257 resultados para GSI
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The relative condition factor (Kn), gonadosomatic index (GSI), selected hematological variables and gill morphology of the fish Astyanax fasciatus were analyzed in two sites (site I was unpolluted and site 2 was polluted with untreated domestic sewage) of a tropical river (Camanducaia river, São Paulo State, Brazil). The relationship between the body mass (M-B) and the standard length (L-S) of A. fasciatus from both sites was M-B = 0.00799 L-S(3.51843). Tyhe Kn values from both the males and females were significantly higher in site 2. The mean corpuscular hemoglobin and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration were higher in females from site 2. Gill tissue anomalies and gill parasites were rare in fish from both sites; however, the number of chloride cells was significantly higher in fish from site 1. A. fasciatus presents high capacity to live in ion-poor and soft water and is able to compensate for environmental changes caused by untreated domestic sewage discharges. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The breeding system of Luehea grandiflora (Tiliaceae-Malvaceae s.l.) was investigated using hand pollinations and fluorescence microscopy studies of pollen tube growth. Although selfed flowers persisted for some 10 days, our study indicates that L. grandiflora is self-incompatible, with self pollen tube inhibition in the upper style, as occurs in many taxa with homomorphic, gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI). L. grandiflora is only the second species reported within the Malvales with homomorphic stylar inhibition. This result is discussed within the context of a report for self-compatibility in this species, and we also consider the phylogenetic implications for the occurrence of GSI in the family Malvaceae s.l.
Informações sobre o ciclo reprodutivo de espécies exploradas pela pesca são imprescindíveis para o seu manejo adequado. O tamanho de início da atividade reprodutiva do Pinirampus pirinampu (Spix, 1829) foi determinado. Os exemplares foram capturados em setembro, outubro e dezembro de 1997 e fevereiro e março de 1998. O estádio de desenvolvimento gonadal foi identificado macroscopicamente. O índice gonadossomático médio (IGS), calculado mensalmente, foi utilizado como indicador da época de desova. Para determinação do comprimento da primeira maturação gonadal agruparam-se, separadamente, machos e fêmeas por classes de comprimento em imaturos e adultos. Os resultados referentes aos indivíduos adultos foram lançados em gráficos e a mediana correspondeu à estimativa do comprimento no qual 50% dos indivíduos atingem a maturidade (L50). Foi também determinado o L100, estimativa do comprimento em que todos os indivíduos estão aptos à reprodução. Machos e fêmeas em processo de maturação gonadal foram encontrados a partir de outubro, com maior freqüência em fevereiro, e, somente a partir deste mês, foram encontrados indivíduos com gônadas esvaziadas. O índice gonadossomático mostrou que a partir de setembro inicia-se o processo de desenvolvimento gonadal, com seu valor máximo em fevereiro. O L50 para fêmeas foi 574 mm e para machos foi 536 mm. O L100 para fêmeas foi 590 mm e para os machos, 580 mm.
Objetivou-se nesse estudo avaliar o papel atenuador da espermidina exógena sobre a germinação, vigor de sementes e crescimento de plântulas de cultivares das forrageiras alfafa, guandu e labe-labe submetidas ao estresse salino. A semeadura foi realizada em caixas de plástico tipo gerbox forradas com papel de filtro umedecidos com soluções salinas nas concentrações de 0, 20, 40, 60, 80 e 120 mM de NaCl contendo 0 ou 0,5 mM de espermidina. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 3 x 6 x 2 (forrageiras x salinidade x espermidina) com cinco repetições de 25 sementes. As avaliações da germinação foram realizadas no quarto e décimo dias, juntamente com o índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG), avaliado até o nono dia após a semeadura. Determinou-se a concentração salina que reduz em 50% a germinação e a massa seca da parte aérea e raiz no décimo dia após a semeadura. A aplicação de espermidina exógena proporcionou maior acúmulo de massa seca das raízes de labe-labe cv. Rongai, além de ter possibilitado a germinação de 50% das sementes de guandu cv. Caqui até a concentração salina de 72,09 mM de NaCl, assim como maior IVG nas sementes das leguminosas alfafa cv. Crioula e labe-labe cv. Rongai.
