959 resultados para Fritz, Mark
av Eskil Olán
BACKGROUND Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) substantially impacts the management of psoriatic disease. OBJECTIVE This study aimed to generate an interdisciplinary national consensus on recommendations of how PsA should be managed. METHODS Based on a systematic literature search, an interdisciplinary expert group identified important domains and went through 3 rounds of a Delphi exercise, followed by a nominal group discussion to generate specific recommendations. RESULTS A strong consensus was reached on numerous central messages regarding the impact of PsA, screening procedures, organization of the interaction between dermatologists and rheumatologists, and treatment goals. CONCLUSION These recommendations can serve as a template for similar initiatives in other countries. At the same time, they highlight the need to take into account the impact of the respective national health care system. © 2015 S. Karger AG, Basel.
In contact shots, the muzzle imprint is an informative finding associated with the entrance wound. It typically mirrors the constructional components being in line with the muzzle or just behind. Under special conditions, other patterned skin marks located near a gunshot entrance wound may give the impression to be part of the muzzle imprint. A potential mechanism causing a patterned pressure abrasion in close proximity to the bullet entrance site is demonstrated on the basis of a suicidal shot to the temple. The skin lesion in question appeared as a ring-shaped excoriation with a diameter corresponding to that of the cartridge case. Two hypotheses concerning the causative mechanism were investigated by test shots: - After being ejected, the cartridge case ricocheted inside a confined space (car cabin in the particular case) and secondarily hit the skin near the gunshot entrance wound. - The ejection of the cartridge case failed so that the case became stuck in the ejection port and its mouth contacted the skin when the body collapsed after being hit.
Boberach: Die Berliner Bürgerwehr wird in die Tradition der Bürgeraufgebote von 1440 und 1626, der 1515 und 1705 erlassenen Vorschriften für die Bewaffnung und der erst 1825 aufgehobenen Bürgerwehr gestellt
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Gedicht eines unbekannten Verfassers, in dem 'der liebe Fritz' (König Friedrich Wilhelm IV. von Preußen) dem Despotismus abschwört: "Erkannt hab' ich, daß nur des Volkes Liebe, Die wahre Stütze sei, für meinen Thron!". (Man vgl. damit das kurz zuvor erschienene Flugblatt: 'An meinen lieben Fritz am 7. Juni 1848: Eine Geisterstimme' (Sf 16/109, Nr. 7))
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Mahnung an Friedrich Wilhelm IV., sich mit dem Volk zu verständigen: "Weich' ab von diesem blutgetränkten Pfade ... Brich' Du der Freiheit selber eine Bahn, Statt mit Kartätschen sie zu morden". In der Form einer Ansprache des verstorbenen Friedrich Wilhelms III. aus dem Grabe an seinen Sohn. Gedicht eines unbekannten Verfassers anläßlich des 7. Juni 1848, dem achten Todestag Friedrich Wilhelms III. (Man vgl. damit das Flugblatt 'Antwort des lieben Fritz auf die Geisterstimme im Mausoleum' (Sf 16/109, Nr. 8))
Hans Lichtenstein
Joseph Schrattenholz
Zentralverein deutscher Staatsbürger jüdischen Glaubens / Vorstand
Ludwig Holländer