ERK and GSK-3β in the sub-intimal SMCs from patient tissue compared to controls. To determine if mechanotransduction pathway activation was responsible for the medial degeneration a specific inhibitor of GSK-3β, SB216763 was incubated with control cells and significantly increased the expression levels of proteoglycans. Mechanical strain was also applied to control SMCs confirming pathways stimulation with stretch. Incubation with pathway inhibitors against insulin receptor and ERK pathways identify, for the first time that stretch induced GSK-3β phosphorylation may increase proteoglycan expression, and ERK phosphorylation may regulate the expression of MMP2, a protein known to degrade elastic fibers. Furthermore, specific mutations in SMC-specific β-myosin heavy chain and α-actin, in addition to upregulation of pathways activated by cyclic stretch suggest that SMC response to hemodynamic factors, play a role in this disease. ^
Regulation of β-catenin stability is essential for Wnt signal transduction during development and tumorigenesis. It is well known that serine-phosphorylation of β-catenin by the Axin–glycogen synthase kinase (GSK)–3β complex targets β-catenin for ubiquitination–degradation, and mutations at critical phosphoserine residues stabilize β-catenin and cause human cancers. How β-catenin phosphorylation results in its degradation is undefined. Here we show that phosphorylated β-catenin is specifically recognized by β-Trcp, an F-box/WD40-repeat protein that also associates with Skp1, an essential component of the ubiquitination apparatus. β-catenin harboring mutations at the critical phosphoserine residues escapes recognition by β-Trcp, thus providing a molecular explanation for why these mutations cause β-catenin accumulation that leads to cancer. Inhibition of endogenous β-Trcp function by a dominant negative mutant stabilizes β-catenin, activates Wnt/β-catenin signaling, and induces axis formation in Xenopus embryos. Therefore, β-Trcp plays a central role in recruiting phosphorylated β-catenin for degradation and in dorsoventral patterning of the Xenopus embryo.
Tau is a major microtubule-associated protein of axons and is also the principal component of the paired helical filaments (PHFs) that comprise the neurofibrillary tangles found in Alzheimer's disease and other tauopathies. Besides phosphorylation of tau on serine and threonine residues in both normal tau and tau from neurofibrillary tangles, Tyr-18 was reported to be a site of phosphorylation by the Src-family kinase Fyn. We examined whether tyrosine residues other than Tyr-18 are phosphorylated in tau and whether other tyrosine kinases might phosphorylate tau. Using mass spectrometry, we positively identified phosphorylated Tyr-394 in PHF-tau from an Alzheimer brain and in human fetal brain tau. When wild-type human tau was transfected into fibroblasts or neuroblastoma cells, treatment with pervanadate caused tau to become phosphorylated on tyrosine by endogenous kinases. By replacing each of the five tyrosines in tau with phenylalanine, we identified Tyr-394 as the major site of tyrosine phosphorylation in tau. Tyrosine phosphorylation of tau was inhibited by PP2 (4-amino-5-(4-chlorophenyl-7-(t-butyl) pyrazolo[3,4-d] pyrimidine), which is known to inhibit Src-family kinases and c-Abl. Cotransfection of tau and kinases showed that Tyr-18 was the major site for Fyn phosphorylation, but Tyr-394 was the main residue for Abl. In vitro, Abl phosphorylated tau directly. Abl could be coprecipitated with tau and was present in pretangle neurons in brain sections from Alzheimer cases. These results show that phosphorylation of tau on Tyr-394 is a physiological event that is potentially part of a signal relay and suggest that Abl could have a pathogenic role in Alzheimer's disease.