Estudaram-se os processos de regressão ovariana e atresia folicular em cachara, Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum, mantida em cativeiro, na reprodução não induzida por hormônios. As características macro e microscópicas (diâmetro dos ovócitos e histologia) dos ovários foram descritas a cada 20 dias, em quatro estádios: na regressão inicial (Rg I - os primeiros 20 dias), na regressão intermediária (Rg II - do 21º ao 40º dia), na regressão final (Rg III - do 41º ao 80º dia) e na fase de recuperação ou de repouso II (R II - do 81º ao 150º dia). O experimento foi realizado do final de janeiro (verão-dias longos) a maio (outono-dias curtos). No início do experimento, as amostras apresentaram ovócitos com diâmetros que variaram de 437,5 a 1.187,5mm, sugerindo encontrarem-se nas fases perinucleolar, de maturação final e atrésicos. Aos 150 dias, os diâmetros atingiram os menores valores e pôde-se visualizar a zona radiata rompida e o vitelo reabsorvido. Concomitantemente, houve diminuição abrupta dos valores médios do índice gonadossomático, da temperatura da água, das horas de luz e de chuva. A involução gradual do longo processo foi dinâmica e complexa, afetando o êxito da desova (taxas de fertilização, de eclosão e de sobrevivência de larvas) e, conseqüentemente, o sistema produtivo.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The reproductive system of male Phrynops geoffroanus adults is macroscopically described and the variation in testicular biometry is evaluated. A pair of oval testes is connected by the efferent ductules to the epididymis, which continue as deferent ducts, which emerge in the penis. The volume of the gonads showed the highest averages during spring and summer months. GSI varied significantly throughout the year, with the highest averages observed in the months that correspond to the end of spring and the beginning of summer, when the reproduction of the species takes place, and the lowest averages were seen in winter, suggesting a cyclical testicular activity.
Spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis undergo seasonal variations during the reproductive cycle in amphibians. Testicular morphological and morphometric seasonal variations as well as interstitial lipidic inclusions and intralobular glycoconjugates were evaluated during seasonal cycle of Rana catesbeiana. Testes of frogs collected during the annual seasons were weighed for calculation of GSI (Gonadosomatic index). Seminiferous lobule diameters (DSL) and volume densities of seminiferous lobules (VvSL), excretory ducts (VvED), and interstitial tissue (VvIT) were analyzed. Semithin sections were submitted to Periodic Acid-Schiff (PAS) and Alcian Blue (AB) methods for detection of glycoconjugates, while lipidic inclusions were detected by Sudan Black B. GSI showed no significant variations during the year. Since VvED and VvIT increased significantly during summer and were inversely proportional to VvSL, a compensatory effect between the testicular compartments may be related to the maintenance of GSI. During autumn/winter, larger lobular diameters were observed in comparison to spring/summer when spermiogenesis and spermiation were commonly observed. The increased VvIT and the numerous lipidic inclusions in the interstitial cells during summer suggest a relationship between spermiogenesis and steroidogenesis. Besides the structural stability variations occurring in the IT and SL, a possible paracrine interaction between ED and IT should be also involved in the IT development during summer. The presence of PAS and AB-positive globular structures were observed in the seminiferous lobules and excretory ducts. These structures containing acid glycoconjugates appear to be Sertoli cell apical portions, which are accumulated in the lumen of the seminiferous lobules mainly during spermiation. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Gender influences the progression of chronic renal failure (CRF). We studied male (M) and female (F) Wistar rats for 90 days: castrated (CMc, n=7; CFc, n=6) and non castrated controls (CM, n=9; CF, n=6); castrated (CRFMc, n=8; CRFFc, n=6) and non castrated animals submitted to 5/6 nephrectomy (CRFM, n=13; CRFF, n=6). Data are expressed as mean ± SEM. Proteinuria (PTN) was higher in CRFM (554 ± 69mg/24h) compared to CRFMc (277 ± 85 mg/24h), but not in females (CRFF=193 ± 20mg/24h, CRFFc=164 ± 71mg/24h). Mesangial fractional volume increased in all CRF animals. CRF animals showed an increase of glomerular sclerosis index (GSI) and tubulointerstitial damage (TID) but in a smaller proportion in male castrated animals; the opposite occurred with females: castration induced an increase of these parameters. CRF animals showed increased cortical and glomerular fibronectin (FN) rates. Castration decreased glomerular and cortical FN rates in CRFM but not in females. In conclusion, proteinuria was higher in CRFM and probably led to glomerular and interstitial damage, as well as to FN accumulation, castration seems to protect against development of PTN, TID and FN accumulation in males. Castrated female rats presented mesangial expansion, with no changes in PTN, TID and FN rates. It seems that female sex hormones do not protect against renal disease progression, instead, we suggest that male sex hormones lead to acceleration of CRF.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), which is exotic to South America, is the most common species caught in artisanal fisheries at the Barra Bonita Reservoir, Southeastern Brazil. This species is of great socioeconomic importance for the region and keeps active a population of about 500 fishers. In the present study we assess reproduction, food dynamics and level of exploitation of O. niloticus, caught by artisanal fisheries in the Barra Bonita Reservoir. Specimens were collected monthly, from July 2004-June 2005, and a total of 1 715 specimens were analyzed. Each specimen was examined to obtain biological and biometric data: standard length (cm), total weight (g), reproductive data (sex and stage of maturation), and stomach contents (empty, partly full, and full). We also estimated the sex ratio (by macroscopic observation of gonads), reproductive period (by ovarian development and seasonal average of gonadosomatic index in females), and feeding habits (by stomach contents). The possible relationship between abiotic factors and the reproductive period was statistically verified using Spearman's Rank Correlation. The FiSAT (ELEFAN I) package was used to assess growth parameters, mortality rates and to infer exploitation rate from standard length frequencies. The O. niloticus population had a sex ratio of 1.3:1 (M:F). Results indicated that ripe females were captured throughout the year, with a higher frequency during the winter-2004 (with a frequency of 59%, at a mean temperature of 20.5°C), and in spring-2004 (with a frequency of 60.5% at a mean temperature of 21.18°C). The GSI mean values obtained by season were: winter-2004: 1.71; spring-2004: 1.72; summer-2005: 0.80, and autumn-2005: 1.19. The Spearman correlation indicated positive values with respect to pH, dissolved oxygen, electric conductivity, transparency and chlorophyll a, and negative values with respect to temperature, accumulated rainfall and altimetric benchmark. The main food items were phytoplankton and periphytic algae, observed in 99.6% of the analyzed stomachs. The estimated growth and mortality parameters were: L∞=33.60cm, k=0.63/year, longevity= 4.76years, Z=2.81/ year, M=1.20/year and F=1.61/year. The weight-length relationship was Ln Wt=-2.8532+2.8835 Ln Lp. The estimated yield per recruit values were as follows: E=0.570, Emax=0.776, E0.1=0.604 and E0.5=0.349. These results indicate that a well established population of O. niloticus is present at Barra Bonita Reservoir; with an active reproduction throughout the year, more intense during winter and spring, and that O. niloticus is a phytoplanktophagus species. There were no indications that this species is being overfished, we therefore recommend that, due to its exotic condition, no restrictions need to be taken on its fishing activities.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the diet and biological attributes of the population of Galeocharax knerii residing near net cage fish farming activities in the Chavantes reservoir (Paranapanema River, Brazil) to check their possible impacts. Samples were collected from two populations: one near the net cages (NC) and one from an area not influenced by these cages denominated the reference site (RS). Monthly sampling was carried out from March 2008 to February 2009. Fish were caught with a standardized effort using gill nets deployed for 14 hours. The alimentary index (AI) and degree of repletion (RD) were calculated to determine diet composition. Analyses of the sex ratio and the gonadosomatic index (GSI) were also performed. The calculations of AI revealed that fish wastes constituted the most frequent food item in the diet in both study areas (NC = 70.43; RS = 87.55), followed by the consumption of Apareiodon affinis (AI = 29.56), which was abundant near the NC, and prawn at the reference site (AI = 12.28). The sex ratio differed from 1:1 and mature individuals were only found in the population near the NC. The findings demonstrate that G. knerii indirectly benefits from the input of organic matter, using small fish as its main food resource. We conclude that the activities of fish farming influence diet and biological attributes of the species G. knerii, evidenced mainly by higher feeding activity, numerical abundance and biomass in the area of the cages.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA